Example #1
int check_for_file_roll(etfits_t *etf) {
// checks if we need to roll over to a new file
    int * status_p = &(etf->status);
    struct stat st;
    fits_flush_file(etf->fptr, status_p);   // flush to get true size
    if(stat(etf->filename_working, &st) == -1) { 
        hashpipe_error(__FUNCTION__, "Error getting etfits file size");
    } else {
        //fprintf(stderr, "size of %s is %ld\n", etf->filename, st.st_size);
        if(st.st_size >= etf->max_file_size) {
            etf->new_file = 1;
    return *status_p;
Example #2
int sdfits_write_subint(struct sdfits *sf) {
    int row, *status;
    int nchan, nivals, nsubband;
    struct hdrinfo *hdr;
    struct sdfits_data_columns *dcols;
    char* temp_str;
    double temp_dbl;

    hdr = &(sf->hdr);               // dereference the ptr to the header struct
    dcols = &(sf->data_columns);    // dereference the ptr to the subint struct
    status = &(sf->status);         // dereference the ptr to the CFITSIO status
    nchan = hdr->nchan; 
    nsubband = hdr->nsubband;
    nivals = nchan * nsubband * 4;  // 4 stokes parameters

    // Create the initial file or change to a new one if needed.
    if (sf->new_file || (sf->multifile==1 && sf->rownum > sf->rows_per_file))
        if (!sf->new_file) {
            printf("Closing file '%s'\n", sf->filename);
            fits_close_file(sf->fptr, status);
    row = sf->rownum;
    temp_str = dcols->object;
    temp_dbl = 0.0;

    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 1,  row, 1, 1, &(dcols->time), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TINT,    2,  row, 1, 1, &(dcols->time_counter), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TINT,    3,  row, 1, 1, &(dcols->integ_num), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TFLOAT,  4,  row, 1, 1, &(dcols->exposure), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TSTRING, 5,  row, 1, 1, &temp_str, status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TFLOAT,  6,  row, 1, 1, &(dcols->azimuth), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TFLOAT,  7,  row, 1, 1, &(dcols->elevation), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TFLOAT,  8,  row, 1, 1, &(dcols->bmaj), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TFLOAT,  9,  row, 1, 1, &(dcols->bmin), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TFLOAT,  10,  row, 1, 1, &(dcols->bpa), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TINT,    11,  row, 1, 1, &(dcols->accumid), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TINT,    12, row, 1, 1, &(dcols->sttspec), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TINT,    13, row, 1, 1, &(dcols->stpspec), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 14, row, 1, nsubband, dcols->centre_freq, status);

    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TFLOAT,  15, row, 1, 1, &(dcols->centre_freq_idx), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 16, row, 1, 1, &temp_dbl, status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 17, row, 1, 1, &(sf->hdr.chan_bw), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 18, row, 1, 1, &(dcols->ra), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 19, row, 1, 1, &(dcols->dec), status);
    fits_write_col(sf->fptr, TFLOAT,  20, row, 1, nivals, dcols->data, status);

    // Flush the buffers if not finished with the file
    // Note:  this use is not entirely in keeping with the CFITSIO
    //        documentation recommendations.  However, manually 
    //        correcting NAXIS2 and using fits_flush_buffer()
    //        caused occasional hangs (and extrememly large
    //        files due to some infinite loop).
    fits_flush_file(sf->fptr, status);
    // Print status if bad
    if (*status) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error writing subint %d:\n", sf->rownum);
        fits_report_error(stderr, *status);

    // Now update some key values if no CFITSIO errors
    if (!(*status)) {
        sf->N += 1;
        sf->T += dcols->exposure;

    return *status;
Example #3
int sdfits_create(struct sdfits *sf) {
    int itmp, *status;
    char ctmp[40];
    struct hdrinfo *hdr;

    hdr = &(sf->hdr);        // dereference the ptr to the header struct
    status = &(sf->status);  // dereference the ptr to the CFITSIO status

    // Initialize the key variables if needed
    if (sf->new_file == 1) {  // first time writing to the file
        sf->status = 0;
        sf->tot_rows = 0;
        sf->N = 0L;
        sf->T = 0.0;
        sf->mode = 'w';

        // Create the output directory if needed
        char datadir[1024];
        strncpy(datadir, sf->basefilename, 1023);
        char *last_slash = strrchr(datadir, '/');
        if (last_slash!=NULL && last_slash!=datadir) {
            *last_slash = '\0';
            printf("Using directory '%s' for output.\n", datadir);
            char cmd[1024];
            sprintf(cmd, "mkdir -m 1777 -p %s", datadir);
        sf->new_file = 0;
    sf->rownum = 1;

    sprintf(sf->filename, "%s_%04d.fits", sf->basefilename, sf->filenum);

    // Create basic FITS file from our template
    char *vegas_dir = getenv("VEGAS_DIR");
    char template_file[1024];
    if (vegas_dir==NULL) {
                "Error: VEGAS_DIR environment variable not set, exiting.\n");
    printf("Opening file '%s'\n", sf->filename);
    sprintf(template_file, "%s/%s", vegas_dir, SDFITS_TEMPLATE);
    fits_create_template(&(sf->fptr), sf->filename, template_file, status);

    // Check to see if file was successfully created
    if (*status) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating sdfits file from template.\n");
        fits_report_error(stderr, *status);

    // Go to the primary HDU
    fits_movabs_hdu(sf->fptr, 1, NULL, status);

    // Update the keywords that need it
    fits_get_system_time(ctmp, &itmp, status);      // date the file was written
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TSTRING, "DATE", ctmp, NULL, status);

    // Go to the SINGLE DISH HDU
    fits_movnam_hdu(sf->fptr, BINARY_TBL, "SINGLE DISH", 0, status);

    // Update the keywords that need it
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TSTRING, "TELESCOP", hdr->telescope,NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "BANDWID", &(hdr->bandwidth), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TSTRING, "DATE-OBS", hdr->date_obs, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "TSYS", &(hdr->tsys), NULL, status);

    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TSTRING, "PROJID", hdr->projid, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TSTRING, "FRONTEND", hdr->frontend, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "OBSFREQ", &(hdr->obsfreq), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "SCAN", &(hdr->scan), NULL, status);

    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TSTRING, "INSTRUME", hdr->instrument, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TSTRING, "CAL_MODE", hdr->cal_mode, NULL, status);
    if (strcmp("OFF", hdr->cal_mode) != 0)
        fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CAL_FREQ", &(hdr->cal_freq), NULL, status);
        fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CAL_DCYC", &(hdr->cal_dcyc), NULL, status);
        fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CAL_PHS", &(hdr->cal_phs), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TINT,    "NPOL", &(hdr->npol), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TINT,    "NCHAN", &(hdr->nchan), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CHAN_BW", &(hdr->chan_bw), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TINT,    "NSUBBAND", &(hdr->nsubband), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "EFSAMPFR", &(hdr->efsampfr), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "FPGACLK", &(hdr->fpgaclk), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "HWEXPOSR", &(hdr->hwexposr), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "FILTNEP", &(hdr->filtnep), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "STTMJD", &(hdr->sttmjd), NULL, status);

    // Update the column sizes for the colums containing arrays
    itmp = hdr->nsubband * hdr->nchan * 4;                          //num elements, not bytes
    fits_modify_vector_len(sf->fptr, 20, itmp, status);             // DATA
    fits_modify_vector_len(sf->fptr, 14, hdr->nsubband, status);    // SUBFREQ

    // Update the TDIM field for the data column
    sprintf(ctmp, "(%d,%d,4,1,1)", hdr->nchan, hdr->nsubband);
    fits_update_key(sf->fptr, TSTRING, "TDIM20", ctmp, NULL, status);

    fits_flush_file(sf->fptr, status);
    return *status;
int psrfits_write_polycos(struct psrfits *pf, struct polyco *pc, int npc) {

    // Usual setup
    int *status = &(pf->status);

    // If mode!=fold, exit?

    // Save current HDU, move to polyco table
    int hdu;
    fits_get_hdu_num(pf->fptr, &hdu);
    fits_movnam_hdu(pf->fptr, BINARY_TBL, "POLYCO", 0, status);

    int itmp;
    double dtmp;
    char datestr[32], ctmp[32];
    char *cptr;
    fits_get_system_time(datestr, &itmp, status);
    int i, col, n_written=0; 
    long row;
    fits_get_num_rows(pf->fptr, &row, status); // Start at end of table
    for (i=0; i<npc; i++) {

        // Only write polycos that were used
        if (!pc[i].used) continue; 

        // Go to next row (1-based index)

        cptr = datestr;

        sprintf(ctmp, "11.005"); // Tempo version?
        cptr = ctmp;



        sprintf(ctmp,"%d", pc[i].nsite); // XXX convert to letter?
        cptr = ctmp;


        // XXX needs to be accurate??

        dtmp = (double)pc[i].mjd + pc[i].fmjd;



        // XXX don't parse this yet



    // Update polyco block count, only if new info was added
    if (n_written) {
        itmp = row;
        for (i=1; i<=row; i++) 

    // Flush buffers (so files are valid as they are created)
    fits_flush_file(pf->fptr, status);

    // Go back to orig HDU
    fits_movabs_hdu(pf->fptr, hdu, NULL, status);

    return *status;
int psrfits_write_subint(struct psrfits *pf) {
    int row, *status, nchan, nivals, mode, out_nbytes;
    float ftmp;
    struct hdrinfo *hdr;
    struct subint *sub;

    hdr = &(pf->hdr);        // dereference the ptr to the header struct
    sub = &(pf->sub);        // dereference the ptr to the subint struct
    status = &(pf->status);  // dereference the ptr to the CFITSIO status
    nchan = hdr->nchan / hdr->ds_freq_fact;
    if (hdr->onlyI)
        nivals = nchan;
        nivals = nchan * hdr->npol;
    mode = psrfits_obs_mode(hdr->obs_mode);
    if (mode==fold)
        out_nbytes = sub->bytes_per_subint / hdr->ds_freq_fact;
    else {
        out_nbytes = sub->bytes_per_subint / (hdr->ds_freq_fact * hdr->ds_time_fact);
        if (hdr->onlyI)
            out_nbytes /= hdr->npol;

    // Create the initial file or change to a new one if needed.
    // Stay with a single file for fold mode.
    if (pf->filenum==0 || 
            ( (mode==search || pf->multifile==1) 
              && pf->rownum > pf->rows_per_file)) {
        if (pf->filenum) {
            printf("Closing file '%s'\n", pf->filename);
            fits_close_file(pf->fptr, status);

    row = pf->rownum;
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 1, row, 1, 1, &(sub->tsubint), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 2, row, 1, 1, &(sub->offs), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 3, row, 1, 1, &(sub->lst), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 4, row, 1, 1, &(sub->ra), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 5, row, 1, 1, &(sub->dec), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 6, row, 1, 1, &(sub->glon), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 7, row, 1, 1, &(sub->glat), status);
    ftmp = (float) sub->feed_ang;
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 8, row, 1, 1, &ftmp, status);
    ftmp = (float) sub->pos_ang;
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 9, row, 1, 1, &ftmp, status);
    ftmp = (float) sub->par_ang;
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 10, row, 1, 1, &ftmp, status);
    ftmp = (float) sub->tel_az;
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 11, row, 1, 1, &ftmp, status);
    ftmp = (float) sub->tel_zen;
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 12, row, 1, 1, &ftmp, status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 13, row, 1, nchan, sub->dat_freqs, status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 14, row, 1, nchan, sub->dat_weights, status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 15, row, 1, nivals, sub->dat_offsets, status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 16, row, 1, nivals, sub->dat_scales, status);
    if (mode==search) {
        if (hdr->nbits==4) pf_8bit_to_4bit(pf);
        fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TBYTE, 17, row, 1, out_nbytes, 
                       sub->rawdata, status);
    } else if (mode==fold) { 
        // Fold mode writes floats for now..
        fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 17, row, 1, out_nbytes/sizeof(float), 
                       sub->data, status);

    // Flush the buffers if not finished with the file
    // Note:  this use is not entirely in keeping with the CFITSIO
    //        documentation recommendations.  However, manually 
    //        correcting NAXIS2 and using fits_flush_buffer()
    //        caused occasional hangs (and extrememly large
    //        files due to some infinite loop).
    fits_flush_file(pf->fptr, status);

    // Print status if bad
    if (*status) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error writing subint %d:\n", pf->rownum);
        fits_report_error(stderr, *status);

    // Now update some key values if no CFITSIO errors
    if (!(*status)) {
        pf->N += hdr->nsblk / hdr->ds_time_fact;
        pf->T += sub->tsubint;

        // For fold mode, print info each subint written
        if (mode==fold && pf->quiet!=1) {
            printf("Wrote subint %d (total time %.1fs)\n", pf->rownum-1, pf->T);


    return *status;
int psrfits_create(struct psrfits *pf) {
    int itmp, *status;
    long long lltmp;
    long double ldtmp;
    double dtmp;
    char ctmp[40];
    struct hdrinfo *hdr;
    struct foldinfo *fld;

    hdr = &(pf->hdr);        // dereference the ptr to the header struct
    status = &(pf->status);  // dereference the ptr to the CFITSIO status
    fld = &(pf->fold);       // ptr to foldinfo struct

    // Figure out what mode this is 
    int mode=0;
    mode = psrfits_obs_mode(hdr->obs_mode);
    if (mode==fold) {
        if (hdr->onlyI)
            printf("Warning!  In folding mode and ONLY_I is set!\n");
        if (hdr->ds_time_fact > 1)
            printf("Warning!  In folding mode and DS_TIME is > 1!\n");
        if (hdr->ds_freq_fact > 1)
            printf("Warning!  In folding mode and DS_FREQ is > 1!\n");

    // Initialize the key variables if needed
    if (pf->filenum == 0) {  // first time writing to the file
        pf->status = 0;
        pf->tot_rows = 0;
        pf->N = 0L;
        pf->T = 0.0;
        hdr->offset_subint = 0;
        pf->mode = 'w';

        // Create the output directory if needed
        char datadir[1024];
        strncpy(datadir, pf->basefilename, 1023);
        char *last_slash = strrchr(datadir, '/');
        if (last_slash!=NULL && last_slash!=datadir) {
            *last_slash = '\0';
            printf("Using directory '%s' for output.\n", datadir);
            char cmd[1024];
            sprintf(cmd, "mkdir -m 1777 -p %s", datadir);
    pf->rownum = 1;
    hdr->offset_subint = pf->tot_rows;

    // Update the filename - don't include filenum for fold mode
    // TODO : use rf/cf extensions for psr/cals?
    if (mode==fold && pf->multifile!=1)
        sprintf(pf->filename, "%s.fits", pf->basefilename);
        sprintf(pf->filename, "%s_%04d.fits", pf->basefilename, pf->filenum);

    // Create basic FITS file from our template
    // Fold mode template has additional tables (polyco, ephem)
    char template_dir[1024];
    char template_file[1024];
    sprintf(template_dir, "%s", PSRFITS_TEMPLATE_DIR);
    char *guppi_dir = getenv("GUPPI_DIR");
    if (guppi_dir==NULL) {
                "Error: GUPPI_DIR environment variable not set, exiting.\n");
    sprintf(template_dir, "%s/src", guppi_dir);
    printf("Opening file '%s' ", pf->filename);
    if (mode==search) { 
        printf("in search mode.\n");
        sprintf(template_file, "%s/%s", template_dir, PSRFITS_SEARCH_TEMPLATE);
    } else if (mode==fold) { 
        printf("in fold mode.\n");
        sprintf(template_file, "%s/%s", template_dir, PSRFITS_FOLD_TEMPLATE);
    fits_create_template(&(pf->fptr), pf->filename, template_file, status);

    // Check to see if file was successfully created
    if (*status) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating psrfits file from template.\n");
        fits_report_error(stderr, *status);

    // Go to the primary HDU
    fits_movabs_hdu(pf->fptr, 1, NULL, status);

    // Update the keywords that need it
    fits_get_system_time(ctmp, &itmp, status);
    // Note:  this is the date the file was _written_, not the obs start date
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "DATE", ctmp, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "TELESCOP", hdr->telescope,NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "OBSERVER", hdr->observer, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "PROJID", hdr->project_id, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "FRONTEND", hdr->frontend, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "BACKEND", hdr->backend, NULL, status);
    if (hdr->onlyI || hdr->summed_polns) {
        if (!hdr->onlyI && hdr->npol > 1) {
            printf("Warning!:  Can't have %d polarizations _and_ be summed!\n", 
        itmp = 2;
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NRCVR", &itmp, NULL, status);
    } else {
        if (hdr->npol > 2) { // Can't have more than 2 real polns (i.e. NRCVR)
            itmp = 2;
            fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NRCVR", &itmp, NULL, status);
        } else {
            fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NRCVR", &(hdr->npol), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "FD_POLN", hdr->poln_type, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "FD_HAND", &(hdr->fd_hand), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "FD_SANG", &(hdr->fd_sang), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "FD_XYPH", &(hdr->fd_xyph), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "BE_PHASE", &(hdr->be_phase), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "DATE-OBS", hdr->date_obs, NULL, status);
    if (mode==fold && !strcmp("CAL",hdr->obs_mode)) 
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "OBS_MODE", hdr->obs_mode, 
                NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "OBSFREQ", &(hdr->fctr), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "OBSBW", &(hdr->BW), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "OBSNCHAN", &(hdr->orig_nchan), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CHAN_DM", &(hdr->chan_dm), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "SRC_NAME", hdr->source, NULL, status);
    if (!strcmp("UNKNOWN", hdr->track_mode)) {
        printf("Warning!:  Unknown telescope tracking mode!\n");
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "TRK_MODE", hdr->track_mode, NULL, status);
    // TODO: will need to change the following if we aren't tracking!
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "RA", hdr->ra_str, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "DEC", hdr->dec_str, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "STT_CRD1", hdr->ra_str, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "STP_CRD1", hdr->ra_str, NULL, status);
    // TODO: update these at the end of the file or obs
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "STT_CRD2", hdr->dec_str, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "STP_CRD2", hdr->dec_str, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "BMAJ", &(hdr->beam_FWHM), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "BMIN", &(hdr->beam_FWHM), NULL, status);
    if (strcmp("OFF", hdr->cal_mode)) {
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CAL_FREQ", &(hdr->cal_freq), NULL, status);
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CAL_DCYC", &(hdr->cal_dcyc), NULL, status);
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CAL_PHS", &(hdr->cal_phs), NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "SCANLEN", &(hdr->scanlen), NULL, status);
    itmp = (int) hdr->MJD_epoch;
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "STT_IMJD", &itmp, NULL, status);
    ldtmp = (hdr->MJD_epoch - (long double) itmp) * 86400.0L;   // in sec
    itmp = (int) ldtmp;
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "STT_SMJD", &itmp, NULL, status);
    ldtmp -= (long double) itmp;
    dtmp = (double) ldtmp;
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "STT_OFFS", &dtmp, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "STT_LST", &(hdr->start_lst), NULL, status);

    // If fold mode, copy the parfile into the PSRFITS EPHEM table
    if (mode==fold) {
        if (strcmp("CAL",hdr->obs_mode)==0) {
            // CAL mode has no par file, or no par file given
        } else if (fld->parfile[0]=='\0') {
            // No par file given
                    "psrfits_create warning:  "
                    "Fold mode selected, but no parfile given - "
                    "EPHEM table will be removed.\n"
        } else {
            FILE *parfile = fopen(fld->parfile, "r");
            if (parfile==NULL) {
                        "psrfits_create warning:  "
                        "Error opening parfile %s - "
                        "EPHEM table will be removed.\n", fld->parfile
            } else {
                psrfits_write_ephem(pf, parfile);

    // Go to the SUBINT HDU
    fits_movnam_hdu(pf->fptr, BINARY_TBL, "SUBINT", 0, status);

    // Update the keywords that need it
    if (hdr->onlyI) {
        itmp = 1;
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NPOL", &itmp, NULL, status);
    } else {
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NPOL", &(hdr->npol), NULL, status);
    if (!hdr->onlyI && !hdr->summed_polns) {
        // TODO:  These need to be updated for the real machine.
        if (hdr->npol==1)
            strcpy(ctmp, "AA");
        else if (hdr->npol==2)
            strcpy(ctmp, "AABB");
        else if (hdr->npol==4) {
            if (strncmp(hdr->poln_order, "AABBCRCI", 8)==0)
                strcpy(ctmp, hdr->poln_order);
                strcpy(ctmp, "IQUV");
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "POL_TYPE", ctmp, NULL, status);
    } else {
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "POL_TYPE", "AA+BB", NULL, status);
    // TODO what does TBIN mean in fold mode?
    dtmp = hdr->dt * hdr->ds_time_fact;
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "TBIN", &dtmp, NULL, status);
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NSUBOFFS", &(hdr->offset_subint), NULL, status);
    itmp = hdr->nchan / hdr->ds_freq_fact;
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NCHAN", &itmp, NULL, status);
    dtmp = hdr->df * hdr->ds_freq_fact;
    fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CHAN_BW", &dtmp, NULL, status);
    if (mode==search) {
        int out_nsblk = hdr->nsblk / hdr->ds_time_fact;
        itmp = 1;
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NSBLK", &out_nsblk, NULL, status);
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NBITS", &(hdr->nbits), NULL, status);
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NBIN", &itmp, NULL, status);
    } else if (mode==fold) {
        itmp = 1;
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NSBLK", &itmp, NULL, status);
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NBITS", &itmp, NULL, status);
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NBIN", &(hdr->nbin), NULL, status);
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "EPOCHS", "MIDTIME", NULL, status);

    // Update the column sizes for the colums containing arrays
        int out_npol = hdr->npol;
        int out_nchan = hdr->nchan / hdr->ds_freq_fact;
        if (hdr->onlyI) out_npol = 1;
        int out_nsblk = hdr->nsblk / hdr->ds_time_fact;

        fits_modify_vector_len(pf->fptr, 13, out_nchan, status); // DAT_FREQ
        fits_modify_vector_len(pf->fptr, 14, out_nchan, status); // DAT_WTS
        itmp = out_nchan * out_npol;
        fits_modify_vector_len(pf->fptr, 15, itmp, status); // DAT_OFFS
        fits_modify_vector_len(pf->fptr, 16, itmp, status); // DAT_SCL
        if (mode==search) {
            lltmp = out_nsblk;
            lltmp = (lltmp * hdr->nbits * out_nchan * out_npol) / 8L;
        } else if (mode==fold)
            lltmp = (hdr->nbin * out_nchan * out_npol);
        fits_modify_vector_len(pf->fptr, 17, lltmp, status); // DATA
        // Update the TDIM field for the data column
        if (mode==search)
            sprintf(ctmp, "(1,%d,%d,%d)", out_nchan, out_npol, out_nsblk);
        else if (mode==fold) 
            sprintf(ctmp, "(%d,%d,%d,1)", hdr->nbin, out_nchan, out_npol);
        fits_update_key(pf->fptr, TSTRING, "TDIM17", ctmp, NULL, status);

    fits_flush_file(pf->fptr, status);
    return *status;
Example #7
int CDfits_write_subint( int num_cycles, int num_bins, int num_chans, int num_pols )
  int status;
  int j, k;
  int nscl, ndata;
  float x;
  double dx, dy, dz, ds, dc;
  int nrows, ncols, col;
  char *ttype[19], *tform[19], *tunit[19];
  long naxes[3];
  char Cstr16[16], Estr16[16], Istr16[16];

#define ASTR_LEN 32
  char astr[ ASTR_LEN ];

  /* BEGIN */

  nscl =  num_chans * num_pols;
  ndata = num_bins * nscl;

  status = 0;
  /* Increment SUBINT counter and if first SUBINT, write header */
  if( ++subint_cnt == 1 ) {

    /* Add START TIME to primary HDU */
    /* Move to primary HDU */
    fits_movabs_hdu( cfitsptr, 1, NULL, &status );

    if( bat_to_ut_str( astr, ASTR_LEN, newcycle.WBpsr_timer_start_bat ) < 0 ) {
      return( -9999 );
    astr[10] = '\0';
    fits_update_key( cfitsptr, TSTRING, "STT_DATE", astr,
		     "Start UT date (YYYY-MM-DD)", &status);
    fits_update_key( cfitsptr, TSTRING, "STT_TIME", &astr[11],
		     "Start UT (hh:mm:ss)", &status);

    bat_to_mjd( &dx, newcycle.WBpsr_timer_start_bat );

    dz = modf( dx, &dy );   /* dz = fractional day,  dy = days */    

    j = (int) floor( ( dy + 0.1 ) );  /* Add 0.1d to make sure we get the correct one */
    fits_update_key( cfitsptr, TINT, "STT_IMJD", &j,
		     "Start MJD (UTC days) (J)", &status);
    dy = dz * 86400.0;   /* This should be an exact second - timer starts on 1pps */
    k = (int) floor( ( dy + 0.1 ) );   /* Add 0.1s to make sure we get the correct one */
    fits_update_key( cfitsptr, TINT, "STT_SMJD", &k,
		     "[s] Start time (sec past UTC 00h) (J)", &status);

    /* Add in offset = 1 - start phase - one bin !!!!!!!!!!! */
    /* 9 Jun 2004 - remove one bin offset - wrong !! */
    /* Was:
       dz = 1.0 - modf( newcycle.WBpsr_start_psr_phase, &dx ) - 1.0 / (double) num_bins; 
       dz *= (*c_c).pulsar_period;
       Now: the offset time is available directly */
    dz = newcycle.WBpsr_timer_start_offset_secs;
    /* Quantise to 128MHz clock cycles */
    dz *= 128.0E06;
    dx = floor( dz );
    dx /= 128.0E06;
    fits_update_key( cfitsptr, TDOUBLE, "STT_OFFS", &dx,
		     "[s] Start time offset (D)", &status);

    /* LST provided corresponds to integ. start time, i.e. oldcycle.bat */
    bat_to_ut_secs( &dy, oldcycle.bat );
    dy += dx;
    dx = scan_start_time_secs - dy;
    if( dx < -43200.0 ) dx += 86400.0;
    if( dx >  43200.0 ) dx -= 86400.0;
    dy = ( ( oldcycle.lst * 86400.0 ) / TwoPi ) + ( dx * 1.002737909350795 );
    if( dy < 0.0 ) dy += 86400.0;
    if( dy > 86400.0 ) dy -= 86400.0;
    fits_update_key( cfitsptr, TDOUBLE, "STT_LST ", &dy,
		     "[s] Start LST (D)", &status);

    /* Finished with primary HDU */

    /* Move to last created HDU in scan header */
    fits_movabs_hdu( cfitsptr, last_scanhdr_hdu, NULL, &status );

    /* Create SUBINT BINTABLE */

    nrows = 0; /* naxis2 - Let CFITSIO sort this out */
    ncols = 19; /* tfields */

    ttype[0] = "ISUBINT ";    /* Subint number. If NAXIS=-1, 0 indicates EOD. */
    tform[0] = "1J      ";
    tunit[0] = "";
    ttype[1] = "INDEXVAL";    /* Optionally used if INT_TYPE != TIME */
    tform[1] = "1D      ";
    tunit[1] = "";
    ttype[2] = "TSUBINT ";    /* [s] Length of subintegration */
    tform[2] = "1D      ";
    tunit[2] = "";
    ttype[3] = "OFFS_SUB";    /* [s] Offset from Start UTC of subint centre */
    tform[3] = "1D      ";
    tunit[3] = "";
    ttype[4] = "LST_SUB ";    /* [s] LST at subint centre */
    tform[4] = "1D      ";
    tunit[4] = "";
    ttype[5] = "RA_SUB  ";    /* [turns] RA (J2000) at subint centre */
    tform[5] = "1D      ";
    tunit[5] = "";
    ttype[6] = "DEC_SUB ";    /* [turns] Dec (J2000) at subint centre */
    tform[6] = "1D      ";
    tunit[6] = "";
    ttype[7] = "GLON_SUB";    /* [deg] Gal longitude at subint centre */
    tform[7] = "1D      ";
    tunit[7] = "";
    ttype[8] = "GLAT_SUB";    /* [deg] Gal latitude at subint centre */
    tform[8] = "1D      ";
    tunit[8] = "";
    ttype[9] = "FD_ANG  ";    /* [deg] Feed angle at subint centre */
    tform[9] = "1E      ";
    tunit[9] = "";
    ttype[10] = "POS_ANG ";    /* [deg] Position angle of feed at subint centre */
    tform[10] = "1E      ";
    tunit[10] = "";
    ttype[11] = "PAR_ANG ";    /* [deg] Parallactic angle at subint centre */
    tform[11] = "1E      ";
    tunit[11] = "";
    ttype[12] = "TEL_AZ  ";    /* [deg] Telescope azimuth at subint centre */
    tform[12] = "1E      ";
    tunit[12] = "";
    ttype[13] = "TEL_ZEN ";    /* [deg] Telescope zenith angle at subint centre */
    tform[13] = "1E      ";
    tunit[13] = "";

    sprintf( Cstr16, "%dE", num_chans );
    ttype[14] = "DAT_FREQ";
    tform[14] = Cstr16;
    tunit[14] = "";
    ttype[15] = "DAT_WTS ";
    tform[15] = Cstr16;
    tunit[15] = "";

    sprintf( Estr16, "%dE", nscl );
    ttype[16] = "DAT_OFFS";
    tform[16] = Estr16;
    tunit[16] = "";
    ttype[17] = "DAT_SCL ";
    tform[17] = Estr16;
    tunit[17] = "";

    sprintf( Istr16, "%dI", ndata );
    ttype[18] = "DATA    ";
    tform[18] = Istr16;
    tunit[18] = "Jy      ";

    fits_create_tbl( cfitsptr, BINARY_TBL, nrows, ncols, 
		     ttype, tform, tunit, "SUBINT  ", &status);

    /* Add dimensions of column 'ncols' = SUBINT Data */
    naxes[0] = num_bins;
    naxes[1] = num_chans;
    naxes[2] = num_pols;
    fits_write_tdim( cfitsptr, ncols, 3, naxes, &status );

    /* Add keywords */
    fits_update_key( cfitsptr, TSTRING, "INT_TYPE", "TIME",
		     "Time axis (TIME, BINPHSPERI, BINLNGASC, etc)", &status);

    fits_update_key( cfitsptr, TSTRING, "INT_UNIT", "SEC",
		     "Unit of time axis (SEC, PHS (0-1), DEG)", &status);

    fits_update_key( cfitsptr, TINT, "NCH_FILE", &num_chans,
		     "Number of channels/sub-bands in this file (I)", &status);
    j = 0;
    fits_update_key( cfitsptr, TINT, "NCH_STRT", &j,
		     "Start channel/sub-band number (0 to NCHAN-1) (I)", &status);
    /* Store subint hdu number */
    fits_get_hdu_num( cfitsptr, &subint_hdu );

  /* Write SUBINT BINTABLE columns */

  /* Fill in columns of table */
  col = 1;
  /* Subint number. If NAXIS=-1, 0 indicates EOD. */
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TINT, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &subint_cnt, &status );
  /* INDEXVAL - Optionally used if INT_TYPE != TIME */
  dx = 0.0;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TDOUBLE, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &dx, &status );

  /* [s] Length of subint */
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TDOUBLE, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &sum_subint_len_secs, &status );

  /* [s] Offset from Start UTC of subint centre */
  dx = sum_subint_mid_pt / sum_subint_len_secs;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TDOUBLE, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &dx, &status );

  /* [s] LST at subint centre */
  ds = sum_subint_lst_sin / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dc = sum_subint_lst_cos / sum_subint_len_secs;
  if( ( dx = ( atan2( ds, dc ) / TwoPi ) ) < 0.0 ) dx += 1.0;
  dx *= 86400.0;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TDOUBLE, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &dx, &status );

  /* [turns] RA (J2000) at subint centre */
  ds = sum_subint_ra_sin / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dc = sum_subint_ra_cos / sum_subint_len_secs;
  if( ( dx = ( atan2( ds, dc ) / TwoPi ) ) < 0.0 ) dx += 1.0;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TDOUBLE, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &dx, &status );

  /* [turns] Dec (J2000) at subint centre */
  ds = sum_subint_dec_sin / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dc = sum_subint_dec_cos / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dx = atan2( ds, dc ) / TwoPi;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TDOUBLE, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &dx, &status );

  /* [deg] Gal longitude at subint centre */
  ds = sum_subint_Glon_sin / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dc = sum_subint_Glon_cos / sum_subint_len_secs;
  if( ( dx = ( atan2( ds, dc ) / TwoPi ) ) < 0.0 ) dx += 1.0;
  dx *= 360.0;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TDOUBLE, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &dx, &status );

  /* [deg] Gal latitude at subint centre */
  ds = sum_subint_Glat_sin / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dc = sum_subint_Glat_cos / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dx = atan2( ds, dc ) * 360.0 / TwoPi;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TDOUBLE, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &dx, &status );

  /* [deg] Feed angle at subint centre */
  ds = sum_subint_fa_sin / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dc = sum_subint_fa_cos / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dx = atan2( ds, dc ) * 360.0 / TwoPi;
  x = (float) dx;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &x, &status );

  /* [deg] Parallactic angle at subint centre */
  ds = sum_subint_pa_sin / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dc = sum_subint_pa_cos / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dy = atan2( ds, dc ) * 360.0 / TwoPi;

  /* [deg] Position angle of feed at subint centre */
  dx = dx + dy;
  if( dx > 180.0 ) dx -= 360.0;
  if( dx < 180.0 ) dx += 360.0;
  x = (float) dx;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &x, &status );

  /* [deg] Parallactic angle at subint centre */
  x = (float) dy;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &x, &status );

  /* [deg] Telescope azimuth at subint centre */
  ds = sum_subint_az_sin / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dc = sum_subint_az_cos / sum_subint_len_secs;
  if( ( dx = ( atan2( ds, dc ) / TwoPi ) ) < 0.0 ) dx += 1.0;
  dx *= 360.0;
  x = (float) dx;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &x, &status );

  /* [deg] Telescope zenith angle at subint centre */
  ds = sum_subint_el_sin / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dc = sum_subint_el_cos / sum_subint_len_secs;
  dx = 90.0 - ( atan2( ds, dc ) * 360.0 / TwoPi );
  x = (float) dx;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, col, subint_cnt, 1, 1, &x, &status );

  /* Centre freq. for each channel - NCHAN floats */
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, col, subint_cnt, 1, num_chans, binned_freq, &status );

  /* Weights for each channel -  NCHAN floats */
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, col, subint_cnt, 1, num_chans, binned_weight, &status );

  /* Data offset for each channel - NCHAN*NPOL floats */
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, col, subint_cnt, 1, nscl, binned_offset, &status );

  /* Data scale factor for each channel - NCHAN*NPOL floats */
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, col, subint_cnt, 1, nscl, binned_scale, &status );

  /* Subint data table - Dimensions of data table = (NBIN,NCHAN,NPOL) */
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TSHORT, col, subint_cnt, 1, ndata, binned_data, &status );
  /* Finished SUBINT */

#define STEP_BACK
#ifdef STEP_BACK

  /* Move to digitiser statistics  */
  fits_movabs_hdu( cfitsptr, dig_stats_hdu, NULL, &status );

  if( subint_cnt == 1 ) {
    /* Now we know whether samplers are in fixed or auto mode - Add DIGLEV key */
    if( (*c_c).wb_ifsam.freq[0].ant[0].pol[0].sam_status & WBSAM_FIXED )
      strcpy( astr, "FIX" );
      strcpy( astr, "AUTO" );
    fits_update_key( cfitsptr, TSTRING, "DIGLEV", astr,
		     "Digitiser level-setting mode (AUTO, FIX)", &status);
  /* Add data for this subint */
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, 1, subint_cnt, 1, num_wbsam_stats, wbsam_stats, &status );

  /* Move to bandpass  */
  fits_movabs_hdu( cfitsptr, bpass_hdu, NULL, &status );
  /* Overwrite row 1 with latest data  */

  /* Data offset for each receiver channel - NRCVR floats */
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, 1, 1, 1, nrcvr, bpass_offset, &status );

  /* Data scale factor for each receiver channel - NRCVR floats */
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TFLOAT, 2, 1, 1, nrcvr, bpass_scale, &status );

  /* Bandpass data table - Dimensions of data table = (NCHAN_orig,NRCVR) */
  ndata = nchan_orig * nrcvr;
  fits_write_col( cfitsptr, TSHORT, 3, 1, 1, ndata, bpass_data, &status );

  /* Move back to subint HDU for next subint */
  fits_movabs_hdu( cfitsptr, subint_hdu, NULL, &status );

#endif /* STEP_BACK */

  /* Now FLUSH any internal buffers to the file */
  fits_flush_file( cfitsptr, &status );

  return( status );
int psrfits_write_subint(struct psrfits *pf)
    int row, *status, nchan, nivals, mode, out_nbytes, nstat, dummy;
    float ftmp;
    struct hdrinfo *hdr;
    struct subint *sub;

    hdr = &(pf->hdr);           // dereference the ptr to the header struct
    sub = &(pf->sub);           // dereference the ptr to the subint struct
    status = &(pf->status);     // dereference the ptr to the CFITSIO status
    nchan = hdr->nchan / hdr->ds_freq_fact;
    nstat = sub->statbytes_per_subint / 2;      //stat array is shorts
    if (hdr->onlyI)
        nivals = nchan;
        nivals = nchan * hdr->npol;
    mode = psrfits_obs_mode(hdr->obs_mode);
    if (mode == fold)
        out_nbytes = sub->bytes_per_subint / hdr->ds_freq_fact;
    else {
        out_nbytes = sub->bytes_per_subint / (hdr->ds_freq_fact * hdr->ds_time_fact);
        if (hdr->onlyI)
            out_nbytes /= hdr->npol;

    // Create the initial file or change to a new one if needed.
    // Stay with a single file for fold mode.

    //fprintf(stderr,"In psrfits write, pf->filenum: %d pf->multifile: %d\n",pf->filenum,pf->multifile);
    //fprintf(stderr,"In psrfits write, pf->rownum %d pf->rows_per_file: %d\n",pf->rownum,pf->rows_per_file);

       if (pf->filenum==0 ||
       ( (mode==search || pf->multifile==1)
       && pf->rownum > pf->rows_per_file)) {
       if (pf->filenum) {
       printf("Closing file '%s'\n", pf->filename);
       fits_close_file(pf->fptr, status);
       return *status;

    row = pf->rownum;
    //fprintf(stderr,"In psrfits write, row: %d\n",row);

    //fits_read_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NAXIS2", &dummy, NULL, status);
    //fprintf(stderr,"In psrfits write, before col writing, NAXIS2: %d status; %d\n",dummy,*status);

    fprintf(stderr, "tsubint: %f  offs_sub: %f\n", sub->tsubint, sub->offs);

    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 1, row, 1, 1, &(sub->tsubint), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 2, row, 1, 1, &(sub->offs), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 3, row, 1, 1, &(sub->lst), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 4, row, 1, 1, &(sub->ra), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 5, row, 1, 1, &(sub->dec), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 6, row, 1, 1, &(sub->glon), status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TDOUBLE, 7, row, 1, 1, &(sub->glat), status);
    ftmp = (float) sub->feed_ang;
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 8, row, 1, 1, &ftmp, status);
    ftmp = (float) sub->pos_ang;
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 9, row, 1, 1, &ftmp, status);
    ftmp = (float) sub->par_ang;
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 10, row, 1, 1, &ftmp, status);
    ftmp = (float) sub->tel_az;
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 11, row, 1, 1, &ftmp, status);
    ftmp = (float) sub->tel_zen;
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 12, row, 1, 1, &ftmp, status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 13, row, 1, nchan, sub->dat_freqs, status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 14, row, 1, nchan, sub->dat_weights, status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 15, row, 1, nivals, sub->dat_offsets, status);
    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 16, row, 1, nivals, sub->dat_scales, status);

    if (mode == search) {
        // Need to change this for other data types...
        //fprintf(stderr,"In psrfits write, out_nbytes (data bytes per subint): %d\n",out_nbytes);
        fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TBYTE, 17, row, 1, out_nbytes, sub->data, status);
    } else if (mode == fold) {
        // Fold mode writes floats for now..
        fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TFLOAT, 17, row, 1, out_nbytes / sizeof(float),
                       sub->data, status);

       fprintf(stderr,"In psrfits write, out_nbytes: %d, nchan: %d nivals: %d nstat: %d status: %d\n",out_nbytes,nchan,nivals,nstat,*status);
       fits_flush_file(pf->fptr, status);
       fits_read_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NAXIS2", &dummy, NULL, status);
       fprintf(stderr,"In psrfits write after 17 column, NAXIS2: %d status; %d\n",dummy,*status);

    fits_write_col(pf->fptr, TSHORT, 18, row, 1, nstat, sub->stat, status);

    // Flush the buffers if not finished with the file
    // Note:  this use is not entirely in keeping with the CFITSIO
    //        documentation recommendations.  However, manually
    //        correcting NAXIS2 and using fits_flush_buffer()
    //        caused occasional hangs (and extrememly large
    //        files due to some infinite loop).
    fits_flush_file(pf->fptr, status);

    //NOTE: using flush_file resulted in an extra row for some reason


    //fits_read_key(pf->fptr, TINT, "NAXIS2", &dummy, NULL, status);
    //fprintf(stderr,"In psrfits write, after fits flush, NAXIS2: %d status; %d\n",dummy,*status);

    // Print status if bad
    if (*status) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error writing subint %d:\n", pf->rownum);
        fits_report_error(stderr, *status);
    // Now update some key values if no CFITSIO errors
    if (!(*status)) {
        pf->N += hdr->nsblk / hdr->ds_time_fact;
        pf->T += sub->tsubint;

        // For fold mode, print info each subint written
        if (mode == fold && pf->quiet != 1) {
            printf("Wrote subint %d (total time %.1fs)\n", pf->rownum - 1, pf->T);


    return *status;