Example #1
void main(){
    unsigned a = input("a");
Example #2
void main(){
    float sin_x, cos_x, new_sin, new_cos, si, sr, frequency;
    int i;

    cos_x = 1.0;
    sin_x = 0.0;
    sr = cos(2.0 * M_PI/N);
    si = sin(2.0 * M_PI/N);

        frequency = fget_float(frequency_in);
        for(i=0; i<frequency; i++){
            new_cos = cos_x*sr - sin_x*si;
            new_sin = cos_x*si + sin_x*sr;
            cos_x = new_cos;
            sin_x = new_sin;
        fput_float(cos_x, sin_out);
        fput_float(sin_x, cos_out);

Example #3
pip_t * load_one_pip_file_vfs( const char *szLoadName, pip_t * ppip )
    /// @details ZZ@> This function loads a particle template, returning bfalse if the file wasn't
    ///    found

    vfs_FILE* fileread;
    IDSZ idsz;
    char cTmp;

    fileread = vfs_openRead( szLoadName );
    if ( NULL == fileread )
        return NULL;

    pip_init( ppip );

    // set up the EGO_PROFILE_STUFF
    strncpy( ppip->name, szLoadName, SDL_arraysize( ppip->name ) );
    ppip->loaded = btrue;

    // read the 1 line comment at the top of the file
    vfs_gets( ppip->comment, SDL_arraysize( ppip->comment ) - 1, fileread );

    // rewind the file
    vfs_seek( fileread, 0 );

    // General data
    ppip->force = fget_next_bool( fileread );

    cTmp = fget_next_char( fileread );
    if ( 'L' == toupper( cTmp ) )  ppip->type = SPRITE_LIGHT;
    else if ( 'S' == toupper( cTmp ) )  ppip->type = SPRITE_SOLID;
    else if ( 'T' == toupper( cTmp ) )  ppip->type = SPRITE_ALPHA;

    ppip->image_base = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->numframes = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->image_add.base = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->image_add.rand = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->rotate_pair.base = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->rotate_pair.rand = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->rotate_add = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->size_base = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->size_add = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->spdlimit = fget_next_float( fileread );
    ppip->facingadd = fget_next_int( fileread );

    // override the base rotation
    if ( ppip->image_base < 256 && prt_u != prt_direction[ ppip->image_base ] )
        ppip->rotate_pair.base = prt_direction[ ppip->image_base ];

    // Ending conditions
    ppip->end_water     = fget_next_bool( fileread );
    ppip->end_bump      = fget_next_bool( fileread );
    ppip->end_ground    = fget_next_bool( fileread );
    ppip->end_lastframe = fget_next_bool( fileread );
    ppip->end_time      = fget_next_int( fileread );

    // Collision data
    ppip->dampen     = fget_next_float( fileread );
    ppip->bump_money  = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->bump_size   = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->bump_height = fget_next_int( fileread );

    fget_next_range( fileread, &( ppip->damage ) );
    ppip->damagetype = fget_next_damage_type( fileread );

    // Lighting data
    cTmp = fget_next_char( fileread );
    if ( 'T' == toupper( cTmp ) ) ppip->dynalight.mode = DYNA_MODE_ON;
    else if ( 'L' == toupper( cTmp ) ) ppip->dynalight.mode = DYNA_MODE_LOCAL;
    else                             ppip->dynalight.mode = DYNA_MODE_OFF;

    ppip->dynalight.level   = fget_next_float( fileread );
    ppip->dynalight.falloff = fget_next_int( fileread );

    // Initial spawning of this particle
    ppip->facing_pair.base    = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->facing_pair.rand    = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->spacing_hrz_pair.base = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->spacing_hrz_pair.rand = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->spacing_vrt_pair.base  = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->spacing_vrt_pair.rand  = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->vel_hrz_pair.base     = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->vel_hrz_pair.rand     = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->vel_vrt_pair.base      = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->vel_vrt_pair.rand      = fget_next_int( fileread );

    // Continuous spawning of other particles
    ppip->contspawn_delay      = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->contspawn_amount    = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->contspawn_facingadd = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->contspawn_lpip       = fget_next_int( fileread );

    // End spawning of other particles
    ppip->endspawn_amount    = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->endspawn_facingadd = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->endspawn_lpip       = fget_next_int( fileread );

    // Bump spawning of attached particles
    ppip->bumpspawn_amount = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->bumpspawn_lpip    = fget_next_int( fileread );

    // Random stuff  !!!BAD!!! Not complete
    ppip->daze_time    = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->grog_time    = fget_next_int( fileread );
    ppip->spawnenchant = fget_next_bool( fileread );

    ppip->cause_roll    = fget_next_bool( fileread );  // !!Cause roll
    ppip->cause_pancake = fget_next_bool( fileread );

    ppip->needtarget         = fget_next_bool( fileread );
    ppip->targetcaster       = fget_next_bool( fileread );
    ppip->startontarget      = fget_next_bool( fileread );
    ppip->onlydamagefriendly = fget_next_bool( fileread );

    ppip->soundspawn = fget_next_int( fileread );

    ppip->end_sound = fget_next_int( fileread );

    ppip->friendlyfire = fget_next_bool( fileread );

    ppip->hateonly = fget_next_bool( fileread );

    ppip->newtargetonspawn = fget_next_bool( fileread );

    ppip->targetangle = fget_next_int( fileread ) >> 1;
    ppip->homing      = fget_next_bool( fileread );

    ppip->homingfriction = fget_next_float( fileread );
    ppip->homingaccel    = fget_next_float( fileread );
    ppip->rotatetoface   = fget_next_bool( fileread );

    goto_colon( NULL, fileread, bfalse );  // !!Respawn on hit is unused

    ppip->manadrain         = fget_next_int( fileread ) * 256;
    ppip->lifedrain         = fget_next_int( fileread ) * 256;

    // assume default end_wall
    ppip->end_wall = ppip->end_ground;

    // assume default damfx
    if ( ppip->homing )  ppip->damfx = DAMFX_NONE;

    // Read expansions
    while ( goto_colon( NULL, fileread, btrue ) )
        idsz = fget_idsz( fileread );

        if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'T', 'U', 'R', 'N' ) )       SET_BIT( ppip->damfx, DAMFX_NONE );        //ZF> This line doesnt do anything?
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'A', 'R', 'M', 'O' ) )  SET_BIT( ppip->damfx, DAMFX_ARMO );
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'B', 'L', 'O', 'C' ) )  SET_BIT( ppip->damfx, DAMFX_NBLOC );
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'A', 'R', 'R', 'O' ) )  SET_BIT( ppip->damfx, DAMFX_ARRO );
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'T', 'I', 'M', 'E' ) )  SET_BIT( ppip->damfx, DAMFX_TIME );
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'Z', 'S', 'P', 'D' ) )  ppip->zaimspd = fget_float( fileread );
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'F', 'S', 'N', 'D' ) )  ppip->end_sound_floor = fget_int( fileread );
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'W', 'S', 'N', 'D' ) )  ppip->end_sound_wall = fget_int( fileread );
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'W', 'E', 'N', 'D' ) )  ppip->end_wall = ( 0 != fget_int( fileread ) );
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'P', 'U', 'S', 'H' ) )  ppip->allowpush = ( 0 != fget_int( fileread ) );
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'D', 'L', 'E', 'V' ) )  ppip->dynalight.level_add = fget_int( fileread ) / 1000.0f;
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'D', 'R', 'A', 'D' ) )  ppip->dynalight.falloff_add = fget_int( fileread ) / 1000.0f;
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'I', 'D', 'A', 'M' ) )  ppip->intdamagebonus = ( 0 != fget_int( fileread ) );
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'W', 'D', 'A', 'M' ) )  ppip->wisdamagebonus = ( 0 != fget_int( fileread ) );
        else if ( idsz == MAKE_IDSZ( 'O', 'R', 'N', 'T' ) )
            char cTmp = fget_first_letter( fileread );
            switch ( toupper( cTmp ) )
                case 'X': ppip->orientation = ORIENTATION_X; break;  // put particle up along the world or body-fixed x-axis
                case 'Y': ppip->orientation = ORIENTATION_Y; break;  // put particle up along the world or body-fixed y-axis
                case 'Z': ppip->orientation = ORIENTATION_Z; break;  // put particle up along the world or body-fixed z-axis
                case 'V': ppip->orientation = ORIENTATION_V; break;  // vertical, like a candle
                case 'H': ppip->orientation = ORIENTATION_H; break;  // horizontal, like a plate
                case 'B': ppip->orientation = ORIENTATION_B; break;  // billboard

    vfs_close( fileread );

    return ppip;