int main(){
  print("This is Receiver!\n");
  xbee = fdserial_open(9,8,0,9600); //access these port with the xbee
    command = fdserial_rxChar(xbee); //recieve one bit of data from transmitter
    if(command == 0) {
    else if(command == 1) {
    else if(command == 2) {
    else {
int main()                                    // Main function
  xbee = fdserial_open( 9, 8, 0, 9600 ); //Initialize communication

  char c; //Create char

  while ( 1 )
    c = fdserial_rxChar( xbee ); //get all values sent to the ActivityBot
    if ( c == 'f' ) //if the robot was told to go forward, go forward
      drive_speed( 64, 64 );
    } else if ( c == 'b' ) //if the robot was told to go backward, go backward
      drive_speed( -64, -64 );
    } else if ( c == 'l' ) //if the robot was told to go left, go left
      drive_speed( 0, 64 );
    } else if ( c == 'r' ) //if the robot was told to go right, go right
      drive_speed( 64, 0 );
    } else if ( c == 's' ) //if the robot is told to stop, stop
      drive_speed( 0, 0 );
Example #3
static int nextchar(State *state)
    int ch;
    if ((ch = state->savedChar) != EOF)
        state->savedChar = EOF;
        ch = fdserial_rxChar(wifi);
    return ch;
Example #4
void gps_run(void *par)
  gps_byte_t tempBuff[16];
  gps_byte_t ch;
  int idx;

  gps_ser = fdserial_open(_gps_rx_pin, _gps_tx_pin, 0, _gps_baud);

      gps_stopping = 0;
    ch = fdserial_rxChar(gps_ser);
    //search for the start of an NMEA sentence
    if(ch != '$')

    //read in characters from the GPS
    idx = 0;
      ch = fdserial_rxChar(gps_ser);
      inBuff[idx++] = ch;      
    }while(ch != 13);
    inBuff[idx] = 0;      //null terminate

    //got the full sentence, do a little prep work to get ready for parsing.
    //modifies inBuff!

    if(strncmp(inBuff, "GPRMC", 5) == 0)
    if(strncmp(inBuff, "GPGGA", 5) == 0)
int main()
  //simpleterm_close(); //close default terminal, I want to use those pins
                      //if the default uart pins are not b nused, this isn't needed
  fdserial *d = fdserial_open(RX_PIN, TX_PIN,0, BAUD);
     fdserial_txChar(d, fdserial_rxChar(d));
Example #6
void pollPingSensors(void *par) {
  // The last IR sensor will be retagged with this position number,
  // in case there are more PINGs than IRs.
  const int lastIRposition = 7;
  propterm = fdserial_open(QUICKSTART_RX_PIN, QUICKSTART_TX_PIN, 0, 115200);
  //term = fdserial_open(31, 30, 0, 115200); // for Debugging
  // Initialize variables outside of loop
  // This may or may not improve performance.
  int ping = 0, ir = 0;
  char receivedChar;
 while(1) // Repeat indefinitely
    /* We wait for input from the other side,
       Which lets us not activate the sensors
       if the other end is not working,
       and also lets the other end rate limit the input. */
    receivedChar = fdserial_rxChar(propterm);
    //char receivedChar = 'i'; // for Debugging - Cause it to always run instead of waiting for a signal
    // Only send data when we get the expected "init" character, avoiding running on random garbage from an open connection
    if (receivedChar == 'i') {
      high(16); // LEDs for debugging
      isActive = 1;
      for(int i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_PING_SENSORS; i++ ) {
        ping = ping_cm(FIRST_PING_SENSOR_PIN + i);
        dprint(propterm, "p,%d,%d.", i, ping);
        receivedChar = fdserial_rxChar(propterm); // Should get a character after each output for rate limiting
        //dprint(term, "p,%d,%d\n", i, ping); // For Debugging
        if(i < NUMBER_OF_IR_SENSORS) { // If there is also an IR sensor at this number check it too
          ir = mcp3208_IR_cm(i);
          dprint(propterm, "i,%d,%d.", i, ir);
          receivedChar = fdserial_rxChar(propterm); // Should get a character after each output for rate limiting
     //dprint(term, "\n"); // For Debugging - add a line break here and pull the above two
    low(16); // LEDs for debugging
/* TODO: Be sure to test that the data coming in is REAL TIME! */
Example #7
int main()
  //access the simpleIDE terminal
  //set full-duplex serialization for the terminal
  term = fdserial_open(31, 30, 0, 9600);

  char c;

  //servo_angle(16, gripDegree); //Orient gripper to half open on start

  while (1)
    c = fdserial_rxChar(term); //Get the character entered from the terminal
    if (c != -1)
      //Use the below to see if any key input is being read by the terminal
      // dprint(term, "You typed: %c\n", c);

      //Link key presses to directional commands, and print the command to strings
      if (c == 'f') //press "f" fof forward
        Drive(ticks, ticks, maxSpeed);
        dprint(term, "ok\n");
      else if (c == 'b') //press "b" for backward
        Drive(-ticks, -ticks, maxSpeed);
        dprint(term, "ok\n");
      else if (c == 'r') //press "r" for right turn
        Drive(turnTick, -turnTick, maxTurnSpeed);
        dprint(term, "ok\n");
      else if (c == 'l') //press "l" for left turn
        Drive(-turnTick, turnTick, maxTurnSpeed);
        dprint(term, "ok\n");

      //Increasing and Decreasing Drive Speed
      else if (c == 'u') 
        ticks = ticks + 2;
        if (ticks > maxSpeed) //clamp speed so it can't go over the maximum speed
           ticks = maxSpeed;
        dprint(term, "move_speed %d\n", ticks);
      else if (c == 'd') 
        ticks = ticks - 2;
        if (ticks < minSpeed) //clamp speed so it can't go negative or 0
          ticks = minSpeed;
        dprint(term, "move_speed %d\n", ticks);

      //Increase Turn Speed;
      else if (c == 't') 
        turnTick = turnTick + 1;
        if (turnTick > maxTurnSpeed)
          turnTick = maxTurnSpeed;
        dprint(term, "turn_speed %d\n", turnTick);
      //decrease turn speed
      else if (c == 'n')
        turnTick = turnTick - 1;
        if (turnTick < minTurnSpeed)
          turnTick = minTurnSpeed;
        dprint(term, "turn_speed %d\n", turnTick);

      else if (c == 'p') //ping distance
        pingDistance = ping(8);
        dprint(term, "echo %d\n", pingDistance);
        dprint(term, "ok\n");

      else if (c == 'k') // poke
      else if (c == 'o') //open gripper
        gripState = 0;
        gripDegree = -1800;
      else if (c == 'g') //close gripper
        gripState = 1;
        gripDegree = 1800;
    } // End of Read Character Function
  if (gripState != -1) 
    Grip(gripDegree, 2000);
  } // End of While Loop
} //End of Main Loop