Example #1
static void
_xa51_genAssemblerPreamble (FILE * of)
  symbol *mainExists=newSymbol("main", 0);

  if ((mainExists=findSymWithLevel(SymbolTab, mainExists))) {
    fprintf (of, "\t.area GSINIT\t(CODE)\n");
    fprintf (of, "__interrupt_vect:\n");
    fprintf (of, "\t.dw\t0x8f00\n");
    fprintf (of, "\t.dw\t__sdcc_gsinit_startup\n");
    fprintf (of, "\n");
    fprintf (of, "__sdcc_gsinit_startup:\n");
    fprintf (of, ";\tmov.b\t_SCR,#0x01\t; page zero mode\n");
    fprintf (of, "\t.db 0x96,0x48,0x40,0x01\n");
    fprintf (of, "\tmov\tr7,#0x%04x\n", options.stack_loc);
    fprintf (of, "\tcall\t_external_startup\n");
    fprintf (of, "\t.area CSEG\t(CODE)\n");
    fprintf (of, "\tcall\t_main\n");
    fprintf (of, "\treset\t;main should not return\n");
Example #2
static void
pic14createInterruptVect (struct dbuf_s * vBuf)
        mainf = newSymbol ("main", 0);
        mainf->block = 0;

        /* only if the main function exists */
        if (!(mainf = findSymWithLevel (SymbolTab, mainf)))
                struct options *op = &options;
                if (!(op->cc_only || noAssemble))
                        //      werror (E_NO_MAIN);
                        fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: function 'main' undefined\n");

        /* if the main is only a prototype ie. no body then do nothing */
        if (!IFFUNC_HASBODY(mainf->type))
                /* if ! compile only then main function should be present */
                if (!(options.cc_only || noAssemble))
                        //      werror (E_NO_MAIN);
                        fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: function 'main' undefined\n");

        dbuf_printf (vBuf, "%s", iComments2);
        dbuf_printf (vBuf, "; reset vector \n");
        dbuf_printf (vBuf, "%s", iComments2);
        // Lkr file should place section STARTUP at address 0x0, but does not ...
        dbuf_printf (vBuf, "STARTUP\t%s 0x0000\n", CODE_NAME);
        dbuf_printf (vBuf, "\tnop\n"); /* first location for used by incircuit debugger */
        dbuf_printf (vBuf, "\tpagesel __sdcc_gsinit_startup\n");
        dbuf_printf (vBuf, "\tgoto\t__sdcc_gsinit_startup\n");
        popGetExternal("__sdcc_gsinit_startup", 0);
Example #3
allocVariables (symbol * symChain)
  symbol *sym;
  symbol *csym;
  int stack = 0;
  int saveLevel = 0;

  /* go thru the symbol chain   */
  for (sym = symChain; sym; sym = sym->next)
      /* if this is a typedef then add it */
      /* to the typedef table             */
      if (IS_TYPEDEF (sym->etype))
          /* check if the typedef already exists    */
          csym = findSym (TypedefTab, NULL, sym->name);
          if (csym && csym->level == sym->level)
            werror (E_DUPLICATE_TYPEDEF, sym->name);

          SPEC_EXTR (sym->etype) = 0;
          addSym (TypedefTab, sym, sym->name, sym->level, sym->block, 0);
          continue;             /* go to the next one */
      /* make sure it already exists */
      csym = findSymWithLevel (SymbolTab, sym);
      if (!csym || (csym && csym->level != sym->level))
        csym = sym;

      /* check the declaration */
      checkDecl (csym, 0);

      /* if this is a function or a pointer to a */
      /* function then do args processing        */
      if (funcInChain (csym->type))
          processFuncArgs (csym);

      /* if this is an extern variable then change */
      /* the level to zero temporarily             */
      if (IS_EXTERN (csym->etype) || IS_FUNC (csym->type))
          saveLevel = csym->level;
          csym->level = 0;

      /* if this is a literal then it is an enumerated */
      /* type so need not allocate it space for it     */
      if (IS_LITERAL (sym->etype))

      /* generate the actual declaration */
      if (csym->level)
          allocLocal (csym);
          if (csym->onStack)
            stack += getSize (csym->type);
        allocGlobal (csym);

      /* restore the level */
      if (IS_EXTERN (csym->etype) || IS_FUNC (csym->type))
        csym->level = saveLevel;

  return stack;
Example #4
picglue ()
        FILE *asmFile;
        struct dbuf_s ovrBuf;
        struct dbuf_s vBuf;

        dbuf_init(&ovrBuf, 4096);
        dbuf_init(&vBuf, 4096);


        /* check for main() */
        mainf = newSymbol ("main", 0);
        mainf->block = 0;
        mainf = findSymWithLevel (SymbolTab, mainf);

        if (!mainf || !IFFUNC_HASBODY(mainf->type))
                /* main missing -- import stack from main module */
                //fprintf (stderr, "main() missing -- assuming we are NOT the main module\n");
                pic14_options.isLibrarySource = 1;

        /* At this point we've got all the code in the form of pCode structures */
        /* Now it needs to be rearranged into the order it should be placed in the */
        /* code space */

        movepBlock2Head('P');              // Last
        movepBlock2Head(statsg->dbName);   // First

        /* print the global struct definitions */
        if (options.debug)
                cdbStructBlock (0);

        /* do the overlay segments */

        /* PENDING: this isnt the best place but it will do */
        if (port->general.glue_up_main) {
                /* create the interrupt vector table */
                pic14createInterruptVect (&vBuf);


        ReuseReg(); // ReuseReg where call tree permits



        if (options.debug) pcode_test();

        /* now put it all together into the assembler file */
        /* create the assembler file name */

        if ((noAssemble || options.c1mode) && fullDstFileName)
                sprintf (buffer, "%s", fullDstFileName);
                sprintf (buffer, "%s", dstFileName);
                strcat (buffer, ".asm");

        if (!(asmFile = fopen (buffer, "w"))) {
                werror (E_FILE_OPEN_ERR, buffer);
                exit (1);

        /* prepare statistics */
        resetpCodeStatistics ();

        /* initial comments */
        pic14initialComments (asmFile);

        /* print module name */
        fprintf (asmFile, "%s\t.file\t\"%s\"\n",
            options.debug ? "" : ";", fullSrcFileName);

        /* Let the port generate any global directives, etc. */
        if (port->genAssemblerPreamble)

        /* Put all variables into a cblock */

        /* emit initialized data */

        /* print the locally defined variables in this module */

        /* create the overlay segments */
        fprintf (asmFile, "%s", iComments2);
        fprintf (asmFile, "; overlayable items in internal ram \n");
        fprintf (asmFile, "%s", iComments2);
        dbuf_write_and_destroy (&ovrBuf, asmFile);

        /* copy the interrupt vector table */
        if (mainf && IFFUNC_HASBODY(mainf->type))
          dbuf_write_and_destroy (&vBuf, asmFile);

        /* create interupt ventor handler */
        pic14_emitInterruptHandler (asmFile);

        /* copy over code */
        fprintf (asmFile, "%s", iComments2);
        fprintf (asmFile, "; code\n");
        fprintf (asmFile, "%s", iComments2);
        fprintf (asmFile, "code_%s\t%s\n", moduleName, port->mem.code_name);

        /* unknown */
        copypCode(asmFile, 'X');

        /* _main function */
        copypCode(asmFile, 'M');

        /* other functions */
        copypCode(asmFile, code->dbName);

        /* unknown */
        copypCode(asmFile, 'P');

        dumppCodeStatistics (asmFile);

        fprintf (asmFile,"\tend\n");

        fclose (asmFile);
Example #5
static void
_hc08_genAssemblerPreamble (FILE * of)
    int i;
    int needOrg = 1;
    symbol *mainExists=newSymbol("main", 0);

    fprintf (of, "\t.area %s\n",HOME_NAME);
    fprintf (of, "\t.area GSINIT0 (CODE)\n");
    fprintf (of, "\t.area %s\n",port->mem.static_name);
    fprintf (of, "\t.area %s\n",port->mem.post_static_name);
    fprintf (of, "\t.area %s\n",CODE_NAME);
    fprintf (of, "\t.area %s\n",port->mem.xinit_name);
    fprintf (of, "\t.area %s\n",port->mem.const_name);
    fprintf (of, "\t.area %s\n",port->mem.data_name);
    fprintf (of, "\t.area %s\n",port->mem.overlay_name);
    fprintf (of, "\t.area %s\n",port->mem.xdata_name);
    fprintf (of, "\t.area %s\n",port->mem.xidata_name);

    if ((mainExists=findSymWithLevel(SymbolTab, mainExists)))
        // generate interrupt vector table
        fprintf (of, "\t.area\tCODEIVT (ABS)\n");

        for (i=maxInterrupts; i>0; i--)
            if (interrupts[i])
                if (needOrg)
                    fprintf (of, "\t.org\t0x%04x\n", (0xfffe - (i * 2)));
                    needOrg = 0;
                fprintf (of, "\t.dw\t%s\n", interrupts[i]->rname);
                needOrg = 1;
        if (needOrg)
            fprintf (of, "\t.org\t0xfffe\n");
        fprintf (of, "\t.dw\t%s", "__sdcc_gs_init_startup\n\n");

        fprintf (of, "\t.area GSINIT0\n");
        fprintf (of, "__sdcc_gs_init_startup:\n");
        if (options.stack_loc)
            fprintf (of, "\tldhx\t#0x%04x\n", options.stack_loc+1);
            fprintf (of, "\ttxs\n");
            fprintf (of, "\trsp\n");
        fprintf (of, "\tjsr\t__sdcc_external_startup\n");
        fprintf (of, "\tbeq\t__sdcc_init_data\n");
        fprintf (of, "\tjmp\t__sdcc_program_startup\n");
        fprintf (of, "__sdcc_init_data:\n");

        fprintf (of, "; _hc08_genXINIT() start\n");
        fprintf (of, "        ldhx #0\n");
        fprintf (of, "00001$:\n");
        fprintf (of, "        cphx #l_XINIT\n");
        fprintf (of, "        beq  00002$\n");
        fprintf (of, "        lda  s_XINIT,x\n");
        fprintf (of, "        sta  s_XISEG,x\n");
        fprintf (of, "        aix  #1\n");
        fprintf (of, "        bra  00001$\n");
        fprintf (of, "00002$:\n");
        fprintf (of, "; _hc08_genXINIT() end\n");

        fprintf (of, "\t.area GSFINAL\n");
        fprintf (of, "\tjmp\t__sdcc_program_startup\n\n");

        fprintf (of, "\t.area CSEG\n");
        fprintf (of, "__sdcc_program_startup:\n");
        fprintf (of, "\tjsr\t_main\n");
        fprintf (of, "\tbra\t.\n");
