Example #1
 * Loads the tileset with the given \a fileName. If the tileset is already
 * loaded, returns that instance.
 * When an error occurs during loading it is assigned to the optional \a error
 * parameter.
SharedTileset TilesetManager::loadTileset(const QString &fileName, QString *error)
    SharedTileset tileset = findTileset(fileName);
    if (!tileset)
        tileset = readTileset(fileName, error);

    return tileset;
void SDL_TMXMap::Populate_Map(SDL_Renderer *Render)
    if( MapSurf || getMapFile().length())
        if (!MapSurf)
            std::ifstream *in_xml = new ifstream(getMapFile().c_str(), ifstream::in);
                std::cout << "No way to Populate Map. Quitting..." <<endl;
            std::stringstream *ss_xml = new std::stringstream;
            *ss_xml << in_xml->rdbuf();
            char *xml_data = new char[ss_xml->str().length()+1]();
            strcpy(xml_data, ss_xml->str().c_str());
            delete ss_xml;
            MapSurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, getWidth()*getTileWidth(), getHeight()*getTileHeight(), 32, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);

        string ResDir = "Resources\\";
        SDL_Surface **TileSurf = new SDL_Surface*[getNumTilesets()];
        for ( unsigned int fn = 0; fn < getNumTilesets(); fn++)
            //eventually, there will be a means to load multiple images per tileset. TODO: Make a loop that allows it.
            //TODO: Write it so that it also works with
            string Filenname = ResDir + getTileset(fn).getImage(0).getFilename();
            TileSurf[fn] = IMG_Load(Filenname.c_str());
            if (!TileSurf[fn]) return;

        unsigned long color = getTileset(0).getImage(0).getTrans();
        SDL_Color CKey;
        CKey.r = (color & 0xFF0000)   >> 16;
        CKey.g = (color & 0x00FF00)   >> 8 ;
        CKey.b = (color & 0x0000FF)        ;
        SDL_SetColorKey( MapSurf , SDL_TRUE , SDL_MapRGB(TileSurf[0]->format , CKey.r , CKey.g , CKey.b));
        SDL_Rect SrcRect;
        SDL_Rect DstRect;
        DstRect.h = getTileHeight();
        DstRect.w = getTileWidth();
        unsigned char **in_data  = new unsigned char* [getNumLayers()];
        unsigned char **out_data = new unsigned char* [getNumLayers()];
        unsigned int **tiledata = (unsigned int **) out_data;
        for(unsigned i = 0; i < getNumLayers(); i++)
            in_data[i]  = new unsigned char [getLayer(i).getData().getData().size()];
            out_data[i] = new unsigned char [getWidth()*getHeight()*4];
            memcpy( in_data[i] , getLayer(i).getData().getData().c_str() , getLayer(i).getData().getData().size() );
            unsigned char *dec_data = new unsigned char[( getLayer(i).getData().getData().size())];
            TMX_Decode( in_data[i] , dec_data , getLayer(i).getData().getData().size() );
            TMX_Uncompress( dec_data , out_data[i] , ( getLayer(i).getData().getData().size() ), getWidth() * getHeight() * 4,


        for (unsigned l = 0; l < TMX_Map::getNumLayers(); l++)

            LayerSurf.push_back(SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, getWidth()*getTileWidth(), getHeight()*getTileHeight(), 32, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask));
            SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(LayerSurf[l], getLayer(l).getOpacity() * 255);
            for(unsigned int y = 0; y < getHeight(); y++)
                DstRect.y = y * getTileHeight();
                for (unsigned int x = 0; x  < getWidth(); x++)
                        DstRect.x = x * getTileWidth();
                        unsigned tilesetindex = findTileset(tiledata[l][y*getWidth()+x]);
                        unsigned srcindex = tiledata[l][y*getWidth()+x] - getTileset(tilesetindex).getGID();
                        SrcRect.h = getTileset(tilesetindex).getTileHeight();
                        SrcRect.w = getTileset(tilesetindex).getTileWidth();
                        float Float_TPL = (float) getTileset(tilesetindex).getImage(0).getWidth()
                                                  / (getTileset(tilesetindex).getTileWidth() + getTileset(tilesetindex).getSpacing());
                        unsigned long Tiles_Per_Line = (long) ceil(Float_TPL);
                        SrcRect.x = srcindex % Tiles_Per_Line * (getTileset(tilesetindex).getTileWidth() + getTileset(tilesetindex).getSpacing());
                        SrcRect.y = srcindex / Tiles_Per_Line * (getTileset(tilesetindex).getTileWidth() + getTileset(tilesetindex).getSpacing());
                        if( SDL_BlitSurface(TileSurf[tilesetindex], &SrcRect, LayerSurf[l], &DstRect) )
							cout << "SDL_BlitSurface Failed: " << SDL_GetError() << endl;
							// if for some reason the application does not implode and instead run this code, we need to know why it crapped us.
							exit (-2);
            if(getLayer(l).isVisible()) SDL_BlitSurface(LayerSurf[l],NULL, MapSurf, NULL);

        delete[] tiledata;
        for (unsigned l = 0; l < getNumTilesets(); l++)

        MapTex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(Render, MapSurf);
    else std::cout << "No way to Populate Map. Quitting..." << endl;