Example #1
static void dumpFile( FILE *fp, format *fmt )
    int         ch;
    char       *buf;
    char       *prv;

    int         repeat = 0;
    short int   sz     = 0;

    buf = (char *) malloc( MAX_BYTES );
    prv = (char *) malloc( MAX_BYTES );

    fseek( fp, fmt->offset, SEEK_SET );

    for( ;; ) {
        ch  = fgetc( fp );

        if( ch != EOF ) {
            buf[ sz ] = (char) ch;
        } else {
            flushLine( buf, sz, fmt );


        if( isatty( fileno( fp ) )  &&  ch == '\n' ) {
            flushLine( buf, sz, fmt );
            repeat = 0;
            fmt->offset += (long int) sz;
            sz = 0;
            memset( buf, 0, MAX_BYTES );
        } else if( sz >= MAX_BYTES ) {
            if( repeat != 0  &&  memcmp( buf, prv, MAX_BYTES ) == 0 ) {
                if( repeat != 2 ) {
                    fprintf( stdout, "*\n" );
                    repeat = 2;
            } else {
                flushLine( buf, MAX_BYTES, fmt );
                memcpy( prv, buf, MAX_BYTES );
                repeat = 1;
            fmt->offset += (long int) MAX_BYTES;
            sz = 0;
            memset( buf, 0, MAX_BYTES );

    fmt->offset += (long int) sz;

    if( fmt->osfmt == DEC_OFFSET ) {
        fprintf( stdout, "%010ld\n", fmt->offset );
    } else {
        fprintf( stdout, "%010lo\n", fmt->offset );
Example #2
STATIC int loadFrame(LINEBUF *data, int numFields)
   register int nc;
   char *field, *stopChar;

   nc = -1;

   for (field = getNextLine(data);
      field != NULL && data->isComment;
      field = getNextLine(data)
   ) flushLine(data, NULL);

   if (field != NULL) {
      nc = 0;
      for (
         field = nextField(data, field);
         field != NULL;
         field = nextField(data, field)
      ) {
         if (nc == numFields) {
            nc = 0;
         A[fields[nc]] = strtod(fieldData, &stopChar);
         if (stopChar == fieldData ||
            (*stopChar != 0 && !isspace(*stopChar))) {
            nc = 0;
   return nc;
int main(int argc, char* argv){
	int i;
	char c;
	rNum = 0;
	int trash = scanf("%d %d\n",&maxX,&maxY);
	while ((trash = scanf("%d %d %c\n", &x, &y, &orientation)) != -1){
		bool result = performAction(orientation);
		c = getchar();
		while (c != '\n' && c != EOF && result){
			result = performAction(c);
			c = getchar();
		if (c != '\n' && c != EOF)
		if (!result){
			printf("%d %d %c LOST\n",x,y, orientation);
		} else {
			printf("%d %d %c\n",x,y,orientation);
	return 0;
Example #4
void Editor_Export::closeElementNode (xmlNodePtr node)
  // The tag and class names of this element node.
  string tagName ((char *) node->name);
  string className;
  xmlChar * property = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "class");
  if (property) {
    className = (char *) property;
    xmlFree (property);
  if (tagName == "p")
    // While editing it happens that the p element does not have a class.
    // Use the 'p' class in such cases.
    if (className == "") className = "p";
    if (noteOpeners.find (className) != noteOpeners.end()) {
      // Deal with note closers.
      currentLine += usfm_get_closing_usfm (className);
    } else {
      // Normally a p element closes the USFM line.
      flushLine ();
      mono = false;
      // Clear active character styles.
  if (tagName == "span")
    // Do nothing for monospace elements, because the USFM would be the text nodes only.
    if (mono) return;
    // Do nothing without a class.
    if (className.empty()) return;
    // Do nothing if no endmarkers are supposed to be produced.
    if (suppressEndMarkers.find (className) != suppressEndMarkers.end()) return;
    // Add closing USFM, optionally closing embedded tags in reverse order.
    vector <string> classes = filter_string_explode (className, ' ');
    characterStyles = filter_string_array_diff (characterStyles, classes);
    reverse (classes.begin(), classes.end());
    for (unsigned int offset = 0; offset < classes.size(); offset++) {
      bool embedded = (classes.size () > 1) && (offset == 0);
      if (!characterStyles.empty ()) embedded = true;
      currentLine += usfm_get_closing_usfm (classes [offset], embedded);
  if (tagName == "a")
    // Do nothing for note citations in the text.
Example #5
STATIC long locateHeader(LINEBUF *data)
   long headerOffset = -1;

   /* Find last explicit comment line */
   for (;
      getNextLine(data) != NULL && data->isComment;
      flushLine(data, NULL)
   ) {
      if (*(data->buffer) == data->commentChar)
         headerOffset = data->bufferOffset;
   return headerOffset;
Example #6
void Editor_Export::openElementNode (xmlNodePtr node)
  // The tag and class names of this element node.
  string tagName ((char *) node->name);
  string className;
  xmlChar * property = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "class");
  if (property) {
    className = (char *) property;
    xmlFree (property);
  if (tagName == "p")
    // While editing, it may occur that the p element does not have a class.
    // Use the 'p' class in such cases.
    if (className.empty ()) className = "p";
    if (className == "mono") {
      // Class 'mono': The editor has the full USFM in the text.
      mono = true;
    } else {
      // Start the USFM line with a marker with the class name.
      currentLine += usfm_get_opening_usfm (className);
  if (tagName == "span")
    if (className == "v")  {
      // Handle the verse.
      flushLine ();
      openInline (className);
    else if (className.empty ()) {
      // Normal text is wrapped in elements without a class attribute.
    } else {
      // Handle remaining class attributes for inline text.
      openInline (className);
  if (tagName == "a")
    processNoteCitation (node);
Example #7
void Editor_Html2Usfm::openElementNode (xml_node node)
  // The tag and class names of this element node.
  string tagName = node.name ();
  string className = node.attribute ("class").value ();
  if (tagName == "p")
    // While editing, it may occur that the p element does not have a class.
    // Use the 'p' class in such cases.
    if (className.empty ()) className = "p";
    if (className == "mono") {
      // Class 'mono': The editor has the full USFM in the text.
      mono = true;
    } else {
      // Start the USFM line with a marker with the class name.
      currentLine += usfm_get_opening_usfm (className);
  if (tagName == "span")
    if (className == "v")  {
      // Handle the verse.
      flushLine ();
      openInline (className);
    else if (className.empty ()) {
      // Normal text is wrapped in elements without a class attribute.
    } else {
      // Handle remaining class attributes for inline text.
      openInline (className);
  if (tagName == "a")
    processNoteCitation (node);
Example #8
    delete fmetrics;
Example #9
Example #10
void paragraph::PutHandlingLine(wint_t ch,flags & flgs) // Called from GetPut, GetPutBullet and doTheSegmentation
        if(ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
            if(!lastEOLchar || lastEOLchar == ch)
                lastEOLchar = ch;
                // Ignore ch: CRLF or LFCR sequence equals '\n'
                lastEOLchar = '\0'; 
            if(  ch == WEOF 
              || ch == 26 /*20150916*/
              || overflowing()
//                if(ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') // reduces "     \t\t   \t\t\t" to " \t \t"
                                            // why keep spaces AND tabs, why not reduce to a single space?
                    if(MindTheSpace != 0 /*&& ch != flgs.MindTheSpace*/)
                    MindTheSpace = ' ';//ch;
                    //Line[Index++] = ch;
                else if(MindTheSpace != 0)
                    MindTheSpace = 0;

                    //assert(Index < sizeof(Line)/sizeof(Line[0]));
                // 20100106 The following does not reduce spaces, but increases their numbers!
                //assert(Index < sizeof(Line)/sizeof(Line[0]));
                //Line[Index++] = ch;
        lastEOLchar = '\0'; 
Example #11
void Editor_Html2Usfm::postprocess ()
  // Flush any last USFM line being built.
  flushLine ();
/* Read a pgm form header from input file, return the first comment line
   found (when *headerState = 0).  *headerState is modified to indicate
   the state of the pgm header read so far.  If this value of *headerState
   is used in a second call to readPnmCommentLine, then a second comment
   line is read.  And so on.  
   The recognized types are:
     - "P5" - pgm image
     - "P6" - ppm image
     - "FP" - pfm image, image of floats in a PC format
     - "FU","F5" - pfm image, image of floats in a UNIX machine format
   readPnmCommentLine returns:
      -1 if error found
       0 if no comment found
       1 found a comment line
int readPnmCommentLine(FILE *fpIn, char *commentLine, int *headerState)
  char line[MAXLINE_PGM], fileType[MAXLEN], *cPtr;
  int i, k, paramCount, foundComment;

  /* Strip file type in first two characters */
  if (*headerState == 0) {
    fread(line, (int) 2, 1, fpIn);
    line[2] = '\0';
    /* Check if file type is one of the recognized types */
    if (!((strcmp(line, "P5") == 0)
	  || (strcmp(line, "P6") == 0)
	  || (strcmp(line, "FP") == 0)
	  || (strcmp(line, "F5") == 0)
	  || (strcmp(line, "FU") == 0)))
      return(-1);   /* unrecognized file type */
    fread( line, (int) 1, 1, fpIn);
    if (!whtspc(line[0]))
    *headerState = 1;
  paramCount = (*headerState)-1;

  /* Read parameters nx, ny, ngray */
  foundComment = 0;
  while(paramCount < 3 && foundComment == 0) {  
    /* Seek next parameter or comment */

    /* Strip white space */
    while(whtspc(line[0])) {
      if (! fread(line, (int) 1, 1, fpIn)) 

    if (line[0] == '#') {

      /* Read comment line */
      k = getStripLine(fpIn, commentLine, MAXLINE_PGM);
      if (k==1) { /* Could not find a '\n' before MAXLINE_PGM,
		     return first portion of comment line, and flush
		     the rest. */
	if (flushLine(fpIn) < 0)
	  return(-1); /* Eof bumped into unexpectedly */
      } else if (k < 0) 
	return(-1); /* Eof bumped into unexpectedly */
      foundComment = 1;  
    } else {

      /* Read parameter */
      i = 0;
      while( !whtspc(line[i]) && i < MAXLINE_PGM) { 
	if (!fread( &(line[i]), (int) 1, 1, fpIn)) 
      strtol(line, &cPtr, 10);
      if (cPtr == NULL) 
      line[0] = line[i]; /* re-prime whitespace stream */
  *headerState = paramCount+1;
Example #13
void Editor_Export::postprocess ()
  // Flush any last USFM line being built.
  flushLine ();