Example #1
File: rpmio.c Project: akozumpl/rpm
static void fdPop(FD_t fd)
    if (fd == NULL || fd->nfps < 0) return;
    fdSetIo(fd, NULL);
    fdSetFp(fd, NULL);
    fdSetFdno(fd, -1);
Example #2
File: rpmio.c Project: akozumpl/rpm
static void fdPush(FD_t fd, FDIO_t io, void * fp, int fdno)
    if (fd == NULL || fd->nfps >= (sizeof(fd->fps)/sizeof(fd->fps[0]) - 1))
    fdSetIo(fd, io);
    fdSetFp(fd, fp);
    fdSetFdno(fd, fdno);
Example #3
static FD_t bzdFdopen(FD_t fd, int fdno, const char * fmode)
    BZFILE *bzfile = BZ2_bzdopen(fdno, fmode);

    if (bzfile == NULL)
	return NULL;

    fdSetFdno(fd, -1);		/* XXX skip the fdio close */
    fdPush(fd, bzdio, bzfile, fdno);		/* Push bzdio onto stack */
    return fd;
Example #4
static FD_t gzdFdopen(FD_t fd, int fdno, const char *fmode)
    gzFile gzfile = gzdopen(fdno, fmode);

    if (gzfile == NULL)
	return NULL;

    fdSetFdno(fd, -1);		/* XXX skip the fdio close */
    fdPush(fd, gzdio, gzfile, fdno);		/* Push gzdio onto stack */
    return fd;
Example #5
File: rpmio.c Project: akozumpl/rpm
FD_t fdDup(int fdno)
    FD_t fd;
    int nfdno;

    if ((nfdno = dup(fdno)) < 0)
	return NULL;
    fd = fdNew(NULL);
    fdSetFdno(fd, nfdno);
DBGIO(fd, (stderr, "==> fdDup(%d) fd %p %s\n", fdno, (fd ? fd : NULL), fdbg(fd)));
    return fd;
Example #6
File: rpmio.c Project: akozumpl/rpm
static FD_t lzdFdopen(FD_t fd, const char * fmode)
    int fdno;
    LZFILE *lzfile;

    if (fd == NULL || fmode == NULL) return NULL;
    fdno = fdFileno(fd);
    fdSetFdno(fd, -1);          /* XXX skip the fdio close */
    if (fdno < 0) return NULL;
    lzfile = lzdopen(fdno, fmode);
    if (lzfile == NULL) return NULL;
    fdPush(fd, xzdio, lzfile, fdno);
    return fdLink(fd);
Example #7
File: rpmio.c Project: akozumpl/rpm
static int fdClose(FD_t fd)
    int fdno;
    int rc;

    if (fd == NULL) return -2;
    fdno = fdFileno(fd);

    fdSetFdno(fd, -1);

    rc = ((fdno >= 0) ? close(fdno) : -2);

    return rc;
Example #8
static /*@null@*/ FD_t xzdFdopen(void * cookie, const char * fmode)
	/*@globals fileSystem, internalState @*/
	/*@modifies fileSystem, internalState @*/
    FD_t fd = c2f(cookie);
    int fdno = fdFileno(fd);
    XZFILE *xzfile;

assert(fmode != NULL);
    fdSetFdno(fd, -1);          /* XXX skip the fdio close */
    if (fdno < 0) return NULL;
    xzfile = xzdopen(fdno, fmode);
    if (xzfile == NULL) return NULL;
    fdPush(fd, xzdio, xzfile, fdno);
    return fdLink(fd, "xzdFdopen");
Example #9
File: rpmio.c Project: akozumpl/rpm
static FD_t bzdFdopen(FD_t fd, const char * fmode)
    int fdno;
    BZFILE *bzfile;

    if (fd == NULL || fmode == NULL) return NULL;
    fdno = fdFileno(fd);
    fdSetFdno(fd, -1);		/* XXX skip the fdio close */
    if (fdno < 0) return NULL;
    bzfile = BZ2_bzdopen(fdno, fmode);
    if (bzfile == NULL) return NULL;

    fdPush(fd, bzdio, bzfile, fdno);		/* Push bzdio onto stack */

    return fdLink(fd);
Example #10
File: rpmio.c Project: akozumpl/rpm
static FD_t gzdFdopen(FD_t fd, const char *fmode)
    int fdno;
    gzFile gzfile;

    if (fd == NULL || fmode == NULL) return NULL;
    fdno = fdFileno(fd);
    fdSetFdno(fd, -1);		/* XXX skip the fdio close */
    if (fdno < 0) return NULL;
    gzfile = gzdopen(fdno, fmode);
    if (gzfile == NULL) return NULL;

    fdPush(fd, gzdio, gzfile, fdno);		/* Push gzdio onto stack */

    return fdLink(fd);
Example #11
File: rpmio.c Project: akozumpl/rpm
static FD_t fdOpen(const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode)
    FD_t fd;
    int fdno;

    fdno = open(path, flags, mode);
    if (fdno < 0) return NULL;
    if (fcntl(fdno, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)) {
	(void) close(fdno);
	return NULL;
    fd = fdNew(path);
    fdSetFdno(fd, fdno);
    fd->flags = flags;
    return fd;