Example #1
// Directory for the USFM.
// $type:
// 0: directory for the full USFM.
// 1: directory for the basic USFM.
// 2: root USFM directory.
string Export_Logic::USFMdirectory (string bible, int type)
  string directory = filter_url_create_path (bibleDirectory (bible), "usfm");
  switch (type) {
    case 0: directory = filter_url_create_path (directory, "full"); break;
    case 1: directory = filter_url_create_path (directory, "basic"); break;
    default: break;
  return directory;
Example #2
string index_listing (void * webserver_request, string url)
    string page;
    page = Assets_Page::header ("Bibledit", webserver_request);
    // No breadcrumbs because the user can arrive here from more than one place.
    Assets_View view;
    url = filter_url_urldecode (url);
    url = filter_url_create_path ("", url);
    url = filter_string_str_replace ("\\", "/", url);
    view.set_variable ("url", url);
    string parent = filter_url_dirname_web (url);
    if (parent.length () > 1) {
        view.enable_zone ("parent");
        view.set_variable ("parent", parent);
    string directory = filter_url_create_root_path (url);
    if (!file_or_dir_exists (directory) || filter_url_is_dir (directory)) {
        vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (directory);
        for (auto & file : files) {
            string path = filter_url_create_path (directory, file);
            string line;
            line.append ("<tr>");
            line.append ("<td>");
            line.append ("<a href=\"" + filter_url_create_path (url, file) + "\">");
            line.append (file);
            line.append ("</a>");
            line.append ("</td>");
            line.append ("<td>");
            if (!filter_url_is_dir (path)) {
                line.append (convert_to_string (filter_url_filesize (path)));
            line.append ("</td>");
            line.append ("</tr>");
            file = line;
        string listing = filter_string_implode (files, "\n");
        if (listing.empty ()) listing = translate ("No files in this folder");
        else {
            listing.insert (0, "<table>");
            listing.append ("</table>");
        view.set_variable ("listing", listing);
    } else {
        string filename = filter_url_create_root_path (url);
        return filter_url_file_get_contents (filename);
    page += view.render ("index", "listing");
    page += Assets_Page::footer ();
    return page;
Example #3
void export_info (string bible)
  // Create folders for the information.
  string directory = filter_url_create_path (Export_Logic::bibleDirectory (bible), "info");
  if (!file_exists (directory)) filter_url_mkdir (directory);
  // Filenames for the various types of OpenDocument files.
  string informationdFilename = filter_url_create_path (directory, "information.html");
  string falloutFilename = filter_url_create_path (directory, "fallout.html");
  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  string stylesheet = Database_Config_Bible::getExportStylesheet (bible);
  Filter_Text filter_text = Filter_Text (bible);
  vector <int> books = database_bibles.getBooks (bible);
  for (auto book : books) {
    vector <int> chapters = database_bibles.getChapters (bible, book);
    for (auto chapter : chapters) {
      string usfm = database_bibles.getChapter (bible, book, chapter);
      usfm = filter_string_trim (usfm);
      // Use small chunks of USFM at a time for much better performance.
      filter_text.addUsfmCode (usfm);
  // Go through USFM to find the info and fallout.
  filter_text.run (stylesheet);
  // Save files.
  filter_text.produceInfoDocument (informationdFilename);
  filter_text.produceFalloutDocument (falloutFilename);
  // Clear the flag for this export.
  Database_State::clearExport (bible, 0, Export_Logic::export_info);

  Database_Logs::log (translate("Documents with information and fallout were created") + " " + bible, Filter_Roles::translator ());
Example #4
// Prepares a sample Bible.
// The output of this is supposed to be manually put into the source tree, folder "samples".
// This will be used to quickly create a sample Bible, that is fast, even on mobile devices.
void demo_prepare_sample_bible ()
  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  // Remove the Bible to remove all stuff that might have been in it.
  database_bibles.deleteBible (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  search_logic_delete_bible (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  // Create a new one.
  database_bibles.createBible (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  // Location of the USFM files for the sample Bible.
  string directory = filter_url_create_root_path ("demo");
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (directory);
  for (auto file : files) {
    // Only process the USFM files.
    if (filter_url_get_extension (file) == "usfm") {
      cout << file << endl;
      // Read the USFM.
      file = filter_url_create_path (directory, file);
      string usfm = filter_url_file_get_contents (file);
      usfm = filter_string_str_replace ("  ", " ", usfm);
      // Import the USFM into the Bible.
      vector <BookChapterData> book_chapter_data = usfm_import (usfm, styles_logic_standard_sheet ());
      for (auto data : book_chapter_data) {
        Bible_Logic::storeChapter (demo_sample_bible_name (), data.book, data.chapter, data.data);
  // Clean the destination location for the Bible.
  string destination = sample_bible_bible_path ();
  filter_url_rmdir (destination);
  // Copy the Bible data to the destination.
  string source = database_bibles.bibleFolder (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  filter_url_dir_cp (source, destination);
  // Clean the destination location for the Bible search index.
  destination = sample_bible_index_path ();
  filter_url_rmdir (destination);
  // Create destination location.
  filter_url_mkdir (destination);
  // Copy the index files over to the destination.
  source = search_logic_index_folder ();
  files = filter_url_scandir (source);
  for (auto file : files) {
    if (file.find (demo_sample_bible_name ()) != string::npos) {
      string source_file = filter_url_create_path (source, file);
      string destination_file = filter_url_create_path (destination, file);
      filter_url_file_cp (source_file, destination_file);
Example #5
// If $command and $parameters are queued as a task, the function returns true.
// Else it returns false.
// It looks for an exact match.
// Parameters left out are not checked.
bool tasks_logic_queued (string command, vector <string> parameters)
  // The lines to look for consist of the command followed by the parameters.
  vector <string> search (parameters);
  search.insert (search.begin (), command);
  // Go through all queued tasks.
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (tasks_logic_folder ());
  for (auto & file : files) {
    // Read the task's contents.
    string contents = filter_url_file_get_contents (filter_url_create_path (tasks_logic_folder (), file));
    vector <string> lines = filter_string_explode (contents, '\n');
    if (lines.empty ()) return false;
    // Look for a match.
    bool match = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < search.size (); i++) {
      if (i < lines.size ()) {
        if (search [i] != lines[i]) match = false;
      } else {
        match = false;
    if (match) return true;
  // No match found.
  return false;
Example #6
void Database_Logs::log (string description, int level)
  // No new lines.
  description = filter_string_str_replace ("\n", " ", description);
  // Discard empty line.
  if (filter_string_trim (description).empty()) return;
  // Truncate long entry.
  int length = description.length ();
  if (length > 1000) {
    description.erase (1000);
    description.append ("... This entry was too large and has been truncated: " + convert_to_string (length) + " bytes");
  // Save this logbook entry to a filename with seconds and microseconds.
  string seconds = convert_to_string (filter_date_seconds_since_epoch ());
  string time = seconds + filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_microseconds ()), 8, '0');
  string file = filter_url_create_path (folder (), time);
  // The microseconds granularity depends on the platform.
  // On Windows it is lower than on Linux.
  // There may be the rare case of more than one entry per file.
  // Append the data so it won't overwrite an earlier entry.
  if (file_exists (file)) {
    description.insert (0, " | ");
  } else {
    description.insert (0, convert_to_string (level) + " " + seconds + " ");
  filter_url_file_put_contents_append (file, description);
  // Delay to cover for lower usec granularity on Windows.
  if (config_logic_windows ()) {
    this_thread::sleep_for (chrono::milliseconds (1));
Example #7
// Copies the search index of Bible $original to Bible $destination.
void search_logic_copy_bible (string original, string destination)
  string original_fragment = search_logic_bible_fragment (original);
  original_fragment = filter_url_basename (original_fragment);
  string destination_fragment = search_logic_bible_fragment (destination);
  destination_fragment = filter_url_basename (destination_fragment);
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (search_logic_index_folder ());
  for (auto & file : files) {
    if (file.find (original_fragment) == 0) {
      string original_path = filter_url_create_path (search_logic_index_folder (), file);
      string destination_file = destination_fragment + file.substr (original_fragment.length ());
      string destination_path = filter_url_create_path (search_logic_index_folder (), destination_file);
      filter_url_file_cp (original_path, destination_path);
Example #8
// Clears all journal entries.
void Database_Logs::clear ()
  string directory = folder ();
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (directory);
  for (auto file : files) {
    filter_url_unlink (filter_url_create_path (directory, file));
  log ("The journal was cleared");
Example #9
// Returns the name of a temporary file.
string filter_url_tempfile (const char * directory)
  string filename = convert_to_string (filter_date_seconds_since_epoch ()) + convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_microseconds ());
  if (directory) {
    filename = filter_url_create_path (directory, filename);
  } else {
    filename = filter_url_create_root_path ("tmp", filename);
  return filename;
Example #10
// Copies the entire directory $input to a directory named $output.
// It will recursively copy the inner directories also.
void filter_url_dir_cp (const string & input, const string & output)
  // Create the output directory.
  filter_url_mkdir (output);
  // Check on all files in the input directory.
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (input);
  for (auto & file : files) {
    string input_path = filter_url_create_path (input, file);
    string output_path = filter_url_create_path (output, file);
    if (filter_url_is_dir (input_path)) {
      // Create output directory.
      filter_url_mkdir (output_path);
      // Handle the new input directory.
      filter_url_dir_cp (input_path, output_path);
    } else {
      // Copy input file to output.
      filter_url_file_cp (input_path, output_path);
Example #11
// Recursively scans a directory for directories and files.
void filter_url_recursive_scandir (string folder, vector <string> & paths)
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (folder);
  for (auto & file : files) {
    string path = filter_url_create_path (folder, file);
    paths.push_back (path);
    if (filter_url_is_dir (path)) {
      filter_url_recursive_scandir (path, paths);
Example #12
void search_logic_delete_chapter (string bible, int book, int chapter)
  string fragment = search_logic_chapter_file (bible, book, chapter);
  fragment = filter_url_basename (fragment);
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (search_logic_index_folder ());
  for (auto & file : files) {
    if (file.find (fragment) == 0) {
      string path = filter_url_create_path (search_logic_index_folder (), file);
      filter_url_unlink (path);
Example #13
// Gets journal entry more recent than "filename".
// Updates "filename" to the item it got.
string Database_Logs::getNext (string &filename)
  string directory = folder ();
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (directory);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.size (); i++) {
    string file = files [i];
    if (file > filename) {
      filename = file;
      string path = filter_url_create_path (directory, file);
      string contents = filter_url_file_get_contents (path);
      return contents;
  return "";
Example #14
void tmp_tmp ()
  Database_Logs::log ("Removing expired temporal files", Filter_Roles::admin ());
  int expired = filter_date_seconds_since_epoch () - (3600 * 24 * 3);
  string directory = filter_url_create_root_path ("tmp");
  vector <string> names = filter_url_scandir (directory);
  for (auto & name : names) {
    if (name.find ("tmp.") == 0) continue;
    string filename = filter_url_create_path (directory, name);
    int mtime = filter_url_filemtime (filename);
    if (mtime < expired) {
      filter_url_rmdir (filename);
      filter_url_unlink (filename);
Example #15
string Fonts_Logic::getFontPath (string font)
  // Case of no font.
  if (font == "") return "";
  // Case when the font exists within Bibledit.
  if (fontExists (font)) {
    return filter_url_create_path ("", "fonts", font);
  // Case when the font is avaiable from the browser independent of Bibledit.
  if (filter_url_basename (font) == font) {
    return font;
  // Font is on external location.
  return font;
Example #16
// Queue task $command to run later, with $parameters for that task.
void tasks_logic_queue (string command, vector <string> parameters)
  // The file on disk will contain the command on the first line,
  // and any parameters on the following lines, one parameters per line.
  vector <string> lines;
  lines.push_back (command);
  lines.insert (lines.end(), parameters.begin(), parameters.end());
  // The filename to write to contains seconds and microseconds.
  string seconds = convert_to_string (filter_date_seconds_since_epoch ());
  string time = seconds + filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_microseconds ()), 8, '0');
  string file = filter_url_create_path (tasks_logic_folder (), time);
  // On Windows the microtime is not fine enough.
  // This leads to one task overwriting a previous one in case it is queued immediately after.
  // Deal with that problem here: Ensure the filename is unique.
  file = filter_url_unique_path (file);
  // Save it.
  command = filter_string_implode (lines, "\n");
  filter_url_file_put_contents (file, command);
Example #17
// Get the logbook entries.
vector <string> Database_Logs::get (string & lastfilename)
  lastfilename = "0";

  // Read entries from the filesystem.
  vector <string> entries;
  string directory = folder ();
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (directory);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
    string file = files [i];
    string path = filter_url_create_path (directory, file);
    string contents = filter_url_file_get_contents (path);
    entries.push_back (contents);
    // Last second gets updated based on the filename.
    lastfilename = file;

  // Done.  
  return entries;
Example #18
void Database_Logs::rotate ()
  // Remove the database that was used in older versions of Bibledit.
  // Since February 2016 Bibledit no longer uses a database for storing the journal.
  // Reasons that a database is no longer used:
  // 1. Simpler system.
  // 2. Android has VACUUM errors due to a locked database.
  string old_database_file = database_sqlite_file ("logs2");
  if (file_exists (old_database_file)) {
    filter_url_unlink (old_database_file);

  // Use a mechanism that handles huge amounts of entries.
  // The PHP function scandir choked on this or took a very long time.
  // The PHP functions opendir / readdir / closedir handled it better.
  // But now, in C++, with the new journal mechanism, this is no longer relevant.
  string directory = folder ();
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (directory);

  // Timestamp for removing older records, depending on whether it's a tiny journal.
  int oldtimestamp = filter_date_seconds_since_epoch () - (14400);
  int oldtimestamp = filter_date_seconds_since_epoch () - (6 * 86400);

  // Limit the available the journal entrie count in the filesystem.
  // This speeds up subsequent reading of the Journal by the users.
  // In previous versions of Bibledit, there were certain conditions
  // that led to an infinite loop, as had been noticed at times,
  // and this quickly exhausted the available inodes on the filesystem.
  int limitfilecount = files.size () - 200;
  int limitfilecount = files.size () - 2000;

  bool filtered_entries = false;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
    string path = filter_url_create_path (directory, files [i]);

    // Limit the number of journal entries.
    if ((int)i < limitfilecount) {
      filter_url_unlink (path);
    // Remove expired entries.
    int timestamp = convert_to_int (files [i].substr (0, 10));
    if (timestamp < oldtimestamp) {
      filter_url_unlink (path);

    // Filtering of certain entries.
    string entry = filter_url_file_get_contents (path);
    if (journal_logic_filter_entry (entry)) {
      filtered_entries = true;
      filter_url_unlink (path);


  if (filtered_entries) {
    log (journal_logic_filtered_message ());
void changes_modifications ()
  Database_Logs::log ("Change notifications: Generating", Filter_Roles::translator ());

  // Notifications are not available to clients for the duration of processing them.
  config_globals_change_notifications_available = false;
  // Data objects.
  Webserver_Request request;
  Database_Modifications database_modifications;

  // Check on the health of the modifications database and (re)create it if needed.
  if (!database_modifications.healthy ()) database_modifications.erase ();
  database_modifications.create ();
  // Create online change notifications for users who made changes in Bibles
  // through the web editor or through a client.
  // It runs before the team changes.
  // This produces the desired order of the notifications in the GUI.
  // At the same time, produce change statistics per user.
  // Get the users who will receive the changes entered by the contributors.
  vector <string> recipients;
    vector <string> users = request.database_users ()->getUsers ();
    for (auto & user : users) {
      if (request.database_config_user ()->getContributorChangesNotificationsOnline (user)) {
        recipients.push_back (user);

  // Storage for the statistics.
  map <string, int> user_change_statistics;
  float modification_time_total = 0;
  int modification_time_count = 0;
  vector <string> users = database_modifications.getUserUsernames ();
  if (!users.empty ()) Database_Logs::log ("Change notifications: Per user", Filter_Roles::translator ());
  for (auto user : users) {

    // Total changes made by this user.
    int change_count = 0;
    // Go through the Bibles changed by the current user.
    vector <string> bibles = database_modifications.getUserBibles (user);
    for (auto bible : bibles) {
      // Body of the email to be sent.
      string email = "<p>" + translate("You have entered the changes below in a Bible editor.") + " " + translate ("You may check if it made its way into the Bible text.") + "</p>";
      size_t empty_email_length = email.length ();
      // Go through the books in that Bible.
      vector <int> books = database_modifications.getUserBooks (user, bible);
      for (auto book : books) {
        // Go through the chapters in that book.
        vector <int> chapters = database_modifications.getUserChapters (user, bible, book);
        for (auto chapter : chapters) {
          // Get the sets of identifiers for that chapter, and set some variables.
          vector <Database_Modifications_Id> IdSets = database_modifications.getUserIdentifiers (user, bible, book, chapter);
          //int referenceOldId = 0;
          int referenceNewId = 0;
          int newId = 0;
          int lastNewId = 0;
          bool restart = true;
          // Go through the sets of identifiers.
          for (auto IdSet : IdSets) {
            int oldId = IdSet.oldid;
            newId = IdSet.newid;
            if (restart) {
              changes_process_identifiers (&request, user, recipients, bible, book, chapter, referenceNewId, newId, email, change_count, modification_time_total, modification_time_count);
              //referenceOldId = oldId;
              referenceNewId = newId;
              lastNewId = newId;
              restart = false;
            if (oldId == lastNewId) {
              lastNewId = newId;
            } else {
              restart = true;
          // Process the last set of identifiers.
          changes_process_identifiers (&request, user, recipients, bible, book, chapter, referenceNewId, newId, email, change_count, modification_time_total, modification_time_count);

      // Check whether there's any email to be sent.
      if (email.length () != empty_email_length) {
        // Send the user email with the user's personal changes if the user opted to receive it.
        if (request.database_config_user()->getUserUserChangesNotification (user)) {
          string subject = translate("Changes you entered in") + " " + bible;
          if (!client_logic_client_enabled ()) email_schedule (user, subject, email);
    // Store change statistics for this user.
    user_change_statistics [user] = change_count;

    // Clear the user's changes in the database.
    database_modifications.clearUserUser (user);
    // Clear checksum cache.
    request.database_config_user ()->setUserChangeNotificationsChecksum (user, "");
  // Generate the notifications, online and by email,
  // for the changes in the Bibles entered by anyone since the previous notifications were generated.
  vector <string> bibles = database_modifications.getTeamDiffBibles ();
  for (auto bible : bibles) {
    string stylesheet = Database_Config_Bible::getExportStylesheet (bible);
    vector <string> changeNotificationUsers;
    vector <string> users = request.database_users ()->getUsers ();
    for (auto user : users) {
      if (access_bible_read (&request, bible, user)) {
        if (request.database_config_user()->getUserGenerateChangeNotifications (user)) {
          changeNotificationUsers.push_back (user);
    users.clear ();
    // The number of changes processed so far for this Bible.
    int processedChangesCount = 0;
    // The files get stored at http://site.org:<port>/revisions/<Bible>/<date>
    int seconds = filter_date_seconds_since_epoch ();
    string timepath;
    timepath.append (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_year (seconds)));
    timepath.append ("-");
    timepath.append (filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_month (seconds)), 2, '0'));
    timepath.append ("-");
    timepath.append (filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_month_day (seconds)), 2, '0'));
    timepath.append (" ");
    timepath.append (filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_hour (seconds)), 2, '0'));
    timepath.append (":");
    timepath.append (filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_minute (seconds)), 2, '0'));
    timepath.append (":");
    timepath.append (filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_second (seconds)), 2, '0'));
    string directory = filter_url_create_root_path ("revisions", bible, timepath);
    filter_url_mkdir (directory);
    // Produce the USFM and html files.
    filter_diff_produce_verse_level (bible, directory);
    // Create online page with changed verses.
    string versesoutputfile = filter_url_create_path (directory, "changed_verses.html");
    filter_diff_run_file (filter_url_create_path (directory, "verses_old.txt"), filter_url_create_path (directory, "verses_new.txt"), versesoutputfile);
    // Storage for body of the email with the changes.
    vector <string> email_changes;
    // Generate the online change notifications.
    vector <int> books = database_modifications.getTeamDiffBooks (bible);
    for (auto book : books) {
      vector <int> chapters = database_modifications.getTeamDiffChapters (bible, book);
      for (auto chapter : chapters) {
        Database_Logs::log ("Change notifications: " + bible + " " + filter_passage_display (book, chapter, ""), Filter_Roles::translator ());
        string old_chapter_usfm = database_modifications.getTeamDiff (bible, book, chapter);
        string new_chapter_usfm = request.database_bibles()->getChapter (bible, book, chapter);
        vector <int> old_verse_numbers = usfm_get_verse_numbers (old_chapter_usfm);
        vector <int> new_verse_numbers = usfm_get_verse_numbers (new_chapter_usfm);
        vector <int> verses = old_verse_numbers;
        verses.insert (verses.end (), new_verse_numbers.begin (), new_verse_numbers.end ());
        verses = array_unique (verses);
        sort (verses.begin (), verses.end());
        for (auto verse : verses) {
          string old_verse_usfm = usfm_get_verse_text (old_chapter_usfm, verse);
          string new_verse_usfm = usfm_get_verse_text (new_chapter_usfm, verse);
          if (old_verse_usfm != new_verse_usfm) {
            // In case of too many change notifications, processing them would take too much time, so take a few shortcuts.
            string old_html = "<p>" + old_verse_usfm + "</p>";
            string new_html = "<p>" + new_verse_usfm + "</p>";
            string old_text = old_verse_usfm;
            string new_text = new_verse_usfm;
            if (processedChangesCount < 800) {
              Filter_Text filter_text_old = Filter_Text (bible);
              Filter_Text filter_text_new = Filter_Text (bible);
              filter_text_old.html_text_standard = new Html_Text ("");
              filter_text_new.html_text_standard = new Html_Text ("");
              filter_text_old.text_text = new Text_Text ();
              filter_text_new.text_text = new Text_Text ();
              filter_text_old.addUsfmCode (old_verse_usfm);
              filter_text_new.addUsfmCode (new_verse_usfm);
              filter_text_old.run (stylesheet);
              filter_text_new.run (stylesheet);
              old_html = filter_text_old.html_text_standard->getInnerHtml ();
              new_html = filter_text_new.html_text_standard->getInnerHtml ();
              old_text = filter_text_old.text_text->get ();
              new_text = filter_text_new.text_text->get ();
            string modification = filter_diff_diff (old_text, new_text);
            database_modifications.recordNotification (changeNotificationUsers, changes_bible_category (), bible, book, chapter, verse, old_html, modification, new_html);
            string passage = filter_passage_display (book, chapter, convert_to_string (verse))   + ": ";
            if (old_text != new_text) {
              email_changes.push_back (passage  + modification);
            } else {
              email_changes.push_back (translate ("The following passage has no change in the text.") + " " + translate ("The change is in the formatting only.") + " " + translate ("The USFM code is given for reference."));
              email_changes.push_back (passage);
              email_changes.push_back (translate ("Old code:") + " " + old_verse_usfm);
              email_changes.push_back (translate ("New code:") + " " + new_verse_usfm);
        // Delete the diff data for this chapter, for two reasons:
        // 1. New diffs for this chapter can be stored straightaway.
        // 2. In case of large amounts of diff data, and this function gets killed,
        //    then the next time it runs again, it will continue from where it was killed.
        database_modifications.deleteTeamDiffChapter (bible, book, chapter);
    // Email the changes to the subscribed users.
    if (!email_changes.empty ()) {
      string body;
      for (auto & line : email_changes) {
        body.append ("<div>");
        body.append (line);
        body.append ("</div>\n");
      string subject = translate("Recent changes:") + " " + bible;
      vector <string> users = request.database_users ()->getUsers ();
      for (auto & user : users) {
        if (request.database_config_user()->getUserBibleChangesNotification (user)) {
          if (access_bible_read (&request, bible, user)) {
            if (!client_logic_client_enabled ()) {
              email_schedule (user, subject, body);

  // Index the data and remove expired notifications.
  Database_Logs::log ("Change notifications: Indexing", Filter_Roles::translator ());
  database_modifications.indexTrimAllNotifications ();

  // Remove expired downloadable revisions.
  string directory = filter_url_create_root_path ("revisions");
  int now = filter_date_seconds_since_epoch ();
  bibles = filter_url_scandir (directory);
  for (auto &bible : bibles) {
    string folder = filter_url_create_path (directory, bible);
    int time = filter_url_file_modification_time (folder);
    int days = (now - time) / 86400;
    if (days > 31) {
      filter_url_rmdir (folder);
    } else {
      vector <string> revisions = filter_url_scandir (folder);
      for (auto & revision : revisions) {
        string path = filter_url_create_path (folder, revision);
        int time = filter_url_file_modification_time (path);
        int days = (now - time) / 86400;
        if (days > 31) {
          filter_url_rmdir (path);
          Database_Logs::log ("Removing expired downloadable revision notification: " + bible + " " + revision, Filter_Roles::translator ());
  // Clear checksum caches.
  users = request.database_users ()->getUsers ();
  for (auto user : users) {
    request.database_config_user ()->setUserChangeNotificationsChecksum (user, "");
  // Vacuum the modifications index, as it might have been updated.
  database_modifications.vacuum ();
  // Make the notifications available again to clients.
  config_globals_change_notifications_available = true;

  // Store the statistics in the database.
  if (modification_time_count) {
    // Take average timestamp of all timestamps.
    int timestamp = round (modification_time_total / modification_time_count);
    for (auto & element : user_change_statistics) {
      // Store dated change statistics per user.
      string user = element.first;
      int count = element.second;
      Database_Statistics::store_changes (timestamp, user, count);

  Database_Logs::log ("Change notifications: Ready", Filter_Roles::translator ());
Example #20
void export_quickbible (string bible, bool log)
  string directory = filter_url_create_path (Export_Logic::bibleDirectory (bible), "quickbible");
  if (!file_or_dir_exists (directory)) filter_url_mkdir (directory);

  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  string stylesheet = Database_Config_Bible::getExportStylesheet (bible);

  string yet_contents;
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "shortName", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "longName", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "description", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "locale", "en"));
  vector <int> books = database_bibles.getBooks (bible);

  for (auto book : books) {
    string bookname = Database_Books::getEnglishFromId (book);
    yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("book_name", convert_to_string (book), bookname, ""));
  for (auto book : books) {
    // The .yet to .yes converter only handles books > 0.
    if (book) {
      vector <int> chapters = database_bibles.getChapters (bible, book);
      for (auto chapter : chapters) {
        // The .yet to .yes converter only handles chapters > 0.
        if (chapter) {
          Filter_Text filter_text = Filter_Text (bible);
          filter_text.initializeHeadingsAndTextPerVerse (true);
          string usfm = database_bibles.getChapter (bible, book, chapter);
          filter_text.addUsfmCode (usfm);
          filter_text.run (stylesheet);
          map <int, string> text = filter_text.getVersesText ();
          for (auto & element : text) {
            int verse = element.first;
            // The .yet to .yes converter only handles verses > 0.
            if (verse) {
              string bk = convert_to_string (book);
              string ch = convert_to_string (chapter);
              string vs = convert_to_string (element.first);
              string tx = element.second;
              if (tx.empty ()) tx = "empty";
              yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("verse", bk, ch, vs, tx));
  string bible_yet = filter_url_create_path (directory, "bible.yet");
  filter_url_file_put_contents (bible_yet, yet_contents);
  string yet2yes_jar = filter_url_create_root_path ("export", "YetToYes2.jar");
  string bible_yes = filter_url_create_path (directory, "bible.yes");
  filter_shell_run ("", "java", { "-jar", yet2yes_jar, bible_yet, bible_yes }, NULL, NULL);
  string quickbible_html_source = filter_url_create_root_path ("export", "quickbible.html");
  string quickbible_html_destination = filter_url_create_path (directory, "quickbible.html");
  filter_url_file_cp (quickbible_html_source, quickbible_html_destination);
  Database_State::clearExport (bible, 0, Export_Logic::export_quick_bible);
  if (log) Database_Logs::log (translate("Exported to Quick Bible") + " " + bible, Filter_Roles::translator ());
Example #21
string Export_Logic::webDirectory (string bible)
  return filter_url_create_path (bibleDirectory (bible), "web");
Example #22
bool Fonts_Logic::fontExists (string font)
  string path = filter_url_create_path (folder (), font);
  return file_or_dir_exists (path);
Example #23
string database_privileges_directory (const string & user)
  return filter_url_create_path ("databases", "clients", user);
Example #24
void export_index ()
  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  vector <string> bibles = database_bibles.getBibles ();
  // Go through all sub directories of the exports directory.
  // Remove subdirectories if their corresponding Bible no longer exists in the system.
  string directory = Export_Logic::mainDirectory ();
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (directory);
  for (auto & file : files) {
    if (in_array (file, bibles)) continue;
    filter_url_rmdir (filter_url_create_path (directory, file));
    Database_Logs::log ("Removing exported Bible " + file, Filter_Roles::admin ());
  // Schedule the relevant Bibles for export.
  for (auto bible : bibles) {
    if (Database_State::getExport (bible, 0, Export_Logic::export_needed)) {
      Database_State::clearExport (bible, 0, Export_Logic::export_needed);
      vector <int> books = database_bibles.getBooks (bible);
      // Book 0 flags export of the whole Bible (this is not relevant to all export types).
      books.push_back (0);
      for (auto book : books) {
        for (int format = Export_Logic::export_needed + 1; format < Export_Logic::export_end; format++) {
          Database_State::setExport (bible, book, format);

      if (Database_Config_Bible::getExportWebDuringNight (bible)) {
        Export_Logic::scheduleWeb (bible);
        Export_Logic::scheduleWebIndex (bible);

      if (Database_Config_Bible::getExportHtmlDuringNight (bible)) {
        Export_Logic::scheduleHtml (bible);
      if (Database_Config_Bible::getExportUsfmDuringNight (bible)) {
        Export_Logic::scheduleUsfm (bible);
      if (Database_Config_Bible::getExportTextDuringNight (bible)) {
        Export_Logic::scheduleTextAndBasicUsfm (bible);
      if (Database_Config_Bible::getExportOdtDuringNight (bible)) {
        Export_Logic::scheduleOpenDocument (bible);
      if (Database_Config_Bible::getGenerateInfoDuringNight (bible)) {
        Export_Logic::scheduleInfo (bible);
      if (Database_Config_Bible::getExportESwordDuringNight (bible)) {
        Export_Logic::scheduleESword (bible);

      if (Database_Config_Bible::getExportOnlineBibleDuringNight (bible)) {
        Export_Logic::scheduleOnlineBible (bible);
Example #25
// A Bible's export directory.
string Export_Logic::bibleDirectory (string bible)
  return filter_url_create_path (mainDirectory (), bible);
Example #26
void Fonts_Logic::erase (string font)
  string path = filter_url_create_path (folder (), font);
  filter_url_unlink (path);
Example #27
void sword_logic_refresh_module_list ()
  Database_Logs::log ("Refreshing list of SWORD modules");
  string out_err;
  // Initialize SWORD directory structure and configuration.
  string sword_path = sword_logic_get_path ();
  filter_url_mkdir (sword_path);
  string swordconf = "[Install]\n"
                     "DataPath=" + sword_path + "/\n";
  filter_url_file_put_contents (filter_url_create_path (sword_path, "sword.conf"), swordconf);
  string config_files_path = filter_url_create_root_path ("sword");
  filter_shell_run ("cp -r " + config_files_path + "/locales.d " + sword_path, out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  filter_shell_run ("cp -r " + config_files_path + "/mods.d " + sword_path, out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  // Initialize basic user configuration.
  sword_logic_installmgr_initialize ();
  filter_shell_run ("echo yes | installmgr -init", out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  // Sync the configuration with the online known remote repository list.
  if (!sword_logic_installmgr_synchronize_configuration_with_master ()) {
    Database_Logs::log ("Failed to synchronize SWORD configuration with the master remote source list");
    // Since this could be a network failure, exit from the entire update routine.
    // The advantage of existing already at this stage is that the list of known SWORD resources
    // will be left untouched in case of a network error.
  filter_shell_run ("echo yes | installmgr -sc", out_err);
  filter_string_replace_between (out_err, "WARNING", "enable? [no]", "");
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  // List the remote sources.
  vector <string> remote_sources;
  sword_logic_installmgr_list_remote_sources (remote_sources);
  filter_shell_run ("installmgr -s", out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  vector <string> lines = filter_string_explode (out_err, '\n');
  for (auto line : lines) {
    line = filter_string_trim (line);
    if (line.find ("[") != string::npos) {
      line.erase (0, 1);
      if (line.find ("]") != string::npos) {
        line.erase (line.length () - 1, 1);
        remote_sources.push_back (line);
        Database_Logs::log (line);
  vector <string> sword_modules;
  for (auto remote_source : remote_sources) {
    if (!sword_logic_installmgr_refresh_remote_source (remote_source)) {
      Database_Logs::log ("Error refreshing remote source " + remote_source);
    filter_shell_run ("echo yes | installmgr -r \"" + remote_source + "\"", out_err);
    filter_string_replace_between (out_err, "WARNING", "type yes at the prompt", "");
    sword_logic_log (out_err);

    vector <string> modules;
    sword_logic_installmgr_list_remote_modules (remote_source, modules);
    for (auto & module : modules) {
      sword_modules.push_back ("[" + remote_source + "]" + " " + module);
    filter_shell_run ("installmgr -rl \"" + remote_source + "\"", out_err);
    lines = filter_string_explode (out_err, '\n');
    for (auto line : lines) {
      line = filter_string_trim (line);
      if (line.empty ()) continue;
      if (line.find ("[") == string::npos) continue;
      if (line.find ("]") == string::npos) continue;
      modules.push_back ("[" + remote_source + "]" + " " + line);
    for (auto module : modules) {
      sword_modules.push_back (module);
    Database_Logs::log (remote_source + ": " + convert_to_string (modules.size ()) + " modules");
  // Store the list of remote sources and their modules.
  // It is stored in the client files area.
  // Clients can access it from there too.
  string path = sword_logic_module_list_path ();
  filter_url_file_put_contents (path, filter_string_implode (sword_modules, "\n"));
  Database_Logs::log ("Ready refreshing SWORD module list");
Example #28
void export_bibledropbox (string user, string bible)
  Webserver_Request request;
  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  Database_Users database_users;
  Database_Mail database_mail = Database_Mail (&request);

  string tag = translate ("Submit to the Bible Drop Box") + ": ";
  Database_Logs::log (tag + bible, Filter_Roles::translator ());

  // Temporal USFM directory.
  string directory = filter_url_tempfile ();
  filter_url_mkdir (directory);

  // Take the USFM from the Bible database.
  // Generate one USFM file per book.
  vector <int> books = database_bibles.getBooks (bible);
  for (auto book : books) {
    // The USFM data of the current book.
    string bookdata;
    // Collect the USFM for all chapters in this book.
    vector <int> chapters = database_bibles.getChapters (bible, book);
    for (auto chapter : chapters) {
      // Get the USFM code for the current chapter.
      string usfm = database_bibles.getChapter (bible, book, chapter);
      usfm = filter_string_trim (usfm);
      // Add the chapter USFM code to the book's USFM code.
      bookdata.append (usfm);
      bookdata.append ("\n");
    // The filename for the USFM for this book.
    string filename = Export_Logic::baseBookFileName (book);
    string path = filter_url_create_path (directory, filename + ".usfm");
    // Save.
    filter_url_file_put_contents (path, bookdata);
  // Compress USFM files into one zip file.
  string zipfile = filter_url_create_path (directory, Export_Logic::baseBookFileName (0) + ".zip");
  string archive = filter_archive_zip_folder (directory);
  filter_url_rename (archive, zipfile);
  <form action="SubmitAction.phtml" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <p>Your name: <input type="text" name="nameLine" size="40" /> </p>
  <p>Your email address: <input type="text" name="emailLine" size="50" /></p>
  <p>Language/Project name: <input type="text" name="projectLine" size="35" /></p>
  <p>I have the authority to submit this data: <input type="checkbox" name="permission" value="Yes">
  What is your main goal here (optional): <input type="text" name="goalLine" size="80" />
  <input type="checkbox" name="photoBible" value="Yes">
  OpenDocument <input type="checkbox" name="odfs" value="Yes">
  PDF <input type="checkbox" name="pdfs" value="Yes">
  Zip file containing your Bible file(s) <input type="file" name="uploadedZipFile" size="50" />
  <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="5000000" />
  <input type="file" name="uploadedMetadataFile" size="50" />
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
  // Bible Drop Box submission URL.
  string url = "http://freely-given.org/Software/BibleDropBox/SubmitAction.phtml";
  // Form values to POST.
  map <string, string> post;
  post ["nameLine"] = user;
  post ["emailLine"] = database_users.getUserToEmail (user);
  post ["projectLine"] = bible;
  post ["permission"] = "Yes";
  post ["goalLine"] = "Bible translation through Bibledit";
  // Just one request: Is it possible to make the Bibledit submission system default to turning off the three check-boxes for the tasks that take heavy processing on The Bible Drop Box: PhotoBible, ODFs using the Python interface to LibreOffice (which is slow compared to the Pathway method of creating the XML files directly), and PDF exports (via TeX). If the user is only after, say a Sword module, it's quite a heavy cost to wastefully produce these other exports.
  //post ["photoBible"] = "Yes";
  //post ["odfs"] = "Yes";
  //post ["pdfs"] = "Yes";
  post ["submit"] = "Submit";
  // Submission and response.
  string error;
  string response = filter_url_http_upload (url, post, zipfile, error);
  if (!error.empty ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (tag + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    database_mail.send (user, "Error submitting to the Bible Drop Box", error);
  size_t pos = response.find ("<head>");
  if (pos != string::npos) {
    response.insert (pos + 6, "<base href=\"http://freely-given.org/Software/BibleDropBox/\">");
  database_mail.send (user, "Result of your submission to the Bible Drop Box", response);

  // Done.
  Database_Logs::log (tag + translate("Ready"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
Example #29
string Database_Config_Bible::file (string bible, const char * key)
  return filter_url_create_path (file (bible), key);
Example #30
string search_logic_bible_fragment (string bible)
  return filter_url_create_path (search_logic_index_folder (), bible + "_");