serviceescalation *add_serviceescalation(char *host_name, char *description, int first_notification, int last_notification, double notification_interval, char *escalation_period, int escalation_options) { serviceescalation *new_serviceescalation = NULL; service *svc; timeperiod *tp = NULL; /* make sure we have the data we need */ if (host_name == NULL || !*host_name || description == NULL || !*description) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Service escalation host name or description is NULL\n"); return NULL; } if (!(svc = find_service(host_name, description))) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Service '%s' on host '%s' has an escalation but is not defined anywhere!\n", host_name, description); return NULL; } if (escalation_period && !(tp = find_timeperiod(escalation_period))) { nm_log(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, "Error: Escalation period '%s' specified in service escalation for service '%s' on host '%s' is not defined anywhere!\n", escalation_period, description, host_name); return NULL ; } new_serviceescalation = nm_calloc(1, sizeof(*new_serviceescalation)); if (prepend_object_to_objectlist(&svc->escalation_list, new_serviceescalation) != OK) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Could not add escalation to service '%s' on host '%s'\n", svc->host_name, svc->description); return NULL; } /* assign vars. object names are immutable, so no need to copy */ new_serviceescalation->host_name = svc->host_name; new_serviceescalation->description = svc->description; new_serviceescalation->service_ptr = svc; new_serviceescalation->escalation_period_ptr = tp; if (tp) new_serviceescalation->escalation_period = tp->name; new_serviceescalation->first_notification = first_notification; new_serviceescalation->last_notification = last_notification; new_serviceescalation->notification_interval = (notification_interval <= 0) ? 0 : notification_interval; new_serviceescalation->escalation_options = escalation_options; new_serviceescalation->id = num_objects.serviceescalations++; return new_serviceescalation; }
hostescalation *add_hostescalation(char *host_name, int first_notification, int last_notification, double notification_interval, char *escalation_period, int escalation_options) { hostescalation *new_hostescalation = NULL; host *h; timeperiod *tp = NULL; /* make sure we have the data we need */ if (host_name == NULL || !*host_name) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Host escalation host name is NULL\n"); return NULL; } if (!(h = find_host(host_name))) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Host '%s' has an escalation, but is not defined anywhere!\n", host_name); return NULL; } if (escalation_period && !(tp = find_timeperiod(escalation_period))) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Unable to locate timeperiod '%s' for hostescalation '%s'\n", escalation_period, host_name); return NULL; } new_hostescalation = nm_calloc(1, sizeof(*new_hostescalation)); /* add the escalation to its host */ if (prepend_object_to_objectlist(&h->escalation_list, new_hostescalation) != OK) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Could not add hostescalation to host '%s'\n", host_name); free(new_hostescalation); return NULL; } /* assign vars. Object names are immutable, so no need to copy */ new_hostescalation->host_name = h->name; new_hostescalation->host_ptr = h; new_hostescalation->escalation_period = tp ? tp->name : NULL; new_hostescalation->escalation_period_ptr = tp; new_hostescalation->first_notification = first_notification; new_hostescalation->last_notification = last_notification; new_hostescalation->notification_interval = (notification_interval <= 0) ? 0 : notification_interval; new_hostescalation->escalation_options = escalation_options; new_hostescalation->id = num_objects.hostescalations++; return new_hostescalation; }
int register_timeperiod(timeperiod *new_timeperiod) { g_return_val_if_fail(timeperiod_hash_table != NULL, ERROR); if ((find_timeperiod(new_timeperiod->name))) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Timeperiod '%s' has already been defined\n", new_timeperiod->name); return ERROR; } g_hash_table_insert(timeperiod_hash_table, new_timeperiod->name, new_timeperiod); new_timeperiod->id = num_objects.timeperiods++; if (new_timeperiod->id) timeperiod_ary[new_timeperiod->id - 1]->next = new_timeperiod; else timeperiod_list = new_timeperiod; timeperiod_ary[new_timeperiod->id] = new_timeperiod; return OK; }
/* adds a new exclusion to a timeperiod */ timeperiodexclusion *add_exclusion_to_timeperiod(timeperiod *period, char *name) { timeperiodexclusion *new_timeperiodexclusion = NULL; timeperiod *temp_timeperiod2; /* make sure we have enough data */ if (period == NULL || name == NULL) return NULL; temp_timeperiod2 = find_timeperiod(name); if (temp_timeperiod2 == NULL) { nm_log(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, "Error: Excluded time period '%s' specified in timeperiod '%s' is not defined anywhere!", name, period->name); return NULL; } new_timeperiodexclusion = nm_malloc(sizeof(timeperiodexclusion)); new_timeperiodexclusion->timeperiod_name = nm_strdup(name); new_timeperiodexclusion->timeperiod_ptr = temp_timeperiod2; new_timeperiodexclusion->next = period->exclusions; period->exclusions = new_timeperiodexclusion; return new_timeperiodexclusion; }
int setup_service_variables(service *new_service, const char *display_name, const char *check_command, const char *check_period, int initial_state, int max_attempts, int accept_passive_checks, double check_interval, double retry_interval, double notification_interval, double first_notification_delay, char *notification_period, int notification_options, int notifications_enabled, int is_volatile, const char *event_handler, int event_handler_enabled, int checks_enabled, int flap_detection_enabled, double low_flap_threshold, double high_flap_threshold, int flap_detection_options, int stalking_options, int process_perfdata, int check_freshness, int freshness_threshold, const char *notes, const char *notes_url, const char *action_url, const char *icon_image, const char *icon_image_alt, int retain_status_information, int retain_nonstatus_information, int obsess, unsigned int hourly_value) { timeperiod *cp = NULL, *np = NULL; command *cmd; /* make sure we have everything we need */ if (notification_period && !(np = find_timeperiod(notification_period))) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: notification_period '%s' for service '%s' on host '%s' could not be found!\n", notification_period, new_service->description, new_service->host_name); return -1; } if (check_period && !(cp = find_timeperiod(check_period))) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: check_period '%s' for service '%s' on host '%s' not found!\n", check_period, new_service->description, new_service->host_name); return -1; } if (check_command == NULL || !*check_command) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: No check command provided for service '%s' on host '%s'\n", new_service->check_command, new_service->description); return -1; } cmd = find_bang_command(check_command); if (cmd == NULL) { nm_log(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, "Error: Service check command '%s' specified in service '%s' for host '%s' not defined anywhere!", check_command, new_service->description, new_service->host_name); return -1; } if (max_attempts <= 0) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: max_check_attempts must be a positive integer for service '%s' on host '%s'\n", new_service->description, new_service->host_name); return -1; } if (check_interval < 0) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: check_interval must be a non-negative integer for service '%s' on host '%s'\n", new_service->description, new_service->host_name); return -1; } if (retry_interval <= 0) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: retry_interval must be a positive integer for service '%s' on host '%s'\n", new_service->description, new_service->host_name); return -1; } if (notification_interval < 0) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: notification_interval must be a non-negative integer for service '%s' on host '%s'\n", new_service->description, new_service->host_name); return -1; } if (first_notification_delay < 0) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: first_notification_delay must be a non-negative integer for service '%s' on host '%s'\n", new_service->description, new_service->host_name); return -1; } /* duplicate vars, but assign what we can */ new_service->notification_period_ptr = np; new_service->check_period_ptr = cp; new_service->check_period = cp ? cp->name : NULL; new_service->notification_period = np ? np->name : NULL; new_service->check_command = nm_strdup(check_command); new_service->check_command_ptr = cmd; if (display_name) { new_service->display_name = nm_strdup(display_name); } if (event_handler) { new_service->event_handler = nm_strdup(event_handler); new_service->event_handler_ptr = find_bang_command(event_handler); if (new_service->event_handler_ptr == NULL) { nm_log(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, "Error: Event handler command '%s' specified in service '%s' for host '%s' not defined anywhere", new_service->event_handler, new_service->description, new_service->host_name); return -1; } } if (notes) { new_service->notes = nm_strdup(notes); } if (notes_url) { new_service->notes_url = nm_strdup(notes_url); } if (action_url) { new_service->action_url = nm_strdup(action_url); } if (icon_image) { new_service->icon_image = nm_strdup(icon_image); } if (icon_image_alt) { new_service->icon_image_alt = nm_strdup(icon_image_alt); } new_service->hourly_value = hourly_value; new_service->check_interval = check_interval; new_service->retry_interval = retry_interval; new_service->max_attempts = max_attempts; new_service->notification_interval = notification_interval; new_service->first_notification_delay = first_notification_delay; new_service->notification_options = notification_options; new_service->is_volatile = (is_volatile > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_service->flap_detection_enabled = (flap_detection_enabled > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_service->low_flap_threshold = low_flap_threshold; new_service->high_flap_threshold = high_flap_threshold; new_service->flap_detection_options = flap_detection_options; new_service->stalking_options = stalking_options; new_service->process_performance_data = (process_perfdata > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_service->check_freshness = (check_freshness > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_service->freshness_threshold = freshness_threshold; new_service->accept_passive_checks = (accept_passive_checks > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_service->event_handler_enabled = (event_handler_enabled > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_service->checks_enabled = (checks_enabled > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_service->retain_status_information = (retain_status_information > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_service->retain_nonstatus_information = (retain_nonstatus_information > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_service->notifications_enabled = (notifications_enabled > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_service->obsess = (obsess > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_service->current_attempt = (initial_state == STATE_OK) ? 1 : max_attempts; new_service->current_state = initial_state; new_service->last_state = initial_state; new_service->last_hard_state = initial_state; /* check the service check_command */ return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int result; int error = FALSE; char *buffer = NULL; int display_license = FALSE; int display_help = FALSE; int c = 0; struct tm *tm; time_t current_time; time_t test_time; time_t saved_test_time; time_t next_valid_time = 0L; time_t chosen_valid_time = 0L; char datestring[256]; host *temp_host = NULL; hostgroup *temp_hostgroup = NULL; hostsmember *temp_member = NULL; timeperiod *temp_timeperiod = NULL; int is_valid_time = 0; int iterations = 1000; plan_tests(6043); /* reset program variables */ reset_variables(); printf("Reading configuration data...\n"); config_file = strdup("smallconfig/icinga.cfg"); /* read in the configuration files (main config file, resource and object config files) */ result = read_main_config_file(config_file); ok(result == OK, "Read main configuration file okay - if fails, use icinga -v to check"); result = read_all_object_data(config_file); ok(result == OK, "Read all object config files"); result = pre_flight_check(); ok(result == OK, "Preflight check okay"); time(¤t_time); test_time = current_time; saved_test_time = current_time; temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod("none"); is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == ERROR, "No valid time because time period is empty"); get_next_valid_time(current_time, &next_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok((next_valid_time - current_time) <= 2, "Next valid time should be the current_time, but with a 2 second tolerance"); temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod("24x7"); is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == OK, "Fine because 24x7"); get_next_valid_time(current_time, &next_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(current_time == next_valid_time, "Current time should be the next valid time"); /* 2009-10-25 is the day when clocks go back an hour in Europe. Bug happens during 23:00 to 00:00 */ /* This is 23:01:01 */ saved_test_time = 1256511661; saved_test_time = saved_test_time - (24 * 60 * 60); putenv("TZ=UTC"); tzset(); test_time = saved_test_time; c = 0; while (c < iterations) { is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == OK, "Always OK for 24x7 with TZ=UTC"); chosen_valid_time = 0L; _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(test_time == chosen_valid_time, "get_next_valid_time always returns same time"); test_time += 1800; c++; } putenv("TZ=Europe/London"); tzset(); test_time = saved_test_time; c = 0; while (c < iterations) { is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == OK, "Always OK for 24x7 with TZ=Europe/London"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(test_time == chosen_valid_time, "get_next_valid_time always returns same time, time_t=%lu", test_time); test_time += 1800; c++; } /* 2009-11-01 is the day when clocks go back an hour in America. Bug happens during 23:00 to 00:00 */ /* This is 23:01:01 */ saved_test_time = 1256511661; saved_test_time = saved_test_time - (24 * 60 * 60); putenv("TZ=America/New_York"); tzset(); test_time = saved_test_time; c = 0; while (c < iterations) { is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == OK, "Always OK for 24x7 with TZ=America/New_York"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(test_time == chosen_valid_time, "get_next_valid_time always returns same time, time_t=%lu", test_time); test_time += 1800; c++; } /* Tests around clock change going back for TZ=Europe/London. 1256511661 = Sun Oct 25 23:01:01 2009 */ /* A little trip to Paris*/ putenv("TZ=Europe/Paris"); tzset(); /* Timeperiod exclude tests, from Jean Gabes */ temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod("Test_exclude"); ok(temp_timeperiod != NULL, "ME: Testing Exclude timeperiod"); test_time = 1278939600; /* printf("Testing at time %s", ctime(&test_time)); */ is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == ERROR, "ME: 12 Jul 2010 15:00:00 - false"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); /* printf("JEAN: Got chosent time at %s", ctime(&chosen_valid_time)); */ todo_start("Bug in exclude"); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1288103400, "ME: Next valid time=Tue Oct 26 16:30:00 2010"); todo_end(); temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod("Test_exclude2"); ok(temp_timeperiod != NULL, "ME: Testing Exclude timeperiod 2"); test_time = 1278939600; /* printf("Testing at time %s", ctime(&test_time)); */ is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == ERROR, "ME: 12 Jul 2010 15:00:00 - false"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); /* printf("JEAN: Got chosent time at %s", ctime(&chosen_valid_time)); */ todo_start("Bug in exclude 2"); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1279058340, "ME: Next valid time=Tue Jul 13 23:59:00 2010"); todo_end(); temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod("Test_exclude3"); ok(temp_timeperiod != NULL, "ME: Testing Exclude timeperiod 3"); test_time = 1278939600; /* printf("Testing at time %s", ctime(&test_time)); */ is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == ERROR, "ME: 12 Jul 2010 15:00:00 - false"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); /* printf("JEAN: Got chosent time at %s", ctime(&chosen_valid_time)); */ todo_start("Bug in exclude 3"); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1284474600, "ME: Next valid time=Tue Sep 14 16:30:00 2010"); todo_end(); temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod("Test_exclude4"); ok(temp_timeperiod != NULL, "ME: Testing Exclude timeperiod 4"); test_time = 1278939600; /* printf("Testing at time %s", ctime(&test_time)); */ is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == ERROR, "ME: 12 Jul 2010 15:00:00 - false"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); /* printf("JEAN: Got chosent time at %s", ctime(&chosen_valid_time)); */ todo_start("Bug in exclude 3"); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1283265000, "ME: Next valid time=Tue Aug 31 16:30:00 2010"); todo_end(); /* Back to New york */ putenv("TZ=America/New_York"); tzset(); temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod("sunday_only"); ok(temp_timeperiod != NULL, "Testing Sunday 00:00-01:15,03:15-22:00"); putenv("TZ=Europe/London"); tzset(); test_time = 1256421000; is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == ERROR, "Sat Oct 24 22:50:00 2009 - false"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1256425200, "Next valid time=Sun Oct 25 00:00:00 2009"); test_time = 1256421661; is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == ERROR, "Sat Oct 24 23:01:01 2009 - false"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1256425200, "Next valid time=Sun Oct 25 00:00:00 2009"); test_time = 1256425400; is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == OK, "Sun Oct 25 00:03:20 2009 - true"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(chosen_valid_time == test_time, "Next valid time=Sun Oct 25 00:03:20 2009"); test_time = 1256429700; is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == OK, "Sun Oct 25 01:15:00 2009 - true"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(chosen_valid_time == test_time, "Next valid time=Sun Oct 25 01:15:00 2009"); test_time = 1256430400; is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == ERROR, "Sun Oct 25 01:26:40 2009 - false"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); todo_start("Is a bug in get_next_valid_time for a time that falls in the DST change hour period"); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1256440500, "Next valid time=Sun Oct 25 03:15:00 2009") || printf("chosen_valid_time=%lu\n", chosen_valid_time); todo_end(); test_time = 1256440500; is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == OK, "Sun Oct 25 03:15:00 2009 - true"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(chosen_valid_time == test_time, "Next valid time=Sun Oct 25 03:15:00 2009"); test_time = 1256500000; is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == OK, "Sun Oct 25 19:46:40 2009 - true"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1256500000, "Next valid time=Sun Oct 25 19:46:40 2009"); test_time = 1256508000; is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == OK, "Sun Oct 25 22:00:00 2009 - true"); _get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1256508000, "Next valid time=Sun Oct 25 22:00:00 2009"); test_time = 1256508001; is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == ERROR, "Sun Oct 25 22:00:01 2009 - false"); //_get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); _get_next_valid_time_per_timeperiod(test_time, &chosen_valid_time, test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1257033600, "Next valid time=Sun Nov 1 00:00:00 2009"); test_time = 1256513000; is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == ERROR, "Sun Oct 25 23:23:20 2009 - false"); //_get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); _get_next_valid_time_per_timeperiod(test_time, &chosen_valid_time, test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1257033600, "Next valid time=Sun Nov 1 00:00:00 2009"); temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod("weekly_complex"); ok(temp_timeperiod != NULL, "Testing complex weekly timeperiod definition"); putenv("TZ=America/New_York"); tzset(); test_time = 1268109420; is_valid_time = check_time_against_period(test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(is_valid_time == ERROR, "Mon Mar 8 23:37:00 2010 - false"); //_get_next_valid_time(test_time, test_time, &chosen_valid_time, temp_timeperiod); _get_next_valid_time_per_timeperiod(test_time, &chosen_valid_time, test_time, temp_timeperiod); ok(chosen_valid_time == 1268115300, "Next valid time=Tue Mar 9 01:15:00 2010"); cleanup(); my_free(config_file); return exit_status(); }
void test_parsing(void) { struct external_command *ext_command = NULL; contact *created_contact = NULL; contact *fetched_contact = NULL; const char *cmdstr = "[1234567890] ADD_HOST_COMMENT;my_host;0;15;this is my comment, there are many like it but this one is mine"; registered_commands_init(20); { g_clear_error(&error); ok(NULL == command_parse(cmdstr, COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error), "We can't parse commands when none are registered"); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND), "The error code looks like expected"); ext_command = command_create("ADD_HOST_COMMENT", test__add_host_comment_handler, "This is a description for a command named ADD_HOST_COMMENT", NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "host", STRING, NULL, NULL); b_val = 0; command_argument_add(ext_command, "persistent", BOOL, &b_val, NULL); i_val = 42; command_argument_add(ext_command, "author", INTEGER, &i_val, NULL); s_val = "No comment"; command_argument_add(ext_command, "comment", STRING, s_val, NULL); command_register(ext_command, -1); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[] UNKNOWN_COMMAND", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_MALFORMED_COMMAND), "Malformed command error is raised for malformed commands"); ok(NULL == ext_command, "No command returned for malformed command"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[UNKNOWN_COMMAND", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_MALFORMED_COMMAND), "Malformed command error is raised for malformed commands"); ok(NULL == ext_command, "No command returned for malformed command"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[139414354] UNKNOWN_COMMAND", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND), "Unknown command error is raised for unknown commands"); ok(NULL == ext_command, "No command returned for unknown command"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse(cmdstr, COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(error == NULL, "The command parses without error"); ok(!strcmp("my_host", command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "host")), "Host value parsed successfully"); ok(0 == *(int *)command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "persistent"), "Persistent value parsed successfully"); ok(15 == *(int *)command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "author"), "Author value parsed successfully"); ok(!strcmp("this is my comment, there are many like it but this one is mine", command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "comment")), "Comment value parsed successfully"); command_destroy(ext_command); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_HOST_COMMENT;my_host;0;15;this is my newline\n, there are many like it but this one is\n m\ni\nn\ne", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(error == NULL, "Command containing newlines parses without error"); ok(!strcmp("this is my newline\n, there are many like it but this one is\n m\ni\nn\ne", command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "comment")), "Comment containing newlines parsed successfully"); command_destroy(ext_command); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse(cmdstr, COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(0 == command_execute_handler(ext_command), "Callback exit value properly passed on"); ok(!strcmp("my_host", received_host), "Host value passed to callback"); ok(0 == *received_persistent, "Persistent value passed to callback"); ok(received_entry_time == 1234567890, "Entry time passed correctly to callback"); command_destroy(ext_command); free(received_host); free(received_persistent); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_HOST_COMMENT;;1", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_PARSE_MISSING_ARG), "Missing arguments are complained about"); ok(ext_command == NULL, "No command returned for command with missing arguments"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[15341345] ADD_HOST_COMMENT", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_PARSE_MISSING_ARG), "Missing arguments are complained about (no arguments supplied)"); ok(ext_command == NULL, "No command returned for command with missing arguments"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_HOST_COMMENT;my_host;0;441;this is my comment, there are many like it but this one is mine;Post-semi-colon stuff", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(error == NULL, "Last string argument may contain semi-colons"); ok(ext_command != NULL, "A command should be returned when last string-argument has semi-colons"); command_destroy(ext_command); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_HOST_COMMENT;my_host;0;Dora the Explora';this is my comment, there are many like it but this one is mine", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_PARSE_TYPE_MISMATCH), "Type errors are complained about"); ok(ext_command == NULL, "No command returned for command with argument type errors"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_HOST_COMMENT;my_host;1;4lyfe;this is my comment, there are many like it but this one is mine", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_PARSE_TYPE_MISMATCH), "Junk characters after integer arguments are complained about"); ok(ext_command == NULL, "No command returned for command with argument type mismatch errors"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_create("ADD_HOST_COMMENT_WITH_TIMESTAMP", test__add_host_comment_handler, "This is a description for a command named ADD_HOST_COMMENT", NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "host", STRING, NULL, NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "persistent", BOOL, NULL, NULL); i_val = 42; command_argument_add(ext_command, "author", INTEGER, &i_val, NULL); s_val = "No comment"; command_argument_add(ext_command, "comment", STRING, s_val, NULL); t_val = 0; command_argument_add(ext_command, "timestamp", TIMESTAMP, &t_val, NULL); command_register(ext_command, -1); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_HOST_COMMENT_WITH_TIMESTAMP;my_host;1;441;this is my comment, there are many like it but this one is mine;1234987650", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(error == NULL, "No error when parsing proper commands"); ok(1234987650 == *(time_t *)command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "timestamp"), "Timestamp value parsed successfully"); command_destroy(ext_command); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_HOST_COMMENT_WITH_TIMESTAMP;my_host;4;441;this is my comment, there are many like it but this one is mine;1234987650", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILURE), "Invalid BOOL value (4) is complained about"); ok(NULL == ext_command, "No command returned for command with invalid argument values"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_HOST_COMMENT_WITH_TIMESTAMP;my_host;1;441;this is my comment, there are many like it but this one is mine;14:49", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_PARSE_TYPE_MISMATCH), "Malformed timestamp value is complained about"); ok(NULL == ext_command, "No command returned for command with argument type mismatch"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_HOST_COMMENT_WITH_TIMESTAMP;my_host;1;441;;", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(error == NULL, "Missing arguments which have default values are not complained about"); ok(!strcmp("No comment", command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "comment")), "Default value is used for missing argument"); ok(t_val == *(time_t *)command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "timestamp"), "Default value is used for missing argument at end of arg string"); command_destroy(ext_command); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_HOST_COMMENT_WITH_TIMESTAMP;some_host;;441;;13485799", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_PARSE_MISSING_ARG), "Missing arguments which don't have default values are complained about"); ok(NULL == ext_command, "No command returned for command with missing argument and no default"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_create("ADD_SVC_COMMENT", test__add_service_comment_handler, "This is a description for a command named CMD_ADD_SVC_COMMENT", NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "service", SERVICE, NULL, NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "persistent", BOOL, &b_val, NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "author", INTEGER, &i_val, NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "comment", STRING, s_val, NULL); command_register(ext_command, -1); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_SVC_COMMENT;my_host;NO_SUCH_SERVICE;1;441;this is my service comment, there are many like it but this one is mine", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILURE), "Invalid service is complained about"); ok(NULL == ext_command, "No command returned for command with invalid service"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_create("ADD_SVC_COMMENT_2", test__add_service_comment_handler, "This is a description for a command with a custom service validator", NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "service", SERVICE, NULL, custom_service_validator); command_argument_add(ext_command, "persistent", BOOL, &b_val, NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "author", INTEGER, &i_val, NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "comment", STRING, s_val, NULL); command_register(ext_command, -1); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] ADD_SVC_COMMENT_2;my_host;LETS_PRETEND_THIS_EXISTS;1;441;this is my service comment, there are many like it but this one is mine", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(error == NULL, "Custom validator does not decline our invalid service"); command_destroy(ext_command); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_create("DEL_HOST_COMMENT", test__del_host_comment_handler, "This command is used to delete a specific host comment.", NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "comment_id", ULONG, NULL, NULL); command_register(ext_command, -1); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] DEL_HOST_COMMENT;10;Excess argument;snurre", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_PARSE_EXCESS_ARG), "Excess arguments are complained about"); ok(ext_command == NULL, "No command returned for commands with excess arguments"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] DEL_HOST_COMMENT;10", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok((unsigned long) 10 == *(unsigned long *)command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "comment_id"), "ULONG argument parsed correctly"); command_destroy(ext_command); ext_command = command_create("DEL_HOST_COMMENT_2", test__del_host_comment_handler, "This command is used to delete a specific host comment.", "int=comment_id;str=string_arg"); command_register(ext_command, -1); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] DEL_HOST_COMMENT_2;10;foobar", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(error == NULL, "No error when parsing command created with argspec"); ok(!strcmp("foobar", command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "string_arg")), "Can parse command created with argspec (string arg)"); ok(10 == *(int *)command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "comment_id"), "Can parse command created with argspec (int arg)"); command_destroy(ext_command); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] DEL_HOST_COMMENT_2;1;", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok (ext_command == NULL, "Missing argument at end of arg string is complained about"); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_PARSE_MISSING_ARG), "Missing argument at end of arg string raises the correct error"); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_create("DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS", test__disable_notifications_handler, "Disables host and service notifications on a program-wide basis.", NULL); command_register(ext_command, -1); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(ext_command != NULL, "No problem parsing commands with no arguments (when none required)"); command_destroy(ext_command); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_create("DO_THING_WITH_TIMEPERIOD", test__do_thing_with_timeperiod_handler, "Does a thing with a timeperiod", NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "timeperiod", TIMEPERIOD, NULL, NULL); command_register(ext_command, -1); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] DO_THING_WITH_TIMEPERIOD;24x8", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(ext_command == NULL, "No command returned when timeperiod arg is invalid"); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILURE), "Validation error raised for invalid timeperiod"); registered_timeperiod = find_timeperiod("24x7"); assert(NULL != registered_timeperiod); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] DO_THING_WITH_TIMEPERIOD;24x7", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(ext_command != NULL, "Command returned when timeperiod arg is not invalid"); ok(error == NULL, "Validation error not raised for valid timeperiod"); ok(registered_timeperiod == command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "timeperiod"), "The correct timeperiod is returned"); command_destroy(ext_command); /** CONTACT SETUP*/ g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_create("FIND_CONTACT", test__do_thing_with_contact_handler, "Does a thing with contact", NULL); command_argument_add(ext_command, "contact", CONTACT, NULL, NULL); command_register(ext_command, -1); created_contact = find_contact("nagiosadmin"); assert(NULL != created_contact); /** CONTACT TEST*/ g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] FIND_CONTACT;bango", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(ext_command == NULL, "No command returned when contact arg is invalid"); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILURE), "Validation error raised for invalid contact"); /** CONTACT TEST*/ g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] FIND_CONTACT;nagiosadmin", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(ext_command != NULL, "Command returned when contact arg is not invalid"); ok(error == NULL, "Validation error not raised for valid contact"); fetched_contact = command_argument_get_value(ext_command, "contact"); ok(created_contact->name == fetched_contact->name, "The correct contact is returned"); /** CONTACT TEARDOWN*/ command_destroy(ext_command); g_clear_error(&error); ext_command = command_parse("[1234567890] _MY_CUSTOMARILY_CUSTOM_CUSTARD_COMMAND;foo;bar;baz;33", COMMAND_SYNTAX_NOKV, &error); ok(g_error_matches(error, NM_COMMAND_ERROR, CMD_ERROR_CUSTOM_COMMAND), "Custom command reported as such"); ok(ext_command != NULL, "Raw command returned when parsing custom command"); ok(!strcmp("foo;bar;baz;33", command_raw_arguments(ext_command)), "Raw arguments properly set for custom command"); ok(command_entry_time(ext_command) == (time_t)1234567890, "Entry time set for custom command"); command_destroy(ext_command); g_clear_error(&error); } registered_commands_deinit(); }
int setup_host_variables(host *new_host, const char *display_name, const char *alias, const char *address, const char *check_period, int initial_state, double check_interval, double retry_interval, int max_attempts, int notification_options, double notification_interval, double first_notification_delay, const char *notification_period, int notifications_enabled, const char *check_command, int checks_enabled, int accept_passive_checks, const char *event_handler, int event_handler_enabled, int flap_detection_enabled, double low_flap_threshold, double high_flap_threshold, int flap_detection_options, int stalking_options, int process_perfdata, int check_freshness, int freshness_threshold, const char *notes, const char *notes_url, const char *action_url, const char *icon_image, const char *icon_image_alt, const char *vrml_image, const char *statusmap_image, int x_2d, int y_2d, int have_2d_coords, double x_3d, double y_3d, double z_3d, int have_3d_coords, int retain_status_information, int retain_nonstatus_information, int obsess, unsigned int hourly_value) { timeperiod *check_tp = NULL, *notify_tp = NULL; if (check_period && !(check_tp = find_timeperiod(check_period))) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Failed to locate check_period '%s' for host '%s'!\n", check_period, new_host->name); return -1; } if (notification_period && !(notify_tp = find_timeperiod(notification_period))) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Failed to locate notification_period '%s' for host '%s'!\n", notification_period, new_host->name); return -1; } /* check values */ if (max_attempts <= 0) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: max_check_attempts must be a positive integer host '%s'\n", new_host->name); return -1; } if (check_interval < 0) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Invalid check_interval value for host '%s'\n", new_host->name); return -1; } if (notification_interval < 0) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Invalid notification_interval value for host '%s'\n", new_host->name); return -1; } if (first_notification_delay < 0) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Invalid first_notification_delay value for host '%s'\n", new_host->name); return -1; } if (freshness_threshold < 0) { nm_log(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, "Error: Invalid freshness_threshold value for host '%s'\n", new_host->name); return -1; } /* assign string vars */ if (display_name) new_host->display_name = nm_strdup(display_name); if (alias) new_host->alias = nm_strdup(alias); if (address) new_host->address = nm_strdup(address); if (check_tp) { new_host->check_period = check_tp->name; new_host->check_period_ptr = check_tp; } new_host->notification_period = notify_tp ? notify_tp->name : NULL; new_host->notification_period_ptr = notify_tp; if (check_command) { new_host->check_command = nm_strdup(check_command); new_host->check_command_ptr = find_bang_command(check_command); if (new_host->check_command_ptr == NULL) { nm_log(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, "Error: Host check command '%s' specified for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", new_host->check_command, new_host->name); return -1; } } if (event_handler) { new_host->event_handler = nm_strdup(event_handler); new_host->event_handler_ptr = find_bang_command(event_handler); if (new_host->event_handler_ptr == NULL) { nm_log(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, "Error: Event handler command '%s' specified for host '%s' not defined anywhere", new_host->event_handler, new_host->name); return -1; } } new_host->notes = notes ? nm_strdup(notes) : NULL; new_host->notes_url = notes_url ? nm_strdup(notes_url) : NULL; new_host->action_url = action_url ? nm_strdup(action_url) : NULL; new_host->icon_image = icon_image ? nm_strdup(icon_image) : NULL; new_host->icon_image_alt = icon_image_alt ? nm_strdup(icon_image_alt) : NULL; new_host->vrml_image = vrml_image ? nm_strdup(vrml_image) : NULL; new_host->statusmap_image = statusmap_image ? nm_strdup(statusmap_image) : NULL; /* duplicate non-string vars */ new_host->hourly_value = hourly_value; new_host->max_attempts = max_attempts; new_host->check_interval = check_interval; new_host->retry_interval = retry_interval; new_host->notification_interval = notification_interval; new_host->first_notification_delay = first_notification_delay; new_host->notification_options = notification_options; new_host->flap_detection_enabled = (flap_detection_enabled > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_host->low_flap_threshold = low_flap_threshold; new_host->high_flap_threshold = high_flap_threshold; new_host->flap_detection_options = flap_detection_options; new_host->stalking_options = stalking_options; new_host->process_performance_data = (process_perfdata > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_host->check_freshness = (check_freshness > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_host->freshness_threshold = freshness_threshold; new_host->checks_enabled = (checks_enabled > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_host->accept_passive_checks = (accept_passive_checks > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_host->event_handler_enabled = (event_handler_enabled > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_host->x_2d = x_2d; new_host->y_2d = y_2d; new_host->have_2d_coords = (have_2d_coords > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_host->x_3d = x_3d; new_host->y_3d = y_3d; new_host->z_3d = z_3d; new_host->have_3d_coords = (have_3d_coords > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_host->obsess = (obsess > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_host->retain_status_information = (retain_status_information > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_host->retain_nonstatus_information = (retain_nonstatus_information > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_host->current_state = initial_state; new_host->last_state = initial_state; new_host->last_hard_state = initial_state; new_host->current_attempt = (initial_state == STATE_UP) ? 1 : max_attempts; new_host->notifications_enabled = (notifications_enabled > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; return 0; }
/* Following main() declaration required by older versions of Perl ut 5.00503 */ int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { int result; int error = FALSE; char *buffer = NULL; int display_license = FALSE; int display_help = FALSE; int c = 0; struct tm *tm, tm_s; time_t now; char datestring[256]; nagios_macros *mac; mac = get_global_macros(); #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {"license", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {"verify-config", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"daemon", no_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"test-scheduling", no_argument, 0, 's'}, {"dont-verify-objects", no_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"dont-verify-paths", no_argument, 0, 'x'}, {"precache-objects", no_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"use-precached-objects", no_argument, 0, 'u'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; #endif /* make sure we have the correct number of command line arguments */ if(argc < 2) error = TRUE; /* get all command line arguments */ while(1) { #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "+hVvdsoxpu", long_options, &option_index); #else c = getopt(argc, argv, "+hVvdsoxpu"); #endif if(c == -1 || c == EOF) break; switch(c) { case '?': /* usage */ case 'h': display_help = TRUE; break; case 'V': /* version */ display_license = TRUE; break; case 'v': /* verify */ verify_config = TRUE; break; case 's': /* scheduling check */ test_scheduling = TRUE; break; case 'd': /* daemon mode */ daemon_mode = TRUE; break; case 'o': /* don't verify objects */ /* verify_object_relationships=FALSE; */ break; case 'x': /* don't verify circular paths */ verify_circular_paths = FALSE; break; case 'p': /* precache object config */ precache_objects = TRUE; break; case 'u': /* use precached object config */ use_precached_objects = TRUE; break; default: break; } } /* make sure we have the right combination of arguments */ if(precache_objects == TRUE && (test_scheduling == FALSE && verify_config == FALSE)) { error = TRUE; display_help = TRUE; } #ifdef DEBUG_MEMORY mtrace(); #endif if(daemon_mode == FALSE) { printf("\nNagios Core %s\n", PROGRAM_VERSION); printf("Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors\n"); printf("Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Ethan Galstad\n"); printf("Last Modified: %s\n", PROGRAM_MODIFICATION_DATE); printf("License: GPL\n\n"); printf("Website:\n"); } /* just display the license */ if(display_license == TRUE) { printf("This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"); printf("it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as\n"); printf("published by the Free Software Foundation.\n\n"); printf("This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"); printf("but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"); printf("MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n"); printf("GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n"); printf("You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"); printf("along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n"); printf("Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.\n\n"); exit(OK); } /* make sure we got the main config file on the command line... */ if(optind >= argc) error = TRUE; /* if there are no command line options (or if we encountered an error), print usage */ if(error == TRUE || display_help == TRUE) { printf("Usage: %s [options] <main_config_file>\n", argv[0]); printf("\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -v, --verify-config Verify all configuration data\n"); printf(" -s, --test-scheduling Shows projected/recommended check scheduling and other\n"); printf(" diagnostic info based on the current configuration files.\n"); /*printf(" -o, --dont-verify-objects Don't verify object relationships - USE WITH CAUTION!\n");*/ printf(" -x, --dont-verify-paths Don't check for circular object paths - USE WITH CAUTION!\n"); printf(" -p, --precache-objects Precache object configuration - use with -v or -s options\n"); printf(" -u, --use-precached-objects Use precached object config file\n"); printf(" -d, --daemon Starts Nagios in daemon mode, instead of as a foreground process\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Visit the Nagios website at for bug fixes, new\n"); printf("releases, online documentation, FAQs, information on subscribing to\n"); printf("the mailing lists, and commercial support options for Nagios.\n"); printf("\n"); exit(ERROR); } /* * Set the signal handler for the SIGXFSZ signal here because * we may encounter this signal before the other signal handlers * are set. */ signal(SIGXFSZ, handle_sigxfsz); /* config file is last argument specified */ config_file = (char *)strdup(argv[optind]); if(config_file == NULL) { printf("Error allocating memory.\n"); exit(ERROR); } /* make sure the config file uses an absolute path */ if(config_file[0] != '/') { /* save the name of the config file */ buffer = (char *)strdup(config_file); /* reallocate a larger chunk of memory */ config_file = (char *)realloc(config_file, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH); if(config_file == NULL) { printf("Error allocating memory.\n"); exit(ERROR); } /* get absolute path of current working directory */ getcwd(config_file, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH); /* append a forward slash */ strncat(config_file, "/", 1); config_file[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1] = '\x0'; /* append the config file to the path */ strncat(config_file, buffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - strlen(config_file) - 1); config_file[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1] = '\x0'; my_free(buffer); } /* we're just verifying the configuration... */ if(verify_config == TRUE) { /* reset program variables */ reset_variables(); printf("Reading configuration data...\n"); /* read in the configuration files (main config file, resource and object config files) */ if((result = read_main_config_file(config_file)) == OK) { printf(" Read main config file okay...\n"); /* drop privileges */ if((result = drop_privileges(nagios_user, nagios_group)) == ERROR) printf(" Failed to drop privileges. Aborting."); else { /* read object config files */ if((result = read_all_object_data(config_file)) == OK) printf(" Read object config files okay...\n"); else printf(" Error processing object config files!\n"); } } else printf(" Error processing main config file!\n\n"); printf("\n"); /* there was a problem reading the config files */ if(result != OK) { /* if the config filename looks fishy, warn the user */ if(!strstr(config_file, "nagios.cfg")) { printf("\n***> The name of the main configuration file looks suspicious...\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Make sure you are specifying the name of the MAIN configuration file on\n"); printf(" the command line and not the name of another configuration file. The\n"); printf(" main configuration file is typically '/usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg'\n"); } printf("\n***> One or more problems was encountered while processing the config files...\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Check your configuration file(s) to ensure that they contain valid\n"); printf(" directives and data defintions. If you are upgrading from a previous\n"); printf(" version of Nagios, you should be aware that some variables/definitions\n"); printf(" may have been removed or modified in this version. Make sure to read\n"); printf(" the HTML documentation regarding the config files, as well as the\n"); printf(" 'Whats New' section to find out what has changed.\n\n"); } /* the config files were okay, so run the pre-flight check */ else { printf("Running pre-flight check on configuration data...\n\n"); /* run the pre-flight check to make sure things look okay... */ result = pre_flight_check(); if(result == OK) printf("\nThings look okay - No serious problems were detected during the pre-flight check\n"); else { printf("\n***> One or more problems was encountered while running the pre-flight check...\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Check your configuration file(s) to ensure that they contain valid\n"); printf(" directives and data defintions. If you are upgrading from a previous\n"); printf(" version of Nagios, you should be aware that some variables/definitions\n"); printf(" may have been removed or modified in this version. Make sure to read\n"); printf(" the HTML documentation regarding the config files, as well as the\n"); printf(" 'Whats New' section to find out what has changed.\n\n"); } } /* clean up after ourselves */ cleanup(); /* free config_file */ my_free(config_file); /* exit */ exit(result); } /* we're just testing scheduling... */ else if(test_scheduling == TRUE) { /* reset program variables */ reset_variables(); /* read in the configuration files (main config file and all host config files) */ result = read_main_config_file(config_file); /* drop privileges */ if(result == OK) if((result = drop_privileges(nagios_user, nagios_group)) == ERROR) printf("Failed to drop privileges. Aborting."); /* read object config files */ if(result == OK) result = read_all_object_data(config_file); /* read initial service and host state information */ if(result == OK) { initialize_retention_data(config_file); read_initial_state_information(); } if(result != OK) printf("***> One or more problems was encountered while reading configuration data...\n"); /* run the pre-flight check to make sure everything looks okay */ if(result == OK) { if((result = pre_flight_check()) != OK) printf("***> One or more problems was encountered while running the pre-flight check...\n"); } if(result == OK) { /* initialize the event timing loop */ init_timing_loop(); /* display scheduling information */ display_scheduling_info(); if(precache_objects == TRUE) { printf("\n"); printf("OBJECT PRECACHING\n"); printf("-----------------\n"); printf("Object config files were precached.\n"); } } #undef TEST_TIMEPERIODS #ifdef TEST_TIMEPERIODS /* DO SOME TIMEPERIOD TESTING - ADDED 08/11/2009 */ time_t now, pref_time, valid_time; timeperiod *tp; tp = find_timeperiod("247_exclusion"); time(&now); pref_time = now; get_next_valid_time(pref_time, &valid_time, tp); printf("=====\n"); printf("CURRENT: %lu = %s", (unsigned long)now, ctime(&now)); printf("PREFERRED: %lu = %s", (unsigned long)pref_time, ctime(&pref_time)); printf("NEXT: %lu = %s", (unsigned long)valid_time, ctime(&valid_time)); printf("=====\n"); #endif /* clean up after ourselves */ cleanup(); /* exit */ exit(result); } /* else start to monitor things... */ else { /* keep monitoring things until we get a shutdown command */ do { /* reset program variables */ reset_variables(); /* get PID */ nagios_pid = (int)getpid(); /* read in the configuration files (main and resource config files) */ result = read_main_config_file(config_file); /* NOTE 11/06/07 EG moved to after we read config files, as user may have overridden timezone offset */ /* get program (re)start time and save as macro */ program_start = time(NULL); my_free(mac->x[MACRO_PROCESSSTARTTIME]); asprintf(&mac->x[MACRO_PROCESSSTARTTIME], "%lu", (unsigned long)program_start); /* open debug log */ open_debug_log(); /* drop privileges */ if(drop_privileges(nagios_user, nagios_group) == ERROR) { logit(NSLOG_PROCESS_INFO | NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR | NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, TRUE, "Failed to drop privileges. Aborting."); cleanup(); exit(ERROR); } #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* initialize modules */ neb_init_modules(); neb_init_callback_list(); #endif /* this must be logged after we read config data, as user may have changed location of main log file */ logit(NSLOG_PROCESS_INFO, TRUE, "Nagios %s starting... (PID=%d)\n", PROGRAM_VERSION, (int)getpid()); /* log the local time - may be different than clock time due to timezone offset */ now = time(NULL); tm = localtime_r(&now, &tm_s); strftime(datestring, sizeof(datestring), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", tm); logit(NSLOG_PROCESS_INFO, TRUE, "Local time is %s", datestring); /* write log version/info */ write_log_file_info(NULL); #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* load modules */ neb_load_all_modules(); /* send program data to broker */ broker_program_state(NEBTYPE_PROCESS_PRELAUNCH, NEBFLAG_NONE, NEBATTR_NONE, NULL); #endif /* read in all object config data */ if(result == OK) result = read_all_object_data(config_file); /* there was a problem reading the config files */ if(result != OK) logit(NSLOG_PROCESS_INFO | NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR | NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, TRUE, "Bailing out due to one or more errors encountered in the configuration files. Run Nagios from the command line with the -v option to verify your config before restarting. (PID=%d)", (int)getpid()); else { /* run the pre-flight check to make sure everything looks okay*/ if((result = pre_flight_check()) != OK) logit(NSLOG_PROCESS_INFO | NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR | NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Bailing out due to errors encountered while running the pre-flight check. Run Nagios from the command line with the -v option to verify your config before restarting. (PID=%d)\n", (int)getpid()); } /* an error occurred that prevented us from (re)starting */ if(result != OK) { /* if we were restarting, we need to cleanup from the previous run */ if(sigrestart == TRUE) { /* clean up the status data */ cleanup_status_data(config_file, TRUE); /* shutdown the external command worker thread */ shutdown_command_file_worker_thread(); /* close and delete the external command file FIFO */ close_command_file(); /* cleanup embedded perl interpreter */ if(embedded_perl_initialized == TRUE) deinit_embedded_perl(); } #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* send program data to broker */ broker_program_state(NEBTYPE_PROCESS_SHUTDOWN, NEBFLAG_PROCESS_INITIATED, NEBATTR_SHUTDOWN_ABNORMAL, NULL); #endif cleanup(); exit(ERROR); } /* initialize embedded Perl interpreter */ /* NOTE 02/15/08 embedded Perl must be initialized if compiled in, regardless of whether or not its enabled in the config file */ /* It compiled it, but not initialized, Nagios will segfault in readdir() calls, as libperl takes this function over */ if(embedded_perl_initialized == FALSE) { /* if(enable_embedded_perl==TRUE){*/ #ifdef EMBEDDEDPERL init_embedded_perl(env); #else init_embedded_perl(NULL); #endif embedded_perl_initialized = TRUE; /* }*/ } /* handle signals (interrupts) */ setup_sighandler(); #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* send program data to broker */ broker_program_state(NEBTYPE_PROCESS_START, NEBFLAG_NONE, NEBATTR_NONE, NULL); #endif /* enter daemon mode (unless we're restarting...) */ if(daemon_mode == TRUE && sigrestart == FALSE) { result = daemon_init(); /* we had an error daemonizing, so bail... */ if(result == ERROR) { logit(NSLOG_PROCESS_INFO | NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, TRUE, "Bailing out due to failure to daemonize. (PID=%d)", (int)getpid()); #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* send program data to broker */ broker_program_state(NEBTYPE_PROCESS_SHUTDOWN, NEBFLAG_PROCESS_INITIATED, NEBATTR_SHUTDOWN_ABNORMAL, NULL); #endif cleanup(); exit(ERROR); } asprintf(&buffer, "Finished daemonizing... (New PID=%d)\n", (int)getpid()); write_to_all_logs(buffer, NSLOG_PROCESS_INFO); my_free(buffer); /* get new PID */ nagios_pid = (int)getpid(); } /* open the command file (named pipe) for reading */ result = open_command_file(); if(result != OK) { logit(NSLOG_PROCESS_INFO | NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, TRUE, "Bailing out due to errors encountered while trying to initialize the external command file... (PID=%d)\n", (int)getpid()); #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* send program data to broker */ broker_program_state(NEBTYPE_PROCESS_SHUTDOWN, NEBFLAG_PROCESS_INITIATED, NEBATTR_SHUTDOWN_ABNORMAL, NULL); #endif cleanup(); exit(ERROR); } /* initialize status data unless we're starting */ if(sigrestart == FALSE) initialize_status_data(config_file); /* read initial service and host state information */ initialize_retention_data(config_file); read_initial_state_information(); /* initialize comment data */ initialize_comment_data(config_file); /* initialize scheduled downtime data */ initialize_downtime_data(config_file); /* initialize performance data */ initialize_performance_data(config_file); /* Determine which checks are still executing so they are not scheduled when the timing loop is initialized */ find_executing_checks(check_result_path); /* initialize the event timing loop */ init_timing_loop(); /* initialize check statistics */ init_check_stats(); /* check for updates */ check_for_nagios_updates(FALSE, TRUE); /* update all status data (with retained information) */ update_all_status_data(); /* log initial host and service state */ log_host_states(INITIAL_STATES, NULL); log_service_states(INITIAL_STATES, NULL); /* reset the restart flag */ sigrestart = FALSE; #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* send program data to broker */ broker_program_state(NEBTYPE_PROCESS_EVENTLOOPSTART, NEBFLAG_NONE, NEBATTR_NONE, NULL); #endif /* get event start time and save as macro */ event_start = time(NULL); my_free(mac->x[MACRO_EVENTSTARTTIME]); asprintf(&mac->x[MACRO_EVENTSTARTTIME], "%lu", (unsigned long)event_start); /***** start monitoring all services *****/ /* (doesn't return until a restart or shutdown signal is encountered) */ event_execution_loop(); /* 03/01/2007 EG Moved from sighandler() to prevent FUTEX locking problems under NPTL */ /* 03/21/2007 EG SIGSEGV signals are still logged in sighandler() so we don't loose them */ /* did we catch a signal? */ if(caught_signal == TRUE) { if(sig_id == SIGHUP) asprintf(&buffer, "Caught SIGHUP, restarting...\n"); else if(sig_id != SIGSEGV) asprintf(&buffer, "Caught SIG%s, shutting down...\n", sigs[sig_id]); write_to_all_logs(buffer, NSLOG_PROCESS_INFO); my_free(buffer); } #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* send program data to broker */ broker_program_state(NEBTYPE_PROCESS_EVENTLOOPEND, NEBFLAG_NONE, NEBATTR_NONE, NULL); if(sigshutdown == TRUE) broker_program_state(NEBTYPE_PROCESS_SHUTDOWN, NEBFLAG_USER_INITIATED, NEBATTR_SHUTDOWN_NORMAL, NULL); else if(sigrestart == TRUE) broker_program_state(NEBTYPE_PROCESS_RESTART, NEBFLAG_USER_INITIATED, NEBATTR_RESTART_NORMAL, NULL); #endif /* save service and host state information */ save_state_information(FALSE); cleanup_retention_data(config_file); /* clean up performance data */ cleanup_performance_data(config_file); /* clean up the scheduled downtime data */ cleanup_downtime_data(config_file); /* clean up the comment data */ cleanup_comment_data(config_file); /* clean up the status data unless we're restarting */ if(sigrestart == FALSE) cleanup_status_data(config_file, TRUE); /* close and delete the external command file FIFO unless we're restarting */ if(sigrestart == FALSE) { shutdown_command_file_worker_thread(); close_command_file(); } /* cleanup embedded perl interpreter */ if(sigrestart == FALSE) deinit_embedded_perl(); /* shutdown stuff... */ if(sigshutdown == TRUE) { /* make sure lock file has been removed - it may not have been if we received a shutdown command */ if(daemon_mode == TRUE) unlink(lock_file); /* log a shutdown message */ logit(NSLOG_PROCESS_INFO, TRUE, "Successfully shutdown... (PID=%d)\n", (int)getpid()); } /* clean up after ourselves */ cleanup(); /* close debug log */ close_debug_log(); } while(sigrestart == TRUE && sigshutdown == FALSE); /* free misc memory */ my_free(config_file); } return OK; }