Example #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	cl_int err;
	int usegpu = USEGPU;
    int do_verify = 0;
    int opt, option_index=0;

    unsigned int correct;

    size_t global_size;
    size_t local_size;

    cl_device_id device_id;
    cl_context context;
    cl_command_queue commands;
    cl_program program;
    cl_kernel kernel;

    stopwatch sw;

    cl_mem csr_ap;
    cl_mem csr_aj;
    cl_mem csr_ax;
    cl_mem x_loc;
    cl_mem y_loc;

    FILE *kernelFile;
    char *kernelSource;
    size_t kernelLength;
    size_t lengthRead;

    ocd_init(&argc, &argv, NULL);
    ocd_options opts = ocd_get_options();
    platform_id = opts.platform_id;
    n_device = opts.device_id;

    while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "::vc::", 
                            long_options, &option_index)) != -1 ) {
        //case 'i':
          //input_file = optarg;
        case 'v':
          fprintf(stderr, "verify\n");
          do_verify = 1;
        case 'c':
          fprintf(stderr, "using cpu\n");
          usegpu = 0;
          fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-v Warning: lots of output] [-c use CPU]\n",

    /* Fill input set with random float values */
    int i;

    csr_matrix csr;
    csr = laplacian_5pt(512);
    int k = 0;
      for(k = 0; k < csr.num_nonzeros; k++){
         csr.Ax[k] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));

    //The other arrays
    float * x_host = float_new_array(csr.num_cols);
    float * y_host = float_new_array(csr.num_rows);

    unsigned int ii;
    for(ii = 0; ii < csr.num_cols; ii++){
        x_host[ii] = rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0);
    for(ii = 0; ii < csr.num_rows; ii++){
        y_host[ii] = rand() / (RAND_MAX + 2.0);

    /* Retrieve an OpenCL platform */
    device_id = GetDevice(platform_id, n_device);

    /* Create a compute context */
    context = clCreateContext(0, 1, &device_id, NULL, NULL, &err);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to create a compute context!");

    /* Create a command queue */
    commands = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device_id, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &err);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to create a command queue!");

    /* Load kernel source */
    kernelFile = fopen("spmv_csr_kernel.cl", "r");
    fseek(kernelFile, 0, SEEK_END);
    kernelLength = (size_t) ftell(kernelFile);
    kernelSource = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*kernelLength);
    lengthRead = fread((void *) kernelSource, kernelLength, 1, kernelFile);

    /* Create the compute program from the source buffer */
    program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, (const char **) &kernelSource, &kernelLength, &err);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to create a compute program!");

    /* Free kernel source */

    /* Build the program executable */
    err = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (err == CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE)                                                                                                                                       
        char *buildLog;
        size_t logLen;
        err = clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device_id, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &logLen);
        buildLog = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*logLen);
        err = clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device_id, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, logLen, (void *) buildLog, NULL);
        fprintf(stderr, "CL Error %d: Failed to build program! Log:\n%s", err, buildLog);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to build program!");

    /* Create the compute kernel in the program we wish to run */
    kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "csr", &err);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to create a compute kernel!");

    /* Create the input and output arrays in device memory for our calculation */
    csr_ap = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(unsigned int)*csr.num_rows+4, NULL, &err);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to allocate device memory!");
    csr_aj = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(unsigned int)*csr.num_nonzeros, NULL, &err);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to allocate device memory!");
    csr_ax = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(float)*csr.num_nonzeros, NULL, &err);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to allocate device memory!");
    x_loc = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(float)*csr.num_cols, NULL, &err);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to allocate device memory!");
    y_loc = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(float)*csr.num_rows, NULL, &err);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to allocate device memory!");

    /* beginning of timing point */
    /* Write our data set into the input array in device memory */
	err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, csr_ap, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(unsigned int)*csr.num_rows+4, csr.Ap, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent);
	START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_H2D, "CSR Data Copy", ocdTempTimer)
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to write to source array!");
    err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, csr_aj, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(unsigned int)*csr.num_nonzeros, csr.Aj, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent);
	START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_H2D, "CSR Data Copy", ocdTempTimer)
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to write to source array!");
    err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, csr_ax, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(float)*csr.num_nonzeros, csr.Ax, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent);
	START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_H2D, "CSR Data Copy", ocdTempTimer)
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to write to source array!");
    err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, x_loc, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(float)*csr.num_cols, x_host, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent);
	START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_H2D, "CSR Data Copy", ocdTempTimer)
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to write to source array!");
    err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, y_loc, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(float)*csr.num_rows, y_host, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent);
	START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_H2D, "CSR Data Copy", ocdTempTimer)
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to write to source array!");
    /* Set the arguments to our compute kernel */
    err = 0;
    err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(unsigned int), &csr.num_rows);
    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &csr_ap);
    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &csr_aj);
    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &csr_ax);
    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), &x_loc);
    err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), &y_loc);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to set kernel arguments!");

    /* Get the maximum work group size for executing the kernel on the device */
    err = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(kernel, device_id, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(size_t), (void *) &local_size, NULL);
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to retrieve kernel work group info!");

    /* Execute the kernel over the entire range of our 1d input data set */
    /* using the maximum number of work group items for this device */
    global_size = csr.num_rows;
    err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, kernel, 1, NULL, &global_size, &local_size, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent);
	START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_KERNEL, "CSR Kernel", ocdTempTimer)
    CHKERR(err, "Failed to execute kernel!");

    /* Wait for the command commands to get serviced before reading back results */
    float output[csr.num_rows];
    /* Read back the results from the device to verify the output */
	err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(commands, y_loc, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(float)*csr.num_rows, output, 0, NULL, &ocdTempEvent);
    	START_TIMER(ocdTempEvent, OCD_TIMER_D2H, "CSR Data Copy", ocdTempTimer)
	CHKERR(err, "Failed to read output array!");

    /* end of timing point */
    printf("Time consumed(ms): %lf Gflops: %f \n", 1000*get_interval_by_sec(&sw), (2.0 * (double) csr.num_nonzeros / get_interval_by_sec(&sw)) / 1e9);

   /* Validate our results */
       for (i = 0; i < csr.num_rows; i++){
           printf("row: %d	output: %f \n", i, output[i]);  

   int row = 0;
   float sum = 0;
   int row_start = 0;
   int row_end = 0;
   for(row =0; row < csr.num_rows; row++){     
        sum = y_host[row];
        row_start = csr.Ap[row];
        row_end   = csr.Ap[row+1];
        unsigned int jj = 0;
        for (jj = row_start; jj < row_end; jj++){             
            sum += csr.Ax[jj] * x_host[csr.Aj[jj]];      
        y_host[row] = sum;
    for (i = 0; i < csr.num_rows; i++){
        if((fabsf(y_host[i]) - fabsf(output[i])) > .001)
             printf("Possible error, difference greater then .001 at row %d \n", i);

    /* Print a brief summary detailing the results */

    /* Shutdown and cleanup */
    return 0;
Example #2
csr_matrix rand_csr(const unsigned int N,const unsigned int density, const double normal_stddev,unsigned long* seed,FILE* log)
    unsigned int i,j,nnz_ith_row,nnz,update_interval,rand_col;
    double nnz_ith_row_double,nz_error,nz_per_row_doubled,high_bound;
    int kn[128];
    float fn[128],wn[128];
    char* used_cols;
    csr_matrix csr;

    csr.num_rows = N;
    csr.num_cols = N;
    csr.density_perc = (((double)(density))/10000.0);
    csr.nz_per_row = (((double)N)*((double)density))/1000000.0;
    csr.num_nonzeros = round(csr.nz_per_row*N);
    csr.stddev = normal_stddev * csr.nz_per_row; //scale normalized standard deviation by average NZ/row

    fprintf(log,"Average NZ/Row: %-8.3f\n",csr.nz_per_row);
    fprintf(log,"Standard Deviation: %-8.3f\n",csr.stddev);
    fprintf(log,"Target Density: %u ppm = %g%%\n",density,csr.density_perc);
    fprintf(log,"Approximate NUM_nonzeros: %d\n",csr.num_nonzeros);

    csr.Ap = (unsigned int *) int_new_array(csr.num_rows+1,"rand_csr() - Heap Overflow! Cannot Allocate Space for csr.Ap");
    csr.Aj = (unsigned int *) int_new_array(csr.num_nonzeros,"rand_csr() - Heap Overflow! Cannot Allocate Space for csr.Aj");

    csr.Ap[0] = 0;
    nnz = 0;
    nz_per_row_doubled = 2*csr.nz_per_row; //limit nnz_ith_row to double the average because negative values are rounded up to 0. This
    high_bound = MINIMUM(csr.num_cols,nz_per_row_doubled); //limitation ensures the distribution will be symmetric about the mean, albeit not truly normal.
    used_cols = (char *) malloc(csr.num_cols*sizeof(char));
    check(used_cols != NULL,"rand_csr() - Heap Overflow! Cannot allocate space for used_cols");


    update_interval = round(csr.num_rows / 10.0);
    if(!update_interval) update_interval = csr.num_rows;

    for(i=0; i<csr.num_rows; i++)
        if(i % update_interval == 0) fprintf(log,"\t%d of %d (%5.1f%%) Rows Generated. Continuing...\n",i,csr.num_rows,((double)(i))/csr.num_rows*100);

        nnz_ith_row_double = r4_nor(seed,kn,fn,wn); //random, normally-distributed value for # of nz elements in ith row, NORMALIZED
        nnz_ith_row_double *= csr.stddev; //scale by standard deviation
        nnz_ith_row_double += csr.nz_per_row; //add average nz/row
        if(nnz_ith_row_double < 0)
            nnz_ith_row = 0;
        else if(nnz_ith_row_double > high_bound)
            nnz_ith_row = high_bound;
            nnz_ith_row = (unsigned int) round(nnz_ith_row_double);

        csr.Ap[i+1] = csr.Ap[i] + nnz_ith_row;
        if(csr.Ap[i+1] > csr.num_nonzeros)
            csr.Aj = (unsigned int *) realloc(csr.Aj,sizeof(unsigned int)*csr.Ap[i+1]);

        for(j=0; j<csr.num_cols; j++)
            used_cols[j] = 0;

        for(j=0; j<nnz_ith_row; j++)
            rand_col = abs(gen_rand(0,csr.num_cols - 1)); //unsigned long is always non-negative
            if(used_cols[rand_col]) {
            else {
                csr.Aj[csr.Ap[i]+j] = rand_col;
                used_cols[rand_col] = 1;
        qsort((&(csr.Aj[csr.Ap[i]])),nnz_ith_row,sizeof(unsigned int),unsigned_int_comparator);

    nz_error = ((double)abs((signed int)(csr.num_nonzeros - csr.Ap[csr.num_rows]))) / ((double)csr.num_nonzeros);
    if(nz_error >= .05)
        fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Actual NNZ differs from Theoretical NNZ by %5.2f%%!\n",nz_error*100);
    csr.num_nonzeros = csr.Ap[csr.num_rows];
    fprintf(log,"Actual NUM_nonzeros: %d\n",csr.num_nonzeros);
    csr.density_perc = (((double)csr.num_nonzeros)*100.0)/((double)csr.num_cols)/((double)csr.num_rows);
    csr.density_ppm = (unsigned int)round(csr.density_perc * 10000.0);
    fprintf(log,"Actual Density: %u ppm = %g%%\n",csr.density_ppm,csr.density_perc);

    csr.Ax = (float *) float_new_array(csr.num_nonzeros,"rand_csr() - Heap Overflow! Cannot Allocate Space for csr.Ax");
    for(i=0; i<csr.num_nonzeros; i++)
        csr.Ax[i] = 1.0 - 2.0 * common_randJS();
        while(csr.Ax[i] == 0.0)
            csr.Ax[i] = 1.0 - 2.0 * common_randJS();

    return csr;