Example #1
// demodulate array of samples (coherent)
void cpfskdem_demodulate_coherent(cpfskdem        _q,
                                  float complex   _y,
                                  unsigned int  * _s,
                                  unsigned int  * _nw)
    // clear output counter
    *_nw = 0;

    // push input sample through filter
    firfilt_crcf_push(_q->data.coherent.mf, _y);

    // compute output sample
    float complex zp;
    firfilt_crcf_execute(_q->data.coherent.mf, &zp);
    printf("y(end+1) = %12.8f + 1i*%12.8f;\n", crealf(_y), cimagf(_y));
    printf("z(end+1) = %12.8f + 1i*%12.8f;\n", crealf(zp), cimagf(zp));

    // decimate output
    if ( (_q->counter % _q->k)==0 ) {
        // reset sample counter
        _q->counter = 0;
        // compute output sample
        float complex z;
        firfilt_crcf_execute(_q->data.coherent.mf, &z);

        // compute instantaneous frequency scaled by modulation index
        // TODO: pre-compute scaling factor
        float phi_hat = cargf(conjf(_q->z_prime) * z) / (_q->h * M_PI);

        // estimate transmitted symbol
        float v = (phi_hat + (_q->M-1.0))*0.5f;
        unsigned int sym_out = ((int) roundf(v)) % _q->M;

        // save current point
        _q->z_prime = z;

#if 1
        // print result to screen
        printf("  %3u : %12.8f + j%12.8f, <f=%8.4f : %8.4f> (%1u)\n",
                _q->index++, crealf(z), cimagf(z), phi_hat, v, sym_out);

        // save output
        *_s  = sym_out;
        *_nw = 1;
Example #2
// demodulate array of samples (coherent)
unsigned int cpfskdem_demodulate_coherent(cpfskdem        _q,
                                          float complex * _y)
    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int sym_out = 0;

    for (i=0; i<_q->k; i++) {
        // push input sample through filter
        firfilt_crcf_push(_q->data.coherent.mf, _y[i]);

        // compute output sample
        float complex zp;
        firfilt_crcf_execute(_q->data.coherent.mf, &zp);
        printf("y(end+1) = %12.8f + 1i*%12.8f;\n", crealf(_y), cimagf(_y));
        printf("z(end+1) = %12.8f + 1i*%12.8f;\n", crealf(zp), cimagf(zp));

        // decimate output
        if ( i == 0 ) {
            // compute output sample
            float complex z;
            firfilt_crcf_execute(_q->data.coherent.mf, &z);

            // compute instantaneous frequency scaled by modulation index
            // TODO: pre-compute scaling factor
            float phi_hat = cargf(conjf(_q->z_prime) * z) / (_q->h * M_PI);

            // estimate transmitted symbol
            float v = (phi_hat + (_q->M-1.0))*0.5f;
            sym_out = ((int) roundf(v)) % _q->M;

            // save current point
            _q->z_prime = z;

            // print result to screen
            printf("  %3u : %12.8f + j%12.8f, <f=%8.4f : %8.4f> (%1u)\n",
                    _q->index++, crealf(z), cimagf(z), phi_hat, v, sym_out);
    return sym_out;
// Helper function to keep code base small
void firfilt_crcf_bench(struct rusage *_start,
                        struct rusage *_finish,
                        unsigned long int *_num_iterations,
                        unsigned int _n)
    // adjust number of iterations:
    // cycles/trial ~ 107 + 4.3*_n
    *_num_iterations *= 1000;
    *_num_iterations /= (unsigned int)(107+4.3*_n);

    // generate coefficients
    float h[_n];
    unsigned long int i;
    for (i=0; i<_n; i++)
        h[i] = randnf();

    // create filter object
    firfilt_crcf f = firfilt_crcf_create(h,_n);

    // generate input vector
    float complex x[4];
    for (i=0; i<4; i++)
        x[i] = randnf() + _Complex_I*randnf();

    // output vector
    float complex y[4];

    // start trials
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, _start);
    for (i=0; i<(*_num_iterations); i++) {
        firfilt_crcf_push(f, x[0]); firfilt_crcf_execute(f, &y[0]);
        firfilt_crcf_push(f, x[1]); firfilt_crcf_execute(f, &y[1]);
        firfilt_crcf_push(f, x[2]); firfilt_crcf_execute(f, &y[2]);
        firfilt_crcf_push(f, x[3]); firfilt_crcf_execute(f, &y[3]);
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, _finish);
    *_num_iterations *= 4;

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    // options
    unsigned int    bps         = 1;        // number of bits/symbol
    float           h           = 0.5f;     // modulation index (h=1/2 for MSK)
    unsigned int    k           = 4;        // filter samples/symbol
    unsigned int    m           = 3;        // filter delay (symbols)
    float           beta        = 0.35f;    // GMSK bandwidth-time factor
    unsigned int    num_symbols = 20;       // number of data symbols
    float           SNRdB       = 40.0f;    // signal-to-noise ratio [dB]
    float           cfo         = 0.0f;     // carrier frequency offset
    float           cpo         = 0.0f;     // carrier phase offset
    float           tau         = 0.0f;     // fractional symbol timing offset
    int             filter_type = LIQUID_CPFSK_SQUARE;

    int dopt;
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"ht:p:H:k:m:b:n:s:F:P:T:")) != EOF) {
        switch (dopt) {
        case 'h': usage();                      return 0;
        case 't':
            if (strcmp(optarg,"square")==0) {
                filter_type = LIQUID_CPFSK_SQUARE;
            } else if (strcmp(optarg,"rcos-full")==0) {
                filter_type = LIQUID_CPFSK_RCOS_FULL;
            } else if (strcmp(optarg,"rcos-half")==0) {
                filter_type = LIQUID_CPFSK_RCOS_PARTIAL;
            } else if (strcmp(optarg,"gmsk")==0) {
                filter_type = LIQUID_CPFSK_GMSK;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, unknown filter type '%s'\n", argv[0], optarg);
        case 'p': bps   = atoi(optarg);         break;
        case 'H': h     = atof(optarg);         break;
        case 'k': k     = atoi(optarg);         break;
        case 'm': m     = atoi(optarg);         break;
        case 'b': beta  = atof(optarg);         break;
        case 'n': num_symbols = atoi(optarg);   break;
        case 's': SNRdB = atof(optarg);         break;
        case 'F': cfo    = atof(optarg);        break;
        case 'P': cpo    = atof(optarg);        break;
        case 'T': tau    = atof(optarg);        break;

    unsigned int i;

    // derived values
    unsigned int num_samples = k*num_symbols;
    unsigned int M = 1 << bps;              // constellation size
    float nstd = powf(10.0f, -SNRdB/20.0f);

    // arrays
    unsigned int sym_in[num_symbols];       // input symbols
    float complex x[num_samples];           // transmitted signal
    float complex y[num_samples];           // received signal
    unsigned int sym_out[num_symbols];      // output symbols

    // create modem objects
    cpfskmod mod = cpfskmod_create(bps, h, k, m, beta, filter_type);
    cpfskdem dem = cpfskdem_create(bps, h, k, m, beta, filter_type);

    // print modulator

    // generate message signal
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++)
        sym_in[i] = rand() % M;

    // modulate signal
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++)
        cpfskmod_modulate(mod, sym_in[i], &x[k*i]);

    // push through channel
    float sample_offset = -tau * k;
    int   sample_delay  = (int)roundf(sample_offset);
    float dt            = sample_offset - (float)sample_delay;
    printf("symbol delay    :   %f\n", tau);
    printf("sample delay    :   %f = %d + %f\n", sample_offset, sample_delay, dt);
    firfilt_crcf fchannel = firfilt_crcf_create_kaiser(8*k+2*sample_delay+1, 0.45f, 40.0f, dt);
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        // push through channel delay
        firfilt_crcf_push(fchannel, x[i]);
        firfilt_crcf_execute(fchannel, &y[i]);

        // add carrier frequency/phase offset
        y[i] *= cexpf(_Complex_I*(cfo*i + cpo));

        // add noise
        y[i] += nstd*(randnf() + _Complex_I*randnf())*M_SQRT1_2;

    // demodulate signal
    unsigned int nw=0;
    cpfskdem_demodulate(dem, y, num_samples, sym_out, &nw);
    printf("demodulator wrote %u symbols\n", nw);

    // destroy modem objects

    // compute power spectral density of transmitted signal
    unsigned int nfft = 1024;
    float psd[nfft];
    spgramcf periodogram = spgramcf_create_kaiser(nfft, nfft/2, 8.0f);
    spgramcf_estimate_psd(periodogram, x, num_samples, psd);

    // export results
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
    fprintf(fid,"%% %s : auto-generated file\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);
    fprintf(fid,"clear all\n");
    fprintf(fid,"close all\n");
    fprintf(fid,"k = %u;\n", k);
    fprintf(fid,"h = %f;\n", h);
    fprintf(fid,"num_symbols = %u;\n", num_symbols);
    fprintf(fid,"num_samples = %u;\n", num_samples);
    fprintf(fid,"nfft        = %u;\n", nfft);
    fprintf(fid,"delay       = %u; %% receive filter delay\n", m);

    fprintf(fid,"x   = zeros(1,num_samples);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"y   = zeros(1,num_samples);\n");
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        fprintf(fid,"x(%4u) = %12.8f + j*%12.8f;\n", i+1, crealf(x[i]), cimagf(x[i]));
        fprintf(fid,"y(%4u) = %12.8f + j*%12.8f;\n", i+1, crealf(y[i]), cimagf(y[i]));
    // save power spectral density
    fprintf(fid,"psd = zeros(1,nfft);\n");
    for (i=0; i<nfft; i++)
        fprintf(fid,"psd(%4u) = %12.8f;\n", i+1, psd[i]);

    fprintf(fid,"i = 1:k:num_samples;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(t,real(x),'-', t(i),real(x(i)),'ob',...\n");
    fprintf(fid,"       t,imag(x),'-', t(i),imag(x(i)),'og');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis([0 num_symbols -1.2 1.2]);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('time');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('x(t)');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(t,real(y),'-', t(i),real(y(i)),'ob',...\n");
    fprintf(fid,"       t,imag(y),'-', t(i),imag(y(i)),'og');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis([0 num_symbols -1.2 1.2]);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('time');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('y(t)');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");
    // plot I/Q constellations
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(real(x),imag(x),'-',real(x(i)),imag(x(i)),'rs','MarkerSize',4);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('I');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('Q');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis([-1 1 -1 1]*1.2);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis square;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(real(y),imag(y),'-',real(y(i)),imag(y(i)),'rs','MarkerSize',4);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('I');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('Q');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis([-1 1 -1 1]*1.2);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis square;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");
    // plot PSD
    fprintf(fid,"f = [0:(nfft-1)]/nfft - 0.5;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(f,psd,'LineWidth',1.5);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis([-0.5 0.5 -60 20]);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('Normalized Frequency [f/F_s]');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('PSD [dB]');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");

    printf("results written to '%s'\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);

    return 0;
int main() {
    // options
    unsigned int num_channels=4;    // number of channels
    unsigned int p=3;               // filter length (symbols)
    unsigned int num_symbols=6;     // number of symbols

    // derived values
    unsigned int num_samples = num_channels * num_symbols;

    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int j;

    // generate synthesis filter
    // NOTE : these coefficients can be random; the purpose of this
    //        exercise is to demonstrate mathematical equivalence
    unsigned int h_len = p*num_channels;
    float h[h_len];
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++) h[i] = randnf();

    // generate analysis filter
    unsigned int g_len = p*num_channels;
    float g[g_len];
    for (i=0; i<g_len; i++)
        g[i] = h[g_len-i-1];

    // create synthesis/analysis filter objects
    firfilt_crcf fs = firfilt_crcf_create(h, h_len);
    firfilt_crcf fa = firfilt_crcf_create(g, g_len);

    // create synthesis/analysis filterbank channelizer objects
    firpfbch_crcf qs = firpfbch_crcf_create(LIQUID_SYNTHESIZER, num_channels, p, h);
    firpfbch_crcf qa = firpfbch_crcf_create(LIQUID_ANALYZER,    num_channels, p, g);

    float complex x[num_samples];                   // random input (noise)
    float complex Y0[num_symbols][num_channels];    // channelized output (filterbank)
    float complex Y1[num_symbols][num_channels];    // channelized output
    float complex z0[num_samples];                  // time-domain output (filterbank)
    float complex z1[num_samples];                  // time-domain output

    // generate input sequence (complex noise)
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
        x[i] = randnf() * cexpf(_Complex_I*randf()*2*M_PI);

    // run analysis filter bank
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++)
        firpfbch_crcf_analyzer_execute(qa, &x[i*num_channels], &Y0[i][0]);

    // run traditional down-converter (inefficient)
    float dphi; // carrier frequency
    unsigned int n=0;
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {

        // reset filter

        // set center frequency
        dphi = 2.0f * M_PI * (float)i / (float)num_channels;

        // reset symbol counter

        for (j=0; j<num_samples; j++) {
            // push down-converted sample into filter
            firfilt_crcf_push(fa, x[j]*cexpf(-_Complex_I*j*dphi));

            // compute output at the appropriate sample time
            if ( ((j+1)%num_channels)==0 ) {
                firfilt_crcf_execute(fa, &Y1[n][i]);



    // run synthesis filter bank
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++)
        firpfbch_crcf_synthesizer_execute(qs, &Y0[i][0], &z0[i*num_channels]);

    // run traditional up-converter (inefficient)

    // clear output array
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
        z1[i] = 0.0f;

    float complex y_hat;
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {
        // reset filter

        // set center frequency
        dphi = 2.0f * M_PI * (float)i / (float)num_channels;

        // reset input symbol counter

        for (j=0; j<num_samples; j++) {

            // interpolate sequence
            if ( (j%num_channels)==0 ) {
                firfilt_crcf_push(fs, Y1[n][i]);
            } else {
                firfilt_crcf_push(fs, 0);
            firfilt_crcf_execute(fs, &y_hat);

            // accumulate up-converted sample
            z1[j] += y_hat * cexpf(_Complex_I*j*dphi);

    // destroy objects

    // RESULTS

    // analyzers

    // print filterbank channelizer
    printf("filterbank channelizer:\n");
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++) {
        printf("%3u: ", i);
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            printf("  %8.5f+j%8.5f, ", crealf(Y0[i][j]), cimagf(Y0[i][j]));

    // print traditional channelizer
    printf("traditional channelizer:\n");
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++) {
        printf("%3u: ", i);
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            printf("  %8.5f+j%8.5f, ", crealf(Y1[i][j]), cimagf(Y1[i][j]));

    float mse_analyzer[num_channels];
    float complex d;
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {
        mse_analyzer[i] = 0.0f;
        for (j=0; j<num_symbols; j++) {
            d = Y0[j][i] - Y1[j][i];
            mse_analyzer[i] += crealf(d*conjf(d));

        mse_analyzer[i] /= num_symbols;
    printf("rmse: ");
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++)
        printf("%12.4e          ", sqrt(mse_analyzer[i]));

    // synthesizers

    printf("output: filterbank:             traditional:\n");
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        printf("%3u: %10.5f+%10.5fj  %10.5f+%10.5fj\n",
            crealf(z0[i]), cimagf(z0[i]),
            crealf(z1[i]), cimagf(z1[i]));

    float mse_synthesizer = 0.0f;
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        d = z0[i] - z1[i];
        mse_synthesizer += crealf(d*conjf(d));
    mse_synthesizer /= num_samples;
    printf("rmse: %12.4e\n", sqrtf(mse_synthesizer));


    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
    fprintf(fid,"%% %s: auto-generated file\n\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);
    fprintf(fid,"clear all;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"close all;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"num_channels=%u;\n", num_channels);
    fprintf(fid,"num_symbols=%u;\n", num_symbols);
    fprintf(fid,"num_samples = num_channels*num_symbols;\n");

    fprintf(fid,"x  = zeros(1,num_samples);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"y0 = zeros(num_symbols,num_channels);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"y1 = zeros(num_symbols,num_channels);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"z0 = zeros(1,num_samples);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"z1 = zeros(1,num_samples);\n");

    // input
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
        fprintf(fid,"x(%4u) = %12.4e + j*%12.4e;\n", i+1, crealf(x[i]), cimag(x[i]));

    // analysis
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            fprintf(fid,"y0(%4u,%4u) = %12.4e + j*%12.4e;\n", i+1, j+1, crealf(Y0[i][j]), cimag(Y0[i][j]));
            fprintf(fid,"y1(%4u,%4u) = %12.4e + j*%12.4e;\n", i+1, j+1, crealf(Y1[i][j]), cimag(Y1[i][j]));

    // synthesis
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        fprintf(fid,"z0(%4u) = %12.4e + j*%12.4e;\n", i+1, crealf(z0[i]), cimag(z0[i]));
        fprintf(fid,"z1(%4u) = %12.4e + j*%12.4e;\n", i+1, crealf(z1[i]), cimag(z1[i]));
    fprintf(fid,"z0 = z0 / num_channels;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"z1 = z1 / num_channels;\n");

    // plot results
    fprintf(fid,"ts = 0:(num_symbols-1);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"for i=1:num_channels,\n");
    fprintf(fid,"title(['channel ' num2str(i)]);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"    plot(ts,real(y0(:,i)),'-x', ts,real(y1(:,i)),'s');\n");
    //fprintf(fid,"    axis([0 (num_symbols-1) -2 2]);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"    plot(ts,imag(y0(:,i)),'-x', ts,imag(y1(:,i)),'s');\n");
    //fprintf(fid,"    axis([0 (num_symbols-1) -2 2]);\n");

    fprintf(fid,"t  = 0:(num_samples-1);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"    plot(t,real(z0),'-x', t,real(z1),'s');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"    plot(t,imag(z0),'-x', t,imag(z1),'s');\n");

    printf("results written to '%s'\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);

    return 0;
int main() {
    // options
    unsigned int num_channels=4;    // number of channels
    unsigned int m=5;               // filter delay
    unsigned int num_symbols=12;    // number of symbols

    // derived values
    unsigned int num_samples = num_channels * num_symbols;

    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int j;

    // generate filter
    // NOTE : these coefficients can be random; the purpose of this
    //        exercise is to demonstrate mathematical equivalence
    unsigned int h_len = 2*m*num_channels;
    float h[h_len];
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++) h[i] = randnf();
    //for (i=0; i<h_len; i++) h[i] = 0.1f*i;
    //for (i=0; i<h_len; i++) h[i] = (i<=m) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
    //for (i=0; i<h_len; i++) h[i] = 1.0f;

    // create filterbank manually
    dotprod_crcf dp[num_channels];  // vector dot products
    windowcf w[num_channels];       // window buffers

    // print coefficients
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++)
        printf("  h[%3u] = %12.8f\n", i, h[i]);

    // create objects
    unsigned int h_sub_len = 2*m;
    float h_sub[h_sub_len];
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {
        // sub-sample prototype filter, loading coefficients in
        // reverse order
#if 0
        for (j=0; j<h_sub_len; j++)
            h_sub[j] = h[j*num_channels+i];
        for (j=0; j<h_sub_len; j++)
            h_sub[h_sub_len-j-1] = h[j*num_channels+i];

        // create window buffer and dotprod objects
        dp[i] = dotprod_crcf_create(h_sub, h_sub_len);
        w[i]  = windowcf_create(h_sub_len);

        printf("h_sub[%u] : \n", i);
        for (j=0; j<h_sub_len; j++)
            printf("  h[%3u] = %12.8f\n", j, h_sub[j]);

    // generate DFT object
    float complex x[num_channels];  // time-domain buffer
    float complex X[num_channels];  // freq-domain buffer
#if 0
    fftplan fft = fft_create_plan(num_channels, X, x, LIQUID_FFT_BACKWARD, 0);
    fftplan fft = fft_create_plan(num_channels, X, x, LIQUID_FFT_FORWARD, 0);

    // generate filter object
    firfilt_crcf f = firfilt_crcf_create(h, h_len);

    float complex y[num_samples];                   // time-domain input
    float complex Y0[num_symbols][num_channels];    // channelized output
    float complex Y1[num_symbols][num_channels];    // channelized output

    // generate input sequence (complex noise)
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
        y[i] = randnf() * cexpf(_Complex_I*randf()*2*M_PI);

    // run analysis filter bank
#if 0
    unsigned int filter_index = 0;
    unsigned int filter_index = num_channels-1;
    float complex y_hat;    // input sample
    float complex * r;      // read pointer
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++) {

        // load buffers
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            // grab sample
            y_hat = y[i*num_channels + j];

            // push sample into buffer at filter index
            windowcf_push(w[filter_index], y_hat);

            // decrement filter index
            filter_index = (filter_index + num_channels - 1) % num_channels;
            //filter_index = (filter_index + 1) % num_channels;

        // execute filter outputs, reversing order of output (not
        // sure why this is necessary)
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            windowcf_read(w[j], &r);
            dotprod_crcf_execute(dp[j], r, &X[num_channels-j-1]);

        // execute DFT, store result in buffer 'x'

        // move to output array
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++)
            Y0[i][j] = x[j];

    // run traditional down-converter (inefficient)
    float dphi; // carrier frequency
    unsigned int n=0;
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {

        // reset filter

        // set center frequency
        dphi = 2.0f * M_PI * (float)i / (float)num_channels;

        // reset symbol counter

        for (j=0; j<num_samples; j++) {
            // push down-converted sample into filter
            firfilt_crcf_push(f, y[j]*cexpf(-_Complex_I*j*dphi));

            // compute output at the appropriate sample time
            if ( ((j+1)%num_channels)==0 ) {
                firfilt_crcf_execute(f, &Y1[n][i]);


    // destroy objects
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {


    // print filterbank channelizer
    printf("filterbank channelizer:\n");
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++) {
        printf("%3u: ", i);
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            printf("  %8.5f+j%8.5f, ", crealf(Y0[i][j]), cimagf(Y0[i][j]));

    // print traditional channelizer
    printf("traditional channelizer:\n");
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++) {
        printf("%3u: ", i);
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            printf("  %8.5f+j%8.5f, ", crealf(Y1[i][j]), cimagf(Y1[i][j]));

    // compare results
    float mse[num_channels];
    float complex d;
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {
        mse[i] = 0.0f;
        for (j=0; j<num_symbols; j++) {
            d = Y0[j][i] - Y1[j][i];
            mse[i] += crealf(d*conjf(d));

        mse[i] /= num_symbols;
    printf("rmse: ");
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++)
        printf("%12.4e          ", sqrt(mse[i]));

    return 0;

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    // options
    unsigned int sequence_len =   80;   // number of sync symbols
    unsigned int k            =    2;   // samples/symbol
    unsigned int m            =    7;   // filter delay [symbols]
    float        beta         = 0.3f;   // excess bandwidth factor
    int          ftype        = LIQUID_FIRFILT_ARKAISER;
    float        gamma        = 10.0f;  // channel gain
    float        tau          = -0.3f;  // fractional sample timing offset
    float        dphi         = -0.01f; // carrier frequency offset
    float        phi          =  0.5f;  // carrier phase offset
    float        SNRdB        = 20.0f;  // signal-to-noise ratio [dB]
    float        threshold    =  0.5f;  // detection threshold

    int dopt;
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:k:m:b:F:T:S:t:")) != EOF) {
        switch (dopt) {
        case 'h': usage();                      return 0;
        case 'n': sequence_len  = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 'k': k             = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 'm': m             = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 'b': beta          = atof(optarg); break;
        case 'F': dphi          = atof(optarg); break;
        case 'T': tau           = atof(optarg); break;
        case 'S': SNRdB         = atof(optarg); break;
        case 't': threshold     = atof(optarg); break;

    unsigned int i;

    // validate input
    if (tau < -0.5f || tau > 0.5f) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, fractional sample offset must be in [-0.5,0.5]\n", argv[0]);

    // generate synchronization sequence (QPSK symbols)
    float complex sequence[sequence_len];
    for (i=0; i<sequence_len; i++) {
        sequence[i] = (rand() % 2 ? 1.0f : -1.0f) * M_SQRT1_2 +
                      (rand() % 2 ? 1.0f : -1.0f) * M_SQRT1_2 * _Complex_I;

    float tau_hat   = 0.0f;
    float gamma_hat = 0.0f;
    float dphi_hat  = 0.0f;
    float phi_hat   = 0.0f;
    int   frame_detected = 0;

    // create detector
    qdetector_cccf q = qdetector_cccf_create_linear(sequence, sequence_len, ftype, k, m, beta);
    qdetector_cccf_set_threshold(q, threshold);

    unsigned int seq_len     = qdetector_cccf_get_seq_len(q);
    unsigned int buf_len     = qdetector_cccf_get_buf_len(q);
    unsigned int num_samples = 2*buf_len;   // double buffer length to ensure detection
    unsigned int num_symbols = buf_len;

    // arrays
    float complex y[num_samples];       // received signal
    float complex syms_rx[num_symbols]; // recovered symbols

    // get pointer to sequence and generate full sequence
    float complex * v = (float complex*) qdetector_cccf_get_sequence(q);
    unsigned int filter_delay = 15;
    firfilt_crcf filter = firfilt_crcf_create_kaiser(2*filter_delay+1, 0.4f, 60.0f, -tau);
    float        nstd        = 0.1f;
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        // add delay
        firfilt_crcf_push(filter, i < seq_len ? v[i] : 0);
        firfilt_crcf_execute(filter, &y[i]);

        // channel gain
        y[i] *= gamma;

        // carrier offset
        y[i] *= cexpf(_Complex_I*(dphi*i + phi));
        // noise
        y[i] += nstd*(randnf() + _Complex_I*randnf())*M_SQRT1_2;

    // run detection on sequence
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        v = qdetector_cccf_execute(q,y[i]);

        if (v != NULL) {
            printf("\nframe detected!\n");
            frame_detected = 1;

            // get statistics
            tau_hat   = qdetector_cccf_get_tau(q);
            gamma_hat = qdetector_cccf_get_gamma(q);
            dphi_hat  = qdetector_cccf_get_dphi(q);
            phi_hat   = qdetector_cccf_get_phi(q);

    unsigned int num_syms_rx = 0;   // output symbol counter
    unsigned int counter     = 0;   // decimation counter
    if (frame_detected) {
        // recover symbols
        firfilt_crcf mf = firfilt_crcf_create_rnyquist(ftype, k, m, beta, tau_hat);
        firfilt_crcf_set_scale(mf, 1.0f / (float)(k*gamma_hat));
        nco_crcf     nco = nco_crcf_create(LIQUID_VCO);
        nco_crcf_set_frequency(nco, dphi_hat);
        nco_crcf_set_phase    (nco,  phi_hat);

        for (i=0; i<buf_len; i++) {
            float complex sample;
            nco_crcf_mix_down(nco, v[i], &sample);

            // apply decimator
            firfilt_crcf_push(mf, sample);
            if (counter == k-1)
                firfilt_crcf_execute(mf, &syms_rx[num_syms_rx++]);
            counter %= k;


    // destroy objects

    // print results
    printf("frame detected  :   %s\n", frame_detected ? "yes" : "no");
    printf("  gamma hat     : %8.3f, actual=%8.3f (error=%8.3f)\n",            gamma_hat, gamma, gamma_hat - gamma);
    printf("  tau hat       : %8.3f, actual=%8.3f (error=%8.3f) samples\n",    tau_hat,   tau,   tau_hat   - tau  );
    printf("  dphi hat      : %8.5f, actual=%8.5f (error=%8.5f) rad/sample\n", dphi_hat,  dphi,  dphi_hat  - dphi );
    printf("  phi hat       : %8.5f, actual=%8.5f (error=%8.5f) radians\n",    phi_hat,   phi,   phi_hat   - phi  );
    printf("  symbols rx    : %u\n", num_syms_rx);

    // export results
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
    fprintf(fid,"%% %s : auto-generated file\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);
    fprintf(fid,"clear all\n");
    fprintf(fid,"close all\n");
    fprintf(fid,"sequence_len= %u;\n", sequence_len);
    fprintf(fid,"num_samples = %u;\n", num_samples);

    fprintf(fid,"y = zeros(1,num_samples);\n");
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
        fprintf(fid,"y(%4u) = %12.8f + j*%12.8f;\n", i+1, crealf(y[i]), cimagf(y[i]));

    fprintf(fid,"num_syms_rx = %u;\n", num_syms_rx);
    fprintf(fid,"syms_rx     = zeros(1,num_syms_rx);\n");
    for (i=0; i<num_syms_rx; i++)
        fprintf(fid,"syms_rx(%4u) = %12.8f + j*%12.8f;\n", i+1, crealf(syms_rx[i]), cimagf(syms_rx[i]));

    fprintf(fid,"  plot(t,real(y), t,imag(y));\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('time');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('received signal');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(real(syms_rx), imag(syms_rx), 'x');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis([-1 1 -1 1]*1.5);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis square;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('real');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('imag');\n");

    printf("results written to '%s'\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);

    return 0;
Example #8
int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
    // options
    unsigned int k  = 8;        // filter samples/symbol
    unsigned int bps= 1;        // number of bits/symbol
    float h         = 0.5f;     // modulation index (h=1/2 for MSK)
    unsigned int num_data_symbols = 20; // number of data symbols
    float SNRdB     = 80.0f;    // signal-to-noise ratio [dB]
    float cfo       = 0.0f;     // carrier frequency offset
    float cpo       = 0.0f;     // carrier phase offset
    float tau       = 0.0f;     // fractional symbol offset
    enum {
    } tx_filter_type = TXFILT_SQUARE;
    float gmsk_bt = 0.35f;              // GMSK bandwidth-time factor

    int dopt;
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"ht:k:b:H:B:n:s:F:P:T:")) != EOF) {
        switch (dopt) {
        case 'h': usage();                         return 0;
        case 't':
            if (strcmp(optarg,"square")==0) {
                tx_filter_type = TXFILT_SQUARE;
            } else if (strcmp(optarg,"rcos-full")==0) {
                tx_filter_type = TXFILT_RCOS_FULL;
            } else if (strcmp(optarg,"rcos-half")==0) {
                tx_filter_type = TXFILT_RCOS_HALF;
            } else if (strcmp(optarg,"gmsk")==0) {
                tx_filter_type = TXFILT_GMSK;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, unknown filter type '%s'\n", argv[0], optarg);
        case 'k': k = atoi(optarg);                break;
        case 'b': bps = atoi(optarg);              break;
        case 'H': h = atof(optarg);                break;
        case 'B': gmsk_bt = atof(optarg);          break;
        case 'n': num_data_symbols = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 's': SNRdB = atof(optarg);            break;
        case 'F': cfo   = atof(optarg);            break;
        case 'P': cpo   = atof(optarg);            break;
        case 'T': tau   = atof(optarg);            break;

    unsigned int i;

    // derived values
    unsigned int num_symbols = num_data_symbols;
    unsigned int num_samples = k*num_symbols;
    unsigned int M = 1 << bps;              // constellation size
    float nstd = powf(10.0f, -SNRdB/20.0f);

    // arrays
    unsigned char sym_in[num_symbols];      // input symbols
    float phi[num_samples];                 // transmitted phase
    float complex x[num_samples];           // transmitted signal
    float complex y[num_samples];           // received signal
    float complex z[num_samples];           // output...
    //unsigned char sym_out[num_symbols];     // output symbols

    unsigned int ht_len = 0;
    unsigned int tx_delay = 0;
    float * ht = NULL;
    switch (tx_filter_type) {
        // regular MSK
        ht_len = k;
        tx_delay = 1;
        ht = (float*) malloc(ht_len *sizeof(float));
        for (i=0; i<ht_len; i++)
            ht[i] = h * M_PI / (float)k;
        // full-response raised-cosine pulse
        ht_len = k;
        tx_delay = 1;
        ht = (float*) malloc(ht_len *sizeof(float));
        for (i=0; i<ht_len; i++)
            ht[i] = h * M_PI / (float)k * (1.0f - cosf(2.0f*M_PI*i/(float)ht_len));
        // partial-response raised-cosine pulse
        ht_len = 3*k;
        tx_delay = 2;
        ht = (float*) malloc(ht_len *sizeof(float));
        for (i=0; i<ht_len; i++)
            ht[i] = 0.0f;
        for (i=0; i<2*k; i++)
            ht[i+k/2] = h * 0.5f * M_PI / (float)k * (1.0f - cosf(2.0f*M_PI*i/(float)(2*k)));
    case TXFILT_GMSK:
        ht_len = 2*k*3+1+k;
        tx_delay = 4;
        ht = (float*) malloc(ht_len *sizeof(float));
        for (i=0; i<ht_len; i++)
            ht[i] = 0.0f;
        for (i=0; i<ht_len; i++)
            ht[i] *= h * 2.0f / (float)k;
        fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, invalid tx filter type\n", argv[0]);
    for (i=0; i<ht_len; i++)
        printf("ht(%3u) = %12.8f;\n", i+1, ht[i]);
    firinterp_rrrf interp_tx = firinterp_rrrf_create(k, ht, ht_len);

    // generate symbols and interpolate
    // phase-accumulating filter (trapezoidal integrator)
    float b[2] = {0.5f,  0.5f};
    if (tx_filter_type == TXFILT_SQUARE) {
        // square filter: rectangular integration with one sample of delay
        b[0] = 0.0f;
        b[1] = 1.0f;
    float a[2] = {1.0f, -1.0f};
    iirfilt_rrrf integrator = iirfilt_rrrf_create(b,2,a,2);
    float theta = 0.0f;
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++) {
        sym_in[i] = rand() % M;
        float v = 2.0f*sym_in[i] - (float)(M-1);    // +/-1, +/-3, ... +/-(M-1)
        firinterp_rrrf_execute(interp_tx, v, &phi[k*i]);

        // accumulate phase
        unsigned int j;
        for (j=0; j<k; j++) {
            iirfilt_rrrf_execute(integrator, phi[i*k+j], &theta);
            x[i*k+j] = cexpf(_Complex_I*theta);

    // push through channel
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        // add carrier frequency/phase offset
        y[i] = x[i]*cexpf(_Complex_I*(cfo*i + cpo));

        // add noise
        y[i] += nstd*(randnf() + _Complex_I*randnf())*M_SQRT1_2;
    // create decimator
    unsigned int m = 3;
    float bw = 0.0f;
    float beta = 0.0f;
    firfilt_crcf decim_rx = NULL;
    switch (tx_filter_type) {
        //bw = 0.9f / (float)k;
        bw = 0.4f;
        decim_rx = firfilt_crcf_create_kaiser(2*k*m+1, bw, 60.0f, 0.0f);
        firfilt_crcf_set_scale(decim_rx, 2.0f * bw);
        if (M==2) {
            decim_rx = firfilt_crcf_create_rnyquist(LIQUID_FIRFILT_GMSKRX,k,m,0.5f,0);
            firfilt_crcf_set_scale(decim_rx, 1.33f / (float)k);
        } else {
            decim_rx = firfilt_crcf_create_rnyquist(LIQUID_FIRFILT_GMSKRX,k/2,2*m,0.9f,0);
            firfilt_crcf_set_scale(decim_rx, 3.25f / (float)k);
        if (M==2) {
            decim_rx = firfilt_crcf_create_rnyquist(LIQUID_FIRFILT_GMSKRX,k,m,0.3f,0);
            firfilt_crcf_set_scale(decim_rx, 1.10f / (float)k);
        } else {
            decim_rx = firfilt_crcf_create_rnyquist(LIQUID_FIRFILT_GMSKRX,k/2,2*m,0.27f,0);
            firfilt_crcf_set_scale(decim_rx, 2.90f / (float)k);
    case TXFILT_GMSK:
        bw = 0.5f / (float)k;
        // TODO: figure out beta value here
        beta = (M == 2) ? 0.8*gmsk_bt : 1.0*gmsk_bt;
        decim_rx = firfilt_crcf_create_rnyquist(LIQUID_FIRFILT_GMSKRX,k,m,beta,0);
        firfilt_crcf_set_scale(decim_rx, 2.0f * bw);
        fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, invalid tx filter type\n", argv[0]);
    printf("bw = %f\n", bw);

    // run receiver
    unsigned int n=0;
    unsigned int num_errors = 0;
    unsigned int num_symbols_checked = 0;
    float complex z_prime = 0.0f;
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        // push through filter
        firfilt_crcf_push(decim_rx, y[i]);
        firfilt_crcf_execute(decim_rx, &z[i]);

        // decimate output
        if ( (i%k)==0 ) {
            // compute instantaneous frequency scaled by modulation index
            float phi_hat = cargf(conjf(z_prime) * z[i]) / (h * M_PI);

            // estimate transmitted symbol
            float v = (phi_hat + (M-1.0))*0.5f;
            unsigned int sym_out = ((int) roundf(v)) % M;

            // save current point
            z_prime = z[i];

            // print result to screen
            printf("%3u : %12.8f + j%12.8f, <f=%8.4f : %8.4f> (%1u)",
                    n, crealf(z[i]), cimagf(z[i]), phi_hat, v, sym_out);
            if (n >= m+tx_delay) {
                num_errors += (sym_out == sym_in[n-m-tx_delay]) ? 0 : 1;
                printf(" (%1u)\n", sym_in[n-m-tx_delay]);
            } else {

    // print number of errors
    printf("errors : %3u / %3u\n", num_errors, num_symbols_checked);

    // destroy objects

    // compute power spectral density of transmitted signal
    unsigned int nfft = 1024;
    float psd[nfft];
    spgramcf periodogram = spgramcf_create_kaiser(nfft, nfft/2, 8.0f);
    spgramcf_estimate_psd(periodogram, y, num_samples, psd);

    // export results
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
    fprintf(fid,"%% %s : auto-generated file\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);
    fprintf(fid,"clear all\n");
    fprintf(fid,"close all\n");
    fprintf(fid,"k = %u;\n", k);
    fprintf(fid,"h = %f;\n", h);
    fprintf(fid,"num_symbols = %u;\n", num_symbols);
    fprintf(fid,"num_samples = %u;\n", num_samples);
    fprintf(fid,"nfft        = %u;\n", nfft);
    fprintf(fid,"delay       = %u; %% receive filter delay\n", tx_delay);

    fprintf(fid,"x   = zeros(1,num_samples);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"y   = zeros(1,num_samples);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"z   = zeros(1,num_samples);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"phi = zeros(1,num_samples);\n");
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        fprintf(fid,"x(%4u) = %12.8f + j*%12.8f;\n", i+1, crealf(x[i]), cimagf(x[i]));
        fprintf(fid,"y(%4u) = %12.8f + j*%12.8f;\n", i+1, crealf(y[i]), cimagf(y[i]));
        fprintf(fid,"z(%4u) = %12.8f + j*%12.8f;\n", i+1, crealf(z[i]), cimagf(z[i]));
        fprintf(fid,"phi(%4u) = %12.8f;\n", i+1, phi[i]);
    // save PSD
    fprintf(fid,"psd = zeros(1,nfft);\n");
    for (i=0; i<nfft; i++)
        fprintf(fid,"psd(%4u) = %12.8f;\n", i+1, psd[i]);

    fprintf(fid,"i = 1:k:num_samples;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(t,real(x),'-', t(i),real(x(i)),'bs','MarkerSize',4,...\n");
    fprintf(fid,"       t,imag(x),'-', t(i),imag(x(i)),'gs','MarkerSize',4);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis([0 num_symbols -1.2 1.2]);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('time');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('x(t)');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(t-delay,real(z),'-', t(i)-delay,real(z(i)),'bs','MarkerSize',4,...\n");
    fprintf(fid,"       t-delay,imag(z),'-', t(i)-delay,imag(z(i)),'gs','MarkerSize',4);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis([0 num_symbols -1.2 1.2]);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('time');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('\"matched\" filter output');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");
    // plot I/Q constellations
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(real(y),imag(y),'-',real(y(i)),imag(y(i)),'rs','MarkerSize',3);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('I');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('Q');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis([-1 1 -1 1]*1.2);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis square;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(real(z),imag(z),'-',real(z(i)),imag(z(i)),'rs','MarkerSize',3);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('I');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('Q');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis([-1 1 -1 1]*1.2);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis square;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");
    // plot PSD
    fprintf(fid,"f = [0:(nfft-1)]/nfft - 0.5;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(f,psd,'LineWidth',1.5);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis([-0.5 0.5 -40 20]);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('Normalized Frequency [f/F_s]');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('PSD [dB]');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");

#if 0
    fprintf(fid,"  %% compute instantaneous received frequency\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  freq_rx = arg( conj(z(:)) .* circshift(z(:),-1) )';\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  freq_rx(1:(k*delay)) = 0;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  freq_rx(end) = 0;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  %% compute instantaneous tx/rx phase\n");
    if (tx_filter_type == TXFILT_SQUARE) {
        fprintf(fid,"  theta_tx = filter([0 1],[1 -1],phi)/(h*pi);\n");
        fprintf(fid,"  theta_rx = filter([0 1],[1 -1],freq_rx)/(h*pi);\n");
    } else {
        fprintf(fid,"  theta_tx = filter([0.5 0.5],[1 -1],phi)/(h*pi);\n");
        fprintf(fid,"  theta_rx = filter([0.5 0.5],[1 -1],freq_rx)/(h*pi);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  %% plot instantaneous tx/rx phase\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(t,      theta_tx,'-b', t(i),      theta_tx(i),'sb',...\n");
    fprintf(fid,"       t-delay,theta_rx,'-r', t(i)-delay,theta_rx(i),'sr');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('time');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('instantaneous phase/(h \\pi)');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  legend('transmitted','syms','received/filtered','syms','location','northwest');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  grid on;\n");
    // plot filter response
    fprintf(fid,"ht_len = %u;\n", ht_len);
    fprintf(fid,"ht     = zeros(1,ht_len);\n");
    for (i=0; i<ht_len; i++)
        fprintf(fid,"ht(%4u) = %12.8f;\n", i+1, ht[i]);
    fprintf(fid,"gt1 = filter([0.5 0.5],[1 -1],ht) / (pi*h);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"gt2 = filter([0.0 1.0],[1 -1],ht) / (pi*h);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"tfilt = [0:(ht_len-1)]/k - delay + 0.5;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"plot(tfilt,ht, '-x','MarkerSize',4,...\n");
    fprintf(fid,"     tfilt,gt1,'-x','MarkerSize',4,...\n");
    fprintf(fid,"     tfilt,gt2,'-x','MarkerSize',4);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"axis([tfilt(1) tfilt(end) -0.1 1.1]);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"legend('pulse','trap. int.','rect. int.','location','northwest');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"grid on;\n");

    printf("results written to '%s'\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);
    // free allocated filter memory

    return 0;
// AUTOTEST: validate analysis correctness
void autotest_firpfbch_crcf_analysis()
    float tol = 1e-4f;              // error tolerance
    unsigned int num_channels=4;    // number of channels
    unsigned int p=5;               // filter length (symbols)
    unsigned int num_symbols=12;    // number of symbols

    // derived values
    unsigned int num_samples = num_channels * num_symbols;

    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int j;

    // generate filter
    // NOTE : these coefficients can be random; the purpose of this
    //        exercise is to demonstrate mathematical equivalence
    unsigned int h_len = p*num_channels;
    float h[h_len];
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++) h[i] = randnf();

    // create filterbank object
    firpfbch_crcf q = firpfbch_crcf_create(LIQUID_ANALYZER, num_channels, p, h);

    // generate filter object
    firfilt_crcf f = firfilt_crcf_create(h, h_len);

    // allocate memory for arrays
    float complex y[num_samples];                   // time-domain input
    float complex Y0[num_symbols][num_channels];    // channelized output
    float complex Y1[num_symbols][num_channels];    // channelized output

    // generate input sequence (complex noise)
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
        y[i] = randnf() * cexpf(_Complex_I*randf()*2*M_PI);

    // run analysis filter bank

    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++)
        firpfbch_crcf_analyzer_execute(q, &y[i*num_channels], &Y0[i][0]);

    // run traditional down-converter (inefficient)

    float dphi; // carrier frequency
    unsigned int n=0;
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {

        // reset filter

        // set center frequency
        dphi = 2.0f * M_PI * (float)i / (float)num_channels;

        // reset symbol counter

        for (j=0; j<num_samples; j++) {
            // push down-converted sample into filter
            firfilt_crcf_push(f, y[j]*cexpf(-_Complex_I*j*dphi));

            // compute output at the appropriate sample time
            if ( ((j+1)%num_channels)==0 ) {
                firfilt_crcf_execute(f, &Y1[n][i]);


    // destroy objects

    if (liquid_autotest_verbose) {
        // print filterbank channelizer
        printf("filterbank channelizer:\n");
        for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++) {
            printf("%3u: ", i);
            for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
                printf("  %8.5f+j%8.5f, ", crealf(Y0[i][j]), cimagf(Y0[i][j]));

        // print traditional channelizer
        printf("traditional channelizer:\n");
        for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++) {
            printf("%3u: ", i);
            for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
                printf("  %8.5f+j%8.5f, ", crealf(Y1[i][j]), cimagf(Y1[i][j]));

    // compare results
    for (i=0; i<num_symbols; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            CONTEND_DELTA( crealf(Y0[i][j]), crealf(Y1[i][j]), tol );
            CONTEND_DELTA( cimagf(Y0[i][j]), cimagf(Y1[i][j]), tol );

Example #10
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    // options
    unsigned int h_len = 51;        // doppler filter length
    float fd           = 0.1f;      // maximum doppler frequency
    float K            = 2.0f;      // Rice fading factor
    float omega        = 1.0f;      // mean power
    float theta        = 0.0f;      // angle of arrival
    unsigned int num_samples=1200;  // number of samples

    int dopt;
    while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"hn:f:K:O:")) != EOF) {
        switch (dopt) {
        case 'h':   usage();                    return 0;
        case 'n':   num_samples = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 'f':   fd          = atof(optarg); break;
        case 'K':   K           = atof(optarg); break;
        case 'O':   omega       = atof(optarg); break;

    // validate input
    if (K < 0.0f) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, fading factor K must be greater than zero\n", argv[0]);
    } else if (omega < 0.0f) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, signal power Omega must be greater than zero\n", argv[0]);
    } else if (fd <= 0.0f || fd >= 0.5f) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, Doppler frequency must be in (0,0.5)\n", argv[0]);
    } else if (h_len < 4) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, Doppler filter length too small\n", argv[0]);
    } else if (num_samples == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, number of samples must be greater than zero\n", argv[0]);

    unsigned int i;

    // allocate array for output samples
    float complex * y = (float complex*) malloc(num_samples*sizeof(float complex));

    // generate Doppler filter coefficients
    float h[h_len];
    liquid_firdes_doppler(h_len, fd, K, theta, h);

    // normalize filter coefficients such that output Gauss random
    // variables have unity variance
    float std = 0.0f;
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++)
        std += h[i]*h[i];
    std = sqrtf(std);
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++)
        h[i] /= std;

    // create Doppler filter from coefficients
    firfilt_crcf fdoppler = firfilt_crcf_create(h,h_len);

    // generate complex circular Gauss random variables
    float complex v;    // circular Gauss random variable (uncorrelated)
    float complex x;    // circular Gauss random variable (correlated w/ Doppler filter)
    float s   = sqrtf((omega*K)/(K+1.0));
    float sig = sqrtf(0.5f*omega/(K+1.0));
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        // generate complex Gauss random variable

        // push through Doppler filter
        firfilt_crcf_push(fdoppler, v);
        firfilt_crcf_execute(fdoppler, &x);

        // convert result to random variable with Rice-K distribution
        y[i] = _Complex_I*( crealf(x)*sig + s ) +
                          ( cimagf(x)*sig     );

    // destroy filter object

    // export results to file
    FILE * fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
    fprintf(fid,"%% %s, auto-generated file\n\n",OUTPUT_FILENAME);
    fprintf(fid,"clear all;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"close all;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"h_len       = %u;\n", h_len);
    fprintf(fid,"num_samples = %u;\n", num_samples);

    // save filter coefficients
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++)
        fprintf(fid,"h(%6u) = %12.4e;\n", i+1, h[i]);

    // save samples
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
        fprintf(fid,"y(%6u) = %12.4e + 1i*%12.4e;\n", i+1, crealf(y[i]), cimagf(y[i]));

    // plot power spectral density of filter
    fprintf(fid,"nfft = min(1024, 2^(ceil(log2(h_len))+4));\n");
    fprintf(fid,"f    = [0:(nfft-1)]/nfft - 0.5;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"H    = 20*log10(abs(fftshift(fft(h,nfft))));\n");
    fprintf(fid,"axis([-0.5 0.5 -80 20]);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"xlabel('Normalized Frequency [f/F_s]');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"ylabel('Filter Power Spectral Density [dB]');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"grid on;\n");

    // plot fading profile
    fprintf(fid,"t = 0:(num_samples-1);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"xlabel('Normalized Time [t F_s]');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"ylabel('Fading Power Envelope [dB]');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"axis([0 num_samples -40 10]);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"grid on;\n");

    // plot distribution
    fprintf(fid,"[nn xx]   = hist(abs(y),15);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"bin_width = xx(2) - xx(1);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"ymax = max(abs(y));\n");
    fprintf(fid,"s    = %12.4e;\n", s);
    fprintf(fid,"sig  = %12.4e;\n", sig);
    fprintf(fid,"yp   = 1.1*ymax*[1:500]/500;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"pdf  = (yp/sig^2) .* exp(-(yp.^2+s^2)/(2*sig^2)) .* besseli(0,yp*s/sig^2);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"plot(yp,pdf,'-', xx,nn/(num_samples*bin_width),'x');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"xlabel('Fading Magnitude');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"ylabel('Probability Density');\n");

    // close output file
    printf("results written to %s\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);

    // clean up allocated arrays

    return 0;
Example #11
// autotest helper function
//  _n      :   sequence length
//  _dt     :   fractional sample offset
//  _dphi   :   carrier frequency offset
void detector_cccf_runtest(unsigned int _n,
                           float        _dt,
                           float        _dphi)
    // TODO: validate input

    unsigned int i;

    // fixed values
    float noise_floor = -80.0f;     // noise floor [dB]
    float SNRdB       =  30.0f;     // signal-to-noise ratio [dB]
    unsigned int m    =  11;        // resampling filter semi-length
    float threshold   =  0.3f;      // detection threshold

    // derived values
    unsigned int num_samples = _n + 2*m + 1;
    float nstd = powf(10.0f, noise_floor/20.0f);
    float gamma = powf(10.0f, (SNRdB + noise_floor)/20.0f);
    float delay = (float)(_n + m) + _dt;    // expected delay

    // arrays
    float complex s[_n];            // synchronization pattern (samples)
    float complex x[num_samples];   // resampled signal with noise and offsets

    // generate synchronization pattern (two samples per symbol)
    unsigned int n2 = (_n - (_n%2)) / 2;    // n2 = floor(n/2)
    unsigned int mm = liquid_nextpow2(n2);  // mm = ceil( log2(n2) )
    msequence ms = msequence_create_default(mm);
    float complex v = 0.0f;
    for (i=0; i<_n; i++) {
        if ( (i%2)==0 )
            v = msequence_advance(ms) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
        s[i] = v;

    // create fractional sample interpolator
    firfilt_crcf finterp = firfilt_crcf_create_kaiser(2*m+1, 0.45f, 40.0f, _dt);

    // generate sequence
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        // add fractional sample timing offset
        if (i < _n) firfilt_crcf_push(finterp, s[i]);
        else        firfilt_crcf_push(finterp, 0.0f);

        // compute output
        firfilt_crcf_execute(finterp, &x[i]);

        // add channel gain
        x[i] *= gamma;

        // add carrier offset
        x[i] *= cexpf(_Complex_I*_dphi*i);

        // add noise
        x[i] += nstd * ( randnf() + _Complex_I*randnf() ) * M_SQRT1_2;
    // destroy fractional sample interpolator

    // create detector
    detector_cccf sync = detector_cccf_create(s, _n, threshold, 2*_dphi);
    // push signal through detector
    float tau_hat   = 0.0f;     // fractional sample offset estimate
    float dphi_hat  = 0.0f;     // carrier offset estimate
    float gamma_hat = 1.0f;     // signal level estimate (linear)
    float delay_hat = 0.0f;     // total delay offset estimate
    int signal_detected = 0;    // signal detected flag
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        // correlate
        int detected = detector_cccf_correlate(sync, x[i], &tau_hat, &dphi_hat, &gamma_hat);

        if (detected) {
            signal_detected = 1;
            delay_hat = (float)i + (float)tau_hat;
            if (liquid_autotest_verbose) {
                printf("****** preamble found, tau_hat=%8.6f, dphi_hat=%8.6f, gamma_hat=%8.6f\n",
                        tau_hat, dphi_hat, gamma_hat);
    // destroy objects

    // run tests
    // convert to dB
    gamma     = 20*log10f(gamma);
    gamma_hat = 20*log10f(gamma_hat);

    if (liquid_autotest_verbose) {
        printf("detector autotest [%3u]: signal detected? %s\n", _n, signal_detected ? "yes" : "no");
        printf("    dphi    :   estimate = %12.6f (expected %12.6f)\n", dphi_hat,  _dphi);
        printf("    delay   :   estimate = %12.6f (expected %12.6f)\n", delay_hat, delay);
        printf("    gamma   :   estimate = %12.6f (expected %12.6f)\n", gamma_hat, gamma);

    // ensure signal was detected
    CONTEND_EXPRESSION( signal_detected );

    // check carrier offset estimate
    CONTEND_DELTA( dphi_hat, _dphi, 0.01f );
    // check delay estimate
    CONTEND_DELTA( delay_hat, delay, 0.2f );
    // check signal level estimate
    CONTEND_DELTA( gamma_hat, gamma, 2.0f );
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    // options
    unsigned int num_channels=6;    // number of channels (must be even)
    unsigned int m=4;               // filter delay
    unsigned int num_symbols=4*m;   // number of symbols

    // validate input
    if (num_channels%2) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, number of channels must be even\n", argv[0]);

    // derived values
    unsigned int num_samples = num_channels * num_symbols;

    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int j;

    // generate filter
    // NOTE : these coefficients can be random; the purpose of this
    //        exercise is to demonstrate mathematical equivalence
#if 0
    unsigned int h_len = 2*m*num_channels;
    float h[h_len];
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++) h[i] = randnf();
    unsigned int h_len = 2*m*num_channels+1;
    float h[h_len];
    // NOTE: 81.29528 dB > beta = 8.00000 (6 channels, m=4)
    liquid_firdes_kaiser(h_len, 1.0f/(float)num_channels, 81.29528f, 0.0f, h);
    // normalize
    float hsum = 0.0f;
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++) hsum += h[i];
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++) h[i] = h[i] * num_channels / hsum;

    // sub-sampled filters for M=6 channels, m=4, beta=8.0
    //  -3.2069e-19  -6.7542e-04  -1.3201e-03   2.2878e-18   3.7613e-03   5.8033e-03
    //  -7.2899e-18  -1.2305e-02  -1.7147e-02   1.6510e-17   3.1187e-02   4.0974e-02
    //  -3.0032e-17  -6.8026e-02  -8.6399e-02   4.6273e-17   1.3732e-01   1.7307e-01
    //  -6.2097e-17  -2.8265e-01  -3.7403e-01   7.3699e-17   8.0663e-01   1.6438e+00
    //   2.0001e+00   1.6438e+00   8.0663e-01   7.3699e-17  -3.7403e-01  -2.8265e-01
    //  -6.2097e-17   1.7307e-01   1.3732e-01   4.6273e-17  -8.6399e-02  -6.8026e-02
    //  -3.0032e-17   4.0974e-02   3.1187e-02   1.6510e-17  -1.7147e-02  -1.2305e-02
    //  -7.2899e-18   5.8033e-03   3.7613e-03   2.2878e-18  -1.3201e-03  -6.7542e-04

    // create filterbank manually
    dotprod_crcf dp[num_channels];  // vector dot products
    windowcf w[num_channels];       // window buffers

    // print coefficients
    for (i=0; i<h_len; i++)
        printf("  h[%3u] = %12.8f\n", i, h[i]);

    // create objects
    unsigned int h_sub_len = 2*m;
    float h_sub[h_sub_len];
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {
        // sub-sample prototype filter
#if 0
        for (j=0; j<h_sub_len; j++)
            h_sub[j] = h[j*num_channels+i];
        // load coefficients in reverse order
        for (j=0; j<h_sub_len; j++)
            h_sub[h_sub_len-j-1] = h[j*num_channels+i];

        // create window buffer and dotprod objects
        dp[i] = dotprod_crcf_create(h_sub, h_sub_len);
        w[i]  = windowcf_create(h_sub_len);

        printf("h_sub[%u] : \n", i);
        for (j=0; j<h_sub_len; j++)
            printf("  h[%3u] = %12.8f\n", j, h_sub[j]);

    // generate DFT object
    float complex x[num_channels];  // time-domain buffer
    float complex X[num_channels];  // freq-domain buffer
#if 1
    fftplan fft = fft_create_plan(num_channels, X, x, LIQUID_FFT_BACKWARD, 0);
    fftplan fft = fft_create_plan(num_channels, X, x, LIQUID_FFT_FORWARD, 0);

    float complex y[num_samples];                   // time-domain input
    float complex Y0[2*num_symbols][num_channels];  // channelizer output
    float complex Y1[2*num_symbols][num_channels];  // conventional output

    // generate input sequence
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        //y[i] = randnf() * cexpf(_Complex_I*randf()*2*M_PI);
        y[i] = (i==0) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
        y[i] = cexpf(_Complex_I*sqrtf(2.0f)*i*i);
        printf("y[%3u] = %12.8f + %12.8fj\n", i, crealf(y[i]), cimagf(y[i]));

    // run analysis filter bank
#if 0
    unsigned int filter_index = 0;
    unsigned int filter_index = num_channels/2-1;
    float complex y_hat;    // input sample
    float complex * r;      // buffer read pointer
    int toggle = 0;         // flag indicating buffer/filter alignment

    for (i=0; i<2*num_symbols; i++) {

        // load buffers in blocks of num_channels/2
        for (j=0; j<num_channels/2; j++) {
            // grab sample
            y_hat = y[i*num_channels/2 + j];

            // push sample into buffer at filter index
            windowcf_push(w[filter_index], y_hat);

            // decrement filter index
            filter_index = (filter_index + num_channels - 1) % num_channels;
            //filter_index = (filter_index + 1) % num_channels;

        // execute filter outputs
        // reversing order of output (not sure why this is necessary)
        unsigned int offset = toggle ? num_channels/2 : 0;
        toggle = 1-toggle;
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            unsigned int buffer_index  = (offset+j)%num_channels;
            unsigned int dotprod_index = j;

            windowcf_read(w[buffer_index], &r);
            //dotprod_crcf_execute(dp[dotprod_index], r, &X[num_channels-j-1]);
            dotprod_crcf_execute(dp[dotprod_index], r, &X[buffer_index]);

        printf("***** i = %u\n", i);
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++)
            printf("  v2[%4u] = %12.8f + %12.8fj\n", j, crealf(X[j]), cimagf(X[j]));
        // execute DFT, store result in buffer 'x'
        // scale fft output
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++)
            x[j] *= 1.0f / (num_channels);

        // move to output array
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++)
            Y0[i][j] = x[j];
    // destroy objects
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {

    // run traditional down-converter (inefficient)
    // generate filter object
    firfilt_crcf f = firfilt_crcf_create(h, h_len);

    float dphi; // carrier frequency
    unsigned int n=0;
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {

        // reset filter

        // set center frequency
        dphi = 2.0f * M_PI * (float)i / (float)num_channels;

        // reset symbol counter

        for (j=0; j<num_samples; j++) {
            // push down-converted sample into filter
            firfilt_crcf_push(f, y[j]*cexpf(-_Complex_I*j*dphi));

            // compute output at the appropriate sample time
            if ( ((j+1)%(num_channels/2))==0 ) {
                firfilt_crcf_execute(f, &Y1[n][i]);


    // print filterbank channelizer
    printf("filterbank channelizer:\n");
    for (i=0; i<2*num_symbols; i++) {
        printf("%2u:", i);
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            printf("%6.3f+%6.3fj, ", crealf(Y0[i][j]), cimagf(Y0[i][j]));

#if 0
    // print traditional channelizer
    printf("traditional channelizer:\n");
    for (i=0; i<2*num_symbols; i++) {
        printf("%2u:", i);
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            printf("%6.3f+%6.3fj, ", crealf(Y1[i][j]), cimagf(Y1[i][j]));

    // compare results
    float mse[num_channels];
    float complex d;
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++) {
        mse[i] = 0.0f;
        for (j=0; j<2*num_symbols; j++) {
            d = Y0[j][i] - Y1[j][i];
            mse[i] += crealf(d*conjf(d));

        mse[i] /= num_symbols;
    printf(" e:");
    for (i=0; i<num_channels; i++)
        printf("%12.4e    ", sqrt(mse[i]));

    return 0;
