Example #1
** fr_open
** open a file
** INPUT : filename - file to be opened
**         mode - open method (r,w,a,r+,w+,a+)
** RETURN: pointer to a file descriptor or 0 on error
F_FILE * fr_open ( const char * filename, const char * mode )
  F_FILE * rc;

  if( xSemaphoreTake( fs_lock_semaphore, F_MAX_LOCK_WAIT_TICKS ) == pdPASS )
    rc = fn_open( filename, mode );
    xSemaphoreGive( fs_lock_semaphore );
    rc = NULL;

  return rc;
Example #2
/* Tries to detect whether FILE is a given type of file, by opening the file
   and passing it to DETECT, and returns a detect_result. */
static enum detect_result
try_detect (const char *file_name, bool (*detect) (FILE *))
  FILE *file;
  bool is_type;

  file = fn_open (file_name, "rb");
  if (file == NULL)
      msg (ME, _("An error occurred while opening `%s': %s."),
           file_name, strerror (errno));
      return ANY_ERROR;

  is_type = detect (file);

  fn_close (file_name, file);

  return is_type ? ANY_YES : ANY_NO;
Example #3
 * fn_truncate
 * Open a file and set end of file
 * INPUT:	filename - name of the file
 *		filesize - required new size
 * RETURN:	NULL on error, otherwise file pointer
F_FILE * fn_truncate ( const char * filename, long filesize )
  F_FILE       * f = fn_open( filename, "r+" );
  unsigned char  rc;

  if ( f != NULL )
    rc = _f_fseek( (long)gl_file.filesize );
    if ( rc == F_NO_ERROR )
      rc = _f_seteof( f, filesize );

    if ( rc )
      fn_close( f );
      f = NULL;

  return f;
} /* fn_truncate */