static void fm_path_entry_changed(GtkEditable *editable) { FmPathEntry *entry = FM_PATH_ENTRY(editable); FmPathEntryPrivate *priv = FM_PATH_ENTRY_GET_PRIVATE(entry); const gchar *original_key = gtk_entry_get_text( GTK_ENTRY(entry) ); /* len of directory part */ gint key_dir_len; gchar *last_slash = strrchr(original_key, G_DIR_SEPARATOR); if( priv->in_change || !priv->path ) return; /* not path -> keep current completion model */ if( last_slash == NULL ) return; /* Check if path entry is not part of current completion folder model */ key_dir_len = last_slash - original_key; if( !fm_path_equal_str(priv->path, original_key, key_dir_len) ) { gchar* new_path = g_path_get_dirname(original_key); FmPath *new_fm_path = fm_path_new(new_path); g_free(new_path); if( new_fm_path != NULL ) { /* set hidden parameter based on prev. model */ /* FIXME: this is not very good */ gboolean show_hidden = priv->completion_model ? fm_folder_model_get_show_hidden(priv->completion_model) : FALSE; if(priv->completion_model) g_object_unref(priv->completion_model); if(priv->model && fm_path_equal(priv->model->dir->dir_path, new_fm_path)) { if(priv->path) fm_path_unref(priv->path); priv->path = fm_path_ref(priv->model->dir->dir_path); fm_path_unref(new_fm_path); priv->completion_model = g_object_ref(priv->model); } else { FmFolder *new_fm_folder = fm_folder_get_for_path(new_fm_path); FmFolderModel *new_fm = fm_folder_model_new(new_fm_folder, show_hidden); g_object_unref(new_fm_folder); priv->completion_model = new_fm; if(priv->path) fm_path_unref(priv->path); priv->path = new_fm_path; } gtk_entry_completion_set_model( priv->completion, GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->completion_model) ); } else { /* FIXME: Handle invalid Paths */ g_warning("Invalid Path: %s", new_path); } } }
static void test_predefined_paths() { FmPath* path; char* tmp; path = fm_path_new_for_uri("trash:///"); g_assert(path == fm_path_get_trash()); fm_path_unref(path); path = fm_path_new_for_uri("trash:///xxx"); g_assert(path->parent == fm_path_get_trash()); fm_path_unref(path); path = fm_path_new_for_uri("menu://"); g_assert(path == fm_path_get_apps_menu()); fm_path_unref(path); path = fm_path_new_for_uri("menu://applications"); g_assert(path == fm_path_get_apps_menu()); fm_path_unref(path); path = fm_path_new_for_uri("menu://applications/test/"); g_assert(path->parent == fm_path_get_apps_menu()); fm_path_unref(path); /* path = fm_path_new_for_path(g_get_home_dir()); g_assert(path == fm_path_get_home()); fm_path_unref(path); tmp = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), "xxxx", "xx", NULL); path = fm_path_new_for_path(tmp); g_debug("path->name=%s", path->parent->parent->name); g_assert(path->parent->parent == fm_path_get_home()); fm_path_unref(path); g_free(tmp); path = fm_path_new_for_path(g_get_user_special_dir(G_USER_DIRECTORY_DESKTOP)); g_assert(path == fm_path_get_desktop()); fm_path_unref(path); tmp = g_build_filename(g_get_user_special_dir(G_USER_DIRECTORY_DESKTOP), "xxxx", "xx", NULL); path = fm_path_new_for_path(tmp); g_assert(path->parent->parent == fm_path_get_desktop()); fm_path_unref(path); g_free(tmp); */ }
/** * fm_path_new_for_uri * @path_name: a URI with special characters escaped. * Encoded URI such as * will be unescaped. * * You can call fm_path_to_uri () to convert a FmPath to a escaped URI * string. * * Returns: a newly created FmPath for the path. You have to call * fm_path_unref () when it's no longer needed. */ static FmPath *_fm_path_new_for_uri_internal (const char *uri, gboolean need_unescape) { FmPath *path, *root; const char *rel_path; if (!uri || !*uri) return fm_path_ref (root_path); root = _fm_path_new_uri_root (uri, strlen (uri), &rel_path, need_unescape); if (*rel_path) { if (need_unescape) rel_path = g_uri_unescape_string (rel_path, NULL); path = fm_path_new_relative (root, rel_path); fm_path_unref (root); if (need_unescape) g_free ((char*)rel_path); } else { path = root; } return path; }
/** * fm_folder_config_open * @path: path to get config * * Searches for settings in the cache that are specific to @path. Locks * the cache. Returned descriptor can be used for access to settings. * * Returns: (transfer full): new configuration descriptor. * * Since: 1.2.0 */ FmFolderConfig *fm_folder_config_open(FmPath *path) { FmFolderConfig *fc = g_slice_new(FmFolderConfig); FmPath *sub_path; fc->changed = FALSE; /* clear .directory file first */ sub_path = fm_path_new_child(path, ".directory"); fc->filepath = fm_path_to_str(sub_path); fm_path_unref(sub_path); if (g_file_test(fc->filepath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { fc->kf = g_key_file_new(); if (g_key_file_load_from_file(fc->kf, fc->filepath, G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_COMMENTS | G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_TRANSLATIONS, NULL) && g_key_file_has_group(fc->kf, "File Manager")) { fc->group = "File Manager"; return fc; } g_key_file_free(fc->kf); } g_free(fc->filepath); fc->filepath = NULL; fc->group = fm_path_to_str(path); G_LOCK(cache); fc->kf = fc_cache; return fc; }
static void fm_path_entry_paste_and_go(GtkMenuItem *menuitem, GtkEntry *entry) { GtkClipboard* clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get_for_display( gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (menuitem)),GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD); gchar* full_path = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text(clipboard); if (full_path) { FmPathEntryPrivate *priv = FM_PATH_ENTRY_GET_PRIVATE(entry); if(priv->path) fm_path_unref(priv->path); /* special handling for home dir */ if(full_path[0] == '~' && full_path[1] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR) priv->path = fm_path_new_relative(fm_path_get_home(), full_path + 2); else if(full_path[0] == '~' && full_path[1] == 0) priv->path = fm_path_ref(fm_path_get_home()); else priv->path = fm_path_new_for_str(full_path); gchar * disp_name = fm_path_display_name(priv->path, FALSE); gtk_entry_set_text(entry, disp_name); g_free(disp_name); gtk_editable_set_position(GTK_EDITABLE(entry), -1); g_free(full_path); fm_path_entry_activate(FM_PATH_ENTRY(entry)); } }
static void fm_path_entry_on_activate(GtkEntry *entry, gpointer user_data) { FmPathEntryPrivate *priv = FM_PATH_ENTRY_GET_PRIVATE(entry); const char* full_path; char* disp_name; /* convert current path string to FmPath here */ full_path = gtk_entry_get_text(entry); if(priv->path) fm_path_unref(priv->path); /* special handling for home dir */ if(full_path[0] == '~' && full_path[1] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR) priv->path = fm_path_new_relative(fm_path_get_home(), full_path + 2); else if(full_path[0] == '~' && full_path[1] == 0) priv->path = fm_path_ref(fm_path_get_home()); else priv->path = fm_path_new_for_str(full_path); disp_name = fm_path_display_name(priv->path, FALSE); gtk_entry_set_text(entry, disp_name); g_free(disp_name); gtk_editable_set_position(GTK_EDITABLE(entry), -1); }
static void test_parsing(FmPathFunc func, const char* str, const char** expected, int n_expected) { GSList* elements = NULL, *l; int i; FmPath *path, *element; g_print("\ntry to parse \'%s\':\n[", str); path = func(str); for(element = path; element; element = element->parent) elements = g_slist_prepend(elements, element); for(i = 0, l = elements; l; l=l->next, ++i) { g_assert_cmpint(i, <, n_expected); element = (FmPath*)l->data; g_print("\'%s\'", element->name); if(l->next) g_print(", "); g_assert_cmpstr(element->name, ==, expected[i]); } g_slist_free(elements); g_print("]\n"); g_assert_cmpint(i, ==, n_expected); fm_path_unref(path); }
void free_item(FmBookmarkItem* item) { if(item->name != item->path->name) g_free(item->name); fm_path_unref(item->path); g_slice_free(FmBookmarkItem, item); }
void on_mount_added(GVolumeMonitor* vm, GMount* mount, gpointer user_data) { FmPlacesModel* model = FM_PLACES_MODEL(user_data); GVolume* vol = g_mount_get_volume(mount); if(vol) { FmPlaceItem *item; GtkTreeIter it; item = find_vol(model, vol, &it); if(item && item->type == FM_PLACES_ITEM_VOL && !item->fi->path) { GtkTreePath* tp; GFile* gf = g_mount_get_root(mount); FmPath* path = fm_path_new_for_gfile(gf); g_debug("mount path: %s", path->name); g_object_unref(gf); fm_file_info_set_path(item->fi, path); if(path) fm_path_unref(path); item->vol_mounted = TRUE; /* inform the view to update mount indicator */ tp = gtk_tree_model_get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &it); gtk_tree_model_row_changed(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), tp, &it); gtk_tree_path_free(tp); } g_object_unref(vol); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { FmMainWin* w; gtk_init(&argc, &argv); fm_gtk_init(NULL); /* for debugging RTL */ /* gtk_widget_set_default_direction(GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL); */ w = fm_main_win_new(); gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(w), 640, 480); gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(w)); if(argc > 1) { FmPath* path = fm_path_new_for_commandline_arg(argv[1]); fm_main_win_chdir(w, path); fm_path_unref(path); } gtk_main(); fm_finalize(); return 0; }
FmFolder* fm_folder_get_for_gfile (GFile* gf) { FmPath* path = fm_path_new_for_gfile(gf); FmFolder* folder = fm_folder_new_internal(path, gf); fm_path_unref(path); return folder; }
FmFolder* fm_folder_get_for_path_name(const char* path) { FmPath* fm_path = fm_path_new_for_str(path); FmFolder* folder = fm_folder_get_internal(fm_path, NULL); fm_path_unref(fm_path); return folder; }
void fm_path_entry_set_model(FmPathEntry *entry, FmPath* path, FmFolderModel* model) { FmPathEntryPrivate *priv = FM_PATH_ENTRY_GET_PRIVATE(entry); /* FIXME: should we use UTF-8 encoded display name here? */ gchar *path_str = fm_path_display_name(path, FALSE); if(priv->path) fm_path_unref(priv->path); priv->path = fm_path_ref(path); if( priv->model ) g_object_unref( priv->model ); if( priv->completion_model ) g_object_unref(priv->completion_model); if(model) { priv->model = g_object_ref(model); priv->completion_model = g_object_ref(model); gtk_entry_set_completion(GTK_ENTRY(entry), priv->completion); } else { priv->model = NULL; priv->completion_model = NULL; gtk_entry_set_completion(GTK_ENTRY(entry), NULL); } gtk_entry_completion_set_model( priv->completion, (GtkTreeModel*)priv->completion_model ); priv->in_change = TRUE; gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), path_str); priv->in_change = FALSE; gtk_editable_set_position(GTK_EDITABLE(entry), -1); g_free(path_str); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { GtkWidget* w; gtk_init(&argc, &argv); fm_gtk_init(NULL); /* for debugging RTL */ /* gtk_widget_set_default_direction(GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL); */ w = fm_main_win_new(); gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(w), 640, 480); gtk_widget_show(w); if(argc > 1) { FmPath* path = fm_path_new(argv[1]); fm_main_win_chdir(FM_MAIN_WIN(w), path); fm_path_unref(path); } gtk_main(); fm_finalize(); return 0; }
static FmFileInfo *_fetch_file_info_for_shortcut(const char *target, GAppLaunchContext* ctx, FmFileLauncher* launcher, gpointer user_data) { FmFileInfoJob *job; QueryErrorData data; FmFileInfo *fi; FmPath *path; job = fm_file_info_job_new(NULL, 0); /* bug #3614794: the shortcut target is a commandline argument */ path = fm_path_new_for_commandline_arg(target); fm_file_info_job_add(job, path); fm_path_unref(path); data.ctx = ctx; data.launcher = launcher; data.user_data = user_data; g_signal_connect(job, "error", G_CALLBACK(on_query_target_info_error), &data); fi = NULL; if (fm_job_run_sync_with_mainloop(FM_JOB(job))) fi = fm_file_info_ref(fm_file_info_list_peek_head(job->file_infos)); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(job, on_query_target_info_error, &data); g_object_unref(job); return fi; }
static void fm_folder_view_finalize(GObject *object) { FmFolderView *self; g_return_if_fail(object != NULL); g_return_if_fail(IS_FM_FOLDER_VIEW(object)); self = FM_FOLDER_VIEW(object); if(self->folder) { g_object_unref(self->folder); if( self->model ) g_object_unref(self->model); } g_object_unref(self->dnd_src); g_object_unref(self->dnd_dest); if(self->cwd) fm_path_unref(self->cwd); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(fm_config, on_single_click_changed, object); cancel_pending_row_activated(self); if(self->icon_size_changed_handler) g_signal_handler_disconnect(fm_config, self->icon_size_changed_handler); if (G_OBJECT_CLASS(fm_folder_view_parent_class)->finalize) (* G_OBJECT_CLASS(fm_folder_view_parent_class)->finalize)(object); }
void fm_main_win_chdir_by_name(FmMainWin* win, const char* path_str) { FmPath* path; gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(win->location), path_str); path = fm_path_new(path_str); fm_folder_view_chdir(FM_FOLDER_VIEW(win->folder_view), path); fm_path_unref(path); }
/** * fm_file_info_job_add_gfile * @job: a job to add file * @gf: a file descriptor to add to query list * * Adds a path @gf to query list for the @job. * * This API may only be called before starting the @job. * * Since: 0.1.0 */ void fm_file_info_job_add_gfile(FmFileInfoJob* job, GFile* gf) { FmPath* path = fm_path_new_for_gfile(gf); FmFileInfo* fi = fm_file_info_new(); fm_file_info_set_path(fi, path); fm_path_unref(path); fm_file_info_list_push_tail_noref(job->file_infos, fi); }
static void on_browse_btn_clicked(GtkButton* btn, AppChooserData* data) { FmPath* file; GtkFileFilter* filter = gtk_file_filter_new(); char* binary; gtk_file_filter_add_custom(filter, GTK_FILE_FILTER_FILENAME|GTK_FILE_FILTER_MIME_TYPE, exec_filter_func, NULL, NULL); /* gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, _("Executable files")); */ file = fm_select_file(GTK_WINDOW(data->dlg), NULL, "/usr/bin", TRUE, FALSE, filter, NULL); if (file == NULL) return; binary = fm_path_to_str(file); if (g_str_has_suffix(fm_path_get_basename(file), ".desktop")) { GKeyFile *kf = g_key_file_new(); GDesktopAppInfo *info; if (g_key_file_load_from_file(kf, binary, 0, NULL) && (info = g_desktop_app_info_new_from_keyfile(kf)) != NULL) /* it is a valid desktop entry */ { /* FIXME: it will duplicate the file, how to avoid that? */ gtk_entry_set_text(data->cmdline, g_app_info_get_commandline(G_APP_INFO(info))); gtk_entry_set_text(data->app_name, g_app_info_get_name(G_APP_INFO(info))); gtk_toggle_button_set_active(data->use_terminal, g_key_file_get_boolean(kf, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_TERMINAL, NULL)); gtk_toggle_button_set_active(data->keep_open, g_key_file_get_boolean(kf, G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, "X-KeepTerminal", NULL)); g_object_unref(info); g_key_file_free(kf); fm_path_unref(file); return; } g_key_file_free(kf); } gtk_entry_set_text(data->cmdline, binary); g_free(binary); fm_path_unref(file); }
gboolean fm_folder_view_chdir(FmFolderView* fv, FmPath* path) { FmFolderModel* model; FmFolder* folder; if(fv->folder) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(fv->folder, on_folder_loaded, fv); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(fv->folder, on_folder_unmounted, fv); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(fv->folder, on_folder_err, fv); g_object_unref(fv->folder); fv->folder = NULL; if(fv->model) { model = FM_FOLDER_MODEL(fv->model); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(model, on_sort_col_changed, fv); if(model->dir) g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(model->dir, on_folder_err, fv); g_object_unref(model); fv->model = NULL; } } /* FIXME: the signal handler should be able to cancel the loading. */ g_signal_emit(fv, signals[DIRECTORY_CHANGED], 0, path); if(fv->cwd) fm_path_unref(fv->cwd); fv->cwd = fm_path_ref(path); fv->folder = folder = fm_folder_get(path); if(folder) { /* connect error handler */ g_signal_connect(folder, "loaded", on_folder_loaded, fv); g_signal_connect(folder, "unmount", on_folder_unmounted, fv); g_signal_connect(folder, "error", on_folder_err, fv); if(fm_folder_get_is_loaded(folder)) on_folder_loaded(folder, fv); else { switch(fv->mode) { case FM_FV_LIST_VIEW: cancel_pending_row_activated(fv); gtk_tree_view_set_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(fv->view), NULL); break; case FM_FV_ICON_VIEW: case FM_FV_COMPACT_VIEW: case FM_FV_THUMBNAIL_VIEW: exo_icon_view_set_model(EXO_ICON_VIEW(fv->view), NULL); break; } fv->model = NULL; } } return TRUE; }
void fm_path_unref(FmPath* path) { /* g_debug("fm_path_unref: %s, n_ref = %d", fm_path_to_str(path), path->n_ref); */ if(g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(&path->n_ref)) { if(G_LIKELY(path->parent)) fm_path_unref(path->parent); g_free(path); } }
static void update_vol(FmPlacesModel* model, FmPlaceItem* item, GtkTreeIter* it, FmFileInfoJob* job) { FmIcon* icon; GIcon* gicon; char* name; GdkPixbuf* pix; GMount* mount; FmPath* path; name = g_volume_get_name(item->vol); if(item->fi->icon) fm_icon_unref(item->fi->icon); gicon = g_volume_get_icon(item->vol); icon = fm_icon_from_gicon(gicon); item->fi->icon = icon; g_object_unref(gicon); mount = g_volume_get_mount(item->vol); if(mount) { GFile* gf = g_mount_get_root(mount); path = fm_path_new_for_gfile(gf); g_object_unref(gf); g_object_unref(mount); item->vol_mounted = TRUE; } else { path = NULL; item->vol_mounted = FALSE; } if(!fm_path_equal(item->fi->path, path)) { fm_file_info_set_path(item->fi, path); if(path) { if(job) fm_file_info_job_add(job, path); else { job = fm_file_info_job_new(NULL, FM_FILE_INFO_JOB_FOLLOW_SYMLINK); model->jobs = g_slist_prepend(model->jobs, job); g_signal_connect(job, "finished", G_CALLBACK(on_file_info_job_finished), model); fm_job_run_async(FM_JOB(job)); } fm_path_unref(path); } } pix = fm_icon_get_pixbuf(item->fi->icon, fm_config->pane_icon_size); gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), it, FM_PLACES_MODEL_COL_ICON, pix, FM_PLACES_MODEL_COL_LABEL, name, -1); g_object_unref(pix); g_free(name); }
/** * fm_move_or_copy_files_to * @parent: a window to place progress dialog over it * @files: list of files * @is_move: %TRUE to move, %FALSE to copy * * Opens a dialog to choose destination directory. If it was not cancelled * by user then moves or copies @files into chosen directory with progress * dialog. * * Before 0.1.15 this call had different arguments. * * Since: 0.1.0 */ void fm_move_or_copy_files_to(GtkWindow* parent, FmPathList* files, gboolean is_move) { FmPath* dest = fm_select_folder(parent, NULL); if(dest) { if(is_move) fm_move_files(parent, files, dest); else fm_copy_files(parent, files, dest); fm_path_unref(dest); } }
void activate_row(FmPlacesView* view, guint button, GtkTreePath* tree_path) { GtkTreeIter it; if(gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &it, tree_path)) { FmPlaceItem* item; FmPath* path; gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &it, FM_PLACES_MODEL_COL_INFO, &item, -1); if(!item) return; switch(item->type) { case FM_PLACES_ITEM_PATH: path = fm_path_ref(item->fi->path); break; case FM_PLACES_ITEM_VOL: { GFile* gf; GMount* mnt = g_volume_get_mount(item->vol); if(!mnt) { GtkWindow* parent = GTK_WINDOW(gtk_widget_get_toplevel(GTK_WIDGET(view))); if(!fm_mount_volume(parent, item->vol, TRUE)) return; mnt = g_volume_get_mount(item->vol); if(!mnt) { g_debug("GMount is invalid after successful g_volume_mount().\nThis is quite possibly a gvfs bug.\nSee"); return; } } gf = g_mount_get_root(mnt); g_object_unref(mnt); if(gf) { path = fm_path_new_for_gfile(gf); g_object_unref(gf); } else path = NULL; break; } default: return; } if(path) { g_signal_emit(view, signals[CHDIR], 0, button, path); fm_path_unref(path); } } }
static void on_folder_finish_loading(FmFolder* folder, FmTabPage* page) { FmFolderView* fv = page->folder_view; const FmNavHistoryItem* item; GtkScrolledWindow* scroll = GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(fv); /* Note: most of the time, we delay the creation of the * folder model and do it after the whole folder is loaded. * That is because adding rows into model is much faster when no handlers * are connected to its signals. So we detach the model from folder view * and create the model again when it's fully loaded. * This optimization, however, is not used for FmFolder objects * with incremental loading (search://) */ if(fm_folder_view_get_model(fv) == NULL) { /* create a model for the folder and set it to the view */ FmFolderModel* model = fm_folder_model_new(folder, app_config->show_hidden); fm_folder_view_set_model(fv, model); fm_folder_model_set_sort(model, app_config->sort_by, (app_config->sort_type == GTK_SORT_ASCENDING) ? FM_SORT_ASCENDING : FM_SORT_DESCENDING); g_object_unref(model); } fm_folder_query_filesystem_info(folder); /* FIXME: is this needed? */ if (page->select_path_after_chdir) { fm_folder_view_select_file_path(fv, page->select_path_after_chdir); fm_path_unref(page->select_path_after_chdir); page->select_path_after_chdir = NULL; } // fm_path_entry_set_path(entry, path); /* scroll to recorded position */ item = fm_nav_history_get_cur(page->nav_history); gtk_adjustment_set_value(gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment(scroll), item->scroll_pos); /* update status bar */ /* update status text */ g_free(page->status_text[FM_STATUS_TEXT_NORMAL]); page->status_text[FM_STATUS_TEXT_NORMAL] = format_status_text(page); g_signal_emit(page, signals[STATUS], 0, (guint)FM_STATUS_TEXT_NORMAL, page->status_text[FM_STATUS_TEXT_NORMAL]); fm_unset_busy_cursor(GTK_WIDGET(page)); /* g_debug("finish-loading"); */ page->loading = FALSE; g_object_notify_by_pspec(G_OBJECT(page), props[PROP_LOADING]); }
/***************************************************************************************** * Create Direct Root Items... * * ****************************************************************************************/ void fm_dir_tree_model_load (FmDirTreeModel *dir_tree_model) { FmPath *path; FmFileInfo *file_info; FmDirTreeItem *dir_tree_item; // Desktop... path = fm_path_get_desktop (); file_info = fm_file_info_new_for_path (path); fm_file_info_query (file_info, NULL, NULL); fm_dir_tree_model_add_root (dir_tree_model, file_info, NULL, TRUE); /* Root FileSystem... path = fm_path_get_root (); file_info = fm_file_info_new_for_path (path); fm_file_info_query (file_info, NULL, NULL); fm_dir_tree_model_add_root (dir_tree_model, file_info, NULL, TRUE); */ // Settings... path = fm_path_new_for_uri ("menu://Applications/DesktopSettings"); file_info = fm_file_info_new_for_path (path); fm_file_info_query (file_info, NULL, NULL); fm_dir_tree_model_add_root (dir_tree_model, file_info, NULL, FALSE); fm_path_unref (path); // System... path = fm_path_new_for_uri ("menu://Applications/System"); file_info = fm_file_info_new_for_path (path); fm_file_info_query (file_info, NULL, NULL); fm_dir_tree_model_add_root (dir_tree_model, file_info, NULL, FALSE); fm_path_unref (path); // What's the purpose of weak pointers ??? :-P g_object_add_weak_pointer (dir_tree_model, &dir_tree_model); return; }
FmPathList* pathListFromQUrls(QList<QUrl> urls) { QList<QUrl>::const_iterator it; FmPathList* pathList = fm_path_list_new(); for(it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it) { QUrl url = *it; FmPath* path = fm_path_new_for_uri(url.toString().toUtf8()); fm_path_list_push_tail(pathList, path); fm_path_unref(path); } return pathList; }
void fm_path_entry_set_path(FmPathEntry *entry, FmPath* path) { FmPathEntryPrivate *priv = FM_PATH_ENTRY_GET_PRIVATE(entry); char* disp_path; if(priv->path) fm_path_unref(priv->path); priv->path = fm_path_ref(path); disp_path = fm_path_display_name(path, FALSE); /* FIXME: blocks changed signal */ gtk_entry_set_text(entry, disp_path); g_free(disp_path); }
static void place_item_free(PlaceItem* item) { switch(item->type) { case PLACE_PATH: fm_path_unref(item->path); break; case PLACE_VOL: g_object_unref(item->vol); break; } if(item->icon) fm_icon_unref(item->icon); g_slice_free(PlaceItem, item); }
gboolean fm_folder_view_chdir_by_name(FmFolderView* fv, const char* path_str) { gboolean ret; FmPath* path; if( G_UNLIKELY( !path_str ) ) return FALSE; path = fm_path_new_for_str(path_str); if(!path) /* might be a malformed path */ return FALSE; ret = fm_folder_view_chdir(fv, path); fm_path_unref(path); return ret; }