Example #1
 * Create a buffered filestream from a portable file descriptor.
 * @param[in] portLibrary The port library.
 * @param[in] fd The file descriptor.
 * @param[in] flags Open flags
 * @return the resulting filestream.  On failure, will return NULL.
OMRFileStream *
omrfilestream_fdopen(OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, intptr_t fd, int32_t flags)
	intptr_t fileDescriptor = 0;
	intptr_t rc = 0;
	OMRFileStream *fileStream = NULL;
	const char *realFlags = NULL;

	Trc_PRT_filestream_fdopen_Entry(fd, flags);

	/* translate the open flags */
	realFlags = EsTranslateOpenFlags(flags);
	if (NULL == realFlags) {
		portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, EINVAL, findError(EINVAL));
		Trc_PRT_filestream_fdopen_invalidArgs(fd, flags);
		return NULL;

	/* Get the native file descriptor */
	fileDescriptor = portLibrary->file_convert_omrfile_fd_to_native_fd(portLibrary, fd);

	/* Convert the file descriptor to a FILE */
	fileStream = fdopen(fileDescriptor, realFlags);
	if (NULL == fileStream) {
		rc = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errno, findError(errno));
		Trc_PRT_filestream_fdopen_failed(fd, flags, (int32_t) rc);


	return fileStream;
Example #2
omrfile_unlinkdir(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path)
	wchar_t unicodeBuffer[UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE], *unicodePath;
	BOOL result;

	/* Convert the filename from UTF8 to Unicode */
	unicodePath = file_get_unicode_path(portLibrary, path, unicodeBuffer, UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
	if (NULL == unicodePath) {
		return -1;

	/*PR 93036 - should be able to delete read-only dirs, so we set the file attribute back to normal*/
	if (0 == SetFileAttributesW(unicodePath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) {
		int32_t error = GetLastError();
		portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, error, findError(error));	 /* continue */

	result = RemoveDirectoryW(unicodePath);
	if (unicodeBuffer != unicodePath) {
		portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, unicodePath);

	if (!result) {
		int32_t error = GetLastError();
		portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, error, findError(error));
		return -1;
	return 0;
Example #3
omrfile_stat(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path, uint32_t flags, struct J9FileStat *buf)
	struct stat statbuf;
#if defined(LINUX) || defined(AIXPPC) || defined(OSX)
	PlatformStatfs statfsbuf;
#endif /* defined(LINUX) || defined(AIXPPC) || defined(OSX) */

	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(J9FileStat));

	/* Neutrino does not handle NULL for stat */
	if (stat(path, &statbuf)) {
		return portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errno, findError(errno));

#if defined(LINUX) || defined(OSX)
	if (statfs(path, &statfsbuf)) {
		return portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errno, findError(errno));
	updateJ9FileStat(portLibrary, buf, &statbuf, &statfsbuf);
#elif defined(AIXPPC) && !defined(J9OS_I5) /* defined(LINUX) || defined(OSX) */
	if (statvfs(path, &statfsbuf)) {
		return portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errno, findError(errno));
	updateJ9FileStat(portLibrary, buf, &statbuf, &statfsbuf);
#else /* defined(AIXPPC) && !defined(J9OS_I5) */
	updateJ9FileStat(portLibrary, buf, &statbuf);
#endif /* defined(LINUX) || defined(OSX) */

	return 0;
    static bool isValueStr(const STString &str)
        bool ret = false;
        if( str.empty() ) {
            return ret;

        STString valueTag = getFirstTagName(str);
        if ("bool" != valueTag && "int" != valueTag && "string" != valueTag) {
            return ret;
        STString startTag("<" + valueTag + ">");
        STString endTag("</" + valueTag + ">");

        int beginPos = str.find(startTag);
        int endPos = str.find_last_of(endTag);

        if (findError(beginPos) || findError(endPos) ) {
            return ret;
        else {
            ret = true;

        return ret;
Example #5
 * Opens a buffered filestream.  All filestreams opened this way start fully buffered.
 * Opening a filestream with EsOpenRead is not supported, and will return an error code.
 * @param[in] portLibrary The port library
 * @param[in] path Name of the file to be opened.
 * @param[in] flags Portable file read/write attributes.
 * @param[in] mode Platform file permissions.
 * @return The filestream for the newly opened file.  NULL on failure.
 * @note accesses the "current working directory" property of the process if the path is relative.
OMRFileStream *
omrfilestream_open(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path, int32_t flags, int32_t mode)
	OMRFileStream *fileStream = NULL;
	const char *realFlags = NULL;
	intptr_t file = -1;
	intptr_t fileDescriptor = -1;

	Trc_PRT_filestream_open_Entry(path, flags, mode);

	if (NULL == path) {
		Trc_PRT_filestream_open_invalidPath(path, flags, mode);
		portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, EINVAL, findError(EINVAL));
		return NULL;

	realFlags = EsTranslateOpenFlags(flags);
	if ((NULL == realFlags) || (EsOpenRead == (flags & EsOpenRead))) {
		Trc_PRT_filestream_open_invalidOpenFlags(path, flags, mode);
		portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, EINVAL, findError(EINVAL));
		return NULL;

	/* Attempt to portably honor the open flags and mode by using the portlibrary */
	file = portLibrary->file_open(portLibrary, path, flags, mode);
	if (-1 == file) {
		int32_t error = portLibrary->error_last_error_number(portLibrary);
		Trc_PRT_filestream_open_failedToOpen(path, flags, mode, error);
		return NULL;

	/* Get the native file descriptor */
	fileDescriptor = portLibrary->file_convert_omrfile_fd_to_native_fd(portLibrary, file);

	/* Convert the file to a fileDescriptor */
	fileStream = fdopen(fileDescriptor, realFlags);
	if (NULL == fileStream) {
		int savedErrno = errno;
		portLibrary->file_close(portLibrary, file);
		Trc_PRT_filestream_open_fdopenFailed(path, flags, mode, findError(savedErrno));
		portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, savedErrno, findError(savedErrno));

	return fileStream;
Example #6
omrfile_chmod(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path, int32_t mode)
	int32_t attrs;
	int32_t result;
	wchar_t unicodeBuffer[UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE], *unicodePath;
	int32_t actualMode = J9_FILE_MODE_READABLE;

	Trc_PRT_file_chmod_Entry(path, mode);
	/* Convert the filename from UTF8 to Unicode */
	unicodePath = file_get_unicode_path(portLibrary, path, unicodeBuffer, UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
	if (NULL == unicodePath) {
		return -1;

	attrs = GetFileAttributesW(unicodePath);
		int32_t setError;
		result = GetLastError();
		setError = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, result, findError(result));
		if (unicodeBuffer != unicodePath) {
			portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, unicodePath);
		return -1;
		/* If all of the write-enable bits in mode are set, then turn off READONLY */
		attrs = attrs & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY;
		actualMode |= J9_FILE_MODE_WRITABLE;
	} else {
		attrs = attrs | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY;
	result = SetFileAttributesW(unicodePath, attrs);
	if (0 == result) {
		int32_t setError;
		result = GetLastError();
		setError = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, result, findError(result));
		actualMode = -1;
	if (unicodeBuffer != unicodePath) {
		portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, unicodePath);
	return actualMode;
Example #7
IDATA hyfile_write (IDATA fd, const void *buf, IDATA nbytes)
    IDATA rc = 0;
#ifdef ZOS
    if (fd == HYPORT_TTY_OUT) {
        rc = fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), nbytes, stdout);
    } else if (fd == HYPORT_TTY_ERR) {
        rc = fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), nbytes, stderr);
    } else if (fd < FD_BIAS) {
        /* Cannot fsync STDIN, and no other FD's should exist <FD_BIAS */
        return -1;
    } else 
#endif /* ZOS */
        /* write will just do the right thing for HYPORT_TTY_OUT and HYPORT_TTY_ERR */
        rc = write ((int) (fd - FD_BIAS), buf, nbytes);
    if (rc == -1)
        int rc = errno;
        return hyerror_set_last_error(rc, findError(rc));
    return rc;
Example #8
 * Set the length of a file to a specified value.
 * @param[in] portLibrary The port library
 * @param[in] fd The file descriptor.
 * @param[in] newLength Length to be set
 * @return 0 on success, negative portable error code on failure
omrfile_set_length(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, intptr_t inFD, int64_t newLength)
	int fd = (int)inFD;
	int32_t rc;
	off_t length  = (off_t)newLength;

	Trc_PRT_file_setlength_Entry(inFD, newLength);

	/* If file offsets are 32 bit, truncate the newLength to that range */
	if (sizeof(off_t) < sizeof(int64_t)) {
		if (newLength > 0x7FFFFFFF) {
			length =  0x7FFFFFFF;
		} else if (newLength < -0x7FFFFFFF) {
			length = -0x7FFFFFFF;

#if (FD_BIAS != 0)
	if (fd < FD_BIAS) {
		/* Cannot ftruncate on STD streams, and no other FD's should exist <FD_BIAS */
		return -1;

	rc = ftruncate(fd - FD_BIAS, length);
	if (0 != rc) {
		rc = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errno, findError(errno));
	return rc;
Example #9
omrfile_lastmod(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path)
	int64_t result = -1;
	wchar_t unicodeBuffer[UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE], *unicodePath;


	/* Convert the filename from UTF8 to Unicode */
	unicodePath = file_get_unicode_path(portLibrary, path, unicodeBuffer, UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
	if (NULL != unicodePath) {
		if (0 == GetFileAttributesExW(unicodePath, GetFileExInfoStandard, &myStat)) {
			int32_t error = GetLastError();
			result = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, error, findError(error));
		} else {
			 * Search MSDN for 'Converting a time_t Value to a File Time' for following implementation.
			result = ((int64_t) myStat.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) | (int64_t) myStat.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
			result = (result - 116444736000000000) / 10000;

		if (unicodeBuffer != unicodePath) {
			portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, unicodePath);

	return result;
Example #10
omrfile_length(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path)
	int64_t result = -1;
	wchar_t unicodeBuffer[UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE], *unicodePath;


	/* Convert the filename from UTF8 to Unicode */
	unicodePath = file_get_unicode_path(portLibrary, path, unicodeBuffer, UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
	if (NULL != unicodePath) {
		if (0 == GetFileAttributesExW(unicodePath, GetFileExInfoStandard, &myStat)) {
			int32_t error = GetLastError();
			result = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, error, findError(error));
		} else {
			result = ((int64_t)myStat.nFileSizeHigh) << 32;
			result += (int64_t)myStat.nFileSizeLow;

		if (unicodeBuffer != unicodePath) {
			portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, unicodePath);

	return result;
Example #11
omrfile_mkdir(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path)
	wchar_t unicodeBuffer[UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE], *unicodePath;
	int32_t result = 0;

	/* Convert the filename from UTF8 to Unicode */
	unicodePath = file_get_unicode_path(portLibrary, path, unicodeBuffer, UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
	if (NULL == unicodePath) {
		result = -1;
	} else {

		result = CreateDirectoryW(unicodePath, 0);
		if (unicodeBuffer != unicodePath) {
			portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, unicodePath);
		if (0 == result) {
			int32_t error = GetLastError();
			result = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, error, findError(error));
		} else {
			result = 0;
	return result;
Example #12
static void
setPortableError(OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *funcName, int32_t portlibErrno, int systemErrno)
	char *errmsgbuff = NULL;
	int32_t errmsglen = 0;
	int32_t portableErrno = portlibErrno + findError(systemErrno);

	/*Get size of str_printf buffer (it includes null terminator)*/
	errmsglen = portLibrary->str_printf(portLibrary, NULL, 0, "%s%s", funcName, strerror(systemErrno));
	if (errmsglen <= 0) {
		/*Set the error with no message*/
		portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, systemErrno, portableErrno);

	/*Alloc the buffer*/
	errmsgbuff = portLibrary->mem_allocate_memory(portLibrary, errmsglen, OMR_GET_CALLSITE(), OMRMEM_CATEGORY_PORT_LIBRARY);
	if (NULL == errmsgbuff) {
		/*Set the error with no message*/
		portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, systemErrno, portableErrno);

	/*Fill the buffer using str_printf*/
	portLibrary->str_printf(portLibrary, errmsgbuff, errmsglen, "%s%s", funcName,	strerror(systemErrno));

	/*Set the error message*/
	portLibrary->error_set_last_error_with_message(portLibrary, portableErrno, errmsgbuff);

	/*Free the buffer*/
	portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, errmsgbuff);

Example #13
omrfile_move(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *pathExist, const char *pathNew)
	wchar_t unicodeBufferExist[UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE], *unicodePathExist;
	wchar_t unicodeBufferNew[UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE], *unicodePathNew;
	BOOL result;

	/* Convert the filenames from UTF8 to Unicode */
	unicodePathExist = file_get_unicode_path(portLibrary, pathExist, unicodeBufferExist, UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
	if (NULL == unicodePathExist) {
		return -1;
	unicodePathNew = file_get_unicode_path(portLibrary, pathNew, unicodeBufferNew, UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
	if (NULL == unicodePathNew) {
		if (unicodeBufferExist != unicodePathExist) {
			portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, unicodePathExist);
		return -1;

	result = MoveFileW(unicodePathExist, unicodePathNew);
	if (unicodeBufferExist != unicodePathExist) {
		portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, unicodePathExist);
	if (unicodeBufferNew != unicodePathNew) {
		portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, unicodePathNew);

	if (!result) {
		int32_t error = GetLastError();
		portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, error, findError(error));
		return -1;
	return 0;
Example #14
omrfile_set_length(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, intptr_t fd, int64_t newLength)
	int32_t lastError = 0;
	int64_t currentFilePtr = 0;

	Trc_PRT_file_setlength_Entry(fd, newLength);

	/* Save current file pointer location */
	currentFilePtr = omrfile_seek(portLibrary, fd, 0, EsSeekCur);

	if ((-1 != currentFilePtr) && (-1 != omrfile_seek(portLibrary, fd, newLength, FILE_BEGIN))) {
		if (0 == SetEndOfFile((HANDLE)fd)) {
			lastError = GetLastError();
			lastError =  portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, lastError, findError(lastError));
			return lastError;

		/* Put pointer back to where it started */
		if (-1 != omrfile_seek(portLibrary, fd, currentFilePtr, EsSeekSet)) {
			return 0;

	/* omrfile_seek already set the last error */
	lastError = portLibrary->error_last_error_number(portLibrary);
	return lastError;
Example #15
void errorElementVar(double* err, double* base, double v, double* tA, double* tB, double* RA, double* RB, double* Rs, double* Re, double* t){
    double temp[6];
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++){
        err[i] += v*(temp[i] - base[i])*(temp[i] - base[i]);
Example #16
IDATA hyfile_open (const char *path, I_32 flags, I_32 mode)
    struct stat buffer;
    I_32 fd;
    I_32 realFlags = EsTranslateOpenFlags (flags);
    I_32 fdflags;
    // Trc_PRT_file_open_Entry (path, flags, mode);
    if (realFlags == -1)
        // Trc_PRT_file_open_Exit1 (flags);
        hyerror_set_last_error(EINVAL, findError(EINVAL));
        return -1;
    if ( ( flags&HyOpenRead && !(flags&HyOpenWrite) )  && !stat (path, &buffer))
        if (S_ISDIR (buffer.st_mode))
            hyerror_set_last_error_with_message(findError(EEXIST), "Is a directory");
            // Trc_PRT_file_open_Exit4 ();
            return -1;
    fd = open (path, realFlags, mode);
    if (-1 == fd)
        // Trc_PRT_file_open_Exit2 (errno, findError (errno));
        int rc = errno;
        hyerror_set_last_error(rc, findError(rc));
        return -1;
    /* Tag this descriptor as being non-inheritable */
    fdflags = fcntl (fd, F_GETFD, 0);
    fcntl (fd, F_SETFD, fdflags | FD_CLOEXEC);
    fd += FD_BIAS;
    // Trc_PRT_file_open_Exit (fd);
    return (IDATA) fd;
    static STString getFirstTagName(const STString &str, int &position)
        STString ret;

        int beginPos = -1;
        int endPos  = -1;

        beginPos = str.find("<") + 1;
        endPos = str.find(">");
        if (findError(beginPos) || findError(endPos)) {
            return ret;
        else {
            ret = str.substr(beginPos, endPos - beginPos);
            position = beginPos -1;

        return ret;
Example #18
omrfile_unlink(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path)
	int32_t rc;

	rc = unlink(path);
	if (-1 == rc) {
		portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errno, findError(errno));
	return rc;
Example #19
void loop() {
    float right_v = 0;
    float left_v = 0;


    /* If Enough Error Send Control Values */
    if(error_d > 2 || abs(error_a) > 5) {
        float v = error_d * p_gain_d;
        right_v = v;
        left_v = v;

        if(error_a > 0) { // Need to turn right
            right_v += error_d*p_gain_a;
            left_v -= error_d*p_gain_a;
        } else { // Need to turn left
            left_v += error_d*p_gain_a;
            right_v -= error_d*p_gain_a;
    } else { // If error is small go to next node
    /* Filter Out Bad Values */
    if(left_v > 100) {
        left_v = 100;
    if(left_v < 0) {
        left_v = 0;
    if(right_v > 100) {
        right_v = 100;
    if(right_v < 0) {
        right_v = 0;

    /* Send Motor Speeds */

    /* Calculate Speeds Of Left And Right Motors */
    wheelLeft = (left_v/100) * motorSpeed;
    wheelRight = (right_v/100) * motorSpeed;


    /* Calculate Odometry */
    deltaTime = float((millis() - time)) / 1000.0;
    xi = xi + cos(theta) * (r * wheelRight / 2 + r * wheelLeft / 2) * deltaTime;
    yi = yi + sin(theta) * (r * wheelRight / 2 + r * wheelLeft / 2) * deltaTime;
    theta = theta + (wheelRight * r / d - wheelLeft * r / d) * deltaTime;
    time = millis();
Example #20
omrfile_mkdir(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path)
	int32_t rc = 0;

	if (-1 == mkdir(path, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO)) {
		rc = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errno, findError(errno));
	return rc;
Example #21
omrfile_findclose(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, uintptr_t findhandle)
	int32_t error = 0;

	if (0 == FindClose((HANDLE)findhandle)) {
		error = GetLastError();
		error = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, error, findError(error));
Example #22
I_32 hysock_read (hysocket_t sock, U_8 * buf, I_32 nbyte, I_32 flags)
    I_32 bytesRec = 0;
    bytesRec = recv (SOCKET_CAST (sock), buf, nbyte, flags);
    if (-1 == bytesRec) {
        I_32 err = errno;
        return hyerror_set_last_error(err, findError(err));
    } else {
        return bytesRec;
Example #23
void findErrVar(double* err, double* verr,
        double* tA, double* vtA,
        double* tB, double* vtB,
        double* RA, double* vRA,
        double* RB, double* vRB,
        double* Rs, double* vRs,
        double* Re, double* vRe,
        double* t){
    findError(err, tA, tB, RA, RB, Rs, Re, t);
    //add OFFSET to estimate variance
    for(size_t j = 0; j < 6; j++){
        verr[j] = 0;
    for(size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++){
        tA[j] += OFFSET;
        errorElementVar(verr,err, vtA[j], tA, tB, RA, RB, Rs, Re, t);
        tA[j] -= OFFSET;
    for(size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++){
        tB[j] += OFFSET;
        errorElementVar(verr,err, vtB[j], tA, tB, RA, RB, Rs, Re, t);
        tB[j] -= OFFSET;
    for(size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++){
        RA[j] += OFFSET;
        errorElementVar(verr,err, vRA[j], tA, tB, RA, RB, Rs, Re, t);
        RA[j] -= OFFSET;
    for(size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++){
        RB[j] += OFFSET;
        errorElementVar(verr,err, vRB[j], tA, tB, RA, RB, Rs, Re, t);
        RB[j] -= OFFSET;
    for(size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++){
        Rs[j] += OFFSET;
        errorElementVar(verr,err, vRs[j], tA, tB, RA, RB, Rs, Re, t);
        Rs[j] -= OFFSET;
    for(size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++){
        Re[j] += OFFSET;
        errorElementVar(verr,err, vRe[j], tA, tB, RA, RB, Rs, Re, t);
        Re[j] -= OFFSET;
    //transform to variance
    for(size_t j = 0; j < 6; j++){
        verr[j] = verr[j]/(OFFSET*OFFSET);
Example #24
omrfile_chmod(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path, int32_t mode)
	int32_t result;
	intptr_t actualMode = -1;
	struct stat buffer;
	const int32_t MODEBITS = 07777; /* bits from  S_ISUID down: lstat can return mode with the high-order bits set. */

	Trc_PRT_file_chmod_Entry(path, mode);
	result = chmod(path, mode);
	if (0 != result) {
		result = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errno, findError(errno));
	} else if (0 != lstat(path, &buffer)) {
		result = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errno, findError(errno));
	} else {
		actualMode = buffer.st_mode & MODEBITS;
	return actualMode;
Example #25
I_32 hysock_getsockname (hysocket_t handle, hysockaddr_t addrHandle)
    socklen_t addrlen = sizeof (addrHandle->addr);
    if (getsockname
        (SOCKET_CAST (handle), (struct sockaddr *) &addrHandle->addr,
         &addrlen) != 0)
        I_32 err = errno;
        return hyerror_set_last_error(err, findError(err));
    return 0;
Example #26
omrfile_write(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, intptr_t fd, const void *buf, intptr_t nbytes)
	DWORD	nCharsWritten;
	intptr_t toWrite, offset = 0;
	int32_t errorCode;
	HANDLE handle;

	Trc_PRT_file_write_Entry(fd, buf, nbytes);

	if (OMRPORT_TTY_OUT == fd) {
		handle = PPG_tty_consoleOutputHd;
	} else if (OMRPORT_TTY_ERR == fd) {
		handle = PPG_tty_consoleErrorHd;
	} else {
		handle = (HANDLE)fd;

	toWrite = nbytes;
	while (nbytes > 0) {
		if (toWrite > nbytes) {
			toWrite = nbytes;
		/* The (DWORD)nbytes downcasts can make toWrite smaller than nbytes, however, the while loop
		 *  ensures that nbytes of data is still written */
		if (FALSE == WriteFile(handle, (char *)buf + offset, (DWORD)toWrite, &nCharsWritten, NULL)) {
			errorCode = GetLastError();
			if (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY == errorCode) {
				/*[PR 94924] Use 48K chunks to get around out of memory problem */
				if (toWrite > (48 * 1024)) {
					toWrite = 48 * 1024;
				} else {
					toWrite /= 2;
				/* If we can't write 128 bytes, just return */
				if (toWrite >= 128) {
			errorCode = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errorCode, findError(errorCode));
			return errorCode;
		offset += nCharsWritten;
		nbytes -= nCharsWritten;


	return offset;
Example #27
omrfile_stat_filesystem(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path, uint32_t flags, struct J9FileStatFilesystem *buf)
	DWORD result;
	wchar_t unicodeBuffer[UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE], *unicodePath;
	wchar_t driveBuffer[UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE];
	if (NULL == path || NULL == buf) {
		return -1;

	/* Convert the filename from UTF8 to Unicode */
	unicodePath = file_get_unicode_path(portLibrary, path, unicodeBuffer, UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE);
	if (NULL == unicodePath) {
		return -1;

	result = GetFullPathNameW(unicodePath, UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE, driveBuffer, NULL);

	if (unicodeBuffer != unicodePath) {
		portLibrary->mem_free_memory(portLibrary, unicodePath);

	if (result == 0 || result > UNICODE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
		result = GetLastError();
		return portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, result, findError(result));
	driveBuffer[3] = '\0'; /* Chop off everything after the initial X:\ */

	result = GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(driveBuffer,
	if (0 == result) {
		result = GetLastError();
		return portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, result, findError(result));
	return 0;
Example #28
 * Get the portable file descriptor backing a filestream.
 * @param[in] portLibrary The port library.
 * @param[in] fileStream The filestream;
 * @return The portable file descriptor. Will return OMRPORT_INVALID_FD on error. Calling this
 * function on an invalid filestream will result in undefined behaviour.
omrfilestream_fileno(OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, OMRFileStream *fileStream)
	intptr_t omrfile = OMRPORT_INVALID_FD;


	if (NULL == fileStream) {
		portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, EINVAL, findError(EINVAL));
	} else {
		/* Get the C library file descriptor backing the stream */
		intptr_t fileDescriptor = fileno(fileStream);
		if (-1 == fileDescriptor) {
			int32_t rc = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errno, findError(errno));
			Trc_PRT_filestream_fileno_failed(fileStream, rc);
		} else {
			omrfile = portLibrary->file_convert_native_fd_to_omrfile_fd(portLibrary, fileDescriptor);

	return omrfile;
Example #29
omrfile_length(struct OMRPortLibrary *portLibrary, const char *path)
	struct stat st;


	/* Neutrino does not handle NULL for stat */
	if (0 != stat(path, &st)) {
		int32_t errorCode = portLibrary->error_set_last_error(portLibrary, errno, findError(errno));
		return errorCode;
	return (int64_t) st.st_size;
Example #30
I_32 hysock_write (hysocket_t sock, U_8 * buf, I_32 nbyte, I_32 flags)
    I_32 bytesSent = 0;
    bytesSent = send (SOCKET_CAST (sock), buf, nbyte, flags);
    if (-1 == bytesSent)
        I_32 err = errno;
        return hyerror_set_last_error(err, findError(err));
        return bytesSent;