Example #1
Gaussian::Gaussian(const fracfloat_t* trueData, const fracfloat_t* predictedData, unsigned count){
  fracfloat_t differences[count];
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++){
    differences[i] = predictedData[i] - trueData[i];
  fitGaussian(Array<fracfloat_t>(differences, count));
Example #2
void fitGaussian(
    TH1D* hist,
    double& mean,
    double& sigma,
    bool display) {
  double max = 0;
  double background = 0;
  fitGaussian(hist, mean, sigma, max, background, display);
Example #3
void fitPSF(DataParams &params, MultiArray<2, double> &ps) {
    double minval=9999999, maxval = 0;
    int size = 2*ps.shape(0)*ps.shape(1);
    std::vector<double> data2(2*ps.shape(0)*ps.shape(1));
    for(int i=0, counter = 0;i<ps.shape(0);++i) {
        for(int j=0;j<ps.shape(1);++j,++counter) {
            //std::cout<<i<<" "<<j<<" "<<counter<<std::endl;
            data2[2*counter] = std::sqrt(std::abs(std::pow(i-ps.shape(0)/2,2)+std::pow(j-ps.shape(1)/2,2)));
            data2[2*counter+1] = ps(i,j);
            if (ps(i,j)< minval){minval = ps(i,j);}
            if (ps(i,j)> maxval){maxval = ps(i,j);}
    double sigma = 2.0, scale = maxval - minval, offset = minval;
    //std::cout<<sigma<<" "<<scale<<" "<<offset<<std::endl;
    fitGaussian(&data2[0], size/2, sigma, scale, offset);

	void SimpleFeatureComparator::initialize() {
		initialized = true;
Example #5
Gaussian::Gaussian(const fracfloat_t *errors, unsigned n){
  fitGaussian(Array<fracfloat_t>(n, (fracfloat_t*) errors)); //Remove const on errors via cast (we don't modify it, don't worry!)
Example #6
void residualAlignment(TH2D* residualX, TH2D* residualY, double& offsetX,
                       double& offsetY, double& rotation,
                       double relaxation, bool display)
  assert(residualX && residualY && "Processors: can't perform residual alignment without histograms");

  rotation = 0;
  offsetX = 0;
  offsetY = 0;
  double angleWeights = 0;
  double fitChi2 = 0;

  for (int axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++)
    TH2D* hist = 0;
    if (axis) hist = residualX;
    else      hist = residualY;

    // Project the histogram and fit with a gaussian to center the sensor
    TH1D* project = hist->ProjectionX("ResidualProjetion", 1, hist->GetNbinsY());

    double sigma = project->GetBinWidth(1);
    double mean = 0;
    fitGaussian(project, mean, sigma, false);

    if (axis) offsetX = mean;
    else      offsetY = mean;

    delete project;

    std::vector<double> ptsX;
    std::vector<double> ptsY;
    std::vector<double> ptsErr;

    const unsigned int numSlices = hist->GetNbinsY();

    for (Int_t row = 1; row <= (int)numSlices; row++)
      TH1D* slice = hist->ProjectionX("ResidualSlice", row, row);

      double mean = 0;
      double sigma = 0;
      double factor = 0;
      double background = 0;

      if (slice->Integral() < 1) { delete slice; continue; }
      fitGaussian(slice, mean, sigma, factor, background, false);

      const double sliceMin = slice->GetBinCenter(1);
      const double sliceMax = slice->GetBinCenter(slice->GetNbinsX());
      delete slice;

      // Quality assurance

      // Sigma is contained in the slice's range
      if (sigma > (sliceMax - sliceMin)) continue;
      // Mean is contained in the slice's range
      if (mean > sliceMax || mean < sliceMin) continue;
      // Peak is contains sufficient events
      if (factor < 100) continue;
      // Sufficient signal to noise ratio
      if (factor / background < 10) continue;

      // Get the total number of events in the gaussian 1 sigma
      Int_t sigRangeLow = hist->FindBin(mean - sigma);
      Int_t sigRangeHigh = hist->FindBin(mean + sigma);

      double sigRangeTotal = 0;
      for (Int_t bin = sigRangeLow; bin <= sigRangeHigh; bin++)
        sigRangeTotal += hist->GetBinContent(bin);

      // 2 * 1 sigma integral shoudl give ~ area under gaussian
      sigma /= sqrt(2 * sigRangeTotal);


    if (ptsX.size() < 3) continue;

    std::vector<double> yvals = ptsY;
    std::sort(yvals.begin(), yvals.end());
    const double median = yvals[yvals.size()/2];
    double avgDeviation = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < yvals.size(); i++)
      avgDeviation += fabs(yvals[i] - median);
    avgDeviation /= (double)yvals.size();

    std::vector<double> ptsXGood;
    std::vector<double> ptsYGood;
    std::vector<double> ptsErrGood;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ptsX.size(); i++)
      if (fabs(ptsY[i] - median) > 1.5*avgDeviation) continue;

    if (ptsXGood.size() < 3) continue;

    TGraphErrors* graph = new TGraphErrors(ptsXGood.size(),
                                           &(ptsYGood.at(0)), 0,

    TF1* fitFunc = new TF1("f1", "1 ++ x");
    TF1* result = 0;

    graph->Fit(fitFunc, "Q0E").Get();
    result = graph->GetFunction(fitFunc->GetName());

    // Weight the angle by the slope uncertainty and the inverse of the chi2 normalized
    double weight = result->GetParError(1);
    const double chi2 = result->GetChisquare() / (double)result->GetNDF();
    fitChi2 += chi2;
    weight *= chi2;
    if (weight > 10 * DBL_MIN) weight = 1.0 / weight;
    else weight = 1.0;

    if (axis)
      rotation -= weight * atan(result->GetParameter(1));
      offsetX = result->GetParameter(0);
      rotation += weight * atan(result->GetParameter(1));
      offsetY = result->GetParameter(0);

    angleWeights += weight;

    if (display)
      TCanvas* can = new TCanvas("ResidualAlignment", "Residual Alignment", 900, 600);

    delete fitFunc;
    delete graph;

  if (angleWeights > 10 * DBL_MIN)
    rotation /= angleWeights;
  std::cout << "relaxation: " << relaxation << std::endl;
  rotation *= relaxation;
  offsetX *= relaxation;
  offsetY *= relaxation;
Example #7
void fitBox(
    TH1D* hist,
    double& mean,
    double& sigma,
    double& max,
    double& background,
    double sensorWidth,
    bool display)

  TF1 *errorfunc = new TF1("errorfunc","[0]*(1+TMath::Erf([1]*([2]-x)))*(1-TMath::Erf([3]*([4]-x)))");
  errorfunc->SetParNames("Height", "FallSlope","Fall", "RiseSlope", "Rise");

  //fit a gaussian for first approximation
  fitGaussian(hist, mean, sigma, max, background, display);

  //first order approximations
  // double maxBin = hist->GetMaximumBin();
  double rise = mean - sensorWidth/2;
  double fall = mean + sensorWidth/2;
  double height = max/4;
  double riseSlope = height*10;
  double fallSlope = height*10;
  // double maxBin = 0;
  // double rise = -1000;
  // double fall = 3000;
  // double maxHeight = 40;
  // double riseSlope = 400;
  // double fallSlope = 400;

  errorfunc->SetParLimits(0, height-abs(0.5*height), height+abs(0.5*height));
  errorfunc->SetParLimits(4, rise-abs(1*rise), rise+abs(1*rise));
  errorfunc->SetParLimits(2, fall-abs(1*fall), fall+abs(1*fall));
  errorfunc->SetParLimits(3, 0.01*riseSlope, 100*riseSlope);
  errorfunc->SetParLimits(1, 0.01*fallSlope, 100*fallSlope);

  hist->Fit("errorfunc", "");

  //max = gauss->GetParameter(0);
  mean = ( errorfunc->GetParameter(2) + errorfunc->GetParameter(4) ) / 2 ;
  sigma = abs ( errorfunc->GetParameter(4) - errorfunc->GetParameter(2) );
  //background = gauss->GetParameter(3);

  if (display)
    TCanvas* can = new TCanvas();

  delete errorfunc;

//   int maxPos = 1;
//   max = 0;
//   int risePos = 1;
//   double rise = 0;
//   int fallPos = 1;
//   double fall = 0;
//   for (int bin = 1; bin <= hist->GetNbinsX(); bin++)
//   {
//     const double value = hist->GetBinContent(bin);
//     if (value > max)
//     {
//       max = value;
//       maxPos = bin;
//     }
//     const double valuePrev = hist->GetBinContent(bin > 1 ? bin-1 : bin);
//     if (value - valuePrev > rise) {
//       rise = value - valuePrev;
//       risePos = bin;
//     }
//     const double valueNext = hist->GetBinContent(
//         bin < hist->GetNbinsX() ? bin+1 : bin);
//     if (value - valueNext > fall) {
//       fall = value - valueNext;
//       fallPos = bin;
//     }
//   }
//   mean = hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(maxPos);
//   sigma = hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(fallPos) -
//       hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(risePos);
//   const unsigned int initialWidth = 5;
//   Int_t bgBin1 = hist->FindBin(mean - initialWidth * sigma);
//   Int_t bgBin2 = hist->FindBin(mean + initialWidth * sigma);
//   if (bgBin1 < 1) bgBin1 = 1;
//   if (bgBin2 > hist->GetNbinsX()) bgBin2 = hist->GetNbinsX();
//   background = hist->GetBinContent(bgBin1) + hist->GetBinContent(bgBin2);
//   background /= 2.0;
//   max -= background;
//   // If sigma is very small, try to calculate using FWHM
// //  if (sigma < 10 * DBL_MIN)
// //  {
// //    double pt1 = 0;
// //    for (Int_t bin = 1; bin <= hist->GetNbinsX(); bin++)
// //    {
// //      if (bin >= max / 2.0)
// //      {
// //        pt1 = hist->GetBinCenter(bin);
// //        break;
// //      }
// //    }
// //    double pt2 = 0;
// //    for (Int_t bin = hist->GetNbinsX(); bin >= 1; bin--)
// //    {
// //      if (bin >= max / 2.0)
// //      {
// //        pt2 = hist->GetBinCenter(bin);
// //        break;
// //      }
// //    }
// //    sigma = pt2 - pt1;
// //  }
//   gauss->SetRange(mean - initialWidth * sigma, mean + initialWidth * sigma);
//   gauss->SetParameters(max, mean, sigma, background);
//   gauss->SetParLimits(2, 0, 10 * sigma);
//   hist->Fit("g1", "QR0");
//   max = gauss->GetParameter(0);
//   mean = gauss->GetParameter(1);
//   sigma = gauss->GetParameter(2);
//   background = gauss->GetParameter(3);
//   gauss->SetRange(mean - 5 * sigma, mean + 5 * sigma);
//   gauss->SetParameters(max, mean, sigma, background);
//   hist->Fit("g1", "QR0");
//   max = gauss->GetParameter(0);
//   mean = gauss->GetParameter(1);
//   sigma = gauss->GetParameter(2);
//   background = gauss->GetParameter(3);
//   if (display)
//   {
//     TCanvas* can = new TCanvas();
//     gauss->SetLineColor(46);
//     gauss->SetLineWidth(1);
//     hist->Draw();
//     gauss->Draw("SAME");
//     can->Update();
//     can->WaitPrimitive();
//   }
//   delete gauss;