Example #1
void runSuccess() {
Example #2
static int location_tag (cxml_handler_t* const _h, cxml_tag_t * const tag)
	int rc = 0;
	if (cxml_tag_is_open(tag)){
		int32_t lat, lon;
		long double d;
		cert_cxml_handler_t * h = (cert_cxml_handler_t *)_h;
		const char * v    = cxml_tag_attr_value(tag, "latitude");
		if(v == NULL){
			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Latitude shall be specified for location.\n");
			return -1;
		d = strtold(v, NULL);
		if (d <= 90.0 &&  d >= -90.0) d *= 10000000.0; // degree
		lat = (int32_t)floorl(d+_refLat);

		v    = cxml_tag_attr_value(tag, "longitude");
		if(v == NULL){
			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Longitude shall be specified for location.\n");
			return -1;
		d = strtold(v, NULL);
		if (d <= 180.0 &&  d >= -180.0) d *= 10000000.0; // degree
		lon = (int32_t)floorl(d + _refLon);

		cint32_write(lat, &h->ptr, h->end, &rc);
		cint32_write(lon, &h->ptr, h->end, &rc);
	return rc;
Example #3
int IsFib(long long T)
    double root5 = sqrt(5);	
    double phi = (1 + root5) / 2;
		long long u;
  	long long idx;

    idx    = (long) floorl( logl(T*root5) / logl(phi) + 0.5 );
    u = (long) floorl( powl(phi, idx)/root5 + 0.5);
    return (u == T);
Example #4
long double private_nearbyintl(long double x)
    long double x1;
    x1 = - floorl(-x + 0.5);
    x = floorl(x + 0.5);
    if (x == x1) return(x);
    else {
	/* FIXME: we should really test for floorl, also C99.
	   But FreeBSD 7.x does have it, but not nearbyintl */
        if (x/2.0 == floorl(x/2.0)) return(x); else return(x1);
Example #5
  Write angle into string in appropriate format.
  In particular, this routine supports the hms dms format for RA & Dec.

  All angles written by mangle go through this routine.

   Input: angle = angle.
          unit = format in which to write angle;
		 this is only used to decide the format, not to rescale the
		 angle, which remains unchanged;
                 the 'h' unit signifies hms(RA) and dms(Dec);
		 otherwise angle is written to str as a long double.
	  precision = number of digits after decimal point in output angles.
  Output: str = pointer to string containing the angle.
	  str_len = length of string.
void wrangle(long double angle, char unit, int precision, size_t str_len, char str[/*str_len*/])
/* default number of significant digits */
#define DIGITS		15
    char sign;
    int hour, min;
    int width;
    long double a, sec;

    if (unit == 'h') {
	sign = (angle < 0.)? '-' : ' ';
	a = fabsl(angle);
	hour = floorl(a);
	a = (a - hour) * 60.;
	min = floorl(a);
	a = (a - min) * 60.;
	sec = a;
	if (precision < 0) precision = DIGITS - 7;
	width = precision + 3;
	if (precision == 0) width--;
	snprintf(str, str_len, "%c%02d %02d %0*.*Lf",
	    sign, hour, min, width, precision, sec);
    } else {
	switch (unit) {
	case 'r':	/* radians */
	    if (precision < 0) precision = DIGITS - 1;
	    width = precision + 3;
	case 'd':	/* degrees */
	case '°':
	    if (precision < 0) precision = DIGITS - 3;
	    width = precision + 5;
	case 'm':	/* arcminutes */
	case '\'':
	case '´':
	    if (precision < 0) precision = DIGITS - 5;
	    width = precision + 7;
	case 's':	/* arcseconds */
	case '"':
	case '¨':
	    if (precision < 0) precision = DIGITS - 7;
	    width = precision + 9;
	if (precision == 0) width--;
	snprintf(str, str_len, "%*.*Lf",
	    width, precision, angle);
Example #6
unsigned long BloomFilter::hash2(const Key& key) {
    unsigned long hash = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) {
        hash = key.c_str()[i] + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash;
    long double d_hash = (long double)hash;

    d_hash *= (0.5 * (sqrtl(5) - 1));
    d_hash = d_hash / 10.0 - floorl(d_hash / 10.0);
    d_hash *= (double)m_length;

    return (unsigned long)floorl(d_hash);
Example #7
 * If the line between (OT1, NT1) and (OT2, NT2) is a straight line
 * and (OT3, NT3) is on that line,
 * then (NT2 - NT1) / (OT2 - OT2) = (NT3 - NT1) / (OT3 - OT1) and
 * then (OT3 - OT1) * (NT2 - NT1) / (OT2 - OT2) = (NT3 - NT1) and
 * then NT1 + (OT3 - OT1) * (NT2 - NT1) / (OT2 - OT2) = NT3 and
 * then NT3 = NT1 + (OT3 - OT1) * (NT2 - NT1) / (OT2 - OT2) and
 * thus NT3 = NT1 + (OT3 - OT1) * (NT2 - NT1) / (OT2 - OT1)
 *   or NT3 = NT1 + (OT3 - OT1) * ( deltaNT12 / deltaOT12)
 * All the things you come up when waiting for the train to come...
static void
calcNT3(nstime_t *OT1, nstime_t *OT3, nstime_t *NT1, nstime_t *NT3,
  nstime_t *deltaOT, nstime_t *deltaNT)
  long double fnt, fot, f, secs, nsecs;

  fnt = (long double)deltaNT->secs + (deltaNT->nsecs / 1000000000.0L);
  fot = (long double)deltaOT->secs + (deltaOT->nsecs / 1000000000.0L);
  f = fnt / fot;

  nstime_copy(NT3, OT3);
  nstime_subtract(NT3, OT1);

  secs = f * (long double)NT3->secs;
  nsecs = f * (long double)NT3->nsecs;
  nsecs += (secs - floorl(secs)) * 1000000000.0L;
  while (nsecs > 1000000000L) {
    secs += 1;
    nsecs -= 1000000000L;
  while (nsecs < 0) {
    secs -= 1;
    nsecs += 1000000000L;
  NT3->secs = (time_t)secs;
  NT3->nsecs = (int)nsecs;
  nstime_add(NT3, NT1);
Example #8
ull* productFib(ull prod) {

        ull *out = malloc(3 * sizeof(ull*));
        ull isfib = 1;
        long double golden = 1.6180339887498948482;
        long double srfive = 2.2360679774997896964;
        long double p = (long double)prod;
        long double n, m, r, t;

        n = roundl(sqrtl(p / golden));
        m = p / n;
        r = fmodl(p, n);

        if (r > 0) {
                isfib = 0;
                t = floorl(logl(n * srfive) / logl(golden)) + 1;
                n = roundl(powl(golden, t) / srfive);
                m = roundl(powl(golden, t + 1) / srfive);

        out[0] = (ull)n;
        out[1] = (ull)m;
        out[2] = isfib;
        return out;
Example #9
void test_floor()
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(floor((double)0)), double>::value), "");
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(floorf(0)), float>::value), "");
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(floorl(0)), long double>::value), "");
    assert(floor(1) == 1);
Example #10
 * Function to restore the presets saved in persistent storage into the list.
void presets_restore(void){
	if (!persist_exists(STORAGE_PRESET_START))
	int block = 0;
	PresetBlock* presetBlock = malloc(sizeof(PresetBlock));
	persist_read_data(STORAGE_PRESET_START, presetBlock, sizeof(PresetBlock));
	uint8_t preset_count = presetBlock->count;
	int save_time = presetBlock->time;
	int now = time(NULL);
	int seconds_elapsed = now-save_time;
	int minutes_elapse = (int)(floorl(seconds_elapsed / 60));
	for (int i = 0; i < preset_count; i++){
		if (i > 0 && i % PRESET_BLOCK_SIZE == 0){
			block += 1;
			presetBlock = malloc(sizeof(PresetBlock));
			persist_read_data(STORAGE_PRESET_START + block, presetBlock, sizeof(PresetBlock));
		Preset *preset = preset_clone(&presetBlock->presets[i % PRESET_BLOCK_SIZE]);
		preset->eta -= minutes_elapse;
		if (preset->eta <= 0)
			preset->eta = PRESET_REFRESHING_ETA;
Example #11
File: expm1l.c Project: KGG814/AOS
long double expm1l(long double x)
	long double px, qx, xx;
	int k;

	/* Overflow.  */
	if (x > MAXLOGL)
		return huge*huge;  /* overflow */
	if (x == 0.0)
		return x;
	/* Minimum value.*/
	if (x < minarg)
		return -1.0;

	xx = C1 + C2;
	/* Express x = ln 2 (k + remainder), remainder not exceeding 1/2. */
	px = floorl(0.5 + x / xx);
	k = px;
	/* remainder times ln 2 */
	x -= px * C1;
	x -= px * C2;

	/* Approximate exp(remainder ln 2).*/
	px = (((( P4 * x + P3) * x + P2) * x + P1) * x + P0) * x;
	qx = (((( x + Q4) * x + Q3) * x + Q2) * x + Q1) * x + Q0;
	xx = x * x;
	qx = x + (0.5 * xx + xx * px / qx);

	/* exp(x) = exp(k ln 2) exp(remainder ln 2) = 2^k exp(remainder ln 2).
	 We have qx = exp(remainder ln 2) - 1, so
	 exp(x) - 1  =  2^k (qx + 1) - 1  =  2^k qx + 2^k - 1.  */
	px = scalbnl(1.0, k);
	x = px * qx + (px - 1.0);
	return x;
Example #12
Round (Token ** Pila)

  Token *Operando = EntornoEjecucion_BuscaSimbolo (*Pila);
  if (Buzon.GetHuboError ())
  if (NoEsReal (Operando))
      BorrarTokenSiEsVariable (Operando);
  long double ValorDominio = Operando->GetDatoReal ();
  BorrarTokenSiEsVariable (Operando);

  long double ValorRetorno = floorl (fabsl (ValorDominio) + 0.5L) *
    (ValorDominio < 0 ? (-1.0L) : (1.0L));

  Token *TokenRetorno = ConsigueToken (ValorRetorno);
  if (Buzon.GetHuboError ())
  delete Desapila (Pila);
  Apila (Pila, TokenRetorno);

Example #13
long double
expl(long double x)
long double px, xx;
int n;

if( x > MAXLOGL)
	return (huge*huge);		/* overflow */

if( x < MINLOGL )
	return (twom10000*twom10000);	/* underflow */

/* Express e**x = e**g 2**n
 *   = e**g e**( n loge(2) )
 *   = e**( g + n loge(2) )
px = floorl( LOG2EL * x + 0.5L ); /* floor() truncates toward -infinity. */
n = px;
x += px * C1;
x += px * C2;
/* rational approximation for exponential
 * of the fractional part:
 * e**x =  1 + 2x P(x**2)/( Q(x**2) - P(x**2) )
xx = x * x;
px = x * __polevll( xx, P, 4 );
xx = __polevll( xx, Q, 5 );
x =  px/( xx - px );
x = 1.0L + x + x;

x = ldexpl( x, n );
Example #14
long double
FindXYgivenD (long double D) {

  long double maxx = 0;
  long double miny = 0;

  long double y;
  for ( y = 1 ; y < D; y++) {
    long double x = Diophanite(D, y);
    //if ((x < (x+.001)) && (x> (x-.001))) {
    if (floorl(x) == x) {
      if (maxx < x) {
        maxx = x;
        miny = y;

    } //if
  } // for

  if (maxx == 0) 
    printf("None found for D= %0.0Lf\n", D);
    printf("%0.0Lf^2 - %0.0Lf * %0.0Lf^2 = 1\n", maxx, D, miny);
  return maxx;
} // FindXYgivenD
long double expl(long double x)
	long double px, xx;
	int k;

	if (isnan(x))
		return x;
	if (x > 11356.5234062941439488L) /* x > ln(2^16384 - 0.5) */
		return x * 0x1p16383L;
	if (x < -11399.4985314888605581L) /* x < ln(2^-16446) */
		return -0x1p-16445L/x;

	/* Express e**x = e**f 2**k
	 *   = e**(f + k ln(2))
	px = floorl(LOG2E * x + 0.5);
	k = px;
	x -= px * LN2HI;
	x -= px * LN2LO;

	/* rational approximation of the fractional part:
	 * e**x =  1 + 2x P(x**2)/(Q(x**2) - x P(x**2))
	xx = x * x;
	px = x * __polevll(xx, P, 2);
	x = px/(__polevll(xx, Q, 3) - px);
	x = 1.0 + 2.0 * x;
	return scalbnl(x, k);
divides(long double first, long double second){
  long double r =   second/first;
  if (floorl (r) == r)
      return 1;
      return 0;
Example #17
static int _refPoint_option(const copt_t * opt, const char * option, const copt_value_t * value)
	char * e;
	long double lat, lon;
	lat = strtold(value->v_str, &e);
	if (*e == ':'){
		lon = strtold(e + 1, &e);
		if (*e == 0){
			if (lat <= 90.0 &&  lat >= -90.0) lat *= 10000000.0; // degree
			_refLat = (int32_t)floorl(lat);
			if (lon <= 180.0 &&  lon >= -180.0) lon *= 10000000.0; // degree
			_refLon = (int32_t)floorl(lon);
			return 0;
	return -1;
Example #18
/* Find a multiple of 1/NXT that is within 1/NXT of x. */
static long double reducl(long double x)
	long double t;

	t = x * NXT;
	t = floorl(t);
	t = t / NXT;
	return t;
Example #19
void testValues() {
    f = 2;
    long double result;
    //@ assert f == 2;
    //@ assert vacuous: \false;
Example #20
std::string Stopwatch::ToHoursString() const
	const long double hours = roundl(Seconds() / 60.0)/60.0;
	std::stringstream str;
	if(hours >= 10.0)
		str << roundl(hours) << 'h';
		str << floorl(hours) << 'h' << (hours*60.0) << 'm';
	return str.str();
Example #21
std::string Stopwatch::ToMinutesString() const
	const long double mins = roundl(Seconds())/60.0;
	std::stringstream str;
	if(mins >= 10.0)
		str << roundl(mins) << " min";
		str << floorl(mins) << 'm' << fmod(mins*60.0,60.0) << 's';
	return str.str();
Example #22
long double
fmodl (long double x, long double y)
  if (y == 0.0L)
    return 0.0L;

  /* Need to check that the result has the same sign as x and magnitude
     less than the magnitude of y.  */
  return x - floorl (x / y) * y;
Example #23
std::string Stopwatch::ToDaysString() const
	const long double days = roundl(Seconds() / (60.0*60.0))/24.0;
	std::stringstream str;
	if(days >= 10.0)
		str << roundl(days) << " days";
		str << floorl(days) << 'd' << (days*24.0) << 'h';
	return str.str();
Example #24
void Scene::findBuildingFields()
    TerrainType** map = _landscape.getMap();
    for(int i = 0; i < FIELD_SIZE; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < FIELD_SIZE; j++)
            if(map[i][j] != BUILDING)

            int x = floorl(i);
            int z = floorl(j);
            int idx = z*FIELD_SIZE + x;
Example #25
long double TSolver::gcalc(const char f,const long double a,const long double b,const long double step) //calculates function
 #define ain(x) (a-step<=x && a+step>=x)
 #define bin(x) (b-step<=x && b+step>=x)
 #define angin(x) (torad(a)-step<x && torad(a)+step>x)
 switch (f)
   {case '+' : return a+b;
    case '-' : return a-b;
    case '*' : return a*b;
    case '/' : if (bin(0)) {Err=E_DEV_ZERO;return 0;};return a/b;
    case '!' : if (floorl(a)!=a) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return factor(a);
    case '_' : return -a;

    case cpi   : return M_PI;
    case cx    : return X;

    case fexp  : return exp(a);
    case fln   : if (a<0) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return logl(a);
    case flog  : if (a<0) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return log10l(a);
    case flogn : if (a<0) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return log(a)/log(b);

    case '^':
    case f_op_pow:
    case fpow  : if (a<0 && b<1 && b>0 && (!fmodl(b,2))) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return powl(a,b);
    case fsqr  : return a*a;
    case f_op_root:
    case froot : if (a<0 && (!fmodl(b,2))){Err=E_ARG;return 0;}
		   return (a>0 || (!fmodl(b,2)))?powl(a,1/b):-powl(-a,1/b);
    case fsqrt : if (a<0) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;}return sqrtl(a);
    case f_abs  : return fabsl(a);

    case fsin  : return sinl(a);
    case fcos  : return cosl(a);
    case ftan  : if (angin(M_PI_2) || angin(M_PI_2+M_PI)) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return tanl(a);
    case fctan : if (angin(0) || angin(M_PI)) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return 1/tanl(a);

    case fsin+ARC : if (fabsl(a)>1) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return asinl(a);
    case fcos+ARC : if (fabsl(a)>1) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return acosl(a);
    case ftan+ARC : return atanl(a);
    case fctan+ARC: return atanl(1/a);

    case fsin+HYP : return sinhl(a);
    case fcos+HYP : return coshl(a);
    case ftan+HYP : return tanhl(a);
    case fctan+HYP : return 1/tanhl(a);
#ifndef _OLD_
    case fsin+HYP+ARC : return asinhl(a);
    case fcos+HYP+ARC : return acoshl(a);
    case ftan+HYP+ARC : if (fabsl(a)>=1) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return atanhl(a);
    case fctan+HYP+ARC : if (angin(0)) {Err=E_ARG;return 0;} return atanhl(1/a);
    default: return 0;
Example #26
 inline long double MathTrait<long double>::round( const long double val )
   if( val >= 0.0l )
     return floorl( val + 0.5l ) ;
     return ceill( val - 0.5l ) ;
Example #27
long double
roundl(long double x)
	long double t;

	if (!isfinite(x))
		return (x);

	if (x >= 0.0) {
		t = floorl(x);
		if (t - x <= -0.5)
			t += 1.0;
		return (t);
	} else {
		t = floorl(-x);
		if (t + x <= -0.5)
			t += 1.0;
		return (-t);
Example #28
long double
__lgammal_r(long double x, int *signgamp)
	long double y = __ieee754_lgammal_r(x,signgamp);
	if(__builtin_expect(!isfinite(y), 0)
	   && isfinite(x) && _LIB_VERSION != _IEEE_)
		return __kernel_standard(x, x,
					 ? 215 /* lgamma pole */
					 : 214); /* lgamma overflow */

	return y;
Example #29
void print_double(void *elem, void *fileout){
  long double k, i, j;
  long double x;

  k = *((long double*)elem);

  x = (1 + sqrtl(1 + 8 * (k-1))) / 2;
  i = floorl(x) + 1;
  j = k - ( (i-1)*1.0 * (i-2) ) /2;
  //printf("x: %Lf\n i: %0.0Lf j: %0.0Lf\n", x, i, j);
  fprintf((FILE*)fileout, "%0.0Lf %0.0Lf\n", i-1, j-1);
Example #30
long double
LGFUNC (__lgammal) (long double x)
	long double y = CALL_LGAMMA (long double, __ieee754_lgammal_r, x);
	if(__builtin_expect(!isfinite(y), 0)
	   && isfinite(x) && _LIB_VERSION != _IEEE_)
		return __kernel_standard_l(x, x,
					   ? 215 /* lgamma pole */
					   : 214); /* lgamma overflow */

	return y;