void findIP(const string &s, int start, int count, vector<string> &ret, string &IP) { if (count == 3 && isValid(s.substr(start))) { ret.push_back(IP+s.substr(start)); return; } if (s.length()-start > (4-count)*3) // prune the bad partitions return; for (int i = 1; i <= 3 && start+i <= s.length(); i++) { string str = s.substr(start, i); if (isValid(str)) { str = IP + str + '.'; findIP(s, start+i, count+1, ret, str); } } }
wxString Config::validateConfig() { wxRegEx findIP( wxT("^(([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-1][0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-1][0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$")); wxRegEx b64Validate( wxT("^[A-Za-z0-9+/]+={0,3}$")); wxRegEx portStringValidate( wxT("(tcp|udp)/+[0-9]")); if (this->NICK_NAME.CmpNoCase(wxEmptyString) == 0 ) { return wxT("You must choose a Nickname."); } else if (this->SERVER_IP.Find(_(".")) == wxNOT_FOUND) { //check for valid ip or hostname -- Relex this check greatly and throw the error when trying to send. return wxT("You must supply a valid server address."); } else if((wxAtoi(this->SERVER_PORT) < 1 || wxAtoi(this->SERVER_PORT) > 65535) && this->SERVER_PORT.CmpNoCase(wxT("Random")) != 0){ return wxT("Invalid Server Port"); //check server port is valid port or random } else if (this->LEGACY == true && this->HMAC.CmpNoCase(wxEmptyString) != 0) {//check no hmac with legacy return wxT("You cannot use an HMAC in legacy mode."); } else if (this->KEY_BASE64 && wxStrlen(this->KEY) % 4 != 0) { //check base64 must have a multiple of 4 length return wxT("Invalid Base64 Key Length."); } else if (this->KEY_BASE64 && !b64Validate.Matches(this->KEY)) { // looks for disallowed b64 characters return wxT("Invalid Base64 Key."); } else if (this->HMAC_BASE64 && wxStrlen(this->HMAC) % 4 != 0) { //check base64 must have a multiple of 4 length return wxT("Invalid Base64 HMAC Length."); } else if (this->HMAC_BASE64 && !b64Validate.Matches(this->HMAC)) { // looks for disallowed b64 characters return wxT("Invalid Base64 HMAC."); } else if (!(this->MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Server Command")) == 0 || portStringValidate.Matches(this->PORTS))) { //If not a server command, make sure the port string is valid return wxT("Invalid Port string. Must look like tcp/22."); } else if (!(this->ACCESS_IP.CmpNoCase(wxT("Resolve IP")) == 0 || this->ACCESS_IP.CmpNoCase(wxT("Source IP")) == 0 || this->ACCESS_IP.CmpNoCase(wxT("Prompt IP")) == 0 || findIP.Matches(this->ACCESS_IP) )) { //if specifying ip, make sure is valid return wxT("Invalid IP to allow."); // Have to have a valid ip to allow, if using allow ip } else if (this->MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Nat Access")) == 0 && !(0 < wxAtoi(NAT_PORT) && wxAtoi(NAT_PORT) < 65536)) { //NAT_IP must be a valid ip, and NAT_PORT must be a valid port return wxT("Invalid NAT port."); } else if (!(this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("MD5")) == 0 || this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA1")) == 0 || this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA256")) == 0 || this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA384")) == 0 || this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA512")) == 0)) { return wxT("Invalid SPA digest type."); } else if (!(this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("MD5")) == 0 || this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA1")) == 0 || this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA256")) == 0 || this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA384")) == 0 || this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA512")) == 0)) { return wxT("Invalid HMAC digest type."); } else { //Could check for valid looking gpg keys if enabled return wxT("valid"); } }
void TracerouteData::pushInToQueue( uint32_t destinationIP ) { if( finish_ ) throw std::runtime_error( "Traceroute Data not accepting more lookups" ); ipQueueData tmp; tmp.destinationIP = destinationIP; tmp.TTL = 0; //see if we already have data... indexLookupMutex_.lock(); int index = indexLookup_[ destinationIP ]; indexLookupMutex_.unlock(); if( index != 0 ) { //already preforming lookup or lookup already done.. return; } //need to save an index indexLookupMutex_.lock(); tracerouteLookupTableMutex_.lock(); tracerouteLookupTable_.push_back( NULL ); index = tracerouteLookupTable_.size() - 1; tracerouteLookupTableMutex_.unlock(); indexLookup_[destinationIP] = index; indexLookupMutex_.unlock(); ipQueueMutex_.lock(); if( !findIP( ipQueue_, destinationIP ) ) { for(tmp.TTL = 1; tmp.TTL < maxTimeToLive_ + 1 ; ++tmp.TTL ) { ipQueue_.push_back( tmp ); semaphore_.post(); } } ipQueueMutex_.unlock(); Mutex* mutexPtr = new Mutex; mutexPtr->lock( ); tracerouteFinishedMutex_.lock(); tracerouteFinished_[destinationIP] = mutexPtr; tracerouteFinishedMutex_.unlock(); }
wxString Config::gen_SPA(wxString ip_resolver_url, wxString gpgEngine, wxString gpgHomeFolder, bool debug) { CURLcode curl_Res; fko_ctx_t ctx; fwknop_options_t opts; int key_len = 0; int res; int hmac_str_len = 0; short message_type = FKO_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_NAT_ACCESS_MSG; short digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA256; short hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA256; char key_str[129] = {0}, hmac_str[129] = {0}; char spa_msg[256] = {0}; // char spa_buf[4096] = {0}; // char * spa_buf_ptr; // char crypt_buf[4096] = {0}; char nat_access_str[25] = {0}; // char * hmac_buf; // char * spa_digest_ptr; memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(fwknop_options_t)); if (this->KEY.IsEmpty() && !this->USE_GPG_CRYPT) return _("Key cannot be blank!"); wxBusyInfo wait(_("Please wait, working...")); if (this->SERVER_PORT.CmpNoCase(wxT("random")) == 0) { srand((int)wxGetLocalTime()); this->SERVER_PORT.Empty(); this->SERVER_PORT << (rand()%55535 + 10000); // do this better, this isn't a horribly good random function } if (this->ACCESS_IP.CmpNoCase(wxT("Source IP")) == 0) this->ACCESS_IP = wxT(""); else if (this->ACCESS_IP.CmpNoCase(wxT("Resolve IP")) == 0) { std::ostringstream oss; curl_Res = curl_read(std::string(ip_resolver_url.mb_str()), oss); if (curl_Res == CURLE_OK) { wxString result_tmp = wxString::FromUTF8(oss.str().c_str()); wxRegEx findIP( wxT("(([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-1][0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-1][0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])")); if (!findIP.Matches(result_tmp)) return _("Unable to resolve our IP!"); this->ACCESS_IP = findIP.GetMatch(result_tmp); } else return _("Libcurl returned the error: ") + wxString::FromUTF8(curl_easy_strerror(curl_Res)); } //end resolve ip if (fko_new(&ctx) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not get new FKO context"); if (USE_GPG_CRYPT) { fko_set_spa_encryption_type(ctx, FKO_ENCRYPTION_GPG); fko_set_gpg_exe(ctx, gpgEngine.mb_str()); fko_set_gpg_home_dir(ctx, gpgHomeFolder.mb_str()); fko_set_gpg_recipient(ctx, GPG_CRYPT_ID.mb_str()); if (GPG_SIG_ID.CmpNoCase(_("None")) != 0) fko_set_gpg_signer(ctx, GPG_SIG_ID.mb_str()); fko_set_spa_encryption_mode(ctx, FKO_ENC_MODE_ASYMMETRIC); } else { if (this->KEY_BASE64) { key_len = fko_base64_decode(this->KEY.mb_str(), (unsigned char *)key_str); } else { strncpy(key_str, (const char*)this->KEY.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 128); key_len = (int)strlen(key_str); } } if (this->HMAC_BASE64) { hmac_str_len = fko_base64_decode(this->HMAC.mb_str(), (unsigned char *)hmac_str); } else { strncpy(hmac_str, (const char*)this->HMAC.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 128); hmac_str_len = (int)strlen(hmac_str); } if (MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Server Command")) == 0) { message_type = FKO_COMMAND_MSG; if (fko_set_spa_message_type(ctx, message_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set message type"); snprintf(spa_msg, 256, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->ACCESS_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->SERVER_CMD.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); res = fko_set_spa_message(ctx, spa_msg); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set command message"); } else { if (fko_set_spa_client_timeout(ctx, wxAtoi(this->SERVER_TIMEOUT)) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA timeout"); snprintf(spa_msg, 256, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->ACCESS_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->PORTS.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_message(ctx, spa_msg) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA Message"); } if (this->LEGACY) { // technically should trim hmac keys if (fko_set_spa_encryption_mode(ctx, FKO_ENC_MODE_CBC_LEGACY_IV) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set Legacy mode."); } if (!this->HMAC.IsEmpty()){ if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("MD5"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_MD5; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA1"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA1; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA256"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA256; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA384"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA384; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA512"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA512; if (fko_set_spa_hmac_type(ctx, hmac_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set HMAC type."); } if (this->MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Nat Access")) == 0) { sprintf(nat_access_str, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->NAT_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->NAT_PORT.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, nat_access_str) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set nat access string."); } else if (this->MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Local Nat Access")) == 0) { message_type = FKO_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_LOCAL_NAT_ACCESS_MSG; if (fko_set_spa_message_type(ctx, message_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Chould not set message type"); sprintf(nat_access_str, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->SERVER_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->NAT_PORT.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, nat_access_str) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set nat access string."); } if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("MD5"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_MD5; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA1"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA1; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA256"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA256; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA384"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA384; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA512"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA512; if (fko_set_spa_digest_type(ctx, digest_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA digest type."); if (fko_spa_data_final(ctx, key_str, key_len, hmac_str, hmac_str_len) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not generate SPA data."); if (fko_get_spa_data(ctx, &opts.spa_data) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not retrieve SPA data."); // if (!USE_GPG_CRYPT) { this->SPA_STRING = wxString::FromUTF8(opts.spa_data); /*} else { //could retain this for libfko without gpg support fko_get_encoded_data(ctx, &spa_buf_ptr); fko_get_spa_digest(ctx, &spa_digest_ptr); sprintf(spa_buf,"%s:%s", spa_buf_ptr, spa_digest_ptr); ourGPG->encryptAndSign(GPG_CRYPT_ID, GPG_SIG_ID, spa_buf, crypt_buf); fko_set_spa_data(ctx, crypt_buf); fko_set_spa_hmac(ctx, hmac_str, hmac_str_len); fko_get_spa_hmac(ctx, &hmac_buf); strcat(crypt_buf, hmac_buf); this->SPA_STRING = wxString::FromUTF8(crypt_buf + 2); }*/ if (debug) { wxTextEntryDialog *debugMessage = new wxTextEntryDialog(NULL, _("Debug info"), _("Debug info"), "Source IP: " + this->ACCESS_IP +"\n" + "SPA String: " + this->SPA_STRING, wxOK | wxTE_MULTILINE ); debugMessage->SetSize(620, 320); debugMessage->ShowModal(); debugMessage->Destroy(); } return _("Success"); }
static int ev_handler(struct mg_connection *conn, enum mg_event ev) { int result = 404; struct ValidIP* ip; bool valid = FALSE; switch (ev) { case MG_AUTH: return MG_TRUE; case MG_REQUEST: // Log all headers for request if from Google // has a referer if (isLogable(conn)) logGoogle(conn); // Get validIP entry. Add new entry if necessary ip = findIP(conn->remote_ip); if (ip != NULL) updateCnt(ip); // validate and process valid = FALSE; result = 501; if (ip != NULL && (ip->banned == 0) && isValidMethod(conn)) { result = 404; valid = isValidReq(conn); // Handle Letsencrypt challenge if ((letsencrypt_req[0] != '\0') && strncmp(conn->uri, acme_header, strlen(acme_header)) == 0) { valid = TRUE; checkip_letsencrypt(conn); result = 200; } // Handle general cases if (valid && strcmp(conn->uri, "/") == 0) { checkip_req(conn); result = 200; } if (valid && strcmp(conn->uri, "/robots.txt") == 0) { checkip_robots(conn); result = 200; } if (valid && strcmp(conn->uri, "/sitemap.xml") == 0) { checkip_sitemap(conn); result = 200; } if (valid && strcmp(conn->uri, "/googled01a3874d935c921.html") == 0) { valid = FALSE; result = 200; } } if (!valid) { reject_req(conn, result); } // update the ban count and possibly ban the ip addr updateScore(conn->uri, ip, result); // log the request to syslog if (ip->score > 0 || strcmp(conn->uri, "/") != 0) { log_msg(daemon_mode, "[%d] %s: %s '%s%s%s' %d score=%d", conn->local_port, conn->remote_ip, conn->request_method, conn->uri, ((conn->query_string == NULL) ? "" : "?"), ((conn->query_string == NULL) ? "" : conn->query_string), result, ip->score ); } // if necessary, ban the IP address if (ip->score >= LIMIT || strcmp(conn->request_method, "GET") != 0) { banIP(ip, conn->remote_ip); } return (result == 200) ? MG_TRUE : MG_FALSE; default: return MG_FALSE; } }
vector<string> restoreIpAddresses(string s) { vector<string> ret; string IP; findIP(s, 0, 0, ret, IP); return ret; }
wxString Config::gen_SPA(wxString ip_resolver_url) { CURLcode curl_Res; fko_ctx_t ctx; fwknop_options_t opts; int key_len, res; int hmac_str_len = 0; short message_type = FKO_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_NAT_ACCESS_MSG; short digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA256; short hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA256; char key_str[129] = {0}, hmac_str[129] = {0}; char spa_msg[256] = {0}; char debug_buf[4096] = {0}; char nat_access_str[25] = {0}; memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(fwknop_options_t)); if (this->KEY.IsEmpty()) return _("Key cannot be blank!"); wxBusyInfo wait(_("Please wait, working...")); if (this->SERVER_PORT.CmpNoCase(wxT("random")) == 0) { srand((int)wxGetLocalTime()); this->SERVER_PORT.Empty(); this->SERVER_PORT << (rand()%55535 + 10000); // do this better, this isn't a horribly good random function } if (this->ACCESS_IP.CmpNoCase(wxT("Source IP")) == 0) this->ACCESS_IP = wxT(""); else if (this->ACCESS_IP.CmpNoCase(wxT("Resolve IP")) == 0) { std::ostringstream oss; curl_Res = curl_read(std::string(ip_resolver_url.mb_str()), oss); //Eventually make this a user definable service. if (curl_Res == CURLE_OK) { wxString result_tmp = wxString::FromUTF8(oss.str().c_str()); wxRegEx findIP( wxT("(([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-1][0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-1][0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])")); if (!findIP.Matches(result_tmp)) return _("Unable to resolve our IP!"); this->ACCESS_IP = findIP.GetMatch(result_tmp); } else return _("Libcurl returned the error: ") + wxString::FromUTF8(curl_easy_strerror(curl_Res)); } //end resolve ip if (this->KEY_BASE64) { key_len = fko_base64_decode(this->KEY.mb_str(), (unsigned char *)key_str); } else { strncpy(key_str, (const char*)this->KEY.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 128); key_len = (int)strlen(key_str); } if (this->HMAC_BASE64) { hmac_str_len = fko_base64_decode(this->HMAC.mb_str(), (unsigned char *)hmac_str); } else { strncpy(hmac_str, (const char*)this->HMAC.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 128); hmac_str_len = (int)strlen(hmac_str); } if (fko_new(&ctx) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not get new FKO context"); if (MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Server Command")) == 0) { message_type = FKO_COMMAND_MSG; if (fko_set_spa_message_type(ctx, message_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set message type"); snprintf(spa_msg, 256, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->ACCESS_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->SERVER_CMD.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); res = fko_set_spa_message(ctx, spa_msg); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set command message"); } else { if (fko_set_spa_client_timeout(ctx, wxAtoi(this->SERVER_TIMEOUT)) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA timeout"); snprintf(spa_msg, 256, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->ACCESS_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->PORTS.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_message(ctx, spa_msg) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA Message"); } if (this->LEGACY) { // technically should trim hmac keys if (fko_set_spa_encryption_mode(ctx, FKO_ENC_MODE_CBC_LEGACY_IV) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set Legacy mode."); } if (!this->HMAC.IsEmpty()){ if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("MD5"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_MD5; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA1"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA1; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA256"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA256; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA384"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA384; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA512"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA512; if (fko_set_spa_hmac_type(ctx, hmac_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set HMAC type."); } if (this->MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Nat Access")) == 0) { sprintf(nat_access_str, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->NAT_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->NAT_PORT.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, nat_access_str) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set nat access string."); } else if (this->MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Local Nat Access")) == 0) { message_type = FKO_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_LOCAL_NAT_ACCESS_MSG; if (fko_set_spa_message_type(ctx, message_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Chould not set message type"); sprintf(nat_access_str, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->SERVER_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->NAT_PORT.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, nat_access_str) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set nat access string."); } if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("MD5"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_MD5; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA1"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA1; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA256"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA256; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA384"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA384; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA512"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA512; if (fko_set_spa_digest_type(ctx, digest_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA digest type."); if (fko_spa_data_final(ctx, key_str, key_len, hmac_str, hmac_str_len) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not generate SPA data."); if (fko_get_spa_data(ctx, &opts.spa_data) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not retrieve SPA data."); //dump_ctx_to_buffer(ctx, debug_buf, sizeof(debug_buf)); this->SPA_STRING = wxString::FromUTF8(opts.spa_data); return _("Success"); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int sockfd, newsockfd, portno, clilen, remSock, htmlStart, i = 0; char buffer[8192], *tok_str, *ip, *host, *content, *request = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"; char buf[BUFSIZ +1]; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr, rem_addr; int n, m; FILE *fp; /* Creating a socket */ sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) { printf("ERROR while opening the socket"); exit(1); } /* Initializing the socket structure */ portno = 45455; serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno); /* Binding the socket to the port*/ if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) { printf("ERROR while binding"); exit(1); } /* Begin listening for incoming connections */ listen(sockfd,5); clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); /* Accept connection request from the client */ newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr, &clilen); if (newsockfd < 0) { printf("ERROR on accept"); exit(1); } /* Begin communication */ bzero(buffer,8192); n = read( newsockfd,buffer,8192 ); if (n < 0) { printf("ERROR reading from socket"); exit(1); } tok_str = strtok(buffer, " /"); //buffer is the message read from the client while ((tok_str != NULL)&& (i < 2))// ' ' and '/' are delimiters { //printf("%s\n", tok_str); if (i == 1) host = tok_str; //save the 2nd token as the webpage tok_str = strtok(NULL, " /"); i++; } //printf("REQUESTED PAGE: %s\n", host); fp = fopen (host, "r"); if (fp == NULL) //if file is not on server { fp = fopen(host, "w"); //open file for writing printf("%s", request); //Print get request ip = findIP(host); //find the ip of the host the client requested printf("%s", ip); remSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); //create a socket to connect to the remote server if (remSock < 0) { printf("ERROR creating remote socket"); exit(1); } rem_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; rem_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip); rem_addr.sin_port = htons(HTTPPORT); //connect on port 80 for http request if (connect(remSock, (struct sockaddr*)&rem_addr, sizeof(rem_addr)) < 0) { printf("ERROR attempting to connect to remote server"); exit(1); } n = write(remSock, request, strlen(request)); //send get request to remote server if (n < 0) { printf("ERROR sending http request"); exit(1); } memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); htmlStart = 1; while ((n = recv(remSock, buf, BUFSIZ, 0)) > 0) //receive response from server { content = buf; //store response in content variable if (htmlStart) { //printf("%s", content); m = write(newsockfd, content, strlen(content)); //write content to client fputs(content, fp); //write content to file for later access fflush(fp); } memset (buf, 0, n); } if (n < 0) { printf("ERROR reading response"); exit(1); } close(remSock); close(newsockfd); close(sockfd); } else { content = (char*) malloc(BUFSIZ); //allocate buffer to read from file while((fgets(content, BUFSIZ, fp)) != NULL) { //printf("%s", content); n = write(newsockfd, content, strlen(content)); } free(content); } if (n < 0) { printf("ERROR writing to socket"); exit(1); } close(sockfd); close(newsockfd); fflush(fp); fflush(stdout); return 0; }