Example #1
void PointCloud2Display::processMessage( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& cloud )
  // Filter any nan values out of the cloud.  Any nan values that make it through to PointCloudBase
  // will get their points put off in lala land, but it means they still do get processed/rendered
  // which can be a big performance hit
  sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Ptr filtered(new sensor_msgs::PointCloud2);
  int32_t xi = findChannelIndex(cloud, "x");
  int32_t yi = findChannelIndex(cloud, "y");
  int32_t zi = findChannelIndex(cloud, "z");

  if (xi == -1 || yi == -1 || zi == -1)

  const uint32_t xoff = cloud->fields[xi].offset;
  const uint32_t yoff = cloud->fields[yi].offset;
  const uint32_t zoff = cloud->fields[zi].offset;
  const uint32_t point_step = cloud->point_step;
  const size_t point_count = cloud->width * cloud->height;
  if (point_count == 0)

  uint32_t output_count = 0;
  const uint8_t* ptr = &cloud->data.front();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < point_count; ++i)
    float x = *reinterpret_cast<const float*>(ptr + xoff);
    float y = *reinterpret_cast<const float*>(ptr + yoff);
    float z = *reinterpret_cast<const float*>(ptr + zoff);
    if (validateFloats(Ogre::Vector3(x, y, z)))
      memcpy(&filtered->data.front() + (output_count * point_step), ptr, point_step);

    ptr += point_step;

  filtered->header = cloud->header;
  filtered->fields = cloud->fields;
  filtered->data.resize(output_count * point_step);
  filtered->height = 1;
  filtered->width = output_count;
  filtered->is_bigendian = cloud->is_bigendian;
  filtered->point_step = point_step;
  filtered->row_step = output_count;

  point_cloud_common_->addMessage( filtered );
Example #2
Ogre::Vector3 pointFromCloud(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& cloud, uint32_t index)
  int32_t xi = findChannelIndex(cloud, "x");
  int32_t yi = findChannelIndex(cloud, "y");
  int32_t zi = findChannelIndex(cloud, "z");

  const uint32_t xoff = cloud->fields[xi].offset;
  const uint32_t yoff = cloud->fields[yi].offset;
  const uint32_t zoff = cloud->fields[zi].offset;
  const uint8_t type = cloud->fields[xi].datatype;
  const uint32_t point_step = cloud->point_step;
  float x = valueFromCloud<float>(cloud, xoff, type, point_step, index);
  float y = valueFromCloud<float>(cloud, yoff, type, point_step, index);
  float z = valueFromCloud<float>(cloud, zoff, type, point_step, index);
  return Ogre::Vector3(x, y, z);