Example #1
const char* get_string_from_parameter_list( Parameter* pl, unsigned int hash )
  Parameter* p = find_by_hash( pl, hash );
  if( !p || !safe_to_convert( p, E_VART_STRING ) )
    return 0x0;
  return as_string( *p )->m_Parsed;
Example #2
QIcon* get( NamedSymbol* ns )
  Parameter* opts = get_options( ns );
  Locator* l = get_locator( ns );
  int gt = get_grist_type( ns );

  opts = find_by_hash( opts, hashlittle( "cts" ) );
  opts = find_child_by_hash( opts, hashlittle( "icon" ) );
  if( opts && !safe_to_convert( opts, E_VART_STRING ) )
    opts = 0x0;

  QIcon* icon = 0x0;

  if( opts )
    QFileInfo fi( l->m_Buffer );
    QDir parent_dir( fi.absoluteDir() );
    QString qstr = parent_dir.absoluteFilePath( QString( as_string( *opts )->m_Raw ) );
    std::string stdstr( qstr.toStdString() );
    icon = get( stdstr.c_str() );

  if( !icon )
    icon = get( g_NodeSVGResourcePaths[gt] );

  return icon;
Example #3
int print_header( FILE* f, const char* file_name, BehaviorTreeContext ctx )
  Parameter* opts = get_options( ctx );

  unsigned int header_hash = hashlittle( "ctc_h_header" );
  unsigned int footer_hash = hashlittle( "ctc_h_footer" );
  unsigned int symbol_hash = hashlittle( "ctc_h_symbol_prefix" );
  unsigned int id_hash     = hashlittle( "id" );

  const char* header = get_string_from_parameter_list( opts, header_hash );
  const char* footer = get_string_from_parameter_list( opts, footer_hash );
  const char* symbol = get_string_from_parameter_list( opts, symbol_hash );
  fprintf( f, "/*\n * This file is auto generated by ctc from %s.\n * Manual edits will be lost when regenerated.\n */\n\n", file_name );

  if( header )
    fprintf( f, "%s\n\n", header );

  int count;
  NamedSymbol* ns = access_symbols( ctx, &count );
  for( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
    if( ns[i].m_Type == E_ST_ACTION )
      Parameter* p = find_by_hash( ns[i].m_Symbol.m_Action->m_Options, id_hash );
      if( p && safe_to_convert( p, E_VART_INTEGER ) )
        print_header_entry( f, symbol, ns[i].m_Symbol.m_Action->m_Id.m_Text, as_integer( *p ) );
        print_header_entry( f, symbol, ns[i].m_Symbol.m_Action->m_Id.m_Text, ns[i].m_Symbol.m_Action->m_Id.m_Hash );
    else if( ns[i].m_Type == E_ST_DECORATOR )
      Parameter* p = find_by_hash( ns[i].m_Symbol.m_Decorator->m_Options, id_hash );
      if( p && safe_to_convert( p, E_VART_INTEGER ) )
        print_header_entry( f, symbol, ns[i].m_Symbol.m_Decorator->m_Id.m_Text, as_integer( *p ) );
        print_header_entry( f, symbol, ns[i].m_Symbol.m_Decorator->m_Id.m_Text, ns[i].m_Symbol.m_Action->m_Id.m_Hash );

  if( footer )
    fprintf( f, "\n%s\n", footer );

  return 0;
Example #4
		virtual	void			set_assoc(void* addrin, u32 addrinlen, udx_address* addr)
			udx_hash hash = compute_hash(addrin, addrinlen);
			udx_haddress* h = find_by_hash(hash);
			if (h == nullptr)
Example #5
		virtual	void			del_assoc(void* addrin, u32 addrinlen)
			udx_hash hash = compute_hash(addrin, addrinlen);
			udx_haddress* h = find_by_hash(hash);
			if (h != nullptr)
Example #6
		virtual udx_address*	create(void* addrin, u32 addrinlen)
			udx_hash hash = compute_hash(addrin, addrinlen);
			udx_haddress* h = find_by_hash(hash);
			if (h == nullptr)
				h = (udx_haddress*)m_allocator->alloc(sizeof(udx_haddress));
				h->m_hash = hash;
				h->m_addrin.m_len = addrinlen;
				x_memcpy(h->m_addrin.m_data, addrin, addrinlen);
			return h;
Example #7
int main( int argc, char** argv )
  GetOptContext ctx;
  init_getopt_context( &ctx );
  char c;

  while( (c = getopt( argc, argv, "?i:o:a:de:x:lrh:v", &ctx )) != -1 )
    switch( c )
    case 'i':
      g_inputFileName = ctx.optarg;
    case 'o':
      g_outputFileName = ctx.optarg;
    case 'e':
      if( strcmp( ctx.optarg, "big" ) == 0 )
        g_swapEndian = true;
      else if( strcmp( ctx.optarg, "little" ) == 0 )
        g_swapEndian = false;
        fprintf( stderr, "error: unknown argument for option -e: %s\n",
          ctx.optarg );
        return -1;
    case 'a':
      g_asmFileName = ctx.optarg;
    case 'l':
      g_printIncludes = true;
    case 'v':
      /* verbose, print extra funny stuff! */
    case 'h':
      g_outputHeaderName = ctx.optarg;
    case ':':
      return -1;
    case '?':
      return 0;

  if(ctx.optind != argc)
    fprintf( stdout, "%s: unexpected argument '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[ctx.optind] );
    return -1;

  int returnCode = 0;

  if( !g_inputFileName )
    returnCode = -1;
    fprintf( stderr, "error: No input file given.\n" );

  // Convert all \ to / in the input file name, in order to
  // aid the include path translation
  for( char* p = g_inputFileName; p && *p; ++p )
    if( *p == '\\' )
      *p = '/';

  if( returnCode == 0 )
    Allocator a;
    a.m_Alloc = &allocate_memory;
    a.m_Free = &free_memory;
    BehaviorTreeContext btc = create_bt_context( a );

    ParserContextFunctions pcf;
    pcf.m_Read = &read_file;
    pcf.m_Error = &parser_error;
    pcf.m_Warning = &parser_warning;
    pcf.m_Translate = &parser_translate_include;

    ParsingInfo pi;
    pi.m_Name = g_inputFileName;
    pi.m_File = fopen( pi.m_Name, "r" );
    if( !pi.m_File )
      fprintf( stderr, "%s(0): error: unable to open input file \"%s\" for reading.\n",
        g_inputFileName, pi.m_Name );
      returnCode = -1;

    if( returnCode == 0 )
      ParserContext pc = create_parser_context( btc );
      set_extra( pc, &pi );
      set_current( pc, pi.m_Name );
      returnCode = parse( pc, &pcf );
      destroy( pc );

    if( pi.m_File )
      fclose( pi.m_File );

    Include* include = get_first_include( btc );
    while( returnCode == 0 && include )
      pi.m_Name = include->m_Name;
      pi.m_File = fopen( pi.m_Name, "r" );
      if( !pi.m_File )
        fprintf( stderr, "%s(%d): error: unable to open include file \"%s\" for reading.\n",
          include->m_Parent, include->m_LineNo, pi.m_Name );
        returnCode = -1;

      ParserContext pc = create_parser_context( btc );
      set_extra( pc, &pi );
      set_current( pc, pi.m_Name );
      returnCode = parse( pc, &pcf );
      destroy( pc );

      if( pi.m_File )
        fclose( pi.m_File );

      if( returnCode != 0 )

      include = include->m_Next;

    include = get_first_include( btc );
    while( returnCode == 0 && include && g_printIncludes )
      printf( "%s\n", include->m_Name );
      include = include->m_Next;

    if( g_outputHeaderName && returnCode == 0 )
      FILE* header = fopen( g_outputHeaderName, "w" );
      if( !header )
        fprintf( stderr, "%s(0): error: Unable to open output file %s for writing.\n",
          g_inputFileName, g_outputHeaderName );
        returnCode = -1;
        returnCode = print_header( header, g_inputFileName, btc );
        if( returnCode != 0 )
          fprintf( stderr, "%s(0): error: unspecified error when writing header %s.\n",
            g_inputFileName, g_outputHeaderName );
        fclose( header );

    if( g_outputFileName && returnCode == 0 )
      Program p;

      unsigned int debug_hash = hashlittle( "debug_info" );
      Parameter* debug_param = find_by_hash( get_options( btc ), debug_hash );
      if( debug_param )
        p.m_I.SetGenerateDebugInfo( as_integer( *debug_param ) );

      returnCode = setup( btc, &p );
      if( returnCode == 0 )
        returnCode = generate( &p );
        if( returnCode != 0 )
          fprintf( stderr, "%s(0): error: Internal compiler error in generate.\n", g_inputFileName );
        fprintf( stderr, "%s(0): error: Internal compiler error in setup.\n", g_inputFileName );

      teardown( &p );

      if( returnCode == 0 )
        g_outputFile = fopen( g_outputFileName, "wb" );
        if( !g_outputFile )
          fprintf( stderr, "%s(0): error: Unable to open output file %s for writing.\n",
            g_inputFileName, g_outputFileName );
          returnCode = -2;

        if( returnCode == 0 )
          returnCode = save_program( g_outputFile, g_swapEndian, &p );
        if( returnCode != 0 )
          fprintf( stderr, "%s(0): error: Failed to write output file %s.\n",
            g_inputFileName, g_outputFileName );
          returnCode = -5;

      if( !g_asmFileName )
        unsigned int hash = hashlittle( "force_asm" );
        Parameter* force_asm = find_by_hash( get_options( btc ), hash );
        if( force_asm && as_bool( *force_asm ) )
          unsigned int len = strlen( g_outputFileName );
          g_asmFileNameMemory = (char*)malloc( len + 5 );
          memcpy( g_asmFileNameMemory, g_outputFileName, len );
          g_asmFileNameMemory[len + 0] = '.';
          g_asmFileNameMemory[len + 1] = 'a';
          g_asmFileNameMemory[len + 2] = 's';
          g_asmFileNameMemory[len + 3] = 'm';
          g_asmFileNameMemory[len + 4] = 0;
          g_asmFileName = g_asmFileNameMemory;

      if( returnCode == 0 && g_asmFileName )
        FILE* asmFile = fopen( g_asmFileName, "w" );
        if( !asmFile )
          fprintf( stderr, "%s(0): error: Unable to open assembly file %s for writing.\n",
            g_inputFileName, g_asmFileName );
          returnCode = -1;
          print_program( asmFile, &p );
          fclose( asmFile );
    destroy( btc );

  if( g_asmFileNameMemory )
    free( g_asmFileNameMemory );

  if( g_outputFile )
    fclose( g_outputFile );

  return returnCode;
Example #8
Parameter* find_child_by_hash( Parameter* s, hash_t hash )
  if( s && s->m_Type == E_VART_LIST )
    return find_by_hash( s->m_Data.m_List, hash );
  return 0x0;
Example #9
		virtual bool			get_assoc(void* addrin, u32 addrinlen, udx_address*& assoc)
			udx_hash hash = compute_hash(addrin, addrinlen);
			assoc = find_by_hash(hash);
			return assoc!=nullptr;