Example #1
// Imports the file at $path into $resource.
void resource_logic_import_images (string resource, string path)
  Database_ImageResources database_imageresources;
  Database_Logs::log ("Importing: " + filter_url_basename (path));
  // To begin with, add the path to the main file to the list of paths to be processed.
  vector <string> paths = {path};
  while (!paths.empty ()) {
    // Take and remove the first path from the container.
    path = paths[0];
    paths.erase (paths.begin());
    string basename = filter_url_basename (path);
    string extension = filter_url_get_extension (path);
    extension = unicode_string_casefold (extension);

    if (extension == "pdf") {
      Database_Logs::log ("Processing PDF: " + basename);
      // Retrieve PDF information.
      filter_shell_run ("", "pdfinfo", {path}, NULL, NULL);

      // Convert the PDF file to separate images.
      string folder = filter_url_tempfile ();
      filter_url_mkdir (folder);
      filter_shell_run (folder, "pdftocairo", {"-jpeg", path}, NULL, NULL);
      // Add the images to the ones to be processed.
      filter_url_recursive_scandir (folder, paths);
    } else if (filter_archive_is_archive (path)) {
      Database_Logs::log ("Unpacking archive: " + basename);
      string folder = filter_archive_uncompress (path);
      filter_url_recursive_scandir (folder, paths);
    } else {

      if (!extension.empty ()) {
        basename = database_imageresources.store (resource, path);
        Database_Logs::log ("Storing image " + basename );

  Database_Logs::log ("Ready importing images");
Example #2
void sword_logic_uninstall_module (string module)
  Database_Logs::log ("Uninstall SWORD module " + module);
  string out_err;
  string sword_path = sword_logic_get_path ();
  filter_shell_run ("cd " + sword_path + "; installmgr -u \"" + module + "\"", out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
Example #3
void sword_logic_install_module (string source_name, string module_name)
  Database_Logs::log ("Install SWORD module " + module_name + " from source " + source_name);
  string sword_path = sword_logic_get_path ();

  // Installation through SWORD InstallMgr does not yet work.
  // When running it from the ~/.sword/InstallMgr directory, it works.
  sword::SWMgr *mgr = new sword::SWMgr();
  sword::SWBuf baseDir = sword_logic_get_path ().c_str ();
  sword::InstallMgr *installMgr = new sword::InstallMgr (baseDir, NULL);
  installMgr->setUserDisclaimerConfirmed (true);
  sword::InstallSourceMap::iterator source = installMgr->sources.find(source_name.c_str ());
  if (source == installMgr->sources.end()) {
    Database_Logs::log ("Could not find remote source " + source_name);
  } else {
    sword::InstallSource *is = source->second;
    sword::SWMgr *rmgr = is->getMgr();
    sword::SWModule *module;
    sword::ModMap::iterator it = rmgr->Modules.find(module_name.c_str());
    if (it == rmgr->Modules.end()) {
      Database_Logs::log ("Remote source " + source_name + " does not make available module " + module_name);
    } else {
      module = it->second;
      int error = installMgr->installModule(mgr, 0, module->getName(), is);
      if (error) {
        Database_Logs::log ("Error installing module " + module_name);
      } else {
        Database_Logs::log ("Installed module " + module_name);

  delete installMgr;
  delete mgr;
  string out_err;
  filter_shell_run ("cd " + sword_path + "; echo yes | installmgr -ri \"" + source_name + "\" \"" + module_name + "\"", out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);

  // After the installation is complete, cache some data.
  // This cached data indicates the last access time for this SWORD module.
  string url = sword_logic_virtual_url (module_name, 0, 0, 0);
  database_filebased_cache_put (url, "SWORD");
Example #4
// Get installed SWORD modules.
vector <string> sword_logic_get_installed ()
  vector <string> modules;
  string out_err;
  string sword_path = sword_logic_get_path ();
  filter_shell_run ("cd " + sword_path + "; installmgr -l", out_err);
  vector <string> lines = filter_string_explode (out_err, '\n');
  for (auto line : lines) {
    line = filter_string_trim (line);
    if (line.empty ()) continue;
    if (line.find ("[") == string::npos) continue;
    modules.push_back (line);
  return modules;
Example #5
void export_quickbible (string bible, bool log)
  string directory = filter_url_create_path (Export_Logic::bibleDirectory (bible), "quickbible");
  if (!file_or_dir_exists (directory)) filter_url_mkdir (directory);

  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  string stylesheet = Database_Config_Bible::getExportStylesheet (bible);

  string yet_contents;
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "shortName", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "longName", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "description", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "locale", "en"));
  vector <int> books = database_bibles.getBooks (bible);

  for (auto book : books) {
    string bookname = Database_Books::getEnglishFromId (book);
    yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("book_name", convert_to_string (book), bookname, ""));
  for (auto book : books) {
    // The .yet to .yes converter only handles books > 0.
    if (book) {
      vector <int> chapters = database_bibles.getChapters (bible, book);
      for (auto chapter : chapters) {
        // The .yet to .yes converter only handles chapters > 0.
        if (chapter) {
          Filter_Text filter_text = Filter_Text (bible);
          filter_text.initializeHeadingsAndTextPerVerse (true);
          string usfm = database_bibles.getChapter (bible, book, chapter);
          filter_text.addUsfmCode (usfm);
          filter_text.run (stylesheet);
          map <int, string> text = filter_text.getVersesText ();
          for (auto & element : text) {
            int verse = element.first;
            // The .yet to .yes converter only handles verses > 0.
            if (verse) {
              string bk = convert_to_string (book);
              string ch = convert_to_string (chapter);
              string vs = convert_to_string (element.first);
              string tx = element.second;
              if (tx.empty ()) tx = "empty";
              yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("verse", bk, ch, vs, tx));
  string bible_yet = filter_url_create_path (directory, "bible.yet");
  filter_url_file_put_contents (bible_yet, yet_contents);
  string yet2yes_jar = filter_url_create_root_path ("export", "YetToYes2.jar");
  string bible_yes = filter_url_create_path (directory, "bible.yes");
  filter_shell_run ("", "java", { "-jar", yet2yes_jar, bible_yet, bible_yes }, NULL, NULL);
  string quickbible_html_source = filter_url_create_root_path ("export", "quickbible.html");
  string quickbible_html_destination = filter_url_create_path (directory, "quickbible.html");
  filter_url_file_cp (quickbible_html_source, quickbible_html_destination);
  Database_State::clearExport (bible, 0, Export_Logic::export_quick_bible);
  if (log) Database_Logs::log (translate("Exported to Quick Bible") + " " + bible, Filter_Roles::translator ());
Example #6
void sword_logic_refresh_module_list ()
  Database_Logs::log ("Refreshing list of SWORD modules");
  string out_err;
  // Initialize SWORD directory structure and configuration.
  string sword_path = sword_logic_get_path ();
  filter_url_mkdir (sword_path);
  string swordconf = "[Install]\n"
                     "DataPath=" + sword_path + "/\n";
  filter_url_file_put_contents (filter_url_create_path (sword_path, "sword.conf"), swordconf);
  string config_files_path = filter_url_create_root_path ("sword");
  filter_shell_run ("cp -r " + config_files_path + "/locales.d " + sword_path, out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  filter_shell_run ("cp -r " + config_files_path + "/mods.d " + sword_path, out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  // Initialize basic user configuration.
  sword_logic_installmgr_initialize ();
  filter_shell_run ("echo yes | installmgr -init", out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  // Sync the configuration with the online known remote repository list.
  if (!sword_logic_installmgr_synchronize_configuration_with_master ()) {
    Database_Logs::log ("Failed to synchronize SWORD configuration with the master remote source list");
    // Since this could be a network failure, exit from the entire update routine.
    // The advantage of existing already at this stage is that the list of known SWORD resources
    // will be left untouched in case of a network error.
  filter_shell_run ("echo yes | installmgr -sc", out_err);
  filter_string_replace_between (out_err, "WARNING", "enable? [no]", "");
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  // List the remote sources.
  vector <string> remote_sources;
  sword_logic_installmgr_list_remote_sources (remote_sources);
  filter_shell_run ("installmgr -s", out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  vector <string> lines = filter_string_explode (out_err, '\n');
  for (auto line : lines) {
    line = filter_string_trim (line);
    if (line.find ("[") != string::npos) {
      line.erase (0, 1);
      if (line.find ("]") != string::npos) {
        line.erase (line.length () - 1, 1);
        remote_sources.push_back (line);
        Database_Logs::log (line);
  vector <string> sword_modules;
  for (auto remote_source : remote_sources) {
    if (!sword_logic_installmgr_refresh_remote_source (remote_source)) {
      Database_Logs::log ("Error refreshing remote source " + remote_source);
    filter_shell_run ("echo yes | installmgr -r \"" + remote_source + "\"", out_err);
    filter_string_replace_between (out_err, "WARNING", "type yes at the prompt", "");
    sword_logic_log (out_err);

    vector <string> modules;
    sword_logic_installmgr_list_remote_modules (remote_source, modules);
    for (auto & module : modules) {
      sword_modules.push_back ("[" + remote_source + "]" + " " + module);
    filter_shell_run ("installmgr -rl \"" + remote_source + "\"", out_err);
    lines = filter_string_explode (out_err, '\n');
    for (auto line : lines) {
      line = filter_string_trim (line);
      if (line.empty ()) continue;
      if (line.find ("[") == string::npos) continue;
      if (line.find ("]") == string::npos) continue;
      modules.push_back ("[" + remote_source + "]" + " " + line);
    for (auto module : modules) {
      sword_modules.push_back (module);
    Database_Logs::log (remote_source + ": " + convert_to_string (modules.size ()) + " modules");
  // Store the list of remote sources and their modules.
  // It is stored in the client files area.
  // Clients can access it from there too.
  string path = sword_logic_module_list_path ();
  filter_url_file_put_contents (path, filter_string_implode (sword_modules, "\n"));
  Database_Logs::log ("Ready refreshing SWORD module list");