Example #1
int main(int ac, char** av)
#if 1
        fixed_t fu = float_to_fixed(1.2);
        fixed_t bar = float_to_fixed(2.4);
        fixed_t baz = fixed_add(fu, bar);

        printf("%f + ", fixed_to_float(fu));
        printf("%f = ", fixed_to_float(bar));
        printf("%f\n", fixed_to_float(baz));

        fixed_t fu = float_to_fixed(1.5);
        fixed_t bar = int_to_fixed(2);
        fixed_t baz = fixed_mul(fu, bar);

        printf("%f * ", fixed_to_float(fu));
        printf("%f = ", fixed_to_float(bar));
        printf("%f\n", fixed_to_float(baz));

        fixed_t fu = int_to_fixed(1);
        fixed_t bar = int_to_fixed(2);
        fixed_t baz = fixed_div(fu, bar);

        printf("%f / ", fixed_to_float(fu));
        printf("%f = ", fixed_to_float(bar));
        printf("%f\n", fixed_to_float(baz));

        fixed_t fu = int_to_fixed(-1);
        fixed_t bar = int_to_fixed(2);
        fixed_t baz = fixed_div(fu, bar);

        printf("%f / ", fixed_to_float(fu));
        printf("%f = ", fixed_to_float(bar));
        printf("%f\n", fixed_to_float(baz));

#if 0
        fixed_t alpha = float_to_fixed(0.0);
        fixed_t step = float_to_fixed(0.01);
        for (; alpha < FIXED_TWO_PI; alpha = fixed_add(alpha, step))
            printf("%f ", fixed_to_float(alpha));
            printf("%f\n", fabsf(sinf(fixed_to_float(alpha)) - fixed_to_float(fixed_sin(alpha))));


    return 0;
Example #2
  A compliant controller for the motor. 
  Similar to a PD-position controller. To use, the user should call @ref mc_set_stiffness,
  @ref mc_set_dampness, and @ref mc_set_command_current to set the parameters of the controller.
  A call to @ref mc_set_command_current will latch the new stiffness and dampness values; without this
  call, dampness and stiffness (and the command current) won't change. The formula used in the
  control is @code Icontrol = Icommand - (stiffness * pos) - (dampness * vel) @endcode.
  Icontrol is passed to the PID current controller, which will attempt to go to the desired current.
  To request a specific position (in radians) with a given stiffness, use: @code Icommand = stiffness * desired_position @endcode.
void mc_compliant_control(void){
  float pos_rads = mc_data.get_position();
  fixed pos = float_to_fixed(pos_rads);
  fixed vel = float_to_fixed(mc_data.get_velocity());
  fixed control = mc_command_current - fixed_mult(mc_c1, pos) - fixed_mult(mc_c2, vel);
Example #3
  Sets the command current used by @ref mc_compliant_control to @c new_command.
  Also latches new values for stiffness and dampness.
  @param new_command The command current for the compliant controller.
void mc_set_command_current(float new_command)
  mc_command_current = float_to_fixed(new_command);
  mc_save_comm = new_command;
  //if (new_command != 7.2){mcu_led_red_blink(10);}
  mc_c1 = mc_new_c1;
  mc_c2 = mc_new_c2;
Example #4
  Calculates the result of plugging in @c value into the linear equation 
  described by the @c offset and @c coeff as a fixed point value.
  Used in converting between units.
  @code retval = (coeff * value) + offset @endcode
  @param offset The offset of the linear equation. Often called @c b.
  @param coeff The coefficient of the linear equation. Often called @c m.
  @param value The value to be plugged into the linear equation. Often called @c x.
  @return The fixed point result of plugging @c value into the linear equation.
fixed linear_to_fixed(int offset, float coeff, int value){
  int a, b, c, d, e;
  a = value;
  b = a - offset; //subtract the offset
  c = -1 * int_to_fixed(b); //convert to fixed point
  d = float_to_fixed(coeff); //convert coefficient to fixed point
  e = fixed_mult(c,d); //multiply gain to get amps in fixed point
  return e;
Example #5
void buildSinTable(short* pTbl) {
    int i;
    pSinTable = pTbl;
    for (i = 0;i < SINTABLE_LENGTH;++i) {
        const float s = taylor_sin(F_PI * (float)i / (float)SINTABLE_LENGTH);
        pSinTable[i] = (short) float_to_fixed(s);
Example #6
 real& real::operator=(const GLfloat& flt)
     if (_is_float)
         _float = flt;
         _fixed = float_to_fixed(flt);
     return *this;
Example #7
 GLfixed real::as_fixed() const
     return _is_float ? float_to_fixed(_float) : _fixed;
Example #8
 GLfixed const_real_ptr::as_fixed(size_t n) const
     return _is_float ? float_to_fixed(_float[n]) : _fixed[n];
Example #9
  Sets the dampness used by @ref mc_compliant_control to @c new_c2.
  This value will not be used (latched) until @ref mc_set_command_current has been called.
  @param new_c2 The new dampness for the compliant controller.
void mc_set_dampness(float new_c2){
  mc_new_c2 = float_to_fixed(new_c2); 
  mc_save_damp = new_c2;
  //if (new_c2-0.2 > 0.01 || new_c2-0.2 < -0.01){mcu_led_red_blink(10);}else{mcu_led_green_blink(10);}
Example #10
  Sets the stiffness used by @ref mc_compliant_control to @c new_c1.
  This value will not be used (latched) until @ref mc_set_command_current has been called.
  @param new_c1 The new stiffness for the compliant controller.
void mc_set_stiffness(float new_c1){
  mc_new_c1 = float_to_fixed(new_c1); 
  mc_save_stiff = new_c1;
  //if (new_c1 != 4.0){mcu_led_red_blink(10);}
Example #11
  Sets the target current to @c new_current without any limiting.
  @param new_current The new unlimited target current.
void mc_set_unsafe_target_current(float new_current) 
	fixed curr = float_to_fixed(new_current);
	mc_target_current = /*mc_data.operation * */curr;
Example #12
  Sets the target current of the PID current controller to @c new_current.
  The current controller will attempt to achieve this current on the next call to @ref mc_pid_current.
  @param new_current The target current for the PID current controller. @c target_min &lt @c new_current &lt @c target_max.
void mc_set_target_current(float new_current) 
	fixed curr = float_to_fixed(new_current);
Example #13
  Initializes the motor controller. Must be called before the motor
  controller module can be used properly.
  @param max_volts The maximum voltage the motor can take.
  @param max_current The maximum allowed current for the motor.
  @param min_current The minimum allowed current for the motor, often just -1 * @c max_current.
  @param max_target The maximum allowed current to be commanded using @ref mc_set_target_current.
  @param min_target The minimum allowed current to be commanded using @ref mc_set_target_current.
  @param thermal_current_limit The nominal or max continuous current for the motor.
  @param thermal_time_constant The Winding Thermal Time Constant.
  @param kp Proportional constant for the PID current controller.
  @param ki Integral constant for the PID current controller.
  @param kd Derivative constant for the PID current controller.
  @param max_pwm Maximum allowed PWM for the motor, often to limit voltage.
  @param error_limit If there are this many errors in a row, shutdown the motor. (DEPRECATED)
  @param smart_error_limit If the integral of the error is greater than this value, shutdown the motor.
  @param op The operation of the motor, either @c MC_NORMAL or @c MC_BACKWARDS. Used if positive PWM and positive position don't match.
  @param current A function that returns the motor current as a fixed point value in amps.
  @param position A function that returns the motor position as a floating point number in radians.
  @param velocity A function that returns the motor velocity as a floating point number in radians.
void mc_init(
    float max_volts, 
		float max_current, 
		float min_current,
    float max_target, // dont see this in soft_setup_init
    float min_target,  // dont see this in soft_setup_init
    float thermal_current_limit, //from spec sheet
    float thermal_time_constant, //tau, from spec sheet
		float kp, 
		float ki, 
		float kd, 
		int max_pwm, 
		int error_limit, // set 4 now
    float smart_error_limit, // set 10 now
    MC_OPERATION op,        // I dont see this in soft_setup_init
		FIXED_VOID_F current, 
		FLOAT_VOID_F position,
		FLOAT_VOID_F velocity) //initializes the motor controller
  mc_data.operation = op;
	mc_data.motor_voltage_max = max_volts;	//Volts	
	mc_data.current_max = float_to_fixed(max_current);	//Amps
	mc_data.current_min = float_to_fixed(min_current);	//Amps
  mc_data.target_max = float_to_fixed(max_target);
  mc_data.target_min = float_to_fixed(min_target);
  mc_data.thermal_limit = float_to_fixed((thermal_current_limit*thermal_current_limit)*thermal_time_constant);
  mc_data.tau_inv = float_to_fixed(1.0/thermal_time_constant);
  mc_data.thermal_safe = fixed_mult(float_to_fixed(0.75), mc_data.thermal_limit);
  mc_data.thermal_diff = float_to_fixed(1.0/(thermal_current_limit - fixed_to_float(mc_data.thermal_safe)));
  mc_data.dt = float_to_fixed(1.0/(float)(1000*SCHED_SPEED));
	mc_data.kp = float_to_fixed(kp);
	mc_data.ki = float_to_fixed(ki);
	mc_data.kd = float_to_fixed(kd);	
	mc_data.integral = 0;
	mc_data.max_pwm = max_pwm;
	mc_data.max_integral = float_to_fixed((((float)max_pwm)/ki));
	mc_data.error_limit  = error_limit;
  mc_data.smart_error_limit = float_to_fixed(smart_error_limit);
  mc_data.smart_error_limit_inverse = float_to_fixed(1.0*10.0/smart_error_limit); 
	mc_data.get_current = current;
	mc_data.get_position = position;
	mc_data.get_velocity = velocity;
Example #14
int main(void)
	int sock, sock2;
	struct sockaddr_in echoclient,from, ctrlclient, ctrlinclient;
	unsigned int echolen, clientlen;
	int received = 0;

	FGNetFDM buf;
	char* buffer = (char*)&buf;

	FGNetCtrls bufctrl;
	char* buffer_ctrl = (char*)&bufctrl; 

	struct known_state state; 
	struct known_state old_state; 

	struct known_state_ints state_ints; 
	struct known_state_ints old_state_ints; 
	srand ( time(NULL) );
	memset(&state,		0, sizeof(state));
	memset(&old_state,	0, sizeof(state));

	memset(&state_ints,		0, sizeof(state_ints));
	memset(&old_state_ints,	0, sizeof(state_ints));

	/* Create the UDP socket */
	if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) {
		std::cerr << "Failed to create socket" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	if ((sock2 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) {
		std::cerr << "Failed to create socket" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	/// the port where net fdm is received
	memset(&echoclient, 0, sizeof(echoclient));       /* Clear struct */
	echoclient.sin_family = AF_INET;                  /* Internet/IP */
	echoclient.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");  /* IP address */
	echoclient.sin_port = htons(5500);       /* server port */

	/// the port where the modified net ctrl is sent to flightgear
	memset(&ctrlclient, 0, sizeof(ctrlclient));       /* Clear struct */
	ctrlclient.sin_family = AF_INET;                  /* Internet/IP */
	ctrlclient.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");  /* IP address */
	ctrlclient.sin_port = htons(5600);       /* server port */

	/// this is the port where the net ctrl comes from flight gear
	memset(&ctrlinclient, 0, sizeof(ctrlinclient));       /* Clear struct */
	ctrlinclient.sin_family = AF_INET;                  /* Internet/IP */
	ctrlinclient.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");  /* IP address */
	ctrlinclient.sin_port = htons(5700);       /* server port */

	int length = sizeof(buf);

	std::cout << "packet length should be " << length << " bytes" << std::endl;

	echolen = length;

	char errorbuf[100];

	/// need this?
	int ret  = bind(sock,  (struct sockaddr*)&echoclient, sizeof(echoclient) );
	int ret2 = bind(sock2, (struct sockaddr*)&ctrlinclient, sizeof(ctrlinclient) );
	std::cout << "bind " << ret << " " << ret2 << std::endl;

	std::string file = "telemetry.csv";
	std::ofstream telem(file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out );
	if (!telem) {
		std::cout << "File \"" << file << "\" not found.\n";
		throw fileNotFound();
		return 2;

    telem <<
	        "longitude, latitude, altitude" <<
			        "p, q, r," <<
					"elevator, rudder, aileron" <<

	//std::string binfile = "sim_telemetry.bin";
	//std::ofstream myFile(binfile, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

	double time = 0.0; 

	float dist = 40e3; //state.altitude;
	float div = 3e7;

	double target_longitude = -2.137; 
	double target_latitude  = .658;
	double target_altitude  = 50.0; //meters 
	std::cout << "struct size " << sizeof(state) << std::endl;

	FILE* telem_file;
	telem_file = fopen("telem.bin","wb");

	int i = 0;
	while(1) {
		// I think this clobbers echoclient
		/// receive net_fdm over udp
		received = recvfrom(sock, buffer, sizeof(buf), 0,
						(struct sockaddr *) &from,
/// -extract accelerations A_X_pilot etc, add noise
/// - are phidot, thetadot, psidot in body frame? Probably 
/// (I thought someone told me there was no difference, but that doesn't 
/// make sense- what if the vehicle was 90 degrees up from normal, how is
/// roll still roll?)
/// - take position lat long alt, but filter so it is only updated at a few Hz

/// and that's all we'll know

		FGNetFDM2Props( &buf);

		if (i == 1) {
			target_longitude = buf.longitude + (float)(rand()%(int)dist)/div - dist/div*0.5; 
			target_latitude  = buf.latitude  + (float)(rand()%(int)dist)/div - dist/div*0.5; 
			std::cout << "t longitude=" << target_longitude << ", t latitude=" << target_latitude << std::endl;

		if (i%10 == 0) {
			state.longitude= (float)((int)(180e4/M_PI*buf.longitude))/(180e4/M_PI);;
			state.latitude = (float)((int)(180e4/M_PI*buf.latitude))/(180e4/M_PI);
			state.altitude = buf.altitude*M2FT;
		} else {
			state.longitude= old_state.longitude;
			state.latitude = old_state.latitude;
			state.altitude = old_state.altitude;

		state.p = FPFIX(buf.p);
		state.q = FPFIX(buf.q);
		state.r = FPFIX(buf.r);

		state.A_X_pilot = FPFIX(buf.A_X_pilot);
		state.A_Y_pilot = FPFIX(buf.A_Y_pilot);
		state.A_Z_pilot = FPFIX(buf.A_Z_pilot);

		state.target_long= target_longitude;
		state.target_lat = target_latitude;
		state.target_alt = target_altitude;
		#if 0
		/// fixed point version
		if (j%10 == 0) {
		    /// convert to arc-minutes
			state_ints.longitude = float_to_fixed(180.0*60.0/M_PI*buf.longitude);
			state_ints.latitude  = float_to_fixed(180.0*60.0/M_PI*buf.latitude);
			/// convert to feet later?
			state_ints.altitude  = (int)(buf.altitude);

			/// TEMP
			/// alternate way of getting velocity- this one matches the sim 
			double x1 = (EARTH_RADIUS_METERS+state.altitude)*cos(state.latitude)*cos(state.longitude);
			double y1 = (EARTH_RADIUS_METERS+state.altitude)*cos(state.latitude)*sin(state.longitude);
			double z1 = (EARTH_RADIUS_METERS+state.altitude)*sin(state.latitude);

			double x2 = (EARTH_RADIUS_METERS+old_state.altitude)*cos(old_state.latitude)*cos(old_state.longitude);
			double y2 = (EARTH_RADIUS_METERS+old_state.altitude)*cos(old_state.latitude)*sin(old_state.longitude);
			double z2 = (EARTH_RADIUS_METERS+old_state.altitude)*sin(old_state.latitude);

			// delta xyz to target
			double xt = (EARTH_RADIUS_METERS+target_altitude)*cos(target_latitude)*cos(target_longitude);
			double yt = (EARTH_RADIUS_METERS+target_altitude)*cos(target_latitude)*sin(target_longitude);
			double zt = (EARTH_RADIUS_METERS+target_altitude)*sin(target_latitude);

			double dx = (x1-x2);
			double dy = (y1-y2);
			double dz = (z1-z2);

			// length of vector pointing from old location to current
			float l1 = sqrtf(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);

			/// length of vector point straight at center of earth
			double l2 = sqrtf(x2*x2 + y2*y2 + z2*z2);
			std::cout << "velocity correct " << l1
				<< ", dx " << (dx);
			//	<< ", radius " << EARTH_RADIUS_METERS 
			//	<< ", coslat " << cos(state.latitude)*cos(state.longitude);
				//<< ", dy " << (y1)
				//<< ", dz " << (z1);
			double dotprod = ( 
								(dx/l1 * (-x2)/l2) +
								(dy/l1 * (-y2)/l2) +
								(dz/l1 * (-z2)/l2)  );
			state.pitch = acos(dotprod)/M_PI -0.5;

		state_ints.target_long= float_to_fixed(target_longitude);
		state_ints.target_lat = float_to_fixed(target_latitude);
		state_ints.target_alt = float_to_fixed(target_altitude);

		state_ints.p = float_to_fixed(buf.p);
		state_ints.q = float_to_fixed(buf.q);
		state_ints.r = float_to_fixed(buf.r);

		state_ints.A_X_pilot = float_to_fixed(buf.A_X_pilot);
		state_ints.A_Y_pilot = float_to_fixed(buf.A_Y_pilot);
		state_ints.A_Z_pilot = float_to_fixed(buf.A_Z_pilot);

		if (received < 0) {
	//	} else if (received != echolen) {
	//		std::cerr << "wrong sized packet " << received << std::endl;
		} else {

			/// get the ctrls that are properly filled out with environmental
			/// data, so we don't clobber that when we modify the flap positions
			received = recvfrom(sock2, buffer_ctrl, sizeof(bufctrl), 0,
						(struct sockaddr *) &ctrlinclient,


			float dt =1.0/10.0;
			autopilot(state, old_state,dt);
			bufctrl.elevator = FPFIX(state.elevator);
			bufctrl.aileron  = FPFIX(state.aileron);
			bufctrl.rudder   = FPFIX(state.rudder);

			//autopilot_ints(state_ints, old_state_ints, buf, bufctrl);

			/// output to file and stdout 
				/// save telemetry to file
				telem << 
					buf.longitude << "," << buf.latitude << "," << buf.altitude*M2FT << "," <<
					state.p << "," << state.q << "," << state.r << "," <<
					bufctrl.elevator << "," << bufctrl.rudder << "," << bufctrl.aileron << "," <<
					state.dq << "," << state.iq << "," << 
					state.error_heading << "," << state.derror_heading << "," << state.ierror_heading << "," << 
					state.error_pitch << "," << state.dpitch << "," << state.ipitch << "," <<
					state.tpitch << "," << state.speed << "," << 
					state.tdx << "," << state.tdy << "," << 
					bufctrl.wind_speed_kt << "," << bufctrl.wind_dir_deg << "," << bufctrl.press_inhg << "," <<  
					state.dr << "," << state.ir << "," << state.pitch << 
					state.A_X_pilot << "," << state.A_Y_pilot << "," << state.A_Z_pilot << "," << 
					state.longitude << "," << state.latitude << "," << state.altitude << "," <<

				/// output some of the state to stdout every few seconds
				static int i = 0;
				//if ((state.longitude != old_state.longitude ) || (state.latitude != old_state.latitude)) {
				if (i%30==0) {
					std::cout <<
						", hor dist=" << sqrtf(state.tdist*state.tdist - (state.altitude-target_altitude)*(state.altitude-target_altitude)) <<
						//", agl=" << buf.agl << ", alt=" << state.altitude << ", vel=" << state.speed << 
						//		", fdm v= " << sqrtf(buf.v_north*buf.v_north + buf.v_east*buf.v_east + buf.v_down*buf.v_down)*0.3048 <<
						//	" tdx=" << state.tdx << ", tdy=" << state.tdy <<
						//		" heading= " << heading << " target heading= " << theading <<
						", err_head= " << state.error_heading << ", rud=" << bufctrl.rudder <<
						//			", lat= " << state.latitude << ", long= " << state.longitude << ", alt= " << state.altitude <<
						", pitch= " << state.pitch << ", tpitch= " << state.tpitch << ", elev=" << bufctrl.elevator <<
						//	", p=" << state.p <<  
						//		", q=" << state.q << ", elev=" << bufctrl.elevator <<
						", r=" << state.r << ", ail= " << bufctrl.aileron << 
						", ax=" << state.A_X_pilot << ", ay=" << state.A_Y_pilot << ", az=" << state.A_Z_pilot << 
						", orient=" << state.acc_orientation <<

			fwrite((void*)&state, 1, sizeof(state), telem_file);

			//std::cout << old_state.altitude << " " << state.altitude << std::endl;
			memcpy(&old_state, &state, sizeof(state));
			//memcpy(&old_state_ints, &state_ints, sizeof(state_ints));


			received = sendto(sock, buffer_ctrl, sizeof(bufctrl), 0,
			(struct sockaddr *) &ctrlclient, sizeof(ctrlclient));

			if (received <0) {

			time += 0.1;	



return 0;