Example #1
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,const measurement<Y>& val)
    boost::io::ios_precision_saver precision_saver(os);
    boost::io::ios_flags_saver flags_saver(os);
    os << val.value() << "(+/-" << val.uncertainty() << ")";
    return os;
Example #2
std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >&
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, process::id const& pid)
    if (strm.good())
        io::ios_flags_saver flags_saver(strm, std::ios_base::hex | std::ios_base::showbase);
        // The width is set calculated to accommodate pid in hex + "0x" prefix
        io::ios_width_saver width_saver(strm, static_cast< std::streamsize >(pid_size * 2 + 2));
        io::basic_ios_fill_saver< CharT, TraitsT > fill_saver(strm, static_cast< CharT >('0'));
        strm << static_cast< uint_t< pid_size * 8 >::least >(pid.native_id());

    return strm;
Example #3
    std::basic_ostream<ch, char_traits>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<ch, char_traits> &os, uuid const& u)
    io::ios_flags_saver flags_saver(os);
    io::basic_ios_fill_saver<ch, char_traits> fill_saver(os);

    const typename std::basic_ostream<ch, char_traits>::sentry ok(os);
    if (ok) {
        const std::streamsize width = os.width(0);
        const std::streamsize uuid_width = 36;
        const std::ios_base::fmtflags flags = os.flags();
        const typename std::basic_ios<ch, char_traits>::char_type fill = os.fill();
        if (flags & (std::ios_base::right | std::ios_base::internal)) {
            for (std::streamsize i=uuid_width; i<width; i++) {
                os << fill;

        os << std::hex << std::right;

        std::size_t i=0;
        for (uuid::const_iterator i_data = u.begin(); i_data!=u.end(); ++i_data, ++i) {
            os << static_cast<unsigned int>(*i_data);
            if (i == 3 || i == 5 || i == 7 || i == 9) {
                os << os.widen('-');

        if (flags & std::ios_base::left) {
            for (std::streamsize s=uuid_width; s<width; s++) {
                os << fill;

        os.width(0); //used the width so reset it
    return os;
Example #4
    std::basic_ostream<ch, char_traits>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<ch, char_traits> &os, uuid const& u)
    io::ios_flags_saver flags_saver(os);
    io::ios_width_saver width_saver(os);
    io::basic_ios_fill_saver<ch, char_traits> fill_saver(os);

    const typename std::basic_ostream<ch, char_traits>::sentry ok(os);
    if (ok) {
        os << std::hex;

        std::size_t i=0;
        for (uuid::const_iterator i_data = u.begin(); i_data!=u.end(); ++i_data, ++i) {
            os << static_cast<unsigned int>(*i_data);
            if (i == 3 || i == 5 || i == 7 || i == 9) {
                os << os.widen('-');
    return os;
Example #5
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& os,const physical_constant<Y>& val)
    boost::io::ios_precision_saver precision_saver(os);
    //boost::io::ios_width_saver width_saver(os);
    boost::io::ios_flags_saver flags_saver(os);

    //os << std::setw(21);
    typedef typename Y::value_type value_type;
    if (val.uncertainty() > value_type())
        const double relative_uncertainty = std::abs(val.uncertainty()/val.value());
        const double  exponent = std::log10(relative_uncertainty);
        const long digits_of_precision = static_cast<long>(std::ceil(std::abs(exponent)))+3;
        // should try to replicate NIST CODATA syntax 
        os << std::setprecision(digits_of_precision) 
           //<< std::setw(digits_of_precision+8) 
           //<< std::scientific
           << val.value();
//           << long(10*(relative_uncertainty/std::pow(Y(10),Y(exponent))));

        os << " (rel. unc. = " 
           << std::setprecision(1) 
           //<< std::setw(7) 
           << std::scientific
           << relative_uncertainty << ")";
        os << val.value() << " (exact)";
    return os;