reg_t ScrollWindow::modify(const reg_t id, const Common::String &text, const GuiResourceId fontId, const int16 foreColor, const TextAlign alignment, const bool scrollTo) { EntriesList::iterator it = _entries.begin(); uint firstCharLocation = 0; for ( ; it != _entries.end(); ++it) { if (it->id == id) { break; } firstCharLocation += it->text.size(); } if (it == _entries.end()) { return make_reg(0, 0); } ScrollWindowEntry &entry = *it; uint oldTextLength = entry.text.size(); fillEntry(entry, text, fontId, foreColor, alignment); _text.replace(firstCharLocation, oldTextLength, entry.text); if (scrollTo) { _firstVisibleChar = firstCharLocation; } computeLineIndices(); update(true); return; }
UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_replace(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_Node *oldNode, UA_Node *node, UA_Node **inserted) { UA_NodeStoreEntry *slot; if(!containsNodeId(ns, &node->nodeId, &slot)) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADNODEIDUNKNOWN; /* that is not the node you are looking for */ if(&slot->node.node != oldNode) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; deleteEntry(slot); fillEntry(slot, node); if(inserted) *inserted = &slot->node.node; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; }
reg_t ScrollWindow::add(const Common::String &text, const GuiResourceId fontId, const int16 foreColor, const TextAlign alignment, const bool scrollTo) { if (_entries.size() == _maxNumEntries) { ScrollWindowEntry removedEntry = _entries.remove_at(0); _text.erase(0, removedEntry.text.size()); // `_firstVisibleChar` will be reset shortly if // `scrollTo` is true, so there is no reason to // update it if (!scrollTo) { _firstVisibleChar -= removedEntry.text.size(); } } _entries.push_back(ScrollWindowEntry()); ScrollWindowEntry &entry = _entries.back(); // NOTE: In SSCI the line ID was a memory handle for the // string of this line. We use a numeric ID instead. = make_reg(0, _nextEntryId++); if (_nextEntryId > _maxNumEntries) { _nextEntryId = 1; } // NOTE: In SSCI this was updated after _text was // updated, which meant there was an extra unnecessary // subtraction operation (subtracting `entry.text` size) if (scrollTo) { _firstVisibleChar = _text.size(); } fillEntry(entry, text, fontId, foreColor, alignment); _text += entry.text; computeLineIndices(); update(true); return; }
UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_insert(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_Node *node, UA_Node **inserted) { if(ns->size * 3 <= ns->count * 4) { if(expand(ns) != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; } UA_NodeStoreEntry *entry; UA_NodeId tempNodeid; tempNodeid = node->nodeId; tempNodeid.namespaceIndex = 0; if(UA_NodeId_isNull(&tempNodeid)) { /* find a free nodeid */ if(node->nodeId.namespaceIndex == 0) //original request for ns=0 should yield ns=1 node->nodeId.namespaceIndex = 1; UA_Int32 identifier = ns->count+1; // start value UA_Int32 size = ns->size; hash_t increase = mod2(identifier, size); while(UA_TRUE) { node->nodeId.identifier.numeric = identifier; if(!containsNodeId(ns, &node->nodeId, &entry)) break; identifier += increase; if(identifier >= size) identifier -= size; } } else { if(containsNodeId(ns, &node->nodeId, &entry)) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADNODEIDEXISTS; } fillEntry(entry, node); ns->count++; if(inserted) *inserted = &entry->node.node; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; }