static PyObject * base64_decode(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { char *in; unsigned char *out; int res; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ss", &in, &out)) return NULL; res = fko_base64_decode(in, out); return Py_BuildValue("s#", out, res); }
/* Prompt for and receive a user password. */ static int get_keys(fko_ctx_t ctx, fko_cli_options_t *options, char *key, int *key_len, char *hmac_key, int *hmac_key_len) { #if !AFL_FUZZING char *key_tmp = NULL, *hmac_key_tmp = NULL; #endif int use_hmac = 0, res = 0; memset(key, 0x0, MAX_KEY_LEN+1); memset(hmac_key, 0x0, MAX_KEY_LEN+1); if(options->have_key) { strlcpy(key, options->key, MAX_KEY_LEN+1); *key_len = strlen(key); } else if(options->have_base64_key) { *key_len = fko_base64_decode(options->key_base64, (unsigned char *) options->key); if(*key_len > 0 && *key_len < MAX_KEY_LEN) { memcpy(key, options->key, *key_len); } else { log_msg(LOG_VERBOSITY_ERROR, "[*] Invalid key length: '%d', must be in [1,%d]", *key_len, MAX_KEY_LEN); return 0; } } else { /* If --get-key file was specified grab the key/password from it. */ if(options->get_key_file[0] != 0x0) { if(get_key_file(key, key_len, options->get_key_file, ctx, options) != 1) { return 0; } } else if(options->use_gpg) { if(options->use_gpg_agent) log_msg(LOG_VERBOSITY_NORMAL, "[+] GPG mode set, signing passphrase acquired via gpg-agent"); else if(options->gpg_no_signing_pw) log_msg(LOG_VERBOSITY_NORMAL, "[+] GPG mode set, signing passphrase not required"); else if(strlen(options->gpg_signer_key)) { #if AFL_FUZZING strlcpy(key, AFL_ENC_KEY, MAX_KEY_LEN+1); #else key_tmp = getpasswd("Enter passphrase for signing: ", options->input_fd); if(key_tmp == NULL) { log_msg(LOG_VERBOSITY_ERROR, "[*] getpasswd() key error."); return 0; } strlcpy(key, key_tmp, MAX_KEY_LEN+1); #endif *key_len = strlen(key); } } else { #if AFL_FUZZING strlcpy(key, AFL_ENC_KEY, MAX_KEY_LEN+1); #else key_tmp = getpasswd("Enter encryption key: ", options->input_fd); if(key_tmp == NULL) { log_msg(LOG_VERBOSITY_ERROR, "[*] getpasswd() key error."); return 0; } strlcpy(key, key_tmp, MAX_KEY_LEN+1); #endif *key_len = strlen(key); } } if(options->have_hmac_key) { strlcpy(hmac_key, options->hmac_key, MAX_KEY_LEN+1); *hmac_key_len = strlen(hmac_key); use_hmac = 1; } else if(options->have_hmac_base64_key) { *hmac_key_len = fko_base64_decode(options->hmac_key_base64, (unsigned char *) options->hmac_key); if(*hmac_key_len > MAX_KEY_LEN || *hmac_key_len < 0) { log_msg(LOG_VERBOSITY_ERROR, "[*] Invalid decoded key length: '%d', must be in [0,%d]", *hmac_key_len, MAX_KEY_LEN); return 0; } memcpy(hmac_key, options->hmac_key, *hmac_key_len); use_hmac = 1; } else if (options->use_hmac) { /* If --get-key file was specified grab the key/password from it. */ if(options->get_hmac_key_file[0] != 0x0) { if(get_key_file(hmac_key, hmac_key_len, options->get_hmac_key_file, ctx, options) != 1) { return 0; } use_hmac = 1; } else { #if AFL_FUZZING strlcpy(hmac_key, AFL_HMAC_KEY, MAX_KEY_LEN+1); #else hmac_key_tmp = getpasswd("Enter HMAC key: ", options->input_fd); if(hmac_key_tmp == NULL) { log_msg(LOG_VERBOSITY_ERROR, "[*] getpasswd() key error."); return 0; } strlcpy(hmac_key, hmac_key_tmp, MAX_KEY_LEN+1); #endif *hmac_key_len = strlen(hmac_key); use_hmac = 1; } } if (use_hmac) { if(*hmac_key_len < 0 || *hmac_key_len > MAX_KEY_LEN) { log_msg(LOG_VERBOSITY_ERROR, "[*] Invalid HMAC key length: '%d', must be in [0,%d]", *hmac_key_len, MAX_KEY_LEN); return 0; } /* Make sure the same key is not used for both encryption and the HMAC */ if(*hmac_key_len == *key_len) { if(memcmp(hmac_key, key, *key_len) == 0) { log_msg(LOG_VERBOSITY_ERROR, "[*] The encryption passphrase and HMAC key should not be identical, no SPA packet sent. Exiting."); return 0; } } res = fko_set_spa_hmac_type(ctx, options->hmac_type); if(res != FKO_SUCCESS) { errmsg("fko_set_spa_hmac_type", res); return 0; } } return 1; }
/* JNI interface: constructs arguments and calls main function */ jstring Java_biz_incomsystems_fwknop2_SendSPA_sendSPAPacket(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz) { fko_ctx_t ctx; fwknop_options_t opts; int res, hmac_str_len = 0; short message_type; short digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA256; short hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA256; int key_len, hmac_key_len; char res_msg[MSG_BUFSIZE+1] = {0}; char spa_msg[MSG_BUFSIZE+1] = {0}; char nat_msg[MSG_BUFSIZE+1] = {0}; jstring ourSpa; char *key_tmp[MAX_KEY_LEN+1] = {0}, *hmac_key_tmp[MAX_KEY_LEN+1] = {0}; LOGV("**** Init fwknop ****"); memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(fwknop_options_t)); /* Read the member values from the Java Object that called sendSPAPacket() method */ jclass c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env,thiz); jfieldID fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "access_str", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jaccess = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); const char *access_str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jaccess, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "allowip_str", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jallowip = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); const char *allowip_str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jallowip, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "passwd_str", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jpasswd = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); char *passwd_str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jpasswd, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "passwd_b64", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jpasswd_b64 = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); const char *passwd_b64 = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jpasswd_b64, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "digest_type", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jdigest_type = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); char *set_digest_type = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jdigest_type, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "hmac_str", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jhmac = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); char *hmac_str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jhmac, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "hmac_b64", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jhmac_b64 = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); const char *hmac_b64 = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jhmac_b64, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "hmac_type", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jhmac_type = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); char *set_hmac_type = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jhmac_type, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "fw_timeout_str", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jfwtimeout = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); const char *fw_timeout_str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jfwtimeout, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "nat_access_str", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jnat_access_str = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); const char *nat_access_str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jnat_access_str, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "nat_local", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jnat_local = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); const char *nat_local = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jnat_local, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "server_cmd_str", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jserver_cmd = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); const char *server_cmd_str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jserver_cmd, 0); fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, c, "legacy", "Ljava/lang/String;"); jstring jlegacy = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, thiz, fid); const char *legacy = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jlegacy, 0); /* Sanity checks */ if(access_str == NULL) { sprintf(res_msg, "Error: Invalid or missing access string"); goto cleanup2; } if(allowip_str == NULL) { sprintf(res_msg, "Error: Invalid or missing allow IP"); goto cleanup2; } if(passwd_str == NULL) { sprintf(res_msg, "Error: Invalid or missing password"); goto cleanup2; } if(fw_timeout_str == NULL) { sprintf(res_msg, "Error: Invalid or missing firewall timeout value"); goto cleanup2; } if(hmac_str != NULL) { hmac_str_len = (int)strlen(hmac_str); } key_len = (int)strlen(passwd_str); if(legacy == NULL) { sprintf(legacy, "false"); } if(strcmp(hmac_b64, "true") == 0) { hmac_str_len = fko_base64_decode( hmac_str, (unsigned char *)hmac_key_tmp); if(hmac_str_len > MAX_KEY_LEN || hmac_str_len < 0) { LOGV("[*] Invalid key length: '%d', must be in [1,%d]", hmac_str_len, MAX_KEY_LEN); goto cleanup2; } else { memcpy(hmac_str, hmac_key_tmp, hmac_str_len); } } if(strcmp(passwd_b64, "true") == 0) { LOGV("Detected key b64"); key_len = fko_base64_decode(passwd_str, (unsigned char *)key_tmp); if(key_len > MAX_KEY_LEN || key_len < 0) { LOGV( "[*] Invalid key length: '%d', must be in [1,%d]", key_len, MAX_KEY_LEN); goto cleanup2; } else { memcpy(passwd_str, key_tmp, key_len); } } /* Using an HMAC is optional in the pre-rfc mode. */ if (server_cmd_str[0] != 0x0) { message_type = FKO_COMMAND_MSG; } else { message_type = FKO_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_NAT_ACCESS_MSG; } /* Intialize the context */ res = fko_new(&ctx); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) { strcpy(res_msg, fko_errmsg("Unable to create FKO context", res)); goto cleanup2; } /* Set server command */ if (server_cmd_str[0] != 0x0) { message_type = FKO_COMMAND_MSG; fko_set_spa_message_type(ctx, message_type); res = fko_set_spa_message(ctx, server_cmd_str); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) { strcpy(res_msg, fko_errmsg("Error setting SPA request message", res)); goto cleanup; } } else { /* Set client timeout */ res = fko_set_spa_client_timeout(ctx, atoi(fw_timeout_str)); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) { strcpy(res_msg, fko_errmsg("Error setting FW timeout", res)); goto cleanup; } /* Set the spa message string */ snprintf(spa_msg, MSG_BUFSIZE, "%s,%s", allowip_str, access_str); res = fko_set_spa_message(ctx, spa_msg); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) { strcpy(res_msg, fko_errmsg("Error setting SPA request message", res)); goto cleanup; } } /* Set the HMAC mode if necessary */ if (strcmp(legacy, "true") == 0) { res = fko_set_spa_encryption_mode(ctx, FKO_ENC_MODE_CBC_LEGACY_IV); if (key_len > 16) { key_len = 16; } } if (hmac_str_len > 0) { if (strcmp(set_hmac_type, "MD5") == 0) { hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_MD5; } else if (strcmp(set_hmac_type, "SHA1") == 0) { hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA1; } else if (strcmp(set_hmac_type, "SHA256") == 0) { hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA256; } else if (strcmp(set_hmac_type, "SHA384") == 0) { hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA384; } else if (strcmp(set_hmac_type, "SHA512") == 0) { hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA512; } res = fko_set_spa_hmac_type(ctx, hmac_type); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) { strcpy(res_msg, fko_errmsg("Error setting SPA HMAC type", res)); goto cleanup; } } /* Set Nat */ if (nat_access_str[0] != 0x0){ // if nat_access_str is not blank, push it into fko context if (strncmp(nat_local, "true", 4) == 0) { message_type = FKO_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_LOCAL_NAT_ACCESS_MSG; fko_set_spa_message_type(ctx, message_type); LOGV("Finished setting local-nat."); } res = fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, nat_access_str); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) { strcpy(res_msg, fko_errmsg("Error setting NAT string", res)); goto cleanup; } } LOGV("Setting digest type to %s.", set_digest_type); if (strcmp(set_digest_type, "MD5") == 0) { digest_type = FKO_HMAC_MD5; } else if (strcmp(set_digest_type, "SHA1") == 0) { digest_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA1; } else if (strcmp(set_digest_type, "SHA256") == 0) { digest_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA256; } else if (strcmp(set_digest_type, "SHA384") == 0) { digest_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA384; } else if (strcmp(set_digest_type, "SHA512") == 0) { digest_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA512; } res = fko_set_spa_digest_type(ctx, digest_type); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) { strcpy(res_msg, fko_errmsg("Error setting SPA digest type", res)); goto cleanup; } LOGV("Finished setting digest type."); /* Finalize the context data (Encrypt and encode). */ res = fko_spa_data_final(ctx, (char*)passwd_str, key_len, (char *)hmac_str, hmac_str_len); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) { strcpy(res_msg, fko_errmsg("Error generating SPA data", res)); goto cleanup; } LOGV("Finished finalize."); res = fko_get_spa_data(ctx, &opts.spa_data); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) { strcpy(res_msg, fko_errmsg("Error getting SPA data", res)); goto cleanup; } /* Generate the spa data packet */ ourSpa = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, opts.spa_data); cleanup: /* Release the resources used by the fko context. */ fko_destroy(ctx); cleanup2: /* Release mem */ (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jaccess, access_str); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jallowip, allowip_str); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jpasswd, passwd_str); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jpasswd_b64, passwd_b64); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jdigest_type, set_digest_type); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jhmac, hmac_str); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jhmac_b64, hmac_b64); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jhmac_type, set_hmac_type); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jfwtimeout, fw_timeout_str); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jnat_access_str, nat_access_str); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jnat_local, nat_local); return ourSpa; }
static void spa_encoded_msg_fuzzing(void) { fko_ctx_t decode_ctx = NULL; int res = 0, pkt_id, require_success, require_digest, digest_type, msg_len; int line_ctr = 0, spa_payload_ctr = 0; FILE *fz = NULL; char line[MAX_LINE_LEN] = {0}; char b64_encoded_msg[MAX_LINE_LEN] = {0}; unsigned char b64_decoded_msg[MAX_LINE_LEN] = {0}; /* fuzzing file contents (or from stdin) are formatted like this: * * <pkt_ID> <status: success|fail> <digest: yes|no> <digest type> <base64_SPA_payload> */ if ((fz = fopen("fuzz_spa_payloads", "r")) == NULL) return; while ((fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, fz)) != NULL) { line_ctr++; line[MAX_LINE_LEN-1] = '\0'; if (line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n') line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; if(IS_EMPTY_LINE(line[0])) continue; if(sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d %s", &pkt_id, &require_success, &require_digest, &digest_type, b64_encoded_msg) != 5) { printf("[+] fuzzing parsing error at line: %d\n", line_ctr); continue; } msg_len = fko_base64_decode(b64_encoded_msg, b64_decoded_msg); spa_payload_ctr++; fko_new(&decode_ctx); if ((res = fko_set_encoded_data(decode_ctx, (char *) b64_decoded_msg, msg_len, require_digest, digest_type)) != FKO_SUCCESS) { printf("[-] pkt_id: %d, fko_set_encoded_data(): %s\n", pkt_id, fko_errstr(res)); } res = fko_decode_spa_data(decode_ctx); if (require_success) { if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) { printf("[-] pkt_id: %d, expected decode success but: fko_decode_spa_data(): %s\n", pkt_id, fko_errstr(res)); } } else { if (res == FKO_SUCCESS) { printf("[-] pkt_id: %d, expected decode failure but: fko_decode_spa_data(): %s\n", pkt_id, fko_errstr(res)); } } fko_destroy(decode_ctx); memset(line, 0x0, MAX_LINE_LEN); memset(b64_encoded_msg, 0x0, MAX_LINE_LEN); } fclose(fz); printf("[+] Sent %d SPA payloads through libfko encode/decode cycle...\n", spa_payload_ctr); return; }
static void test_loop(int new_ctx_flag, int destroy_ctx_flag) { fko_ctx_t ctx = NULL, decrypt_ctx = NULL; int i, j; char *spa_data = NULL, encode_buf[100], decode_buf[100]; printf("[+] test_loop(): %s, %s\n", new_ctx_flag == NEW_CTX ? "NEW_CTX" : "NO_NEW_CTX", destroy_ctx_flag == CTX_DESTROY ? "DESTROY_CTX" : "NO_DESTROY_CTX"); printf("fko_new(): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_new(&ctx))); fko_destroy(ctx); ctx = NULL; printf("fko_new(): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_new(&ctx))); spa_func_getset_int(&ctx, "fko_set_spa_client_timeout", &fko_set_spa_client_timeout, "fko_get_spa_client_timeout", &fko_get_spa_client_timeout, -F_INT, F_INT, 10, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag); spa_func_getset_short(&ctx, "fko_set_spa_message_type", &fko_set_spa_message_type, "fko_get_spa_message_type", &fko_get_spa_message_type, FKO_COMMAND_MSG-F_INT, FKO_LAST_MSG_TYPE+F_INT, FKO_ACCESS_MSG, NO_DIGEST, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag); spa_func_int(&ctx, "fko_set_timestamp", &fko_set_timestamp, -F_INT, F_INT, 10, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag); for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { printf("fko_set_spa_message(,tcp/22): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_set_spa_message(ctx, ",tcp/22"))); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { printf("fko_set_spa_nat_access(,1234): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, ",1234"))); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { printf("fko_set_username(someuser): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_set_username(ctx, "someuser"))); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } spa_func_getset_short(&ctx, "fko_set_spa_encryption_type", &fko_set_spa_encryption_type, "fko_get_spa_encryption_type", &fko_get_spa_encryption_type, FKO_ENCRYPTION_INVALID_DATA-F_INT, FKO_LAST_ENCRYPTION_TYPE+F_INT, FKO_ENCRYPTION_RIJNDAEL, NO_DIGEST, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag); spa_func_getset_int(&ctx, "fko_set_spa_encryption_mode", &fko_set_spa_encryption_mode, "fko_get_spa_encryption_mode", &fko_get_spa_encryption_mode, FKO_ENC_MODE_UNKNOWN-F_INT, FKO_LAST_ENC_MODE+F_INT, FKO_ENC_MODE_CBC, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag); if (ENABLE_GPG_TESTS) { for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { printf("fko_set_spa_encryption_type(FKO_ENCRYPTION_GPG): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_set_spa_encryption_type(ctx, FKO_ENCRYPTION_GPG))); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { printf("fko_set_gpg_home_dir(/home/mbr/.gnupg): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_set_gpg_home_dir(ctx, "/home/mbr/.gnupg"))); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { printf("fko_set_gpg_recipient(1234asdf): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_set_gpg_recipient(ctx, "1234asdf"))); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } } spa_func_getset_short(&ctx, "fko_set_spa_digest_type", &fko_set_spa_digest_type, "fko_get_spa_digest_type", &fko_get_spa_digest_type, FKO_DIGEST_INVALID_DATA-F_INT, FKO_LAST_DIGEST_TYPE+F_INT, FKO_DEFAULT_DIGEST, DO_DIGEST, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag); spa_func_getset_short(&ctx, "fko_set_raw_spa_digest_type", &fko_set_spa_digest_type, "fko_get_raw_spa_digest_type", &fko_get_spa_digest_type, FKO_DIGEST_INVALID_DATA-F_INT, FKO_LAST_DIGEST_TYPE+F_INT, FKO_DEFAULT_DIGEST, RAW_DIGEST, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag); spa_func_getset_short(&ctx, "fko_set_spa_hmac_type", &fko_set_spa_hmac_type, "fko_get_spa_hmac_type", &fko_get_spa_hmac_type, FKO_HMAC_INVALID_DATA-F_INT, FKO_LAST_HMAC_MODE+F_INT, FKO_HMAC_SHA256, NO_DIGEST, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag); printf("Trying encrypt / authenticate step with bogus key lengths...\n"); for (i=-100; i < 200; i += 10) { for (j=-100; j < 200; j += 10) { fko_spa_data_final(ctx, ENC_KEY, i, HMAC_KEY, j); fko_spa_data_final(ctx, NULL, i, HMAC_KEY, j); fko_spa_data_final(ctx, ENC_KEY, i, NULL, j); fko_spa_data_final(ctx, NULL, i, NULL, j); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, NO_PRINT); spa_calls += 4; } } for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { printf("fko_spa_data_final(ENC_KEY, 16, HMAC_KEY, 16): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_spa_data_final(ctx, ENC_KEY, 16, HMAC_KEY, 16))); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { printf("fko_get_spa_data(): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_get_spa_data(ctx, &spa_data))); printf(" SPA DATA: %s\n", spa_data == NULL ? "<NULL>" : spa_data); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } printf("fko_new_with_data(): %s (data: %s)\n", fko_errstr(fko_new_with_data(&decrypt_ctx, spa_data, NULL, 0, FKO_ENC_MODE_CBC, NULL, 0, FKO_HMAC_SHA256)), spa_data); /* verify hmac, decrypt, and display ctx all together*/ for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { display_ctx(decrypt_ctx); printf("fko_verify_hmac() (1): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_verify_hmac(decrypt_ctx, HMAC_KEY, 16))); printf("fko_decrypt_spa_data() (1): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_decrypt_spa_data(decrypt_ctx, ENC_KEY, 16))); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } /* now, separately verify hmac, decrypt, and display ctx */ for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { printf("fko_verify_hmac() (2): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_verify_hmac(decrypt_ctx, HMAC_KEY, 16))); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } /* now decrypt */ for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { printf("fko_decrypt_spa_data() (2): %s\n", fko_errstr(fko_decrypt_spa_data(decrypt_ctx, ENC_KEY, 16))); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { display_ctx(decrypt_ctx); ctx_update(&ctx, new_ctx_flag, destroy_ctx_flag, DO_PRINT); } /* NULL tests */ fko_set_rand_value(ctx, NULL); fko_set_rand_value(ctx, NULL); fko_set_username(ctx, NULL); fko_set_username(ctx, NULL); fko_set_spa_message(ctx, NULL); fko_set_spa_message(ctx, NULL); fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, NULL); fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, NULL); fko_set_spa_server_auth(ctx, NULL); fko_set_spa_server_auth(ctx, NULL); fko_set_spa_data(ctx, NULL); fko_set_spa_data(ctx, NULL); spa_calls += 12; for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { fko_destroy(ctx); ctx = NULL; } for (i=0; i<FCN_CALLS; i++) { fko_destroy(decrypt_ctx); decrypt_ctx = NULL; } /* exercise the base64 encode/decode wrapper */ fko_base64_encode((unsigned char *)ENC_KEY, encode_buf, 16); fko_base64_decode(encode_buf, (unsigned char *)decode_buf); /* call fko_errstr() across valid and invalid values */ for (i=-5; i < FKO_LAST_ERROR+5; i++) { printf("libfko error (%d): %s\n", i, fko_errstr(i)); spa_calls++; } return; }
wxString Config::gen_SPA(wxString ip_resolver_url, wxString gpgEngine, wxString gpgHomeFolder, bool debug) { CURLcode curl_Res; fko_ctx_t ctx; fwknop_options_t opts; int key_len = 0; int res; int hmac_str_len = 0; short message_type = FKO_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_NAT_ACCESS_MSG; short digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA256; short hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA256; char key_str[129] = {0}, hmac_str[129] = {0}; char spa_msg[256] = {0}; // char spa_buf[4096] = {0}; // char * spa_buf_ptr; // char crypt_buf[4096] = {0}; char nat_access_str[25] = {0}; // char * hmac_buf; // char * spa_digest_ptr; memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(fwknop_options_t)); if (this->KEY.IsEmpty() && !this->USE_GPG_CRYPT) return _("Key cannot be blank!"); wxBusyInfo wait(_("Please wait, working...")); if (this->SERVER_PORT.CmpNoCase(wxT("random")) == 0) { srand((int)wxGetLocalTime()); this->SERVER_PORT.Empty(); this->SERVER_PORT << (rand()%55535 + 10000); // do this better, this isn't a horribly good random function } if (this->ACCESS_IP.CmpNoCase(wxT("Source IP")) == 0) this->ACCESS_IP = wxT(""); else if (this->ACCESS_IP.CmpNoCase(wxT("Resolve IP")) == 0) { std::ostringstream oss; curl_Res = curl_read(std::string(ip_resolver_url.mb_str()), oss); if (curl_Res == CURLE_OK) { wxString result_tmp = wxString::FromUTF8(oss.str().c_str()); wxRegEx findIP( wxT("(([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-1][0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-1][0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])")); if (!findIP.Matches(result_tmp)) return _("Unable to resolve our IP!"); this->ACCESS_IP = findIP.GetMatch(result_tmp); } else return _("Libcurl returned the error: ") + wxString::FromUTF8(curl_easy_strerror(curl_Res)); } //end resolve ip if (fko_new(&ctx) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not get new FKO context"); if (USE_GPG_CRYPT) { fko_set_spa_encryption_type(ctx, FKO_ENCRYPTION_GPG); fko_set_gpg_exe(ctx, gpgEngine.mb_str()); fko_set_gpg_home_dir(ctx, gpgHomeFolder.mb_str()); fko_set_gpg_recipient(ctx, GPG_CRYPT_ID.mb_str()); if (GPG_SIG_ID.CmpNoCase(_("None")) != 0) fko_set_gpg_signer(ctx, GPG_SIG_ID.mb_str()); fko_set_spa_encryption_mode(ctx, FKO_ENC_MODE_ASYMMETRIC); } else { if (this->KEY_BASE64) { key_len = fko_base64_decode(this->KEY.mb_str(), (unsigned char *)key_str); } else { strncpy(key_str, (const char*)this->KEY.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 128); key_len = (int)strlen(key_str); } } if (this->HMAC_BASE64) { hmac_str_len = fko_base64_decode(this->HMAC.mb_str(), (unsigned char *)hmac_str); } else { strncpy(hmac_str, (const char*)this->HMAC.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 128); hmac_str_len = (int)strlen(hmac_str); } if (MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Server Command")) == 0) { message_type = FKO_COMMAND_MSG; if (fko_set_spa_message_type(ctx, message_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set message type"); snprintf(spa_msg, 256, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->ACCESS_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->SERVER_CMD.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); res = fko_set_spa_message(ctx, spa_msg); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set command message"); } else { if (fko_set_spa_client_timeout(ctx, wxAtoi(this->SERVER_TIMEOUT)) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA timeout"); snprintf(spa_msg, 256, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->ACCESS_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->PORTS.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_message(ctx, spa_msg) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA Message"); } if (this->LEGACY) { // technically should trim hmac keys if (fko_set_spa_encryption_mode(ctx, FKO_ENC_MODE_CBC_LEGACY_IV) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set Legacy mode."); } if (!this->HMAC.IsEmpty()){ if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("MD5"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_MD5; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA1"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA1; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA256"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA256; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA384"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA384; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA512"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA512; if (fko_set_spa_hmac_type(ctx, hmac_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set HMAC type."); } if (this->MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Nat Access")) == 0) { sprintf(nat_access_str, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->NAT_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->NAT_PORT.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, nat_access_str) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set nat access string."); } else if (this->MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Local Nat Access")) == 0) { message_type = FKO_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_LOCAL_NAT_ACCESS_MSG; if (fko_set_spa_message_type(ctx, message_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Chould not set message type"); sprintf(nat_access_str, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->SERVER_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->NAT_PORT.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, nat_access_str) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set nat access string."); } if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("MD5"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_MD5; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA1"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA1; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA256"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA256; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA384"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA384; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA512"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA512; if (fko_set_spa_digest_type(ctx, digest_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA digest type."); if (fko_spa_data_final(ctx, key_str, key_len, hmac_str, hmac_str_len) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not generate SPA data."); if (fko_get_spa_data(ctx, &opts.spa_data) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not retrieve SPA data."); // if (!USE_GPG_CRYPT) { this->SPA_STRING = wxString::FromUTF8(opts.spa_data); /*} else { //could retain this for libfko without gpg support fko_get_encoded_data(ctx, &spa_buf_ptr); fko_get_spa_digest(ctx, &spa_digest_ptr); sprintf(spa_buf,"%s:%s", spa_buf_ptr, spa_digest_ptr); ourGPG->encryptAndSign(GPG_CRYPT_ID, GPG_SIG_ID, spa_buf, crypt_buf); fko_set_spa_data(ctx, crypt_buf); fko_set_spa_hmac(ctx, hmac_str, hmac_str_len); fko_get_spa_hmac(ctx, &hmac_buf); strcat(crypt_buf, hmac_buf); this->SPA_STRING = wxString::FromUTF8(crypt_buf + 2); }*/ if (debug) { wxTextEntryDialog *debugMessage = new wxTextEntryDialog(NULL, _("Debug info"), _("Debug info"), "Source IP: " + this->ACCESS_IP +"\n" + "SPA String: " + this->SPA_STRING, wxOK | wxTE_MULTILINE ); debugMessage->SetSize(620, 320); debugMessage->ShowModal(); debugMessage->Destroy(); } return _("Success"); }
wxString Config::gen_SPA(wxString ip_resolver_url) { CURLcode curl_Res; fko_ctx_t ctx; fwknop_options_t opts; int key_len, res; int hmac_str_len = 0; short message_type = FKO_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_NAT_ACCESS_MSG; short digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA256; short hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA256; char key_str[129] = {0}, hmac_str[129] = {0}; char spa_msg[256] = {0}; char debug_buf[4096] = {0}; char nat_access_str[25] = {0}; memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(fwknop_options_t)); if (this->KEY.IsEmpty()) return _("Key cannot be blank!"); wxBusyInfo wait(_("Please wait, working...")); if (this->SERVER_PORT.CmpNoCase(wxT("random")) == 0) { srand((int)wxGetLocalTime()); this->SERVER_PORT.Empty(); this->SERVER_PORT << (rand()%55535 + 10000); // do this better, this isn't a horribly good random function } if (this->ACCESS_IP.CmpNoCase(wxT("Source IP")) == 0) this->ACCESS_IP = wxT(""); else if (this->ACCESS_IP.CmpNoCase(wxT("Resolve IP")) == 0) { std::ostringstream oss; curl_Res = curl_read(std::string(ip_resolver_url.mb_str()), oss); //Eventually make this a user definable service. if (curl_Res == CURLE_OK) { wxString result_tmp = wxString::FromUTF8(oss.str().c_str()); wxRegEx findIP( wxT("(([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-1][0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2}|[0-1][0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])")); if (!findIP.Matches(result_tmp)) return _("Unable to resolve our IP!"); this->ACCESS_IP = findIP.GetMatch(result_tmp); } else return _("Libcurl returned the error: ") + wxString::FromUTF8(curl_easy_strerror(curl_Res)); } //end resolve ip if (this->KEY_BASE64) { key_len = fko_base64_decode(this->KEY.mb_str(), (unsigned char *)key_str); } else { strncpy(key_str, (const char*)this->KEY.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 128); key_len = (int)strlen(key_str); } if (this->HMAC_BASE64) { hmac_str_len = fko_base64_decode(this->HMAC.mb_str(), (unsigned char *)hmac_str); } else { strncpy(hmac_str, (const char*)this->HMAC.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 128); hmac_str_len = (int)strlen(hmac_str); } if (fko_new(&ctx) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not get new FKO context"); if (MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Server Command")) == 0) { message_type = FKO_COMMAND_MSG; if (fko_set_spa_message_type(ctx, message_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set message type"); snprintf(spa_msg, 256, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->ACCESS_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->SERVER_CMD.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); res = fko_set_spa_message(ctx, spa_msg); if (res != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set command message"); } else { if (fko_set_spa_client_timeout(ctx, wxAtoi(this->SERVER_TIMEOUT)) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA timeout"); snprintf(spa_msg, 256, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->ACCESS_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->PORTS.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_message(ctx, spa_msg) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA Message"); } if (this->LEGACY) { // technically should trim hmac keys if (fko_set_spa_encryption_mode(ctx, FKO_ENC_MODE_CBC_LEGACY_IV) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set Legacy mode."); } if (!this->HMAC.IsEmpty()){ if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("MD5"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_MD5; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA1"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA1; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA256"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA256; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA384"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA384; else if (this->HMAC_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA512"))==0) hmac_type = FKO_HMAC_SHA512; if (fko_set_spa_hmac_type(ctx, hmac_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set HMAC type."); } if (this->MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Nat Access")) == 0) { sprintf(nat_access_str, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->NAT_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->NAT_PORT.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, nat_access_str) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set nat access string."); } else if (this->MESS_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("Local Nat Access")) == 0) { message_type = FKO_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_LOCAL_NAT_ACCESS_MSG; if (fko_set_spa_message_type(ctx, message_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Chould not set message type"); sprintf(nat_access_str, "%s,%s", (const char*)this->SERVER_IP.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), (const char*)this->NAT_PORT.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if (fko_set_spa_nat_access(ctx, nat_access_str) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set nat access string."); } if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("MD5"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_MD5; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA1"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA1; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA256"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA256; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA384"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA384; else if (this->DIGEST_TYPE.CmpNoCase(wxT("SHA512"))==0) digest_type = FKO_DIGEST_SHA512; if (fko_set_spa_digest_type(ctx, digest_type) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not set SPA digest type."); if (fko_spa_data_final(ctx, key_str, key_len, hmac_str, hmac_str_len) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not generate SPA data."); if (fko_get_spa_data(ctx, &opts.spa_data) != FKO_SUCCESS) return _("Could not retrieve SPA data."); //dump_ctx_to_buffer(ctx, debug_buf, sizeof(debug_buf)); this->SPA_STRING = wxString::FromUTF8(opts.spa_data); return _("Success"); }