Example #1
static void saver_event( LWControl *sctl, LWControl *ectl )
      ival = { LWT_INTEGER },
      sval = { LWT_STRING };
   char filename[ 260 ];
   int saver;

   GET_INT( sctl, saver );
   GET_STR( ectl, filename, sizeof( filename ));
   filename_ext( saver, filename );
   SET_STR( ectl, filename, sizeof( filename ));
   RENDER_CON( ectl );
Example #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  char *infile  = argv[1];
  char *outfile = filename_ext(infile);

  fprintf(stderr, "MIFER Shadow BIOS ROM Utility:\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "input  file = %s\n", infile);
  fprintf(stderr, "output file = %s\n", outfile);

  make_hex(infile, outfile);

  fprintf(stderr, "Conversion to DAT complete\n");
Example #3
int get_user( UnwrapParams *uwp )
   static char *text[] = {
      "Draws polygons in the 2D coordinate system of the selected texture layer.",
   static char *fgopt[] = {
      "Use Color",
      "Invert Background",
   static char *bgopt[] = {
      "Use Color",
      "Copy Image Map",

   LWPanControlDesc desc;
      ival    = { LWT_INTEGER },
      sval    = { LWT_STRING },
      ivecval = { LWT_VINT };
   LWPanelID panel;
   LWControl *ctl[ 10 ], *bdr[ 2 ];
   Node *root;
   int i, x, y, w, ph, ok;

   root = make_list( panf->globalFun );
   if ( !root ) return 0;

   if( !( panel = PAN_CREATE( panf, "Unwrap" ))) {
      free_tree( root, 1 );
      return 0;

   if ( !uwp->filename[ 0 ] ) {
      strcpy( uwp->filename, "unwrapped" );
      filename_ext( uwp->saver, uwp->filename );
      uwp->bgcolor[ 0 ] = uwp->bgcolor[ 1 ] = uwp->bgcolor[ 2 ] = 255;

   TEXT_CTL( panf, panel, "", text );

   ctl[ 0 ] = TREE_CTL( panf, panel, "Texture Layer", 200, 200, tree_info,
      tree_count, tree_child );

   ph = PAN_GETH( panf, panel );
   ph -= CON_X( ctl[ 0 ] );
   ph -= CON_H( ctl[ 0 ] );

   ctl[ 1 ] = SAVE_CTL( panf, panel, "Save As", 40 );
   ctl[ 2 ] = CUSTPOPUP_CTL( panf, panel, "", 150, sname, scount );
   ctl[ 3 ] = INT_CTL( panf, panel, "Width" );
   ctl[ 4 ] = INT_CTL( panf, panel, "Height" );
   ctl[ 5 ] = BUTTON_CTL( panf, panel, "From Image Map" );
   ctl[ 6 ] = WPOPUP_CTL( panf, panel, "Edges", fgopt, 150 );
   ctl[ 7 ] = MINIRGB_CTL( panf, panel, "" );
   ctl[ 8 ] = WPOPUP_CTL( panf, panel, "Background", bgopt, 150 );
   ctl[ 9 ] = MINIRGB_CTL( panf, panel, "" );

   w = CON_W( ctl[ 1 ] );
   w -= CON_LW( ctl[ 1 ] );

   bdr[ 0 ] = BORDER_CTL( panf, panel, "", w, 2 );
   bdr[ 1 ] = BORDER_CTL( panf, panel, "", w, 2 );

   x = CON_X( ctl[ 0 ] );
   x += CON_W( ctl[ 0 ] );
   x += CON_LW( ctl[ 8 ] ) + 8;
   y = CON_Y( ctl[ 0 ] );

   w = CON_LW( ctl[ 1 ] );
   MOVE_CON( ctl[ 1 ], x - w, y );

   w = CON_LW( ctl[ 2 ] );
   y += CON_HOTH( ctl[ 1 ] ) + 4;
   MOVE_CON( ctl[ 2 ], x - w, y );

   y += CON_HOTH( ctl[ 2 ] ) + 6;
   MOVE_CON( bdr[ 0 ], x, y );

   w = CON_LW( ctl[ 3 ] );
   y += 6;
   MOVE_CON( ctl[ 3 ], x - w, y );

   w = CON_X( ctl[ 3 ] );
   w += CON_W( ctl[ 3 ] );
   MOVE_CON( ctl[ 5 ], w + 16, y );

   w = CON_LW( ctl[ 4 ] );
   y += CON_HOTH( ctl[ 3 ] ) + 4;
   MOVE_CON( ctl[ 4 ], x - w, y );

   y += CON_HOTH( ctl[ 2 ] ) + 6;
   MOVE_CON( bdr[ 1 ], x, y );

   y += 6;
   for ( i = 6; i <= 9; i++ ) {
      w = CON_LW( ctl[ i ] );
      MOVE_CON( ctl[ i ], x - w, y );
      y += CON_HOTH( ctl[ i ] ) + 4;

   y = CON_Y( ctl[ 9 ] );
   y += CON_H( ctl[ 9 ] );
   PAN_SETH( panf, panel, y + ph );

   SET_STR( ctl[ 1 ], uwp->filename, sizeof( uwp->filename ));
   SET_INT( ctl[ 2 ], uwp->saver );
   SET_INT( ctl[ 3 ], uwp->width );
   SET_INT( ctl[ 4 ], uwp->height );
   SET_INT( ctl[ 6 ], uwp->fgoptions );
   SET_INT( ctl[ 8 ], uwp->bgoptions );
   SETV_IVEC( ctl[ 7 ], uwp->fgcolor );
   SETV_IVEC( ctl[ 9 ], uwp->bgcolor );

   CON_SETEVENT( ctl[ 0 ], tree_event, root );
   CON_SETEVENT( ctl[ 2 ], saver_event, ctl[ 1 ] );
   CON_SETEVENT( ctl[ 5 ], sizebtn_event, ctl );

   ok = panf->open( panel, PANF_BLOCKING | PANF_CANCEL );

   if ( ok ) {
      GET_STR( ctl[ 1 ], uwp->filename, sizeof( uwp->filename ));
      GET_INT( ctl[ 2 ], uwp->saver );
      GET_INT( ctl[ 3 ], uwp->width );
      GET_INT( ctl[ 4 ], uwp->height );
      GET_INT( ctl[ 6 ], uwp->fgoptions );
      GET_INT( ctl[ 8 ], uwp->bgoptions );
      GETV_IVEC( ctl[ 7 ], uwp->fgcolor );
      GETV_IVEC( ctl[ 9 ], uwp->bgcolor );

      ctl[ 0 ]->get( ctl[ 0 ], CTL_VALUE, &ival );
      if ( !getsel_tree( uwp, ( Node * ) ival.ptr.ptr )) {
         msgf->error( "No texture layer selected", NULL );
         ok = 0;

   PAN_KILL( panf, panel );

   free_tree( root, 1 );
   return ok;
Example #4
int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
    int width = -1;
    int height = -1;
    float start = 0.0;
    float end = 1.0;
    char *output_file = NULL;
    char *styles_string = NULL;
    nordlicht_strategy strategy;
    int free_output_file = 0;

    int quiet = 0;
    int help = 0;
    int version = 0;

    const struct poptOption optionsTable[] = {
        {"width", 'w', POPT_ARG_INT, &width, 0, "set the barcode's width; by default it's \"height*10\", or 1920 pixels, if both are undefined", NULL},
        {"height", 'h', POPT_ARG_INT, &height, 0, "set the barcode's height; by default it's \"width/10\"", NULL},
        {"output", 'o', POPT_ARG_STRING, &output_file, 0, "set output filename, the default is VIDEOFILE.png; when you specify an *.bgra file, you'll get a raw 32-bit BGRA file that is updated as the barcode is generated", "FILENAME"},
        {"style", 's', POPT_ARG_STRING, &styles_string, 0, "default is 'horizontal', see \"Styles\" section below. You can specify more than one style, separated by '+', to get multiple tracks", "STYLE"},
        {"start", '\0', POPT_ARG_FLOAT, &start, 0, "specify where to start the barcode (ratio between 0 and 1)", NULL},
        {"end", '\0', POPT_ARG_FLOAT, &end, 0, "specify where to end the barcode (ratio between 0 and 1)", NULL},
        {"quiet", 'q', 0, &quiet, 0, "don't show progress indicator", NULL},
        {"help", '\0', 0, &help, 0, "display this help and exit", NULL},
        {"version", '\0', 0, &version, 0, "output version information and exit", NULL},

    const poptContext popt = poptGetContext(NULL, argc, argv, optionsTable, 0);
    poptSetOtherOptionHelp(popt, "[OPTION]... VIDEOFILE\n\nOptions:");

    if (argc == 1) {
        print_help(popt, 1);

    int option;

    // The next line leaks 2 bytes, blame popt!
    while ((option = poptGetNextOpt(popt)) >= 0) { }

    if (option < -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "nordlicht: %s: %s\n", poptBadOption(popt, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), poptStrerror(option));
        return 1;

    if (version) {
      printf("nordlicht %s\n\nWritten by Sebastian Morr and contributors.\n", NORDLICHT_VERSION);
      return 0;

    if (help) {
        print_help(popt, 0);

    const char *filename = (char*)poptGetArg(popt);

    if (filename == NULL) {
        print_error("Please specify an input file.");

    if (poptGetArg(popt) != NULL) {
        print_error("Please specify only one input file.");

    if (output_file == NULL) {
        size_t len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s.nordlicht.png", filename) + 1;
        output_file = (char *) malloc(len);
        snprintf(output_file, len, "%s.nordlicht.png", filename);
        free_output_file = 1;

    if (width == -1 && height != -1) {
        width = height*10;
    if (height == -1 && width != -1) {
        height = width/10;
        if (height < 1) {
            height = 1;
    if (height == -1 && width == -1) {
        width = 1920;
        height = 192;

    if (styles_string == NULL) {
        styles_string = "horizontal";

    // count the occurrences of "+" in the styles_string
    const char *s = styles_string;
    int num_tracks;
    for (num_tracks=0; s[num_tracks]; s[num_tracks]=='+' ? num_tracks++ : *s++);

    nordlicht_style *styles;
    styles = (nordlicht_style *) malloc(num_tracks * sizeof(nordlicht_style));

    const char *style_string;
    num_tracks = 0;
    while ((style_string = strsep(&styles_string, "+"))) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; style_table[i].name; i++) {
            if (strcmp(style_string, style_table[i].name) == 0) {
                styles[num_tracks] = style_table[i].style;

        if (!style_table[i].name) {
            print_error("Unknown style '%s'. Use '--help' to display available styles.", style_string);

    const char *ext = filename_ext(output_file);
    if (strcmp(ext, "bgra") == 0) {
        strategy = NORDLICHT_STRATEGY_LIVE;
    } else if (strcmp(ext, "png") == 0) {
        strategy = NORDLICHT_STRATEGY_FAST;
    } else {
        strategy = NORDLICHT_STRATEGY_FAST;
        fprintf(stderr, "nordlicht: Unsupported file extension '%s', will write a PNG.\n", ext);

    // Interesting stuff begins here!

    nordlicht *n = nordlicht_init(filename, width, height);
    unsigned char *data = NULL;

    if (n == NULL) {

    nordlicht_set_start(n, start);
    nordlicht_set_end(n, end);
    nordlicht_set_styles(n, styles, num_tracks);
    nordlicht_set_strategy(n, strategy);

    if (nordlicht_error() != NULL) {

    if (strategy == NORDLICHT_STRATEGY_LIVE) {
        int fd = open(output_file, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, 0666);
        if (fd == -1) {
            print_error("Could not open '%s'.", output_file);
        if (ftruncate(fd, nordlicht_buffer_size(n)) == -1) {
            print_error("Could not truncate '%s'.", output_file);
        data = (unsigned char *) mmap(NULL, nordlicht_buffer_size(n), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
        if (data == (void *) -1) {
            print_error("Could not mmap %d bytes.", nordlicht_buffer_size(n));
        nordlicht_set_buffer(n, data);
    } else {
        // Try to write the empty buffer to fail early if this does not work
        if (nordlicht_write(n, output_file) != 0) {

    int phase = -1;
    while(!nordlicht_done(n)) {
        if (nordlicht_generate_step(n) == 0) {
            if (! quiet) {
                float progress = nordlicht_progress(n);
                if (progress == 0) {
                    if (phase == -1) {
                        phase = 0;
                        printf("nordlicht: Building keyframe index... ");
                } else {
                    if (phase == 0) {
                        phase = 1;
                    printf("\rnordlicht: %02.0f%%", progress*100);
        } else {

    if (strategy != NORDLICHT_STRATEGY_LIVE) {
        if (nordlicht_write(n, output_file) != 0) {


    if (strategy == NORDLICHT_STRATEGY_LIVE) {
        munmap(data, nordlicht_buffer_size(n));


    if (! quiet) {
        printf(" -> '%s'\n", output_file);

    if (free_output_file) {

    return 0;