CommandLine::CommandLine(int argc, char* const argv[], const char* user, const char* pass, const char* usage_extra) : CommandLineBase(argc, argv, "hm:p:s:u:D?"), dtest_mode_(false), run_mode_(0), server_(0), user_(user && *user ? user : 0), pass_(pass && *pass ? pass : ""), usage_extra_(usage_extra) { int ch; while (successful() && ((ch = parse_next()) != EOF)) { switch (ch) { case 'm': run_mode_ = atoi(option_argument()); break; case 'p': pass_ = option_argument(); break; case 's': server_ = option_argument(); break; case 'u': user_ = option_argument(); break; case 'D': dtest_mode_ = true; break; default: parse_error(); return; } } finish_parse(); }
void cgi_mpfd_t::ext_parse_cb (int status) { OKDBG4(SVC_MPFD, CHATTER, "cfgi_mpfd_t::ext_parse_cb(%d)", status); if (status == HTTP_OK) { MPFD_INC_STATE; resume (); } else { finish_parse (status); } }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @NAME : bt_parse_entry_s() @INPUT : entry_text - string containing the entire entry to parse, or NULL meaning we're done, please cleanup options - standard btparse options bitmap line - current line number (if that makes any sense) -- passed to the parser to set zzline, so that lexical and syntax errors are properly localized @OUTPUT : *top - newly-allocated AST for the entry (or NULL if entry_text was NULL, ie. at EOF) @RETURNS : 1 with *top set to AST for entry on successful read/parse 1 with *top==NULL if entry_text was NULL, ie. at EOF 0 if any serious errors seen in input (*top is still set to the AST, but only for as much of the input as we were able to parse) (A "serious" error is a lexical or syntax error; "trivial" errors such as warnings and notifications count as "success" for the purposes of this function's return value.) @DESCRIPTION: Parses a BibTeX entry contained in a string. @GLOBALS : @CALLS : ANTLR @CREATED : 1997/01/18, GPW (from code in bt_parse_entry()) @MODIFIED : -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ AST * bt_parse_entry_s (char * entry_text, char * filename, int line, ushort options, boolean * status) { AST * entry_ast = NULL; static int * err_counts = NULL; if (options & BTO_STRINGMASK) /* any string options set? */ { usage_error ("bt_parse_entry_s: illegal options " "(string options not allowed"); } InputFilename = filename; err_counts = bt_get_error_counts (err_counts); if (entry_text == NULL) /* signal to clean up */ { finish_parse (&err_counts); if (status) *status = TRUE; return NULL; } zzast_sp = ZZAST_STACKSIZE; /* workaround apparent pccts bug */ start_parse (NULL, entry_text, line); entry (&entry_ast); /* enter the parser */ ++zzasp; /* why is this done? */ if (entry_ast == NULL) /* can happen with very bad input */ { if (status) *status = FALSE; return entry_ast; } #if DEBUG dump_ast ("bt_parse_entry_s: single entry, after parsing:\n", entry_ast); #endif bt_postprocess_entry (entry_ast, StringOptions[entry_ast->metatype] | options); #if DEBUG dump_ast ("bt_parse_entry_s: single entry, after post-processing:\n", entry_ast); #endif if (status) *status = parse_status (err_counts); return entry_ast; } /* bt_parse_entry_s () */
void async_dumper_t::parse_guts () { int rc = 0; while (bp < endp) { rc = abuf->dump (bp, endp - bp); if (rc < 0) break; // EOF or WAIT bp += rc; } if (bp == endp || rc == ABUF_EOFCHAR) finish_parse (0); // otherwise, we're waiting }
CommandLine::CommandLine(int argc, char* const argv[]) : CommandLineBase(argc, argv, "hi:o:p:s:t:u:1:?"), input_(0), output_(0), pass_(""), server_(0), user_(0), input_source_(ss_unknown), output_sink_(ss_unknown) { // Parse the command line int ch; while (successful() && ((ch = parse_next()) != EOF)) { switch (ch) { case 'i': case 't': case '1': if (input_) { std::cerr << "Warning: overriding previous input " "source! Only last -i, -t or -1 is " "effective.\n"; } input_ = option_argument(); input_source_ = (ch == '1' ? ss_ssqls1 : ch == 'i' ? ss_ssqls2 : ss_table); break; case 'o': output_ = option_argument(); output_sink_ = ss_ssqls2; break; case 'p': pass_ = option_argument(); break; case 's': server_ = option_argument(); break; case 'u': user_ = option_argument(); break; default: parse_error(); } } finish_parse(); // Figure out whether command line makes sense, and if not, tell // user about it. if (successful()) { if (input_source_ == ss_unknown) { parse_error("No input source given! Need -i, -t or -1."); } else if ((input_source_ != ss_ssqls2) && !output_) { parse_error("Need -o if you give -t or -1!"); } } }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @NAME : bt_parse_entry() @INPUT : infile - file to read next entry from options - standard btparse options bitmap @OUTPUT : *top - AST for the entry, or NULL if no entries left in file @RETURNS : same as bt_parse_entry_s() @DESCRIPTION: Starts (or continues) parsing from a file. @GLOBALS : @CALLS : @CREATED : Jan 1997, GPW @MODIFIED : -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ AST * bt_parse_entry (FILE * infile, char * filename, ushort options, boolean * status) { AST * entry_ast = NULL; static int * err_counts = NULL; static FILE * prev_file = NULL; if (prev_file != NULL && infile != prev_file) { usage_error ("bt_parse_entry: you can't interleave calls " "across different files"); } if (options & BTO_STRINGMASK) /* any string options set? */ { usage_error ("bt_parse_entry: illegal options " "(string options not allowed)"); } InputFilename = filename; err_counts = bt_get_error_counts (err_counts); if (feof (infile)) { if (prev_file != NULL) /* haven't already done the cleanup */ { prev_file = NULL; finish_parse (&err_counts); } else { usage_warning ("bt_parse_entry: second attempt to read past eof"); } if (status) *status = TRUE; return NULL; } /* * Here we do some nasty poking about the innards of PCCTS in order to * enter the parser multiple times on the same input stream. This code * comes from expanding the macro invokation: * * ANTLR (entry (top), infile); * * When LL_K, ZZINF_LOOK, and DEMAND_LOOK are all undefined, this * ultimately expands to * * zzbufsize = ZZLEXBUFSIZE; * { * static char zztoktext[ZZLEXBUFSIZE]; * zzlextext = zztoktext; * zzrdstream (f); * zzgettok(); * } * entry (top); * ++zzasp; * * (I'm expanding hte zzenterANTLR, zzleaveANTLR, and zzPrimateLookAhead * macros, but leaving ZZLEXBUFSIZE -- a simple constant -- alone.) * * There are two problems with this: 1) zztoktext is a statically * allocated buffer, and when it overflows we just ignore further * characters that should belong to that lexeme; and 2) zzrdstream() and * zzgettok() are called every time we enter the parser, which means the * token left over from the previous entry will be discarded when we * parse entries 2 .. N. * * I handle the static buffer problem with alloc_lex_buffer() and * realloc_lex_buffer() (in lex_auxiliary.c), and by rewriting the ZZCOPY * macro to call realloc_lex_buffer() when overflow is detected. * * I handle the extra token-read by hanging on to a static file * pointer, prev_file, between calls to bt_parse_entry() -- when * the program starts it is NULL, and we reset it to NULL on * finishing a file. Thus, any call that is the first on a given * file will allocate the lexical buffer and read the first token; * thereafter, we skip those steps, and free the buffer on reaching * end-of-file. Currently, this method precludes interleaving * calls to bt_parse_entry() on different files -- perhaps I could * fix this with the zz{save,restore}_{antlr,dlg}_state() * functions? */ zzast_sp = ZZAST_STACKSIZE; /* workaround apparent pccts bug */ #if defined(LL_K) || defined(ZZINF_LOOK) || defined(DEMAND_LOOK) # error One of LL_K, ZZINF_LOOK, or DEMAND_LOOK was defined #endif if (prev_file == NULL) /* only read from input stream if */ { /* starting afresh with a file */ start_parse (infile, NULL, 0); prev_file = infile; } assert (prev_file == infile); entry (&entry_ast); /* enter the parser */ ++zzasp; /* why is this done? */ if (entry_ast == NULL) /* can happen with very bad input */ { if (status) *status = FALSE; return entry_ast; } #if DEBUG dump_ast ("bt_parse_entry(): single entry, after parsing:\n", entry_ast); #endif bt_postprocess_entry (entry_ast, StringOptions[entry_ast->metatype] | options); #if DEBUG dump_ast ("bt_parse_entry(): single entry, after post-processing:\n", entry_ast); #endif if (status) *status = parse_status (err_counts); return entry_ast; } /* bt_parse_entry() */
void cgi_mpfd_t::parse_guts () { abuf_stat_t r = ABUF_OK; str dummy; bool inc; while (r == ABUF_OK) { OKDBG4(SVC_MPFD, CHATTER, "cgi_mpfd_t::parse_guts loop " "r=%d, state=%d", int (r), int (state)); inc = true; switch (state) { case MPFD_START: r = match_boundary (); break; case MPFD_EOL0: r = require_crlf (); break; case MPFD_KEY: r = gobble_crlf (); if (r == ABUF_OK) { if (to_start) { state = MPFD_START; to_start = false; } else state = MPFD_SEARCH; inc = false; } else if (r == ABUF_NOMATCH) { r = delimit_key (&mpfd_key); if (r == ABUF_OK) kt = mpfd_ktmap.lookup (mpfd_key); } // else a WAIT or an EOF in gobble_crlf break; case MPFD_SPC: r = abuf->skip_hws (1); cdp.reset (); break; case MPFD_VALUE: if (kt == MPFD_DISPOSITION) { OKDBG3(SVC_MPFD, CHATTER, "cgi_mpfd_t::parse_guts branch to nested " "content disposition parser"); cdp.parse (wrap (this, &cgi_mpfd_t::ext_parse_cb)); OKDBG3(SVC_MPFD, CHATTER, "cgi_mpfd_t::parse_guts return due to " "content disposition parser"); return; } else if (kt == MPFD_TYPE) { r = delimit_val (&content_typ); if (r == ABUF_OK) { if (multipart_rxx.match (content_typ)) { add_boundary (multipart_rxx[1]); to_start = true; } } } else { r = delimit_val (&dummy); } break; case MPFD_EOL1A: r = require_crlf (); break; case MPFD_EOL1B: if (kt == MPFD_DISPOSITION) { if (cdp.typ == CONTDISP_FORMDAT) { cgi_key =; filename = cdp.filename; attach = filename; } else if (cdp.typ == CONTDISP_ATTACH) { filename = cdp.filename; attach = true; } else { r = ABUF_PARSE_ERR; } } state = MPFD_KEY; inc = false; break; case MPFD_SEARCH: r = match_boundary (&dat); if (r == ABUF_OK) { if (cgi_key) { if (attach) finsert (cgi_key, cgi_file_t (filename, content_typ, dat)); else insert (cgi_key, dat); cgi_key = NULL; } // in this case, no more boundaries } else if (r == ABUF_PARSE_ERR) { r = ABUF_OK; state = MPFD_EOF; inc = false; } break; case MPFD_SEARCH2: r = parse_2dash (); if (r == ABUF_OK) { remove_boundary (); nxt_state = MPFD_SEARCH; } else if (r == ABUF_NOMATCH) { r = ABUF_OK; nxt_state = MPFD_KEY; } break; case MPFD_SEARCH3: r = require_crlf (); if (r == ABUF_OK) { state = nxt_state; inc = false; } break; case MPFD_EOF: r = abuf->skip_ws (); break; default: break; } if (r == ABUF_OK && inc) MPFD_INC_STATE; } OKDBG4(SVC_MPFD, CHATTER, "cgi_mpfd_t::parse_guts exit loop " "r=%d, state=%d", int (r), int (state)); switch (r) { case ABUF_EOF: int rc; if (state == MPFD_EOF) { rc = HTTP_OK; } else { rc = HTTP_UNEXPECTED_EOF; warn ("mpfd EOF in state %d after %d bytes read\n", int (state), abuf ? abuf->get_ccnt () : -1); } finish_parse (rc); break; case ABUF_PARSE_ERR: finish_parse (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); break; default: break; } }
void contdisp_parser_t::parse_guts () { abuf_stat_t r = ABUF_OK; bool inc; bool flag = true; while (r == ABUF_OK && flag) { OKDBG4(SVC_MPFD, CHATTER, "contdisp_parser_t::parse_guts loop " "r=%d, state=%d", int (r), int (state)); inc = true; switch (state) { case CONTDISP_START: r = delimit (&typ_scr, ';', true, true); break; case CONTDISP_SEP1: r = abuf->skip_hws (1); if (mystrcmp (typ_scr.cstr(), "form-data")) { typ = CONTDISP_FORMDAT; } else if (mystrcmp (typ_scr.cstr(), "attachment")) { state = CONTDISP_FILENAME_KEY; inc = true; typ = CONTDISP_ATTACH; } break; case CONTDISP_NAME_KEY: r = force_match ("name=\""); break; case CONTDISP_NAME_VAL: r = delimit (&name, '"', false, true); break; case CONTDISP_SEP2A: r = eol (); if (r == ABUF_OK) flag = false; else if (r == ABUF_NOMATCH) r = ABUF_OK; break; case CONTDISP_SEP2B: r = abuf->requirechar (';'); break; case CONTDISP_SEP2C: r = abuf->skip_hws (); break; case CONTDISP_FILENAME_KEY: r = force_match ("filename=\""); break; case CONTDISP_FILENAME_VAL: r = delimit (&filename_scr, '\r', false, false); if (r == ABUF_PARSE_ERR) r = ABUF_OK; // found '\n' before '\r' -- that's OK if (r == ABUF_OK) { filename = str (filename_scr.cstr (), filename_scr.len () - 1); flag = false; } break; default: break; } if (r == ABUF_OK && inc) state = static_cast<contdisp_state_t> (state + 1); } OKDBG4(SVC_MPFD, CHATTER, "contdisp_parser_t::parse_guts exit loop " "r=%d, state=%d", int (r), int (state)); switch (r) { case ABUF_OK: finish_parse (HTTP_OK); break; case ABUF_EOF: case ABUF_PARSE_ERR: finish_parse (HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); break; default: break; } }