 * Find the smallest angle between two headings
 * @param theta1 heading at time t
 * @param theta2 heading at time t+1
 * @return smallest angle to get from theta1 to theta2
double heading_diff(double theta1, double theta2) {
  theta1 = fix_angle(theta1);
  theta2 = fix_angle(theta2);
  double naive_diff = theta2 - theta1;

  // enumerate possible smallest diffs and select the lowest magnitude
  auto diff_options = {naive_diff, naive_diff - 2*M_PI, naive_diff + 2*M_PI};
  auto abs_compare = [](double x, double y) {
    return std::abs(x) < std::abs(y);
  return std::min(diff_options, abs_compare);
Example #2
	/* compute declination angle of sun and equation of time */
	DoublePair sun_position(double jd)
		double d = jd - 2451545.0;
		double g = fix_angle(357.529 + 0.98560028 * d);
		double q = fix_angle(280.459 + 0.98564736 * d);
		double l = fix_angle(q + 1.915 * dsin(g) + 0.020 * dsin(2 * g));

		// double r = 1.00014 - 0.01671 * dcos(g) - 0.00014 * dcos(2 * g);
		double e = 23.439 - 0.00000036 * d;

		double dd = darcsin(dsin(e) * dsin(l));
		double ra = darctan2(dcos(e) * dsin(l), dcos(l)) / 15.0;
		ra = fix_hour(ra);
		double eq_t = q / 15.0 - ra;

		return DoublePair(dd, eq_t);
Example #3
// Time accessing lbn li immediately after accessing lbn l0 and convert the
// time into an angle in [0,1) according to the rotational period of
// the disk.
measure_one_skew(struct dm_disk_if *d,
		 struct dsstuff *ds,
		 struct trace *trace,
		 int l0,
		 int li) {
  double t, tt, a = 0.0;
  double period = dm_time_itod(d->mech->dm_period(d));

  adjust_lbns(d, &l0, &li);

  t = time_second_request(l0, li, ds, trace, d);
  if(mode == CALIB) {
    tt = get_tracetime(trace, l0, li);
    a = fix_angle(-(t - tt) / period);

  return a;
Example #4
CMUK_ERROR_CODE cmuk::computeFootIK( LegIndex leg,
                                     const vec3f& pos,
                                     vec3f* q_bent_forward,
                                     vec3f* q_bent_rearward ) const {

  if ((int)leg < 0 || (int)leg >= NUM_LEGS) {
    return CMUK_BAD_LEG_INDEX;
  } else if (!q_bent_forward || !q_bent_rearward) {

  debug << "*** computing IK...\n";

  int hipflags = 0;

  // subtract off hip position
  vec3f p = pos - jo(_kc, leg, HIP_RX_OFFSET, _centeredFootIK); 
  vec3f orig = pos;

  // get dist from hip rx joint to y rotation plane
  const float& d = jo(_kc, leg, HIP_RY_OFFSET, _centeredFootIK)[1]; 

  // get the squared length of the distance on the plane
  float yz = p[1]*p[1] + p[2]*p[2];

  // alpha is the angle of the foot in the YZ plane with respect to the Y axis
  float alpha = atan2(p[2], p[1]);

  // h is the distance of foot from hip in YZ plane
  float h = sqrt(yz);

  // beta is the angle between the foot-hip vector (projected in YZ
  // plane) and the top hip link.
  float cosbeta = d / h;

  debug << "p = " << p << ", d = " << d << ", yz = " << yz << "\nalpha = " << alpha << ", h = " << h << ", cosbeta=" << cosbeta << "\n";

  if (fabs(cosbeta) > 1) {
    debug << "violated triangle inequality when calculating hip_rx_angle!\n" ;
    if (fabs(cosbeta) - 1 > 1e-4) {
      hipflags = hipflags | IK_UPPER_DISTANCE;
    cosbeta = (cosbeta < 0) ? -1 : 1;
    if (yz < 1e-4) {
      p[1] = d;
      p[2] = 0;
    } else {
      float scl = fabs(d) / h;
      p[1] *= scl;
      p[2] *= scl;
      orig = p + jo(_kc, leg, HIP_RX_OFFSET, _centeredFootIK);

  float beta = acos(cosbeta);

  // Now compute the two possible hip angles
  float hip_rx_angles[2], badness[2];
  int flags[2];

  flags[0] = hipflags;
  flags[1] = hipflags;

  hip_rx_angles[0] = fix_angle(alpha - beta, -M_PI, M_PI);
  hip_rx_angles[1] = fix_angle(alpha + beta, -M_PI, M_PI);

  const float& min = jl(_kc, leg, HIP_RX, 0);
  const float& max = jl(_kc, leg, HIP_RX, 1);

  // See how badly we violate the joint limits for this hip angles
  for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
    float& angle = hip_rx_angles[i];
    badness[i] = fabs(compute_badness(angle, min, max));
    if (badness[i]) { flags[i] = flags[i] | IK_UPPER_ANGLE_RANGE; }
  // Put the least bad (and smallest) hip angle first
  bool swap = false;

  if ( badness[1] <= badness[0] ) {
    // We want the less bad solution for hip angle
    swap = true;
  } else if (badness[0] == 0 && badness[1] == 0) {
    // We want the solution for hip angle that leaves the hip up.
    if ((leg == FL || leg == HL) && hip_rx_angles[0] > hip_rx_angles[1]) {
      swap = true;
    } else if ((leg == FR || leg == HR) && hip_rx_angles[0] < hip_rx_angles[1]) {
      swap = true;

  if (swap) {
    std::swap(hip_rx_angles[0], hip_rx_angles[1]);
    std::swap(badness[0], badness[1]);  
    std::swap(flags[0], flags[1]);
  int hip_solution_cnt = 2;

  if (badness[0] == 0 && badness[1] != 0) {
    hip_solution_cnt = 1;

  debug << "hip_rx_angles[0]=" << hip_rx_angles[0] 
        << ", badness=" << badness[0]
        << ", flags=" << flags[0] << "\n";

  debug << "hip_rx_angles[1]=" << hip_rx_angles[1] 
        << ", badness=" << badness[1]
        << ", flags=" << flags[1] << "\n";
  debug << "hip_solution_cnt = " << hip_solution_cnt << "\n";

  vec3f qfwd[2], qrear[2];
  for (int i=0; i<hip_solution_cnt; ++i) {

    debug << "** computing ll solution " << (i+1) << " of " << (hip_solution_cnt) << "\n";

    float hip_rx = hip_rx_angles[i];
    // now make inv. transform to get rid of hip rotation
    Transform3f tx = Transform3f::rx(hip_rx, jo(_kc, leg, HIP_RX_OFFSET, _centeredFootIK));
    vec3f ptx = tx.transformInv(orig);

    debug << "tx=[" << tx.translation() << ", " << tx.rotation() << "], ptx = " << ptx << "\n";
    // calculate lengths for cosine law
    float l1sqr = ol2(_kc, leg, KNEE_RY_OFFSET, _centeredFootIK);
    float l2sqr = ol2(_kc, leg, FOOT_OFFSET, _centeredFootIK);
    float l1 = ol(_kc, leg, KNEE_RY_OFFSET, _centeredFootIK);
    float l2 = ol(_kc, leg, FOOT_OFFSET, _centeredFootIK);
    float ksqr = ptx[0]*ptx[0] + ptx[2]*ptx[2];
    float k = sqrt(ksqr);

    debug << "l1=" << l1 << ", l2=" << l2 << ", k=" << k << "\n";
    // check triangle inequality
    if (k > l1 + l2) { 
      debug << "oops, violated the triangle inequality for lower segments: "
            << "k = " << k << ", "
            << "l1 + l2 = " << l1 + l2 << "\n";
      if (k - (l1 + l2) > 1e-4) {
        flags[i] = flags[i] | IK_LOWER_DISTANCE;
      k = l1 + l2;
      ksqr = k * k;
    // 2*theta is the acute angle formed by the spread
    // of the two hip rotations... 
    float costheta = (l1sqr + ksqr - l2sqr) / (2 * l1 * k);
    if (fabs(costheta) > 1) {
      debug << "costheta = " << costheta << " > 1\n";
      if (fabs(costheta) - 1 > 1e-4) {
        flags[i] = flags[i] | IK_LOWER_DISTANCE;
      costheta = (costheta < 0) ? -1 : 1;
    float theta = acos(costheta);
    // gamma is the angle of the foot with respect to the z axis
    float gamma = atan2(-ptx[0], -ptx[2]);
    // hip angles are just offsets off of gamma now
    float hip_ry_1 = gamma - theta;
    float hip_ry_2 = gamma + theta;
    // phi is the obtuse angle of the parallelogram
    float cosphi = (l1sqr + l2sqr - ksqr) / (2 * l1 * l2);
    if (fabs(cosphi) > 1) {
      debug << "cosphi = " << cosphi << " > 1\n";
      if (fabs(cosphi) - 1 > 1e-4) {
        flags[i] = flags[i] | IK_LOWER_DISTANCE;
      cosphi = (cosphi < 0) ? -1 : 1;
    float phi = acos(cosphi);
    // epsilon is the "error" caused by not having feet offset directly
    // along the z-axis (if they were, epsilon would equal zero)
    float epsilon = le(_kc, leg, _centeredFootIK);
    // now we can directly solve for knee angles
    float knee_ry_1 =  M_PI - phi - epsilon;
    float knee_ry_2 =  -M_PI + phi - epsilon;

    // now fill out angle structs and check limits
    qfwd[i] = vec3f(hip_rx, hip_ry_1, knee_ry_1);
    qrear[i] = vec3f(hip_rx, hip_ry_2, knee_ry_2);
    debug << "before wrap, qfwd =  " << qfwd[i] << "\n";
    debug << "before wrap, qrear = " << qrear[i] << "\n";

    check_wrap(_kc, qfwd[i], leg);
    check_wrap(_kc, qrear[i], leg);

    debug << "after wrap, qfwd =  " << qfwd[i] << "\n";
    debug << "after wrap, qrear = " << qrear[i] << "\n";
    if (!check_limits(_kc, qfwd[i], leg)) {
      debug << "violated limits forward!\n";
      flags[i] = flags[i] | IK_LOWER_ANGLE_RANGE_FWD;
    if (!check_limits(_kc, qrear[i], leg)) {
      debug << "violated limits rearward!\n";
      flags[i] = flags[i] | IK_LOWER_ANGLE_RANGE_REAR;
  } // for each viable hip solution

  int best = 0;

  if (hip_solution_cnt == 2) {
    if (howbad(flags[0]) > howbad(flags[1]))  {
      best = 1;
    debug << "best overall solution is " << (best+1) << "\n";

  *q_bent_forward = qfwd[best];
  *q_bent_rearward = qrear[best];
  return flags_to_errcode(flags[best]);

Example #5
// do_idx_ent() does the hard work to measure the skews for a single
// index entry.  We need to determine e->off, the angular offset of
// the first lbn of this instance taking the first lbn of parent as
// the 0 point and e->alen, the angular offset of the i+1st instance
// of e from the ith.
do_idx_ent(struct dm_disk_if *d,        // diskmodel
	   struct dm_layout_g4 *l,      // root of g4 layout
	   struct idx_ent *e,           // the entry in question
	   struct idx *parent,          // The index containing e
	   struct idx_ent *parent_e,    // The entry for parent in its parent
	   int parent_off,              // Which entry we are in parent
	   struct dsstuff *ds,          // Disksim instance
	   struct trace *t,             // io trace
	   int lbn) {                   // The first lbn of parent
  int i;
  int l0;
  int dist;

  double yi;

  double *times;
  double *tracetimes;

  // for bootstrapping off and len
  double off0time, len0time;
  int off0lbn[2], len0lbn[2];

  // Work internally in floating-point, then convert back to the
  // integer representation at the end.
  double aoff = dm_angle_itod(e->off);
  double alen =  dm_angle_itod(e->alen);
  double period = dm_time_itod(d->mech->dm_period(d));

  // Number of instances of this entry.
  int quot = e->runlen / e->len;

  // times[i] is disksim's prediction of the amount of time to access the 
  // first lbn of the ith instance after accessing the first instance.
  times = calloc(quot, sizeof(double));
  // Actual times from the trace replay against the real disk.
  tracetimes = calloc(quot, sizeof(double));
  // li[i] contains the first lbn of the ith instance of e.
  int *li = calloc(quot, sizeof(*li));

  printf("%s() lbn %d e->lbn %d alen %f off %f quot %d\n", 
	 __func__, lbn, e->lbn, alen, aoff, quot);

  if(e->alen != 0 || e->off != 0) {
    printf("%s() already done, apparently\n", __func__);

  // Bootstrap offset by measuring the first instance.
  if(e->lbn != 0) {
    aoff = measure_one_skew(d, ds, t, lbn, lbn + e->lbn);
    e->off = dm_angle_dtoi(aoff);

  // Check for the end of the lbn space.
  if(lbn + e->lbn + e->len >= d->dm_sectors) {
    e->alen = dm_angle_dtoi(0.0);

  // Bootstrap alen by measuring the skew from the first to the second
  // instance.
  alen = measure_one_skew(d, ds, t, lbn + e->lbn, 
			  lbn + e->lbn + e->len);
  e->alen = dm_angle_dtoi(alen);    

  printf("first off %f len %f\n", aoff, alen);

  // Expand out the lbns of all of the instances.  For calibration
  // (second pass), read in the values from the trace.  To generate
  // the trace (first pass), time how long it takes to read the first
  // lbn of the ith instance after reading the last lbn on the first
  // track of the first instance.
  for(i = 1; i < quot; i++) {
    l0 = lbn;
    li[i] = l0 + e->lbn + e->len * i;

    adjust_lbns(d, &l0, &li[i]);

    if(mode == CALIB) {
      tracetimes[i] = get_tracetime(t, l0, li[i]);

      printf("%d (%d,%d) trace %f pred %f\n", i, 
 	     l0, li[i], 
 	     tracetimes[i], times[i]);
    else {
      time_second_request(l0, li[i], ds, t, d);

  if(mode == GENTRACE) {

  // Now calibrate the value.  We first look at the first 2 instances,
  // then 4, then 8, etc, refining our estimate at each step.
  for(dist = 2; dist < quot ; ) {
    // y = a + bx; r is the correlation coeffecient.
    double a, b;
    for(i = 1; i < dist; i++) {
      times[i] = time_second_request(l0, li[i], ds, t, d);
      printf("%d (%d,%d) trace %f pred %f\n", i, 
	     l0, li[i], 
	     tracetimes[i], times[i]);

    // Do a linear least squares fit of the difference between the
    // predicted and actual service times.  The slope (b) of that line
    // corresponds to the error in our estimate of alen and the y
    // intercept corresponds to the error in our estimate of off.
    b = find_slope(times, tracetimes, dist, &a, period);

    // Adjust the instance-to-instance skew according to the fit.    
    alen = fix_angle(alen - b / period);
    e->alen = dm_angle_dtoi(alen);
    // If e is the first instance in its parent index, its offset is
    // defined to be 0.  Otherwise, correct according to the fit.
    if(e->lbn > lbn) {
      printf("fix aoff (%d, %d)\n", lbn, e->lbn);
      aoff = fix_angle(aoff - a / period);
      e->off = dm_angle_dtoi(aoff);

    printf("alen -> %f, off -> %f (dist %d)\n", alen, aoff, dist);

    if(dist == quot) {
    } else if(dist * 2 >= quot) {
      dist = quot;
    } else {
      dist *= 2;

Example #6
void lzs_renderer_draw(lzs_renderer_t* self)

    double t0 = a3d_utime();

    // stretch screen to 800x480
    glOrthof(0.0f, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, 0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f);

    // draw camera
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, self->texid);
    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, VERTEX);
    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, COORDS);
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
    utime_update("setup", &t0);

    // capture buffers
    GLint format = TEXGZ_BGRA;
    GLint type   = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
    if((format == TEXGZ_BGRA) && (type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE))
        LOGD("readpixels format=0x%X, type=0x%X", format, type);

        // TODO - check for texgz errors

        // process buffers
        texgz_tex_t* bc  = self->buffer_color;
        texgz_tex_t* bg  = self->buffer_gray;
        texgz_tex_t* bsx = self->buffer_sx;
        texgz_tex_t* bsy = self->buffer_sy;
        glReadPixels(self->sphero_x - RADIUS_BALL, (SCREEN_H - self->sphero_y - 1) - RADIUS_BALL,
                     bc->width, bc->height, bc->format, bc->type, (void*) bc->pixels);
        texgz_tex_export(bc, "/sdcard/laser-shark/color.texgz");
        utime_update("readpixels", &t0);

        texgz_tex_computegray(bc, bg);
        utime_update("computegray", &t0);

        texgz_tex_computeedges3x3(bg, bsx, bsy);
        utime_update("computeedges", &t0);

        // compute peak
            int    x;
            int    y;
            int    peak_x  = 0;
            int    peak_y  = 0;
            float  peak    = 0.0f;
            float* gpixels = (float*) bg->pixels;
            float* xpixels = (float*) bsx->pixels;
            float* ypixels = (float*) bsy->pixels;
            for(x = 0; x < bg->width; ++x)
                for(y = 0; y < bg->height; ++y)
                    int idx      = bg->width*y + x;
                    // compute magnitude squared
                    float magsq = xpixels[idx]*xpixels[idx] + ypixels[idx]*ypixels[idx];
                    gpixels[idx] = magsq;
                    if(magsq > peak)
                        peak_x = x;
                        peak_y = y;
                        peak   = magsq;
            LOGD("peak=%f, peak_x=%i, peak_y=%i", peak, peak_x, peak_y);
            utime_update("computepeak", &t0);
            texgz_tex_export(bg, "/sdcard/laser-shark/peak.texgz");

            // move sphero center to match peak
            self->sphero_x += (float) peak_x - (float) bg->width / 2.0f;
            self->sphero_y -= (float) peak_y - (float) bg->height / 2.0f;
        LOGE("unsupported format=0x%X, type=0x%X", format, type);

    // compute phone X, Y center
    compute_position(self, SCREEN_CX, SCREEN_CY, &self->phone_X, &self->phone_Y);

    // compute sphero X, Y
    compute_position(self, self->sphero_x, self->sphero_y, &self->sphero_X, &self->sphero_Y);
    utime_update("computeposition", &t0);

    // compute goal
    float dx           = self->phone_X - self->sphero_X;
    float dy           = self->phone_Y - self->sphero_Y;
    float a            = fix_angle(atan2f(dx, dy) * 180.0f / M_PI);
    self->sphero_goal  = a - self->sphero_heading_offset;

    // compute speed
    float dotp = cosf((a - self->sphero_heading) * M_PI / 180.0f);
    if(dotp > 0.0f)
        // linearly interpolate speed based on the turning angle
        self->sphero_speed = SPEED_MAX*dotp + SPEED_MIN*(1.0f - dotp);
        // go slow to turn around
        self->sphero_speed = SPEED_MIN;

    // draw camera cross-hair
        float x = SCREEN_CX;
        float y = SCREEN_CY;
        float r = RADIUS_CROSS;
        limit_position(r, &x, &y);
        lzs_renderer_crosshair(y - r, x - r, y + r, x + r, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    // draw sphero search box
        float r = RADIUS_BALL;
        limit_position(r, &self->sphero_x, &self->sphero_y);
        float x = self->sphero_x;
        float y = self->sphero_y;
        lzs_renderer_drawbox(y - r, x - r, y + r, x + r, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0);


    // draw string
    a3d_texstring_printf(self->string_sphero, "sphero: head=%i, x=%0.1f, y=%0.1f, spd=%0.2f, goal=%i", (int) fix_angle(self->sphero_heading + self->sphero_heading_offset), self->sphero_X, self->sphero_Y, self->sphero_speed, (int) fix_angle(self->sphero_goal));
    a3d_texstring_printf(self->string_phone, "phone: heading=%i, slope=%i, x=%0.1f, y=%0.1f", (int) fix_angle(self->phone_heading), (int) fix_angle(self->phone_slope), self->phone_X, self->phone_Y);
    a3d_texstring_draw(self->string_sphero, 400.0f, 16.0f, 800, 480);
    a3d_texstring_draw(self->string_phone,  400.0f, 16.0f + self->string_sphero->size, 800, 480);
    a3d_texstring_draw(self->string_fps, (float) SCREEN_W - 16.0f, (float) SCREEN_H - 16.0f, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
    utime_update("draw", &t0);

    //texgz_tex_t* screen = texgz_tex_new(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, TEXGZ_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TEXGZ_BGRA, NULL);
    //glReadPixels(0, 0, screen->width, screen->height, screen->format, screen->type, (void*) screen->pixels);
    //texgz_tex_export(screen, "/sdcard/laser-shark/screen.texgz");

double advance_orbit_set_up(BEMRI * b, double chi, double r_current, double dt1)
	double t_current, t_new, psi_h_target, theta_h_target, psi_b_advanced, Mb, t_elapsed, new_true;

		//find current hole eccentric anomaly
		psi_h = acos( (eh + cos(theta_h)) / (1+eh*cos(theta_h)) );

		//find current time in the orbit (since last periapse)
		t_current = Ph/(2*PI) * (psi_h - eh*sin(psi_h));

		//now find target (new) values
		psi_h_target = 2*PI - acos( (1 - chi/ah) / eh);					//hole eccentric anomaly value to skip to
		theta_h_target = fix_angle( 2*atan2(sqrt(1+eh)*sin(psi_h_target/2.0) , sqrt(1-eh)*cos(psi_h_target/2)) );	//hole true anomaly value to skip to
		t_new = Ph/(2*PI) * (psi_h_target - eh*sin(psi_h_target));		//new time value from Kepler's equation

		//then the elapsed time is given by:
		t_elapsed = t_new - t_current;

		//printf("\nt_elapsed = %.5e",t_elapsed);


		//force t_elapsed to equal an integer multiple of dt1

		t_elapsed = floor(t_elapsed/dt1) * dt1;		//now t_elapsed is good
		t_new = t_elapsed + t_current;				//now we're recalculating the hole orbit anomalies
		//printf("\nMh = %.15e",2*PI/Ph*t_new);
		psi_h_target = solve_kepler(2*PI/Ph*t_new,eh);	//here is the new target eccentric anomaly

		theta_h_target = fix_angle( 2*atan2(sqrt(1+eh)*sin(psi_h_target/2.0) , sqrt(1-eh)*cos(psi_h_target/2.0)) );	//new hole true anomaly value to skip to
		//printf("\npsi_h_target = %.3e\nsolving keplers eqn for t_new = %.3f",psi_h_target, Ph/(2*PI)*kepler(psi_h_target,eh));
		//printf("\nt_elapsed / dt1 = %.20f\n",t_elapsed / dt1);

		//now the mean anomaly of the BEMRI orbit will have advanced by:
		Mb = 2*PI/Pb*t_elapsed - 2*PI*floor(t_elapsed/Pb);	//note this is not the current mean anomaly of the BEMRI, but how much it has advanced

		//here is how much the eccentric anomaly of the BEMRI has advanced
		psi_b_advanced = solve_kepler(Mb,eb);

		//so the new value of the true anomaly of the BEMRI is given by:		(current + advanced)
		new_true = theta_b + fix_angle((2*atan2(sqrt(1+eb)*sin(psi_b_advanced/2.0),sqrt(1-eb)*cos(psi_b_advanced/2.0))) );


		//printf("\ncurrent hole anomaly is %.3f, target anomaly is %.3f\n",theta_h, theta_h_target);
		//printf("chi = %.3e\nah = %.3e\neh=%.3e\n",chi,ah,eh);


	//before advancing the BH orbit, freeze the BEMRI CM motion so the new CM motion can be added on easily
	for(int i=0; i < 3; i++)
		V1[i] -= V4[i];			//remove CM motion for mass 1
		V2[i] -= V4[i];			//remove CM motion for mass 2
		R1[i] -= R4[i];
		R2[i] -= R4[i];

	    //now that we know the new true anomaly of the hole AND the BEMRI, we can advance the two orbits to the new positions

		//now advance the BH orbit

		//and now the BEMRI CM values need to be updated:

		return t_elapsed;
int calc_angles(binary * b)

	double x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,r,v,k,h[3],R[3],V[3],e_vec[3],vxh1[3],vxh2[3],R_temp[3],theta,edotr,ip;
	double i,z_hat[3] = {0,0,1}, ea, lan_calc, aop_calc, n[3];
	double beta;
	int ret=0;

	//First translate to mass 1 rest frame
	x = b->x2[0] - b->x1[0];
	y = b->x2[1] - b->x1[1];
	z = b->x2[2] - b->x1[2];
	vx = b->v2[0] - b->v1[0];
	vy = b->v2[1] - b->v1[1];
	vz = b->v2[2] - b->v1[2];
	r = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
	v = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz);
	k = G*b->mass1 + G*b->mass2;							//here k is the standard gravitational parameter

	//put together vectors of r and v
	R[0] = x;
	R[1] = y;
	R[2] = z;
	V[0] = vx;
	V[1] = vy;
	V[2] = vz;

	//calculate specific angular momentum vector h

	//calculate the eccentricity vector
	vect_mult_scalar(vxh1, 1/k, vxh2, 3);


	//find true anomaly from r
	edotr = dot_prod(e_vec,R,3);

	theta = acos(edotr / ( mag(e_vec,3) * mag(R,3) ) );

	if(dot_prod(R,V,3) < 0)
		theta = 2*PI - theta;
		ret = 1;

	b->true_anomaly = theta;

	i = acos(h[2]/mag(h,3));

	//calculate n, unit normal vector

	lan_calc = atan2(n[0],-n[1]);

	lan_calc = fix_angle(lan_calc);		//keep angles in range 0 to 2*pi

	if(i==0)				//zero inclination makes lan meaningless. Keep it at zero
		lan_calc = 0;

	beta = atan2(-cos(i) * sin(lan_calc) * x + cos(i) * cos(lan_calc) * y + sin(i) * z , cos(lan_calc) * x + sin(lan_calc) * y);
	beta = fix_angle(beta);		//keep angles in range 0 to 2*pi

	aop_calc = PI + beta - theta;
	aop_calc = fix_angle(aop_calc);		//keep angles in range 0 to 2*pi

	ea = acos((mag(e_vec,3) + cos(theta)) / (1.0 + mag(e_vec,3)*cos(theta)));

	b->i_a = i;
	b->la_n = lan_calc;
	b->ao_p = aop_calc;

	return ret;