Example #1
void TB_SaveSelect::DrawProfile(int x, int y, int index)
Profile *p = &fProfiles[index];
const int w = fCoords.w - 33;

	int sidewd = sprites[SPR_SAVESELECTOR_SIDES].w;
	int repeatwd = w - (sidewd * 2);
	int frame = (index == fCurSel) ? 0 : 1;
	draw_sprite(x, y, SPR_SAVESELECTOR_SIDES, frame, LEFT);
	draw_sprite_repeating_x(x+sidewd, y, SPR_SAVESELECTOR_MIDDLE, frame, repeatwd);
	draw_sprite(x+sidewd+repeatwd, y, SPR_SAVESELECTOR_SIDES, frame, RIGHT);
	y += 4;
	const int FONT_SPACING = 5;
	if (fHaveProfile[index])
		const char *stage = map_get_stage_name(p->stage);
		font_draw(x+8, y-1, stage, FONT_SPACING);
		// draw health.
		DrawHealth(x+w, y, p);
	else if (fCurSel == index)
		const char *str = "available";
		int fx = (w / 2) - (GetFontWidth(str, FONT_SPACING) / 2);
		font_draw(x+fx, y-1, str, FONT_SPACING);
Example #2
void game_render( void )
    wchar_t buffer[32];

    SDL_RenderClear( render );
    SDL_RenderCopy( render, background, NULL, NULL );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < blood.size(); i++ ) {
        set_color( t_blood, blood[i].color );
        SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod( t_blood, blood[i].alpha );
        tile_draw( render, t_blood, blood[i].type, blood_size, blood[i].x, blood[i].y );
    set_color( unit, 0xFFFFFF );
    tile_draw( render, unit, 0, unit_size, player.x, player.y );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < bullet.size(); i++ ) {
        tile_draw( render, t_bullet, 0, bullet_size, bullet[i].x, bullet[i].y );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < enemy.size(); i++ ) {
        set_color( unit, 0x00FF00 );
        tile_draw( render, unit, 0, unit_size, enemy[i].x, enemy[i].y );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < ammo.size(); i++ ) {
        tile_draw( render, t_ammo, 0, unit_size, ammo[i].x, ammo[i].y );
    swprintf( buffer, 32, L"  жизнь: %02d", player.life );
    font_draw( render, ft, buffer, 8, 440 );
    swprintf( buffer, 32, L"патроны: %02d", player.ammo );
    font_draw( render, ft, buffer, 8, 450 );
    swprintf( buffer, 32, L"   очки: %u", game_score );
    font_draw( render, ft, buffer, 8, 460 );
    SDL_RenderPresent( render );
Example #3
void game_render( void )
    SDL_Texture *select = NULL;
    wchar_t buffer[32];

    SDL_RenderClear( render );
    for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
        for ( int j = -1; j < 2; j++ ) {
            tile_draw( render, t_background, 0, background_size, 
                       background_size, background_size * i, 
                       background_size * j + y_shift );
    for ( int i = 0; i < star_count; i++ ) {
        tile_draw( render, t_star, star[i].id, star_size, star_size, 
                   star[i].x, star[i].y );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < laser.size(); i++ ) {
        if ( laser[i].player_flag ) {
            select = t_laser_player;
        } else {
            select = t_laser_enemy;
        tile_draw( render, select, 0, laser_size_x, laser_size_y, 
                   laser[i].x, laser[i].y );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < enemy.size(); i++ ) {
        tile_angle_draw( render, t_enemy, enemy[i].angle, 0, 
                         enemy_size, enemy_size, enemy[i].x, enemy[i].y );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < meteor.size(); i++ ) {
        meteor_draw( render, t_meteor, meteor[i] );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < medkit.size(); i++ ) {
        tile_angle_draw( render, t_medkit, medkit[i].angle, 0, medkit_size, 
                         medkit_size, medkit[i].x, medkit[i].y );
    tile_draw( render, t_player, 0, player_size_x, player_size_y, 
               player_x, player_y );
    swprintf( buffer, 32, L"  жизнь: %02d", player_life );
    font_draw( render, ft, buffer, 8, 440 );
    swprintf( buffer, 32, L"   очки: %u", game_score );
    font_draw( render, ft, buffer, 8, 450 );
    SDL_RenderPresent( render );
Example #4
int mlua_draw_font(lua_State* L)

	Font* font = pop_font(L, 1);
	const char* text = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	lua_Number x = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
	lua_Number y = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
	Alignment alignment = (Alignment) luaL_optinteger(L, 5, ALIGN_LEFT);
	font_draw(font, text, x, y, alignment);
	return 0;
Example #5
void org_test_miniloop(void)
uint32_t start = 0, curtime;
uint32_t counter;

	stat("Starting org test");
	font_draw(5, 5, "ORG test in progress...", 0, &greenfont);
	font_draw(5, 15, "Logging statistics to nx.log", 0, &greenfont);
	font_draw(5, 25, "Press any button to quit", 0, &greenfont);
	last_sdl_key = -1;
		if (++counter > 1024)
			counter = 0;
			curtime = SDL_GetTicks();
			if ((curtime - start) >= 100)
				start = curtime;
				if (last_sdl_key != -1)
Example #6
static void draw_title()
	// background is dk grey, not pure black
	ClearScreen(0x20, 0x20, 0x20);
	// top logo
	int tx = (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (sprites[SPR_TITLE].w / 2) - 2;
	draw_sprite(tx, 40, SPR_TITLE);
	// draw menu
	int cx = (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (sprites[SPR_MENU].w / 2) - 8;
	int cy = (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) + 8;
	for(int i=0;i<sprites[SPR_MENU].nframes;i++)
		draw_sprite(cx, cy, SPR_MENU, i);
		if (i == title.cursel)
			draw_sprite(cx - 16, cy - 1, title.sprite, title.selframe);
		cy += (sprites[SPR_MENU].h + 4);
	// animate character
	if (++title.seltimer > 8)
		title.seltimer = 0;
		if (++title.selframe >= sprites[title.sprite].nframes)
			title.selframe = 0;
	// accreditation
	cx = (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (sprites[SPR_PIXEL_FOREVER].w / 2);
	int acc_y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 48;
	draw_sprite(cx, acc_y, SPR_PIXEL_FOREVER);
	// version
	static const char *VERSION = "NXEngine v.";
	static const int SPACING = 5;
	int wd = GetFontWidth(VERSION, SPACING);
	cx = (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (wd / 2);
	font_draw(cx, acc_y + sprites[SPR_PIXEL_FOREVER].h + 4, VERSION, SPACING);
	// draw Nikumaru display
	if (title.besttime != 0xffffffff)
		niku_draw(title.besttime, true);
Example #7
int dgreed_main(int argc, const char** argv) {
	params_init(argc, argv);

	bool fullscreen = true;
	if(params_find("-windowed") != ~0)
		fullscreen = false;

		SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, "KeyMingler", fullscreen);
	font = font_load(FONT_FILE);	
	float text_width = font_width(font, LOADING_TEXT);
	float text_height = font_height(font);
	Vector2 pos = vec2((SCREEN_WIDTH - text_width) / 2.0f,
		(SCREEN_HEIGHT - text_height) / 2.0f);
	font_draw(font, LOADING_TEXT, 0, &pos, COLOR_WHITE);	

	music = sound_load_stream(MUSIC_FILE);

	while(system_update()) {


	return 0;
Example #8
bool Credits::DrawLine(CredLine *line)
	int x = line->x;
	int y = SCREEN_Y(line->y);
	if (y < -MARGIN) return true;	// line can be deleted now
	if (line->image)
		draw_sprite(x - 24, y - 8, SPR_CASTS, line->image);
		//DrawBox(x, y, x+GetFontWidth(line->text, TEXT_SPACING), y+8,  56, 0, 0);
	//int font_draw(int x, int y, const char *string, int font_spacing)
	//DrawRect(x, y, x+63, y+8, 128, 0, 0);
	font_draw(x, y, line->text, TEXT_SPACING);
	return false;
Example #9
void game_render( void )
    SDL_RenderClear( render );
    for ( short i = 0; i < two_pole_size; i++ ) {
        if ( color[i] == 1 ) {
            SDL_SetTextureColorMod( tiles, 0, 100, 255 );
        } else {
            SDL_SetTextureColorMod( tiles, 255, 255, 255 );
        tile_draw( render, tiles, pole[i%pole_size][i/pole_size], i );
    if (draw_game_info) {
        SDL_Rect rectangle = { screen_width / 3, screen_height / 2 - 50, 230, 50 };
        SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( render, 0, 0, 255, 0 );
        SDL_RenderFillRect( render, &rectangle );
        SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( render, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
        font_draw(render, ft, game_info_text, screen_width / 3, screen_height / 2 - 45 );
    SDL_RenderPresent( render );
Example #10
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  int rc;
  rc = glfwInit();
    sys_err("glfwInit() failed");

  int w = 640;
  int h = 480;
  int r = 0;
  int g = 0;
  int b = 0;
  int a = 0;
  int d = 0;
  int s = 0;
  rc = glfwOpenWindow(w, h, r, g, b, a, d, s, GLFW_WINDOW);
  if(!rc) {
    int errn = errno;
    sys_errno(errn, "glfwOpenWindow() failed");

  font_set_color(1, 1, 1, 0);

  glClearColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f);
  while(1) {

    int x = 50;
    int y = 50;
    const char* txt = "howdy";
    font_draw(x, y, txt);


  return 0;
Example #11
   this is needed to draw the whole uppdate of everything 
draw_netupdatestate (char st)
    char text[255];
    unsigned char b;
    int y = 0,
        zx = 200,
        s = map.size.y + MAX_PLAYERS + GAME_MAX_TUNNELS;
    SDL_Rect src,
    z = gfx.res.x - zx - 30 - 8;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if (PS_IS_used (players[i].state)) {
            y += 50;
            if (st) {
                redraw_logo (0, y, gfx.res.x, y + 50);

                if (players[i].gfx_nr != -1) {
                    dest.w = src.w = players[i].gfx->small_image->w;
                    dest.h = src.h = players[i].gfx->small_image->h;
                    src.x = players[i].gfx->small_image->w * down;
                    src.y = 0;

                    dest.x = 50;
                    dest.y = y;

                    SDL_BlitSurface (players[i].gfx->small_image, &src, gfx.screen, &dest);
                    gfx_blitupdaterectadd (&dest);

                dest.x = zx;
                dest.y = y;
                dest.w = menulistimages[1][0]->w;
                dest.h = menulistimages[1][0]->h;
                gfx_blit (menulistimages[1][0], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest, 10000);
                dest.x = z + zx + 4;
                gfx_blit (menulistimages[1][2], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest, 10000);
                // draw the bottom left and right of the list
                dest.y = y + 29;
                gfx_blit (menulistimages[1][8], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest, 10000);
                dest.x = zx;
                gfx_blit (menulistimages[1][6], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest, 10000);
                //top & bottom
                for (j = 4; j < z + 4; j += 4) {
                    dest.x = j + zx;
                    dest.y = y;
                    gfx_blit (menulistimages[1][1], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest, 10000);
                    dest.y = y + 29;
                    gfx_blit (menulistimages[1][7], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest, 10000);
                //left &right
                for (j = 4; j < 29; j += 4) {
                    dest.x = zx;
                    dest.y = y + j;
                    gfx_blit (menulistimages[1][3], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest, 10000);
                    dest.x = z + zx + 4;
                    gfx_blit (menulistimages[1][5], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest, 10000);
                sprintf (text, "%s", players[i].name);
                font_draw (80, y, text, 0, 4);
            // calc percentage, this a range from 0 to 255)   
            switch (players[i].net.net_istep) {
            case 3:
                sprintf (text, "Getting Tunnel Data %d.", players[i].net.net_status);
                b = (players[i].net.net_status + 1) * 255 / s;
            case 2:
                sprintf (text, "Getting Field Data %d of %d.",
                         players[i].net.net_status, map.size.y);
                b = (players[i].net.net_status + 1 + GAME_MAX_TUNNELS) * 255 / s;
            case 1:
                sprintf (text, "Getting Player Data %d of %d.",
                         players[i].net.net_status, MAX_PLAYERS);
                b = (players[i].net.net_status + 1 + GAME_MAX_TUNNELS + map.size.y) * 255 / s;
                sprintf (text, "Ready");
                b = 255;

            //draw bar
            if (b > 0) {
                b1 = b * z / 255;
                dest.x = zx + 4;
                dest.y = y + 4;
                dest.w = menubuttonimages[2][0]->w;
                dest.h = menubuttonimages[2][0]->h;
                gfx_blit (menubuttonimages[2][0], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest, 10000);
                dest.x = zx + 4 + b1 - menubuttonimages[1][2]->w;
                if (dest.x < zx + 4)
                    dest.x = zx + 4;
                dest.w = menubuttonimages[2][2]->w;
                dest.h = menubuttonimages[2][2]->h;
                gfx_blit (menubuttonimages[2][2], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest, 10000);
                if (b1 > menubuttonimages[2][0]->w + menubuttonimages[2][2]->w) {
                    dest.w = menubuttonimages[2][1]->w;
                    dest.h = menubuttonimages[2][1]->h;
                    for (j = menubuttonimages[2][0]->w;
                         j < b1 - menubuttonimages[2][2]->w; j += menubuttonimages[2][1]->w) {
                        dest.x = j + zx + 4;
                        gfx_blit (menubuttonimages[2][1], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest, 10000);
            // draw old status in case of debug
            if (!players[i].net.net_istep)
                font_draw (80, y + 20, text, 0, 4);
            else if (debug) {
                redraw_logo (80, y + 35, gfx.res.x - 80, 15);
                font_draw (80, y + 35, text, 0, 4);
    gfx_blitdraw ();
Example #12
static void draw_title()
	// background is dk grey, not pure black
	ClearScreen(0x20, 0x20, 0x20);
	// top logo
	int tx = (Graphics::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (sprites[SPR_TITLE].w / 2) - 2;
	draw_sprite(tx, 40, SPR_TITLE);
	// draw menu
	int cx = (Graphics::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (sprites[SPR_MENU].w / 2) - 8;
	int cy = (Graphics::SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - 8;
	for(int i=0;i<sprites[SPR_MENU].nframes;i++)
		draw_sprite(cx, cy, SPR_MENU, i);
		if (i == title.cursel)
			draw_sprite(cx - 16, cy - 1, title.sprite, title.selframe);
        //RectI r = Sprites::get_sprite_rect(cx, cy, SPR_MENU, i);
        //Graphics::DrawRect(r.x, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h, 255,255,255);
		cy += (sprites[SPR_MENU].h + 18);
	// animate character
	if (++title.seltimer > 8)
		title.seltimer = 0;
		if (++title.selframe >= sprites[title.sprite].nframes)
			title.selframe = 0;
	// accreditation
	cx = (Graphics::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (sprites[SPR_PIXEL_FOREVER].w / 2);
	int acc_y = Graphics::SCREEN_HEIGHT - 48;
	draw_sprite(cx, acc_y, SPR_PIXEL_FOREVER);
	// version
	static const char *VERSION = "NXEngine v.";
	static const int SPACING = 5;
	int wd = GetFontWidth(VERSION, SPACING);
	cx = (Graphics::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (wd / 2);
	font_draw(cx, acc_y + sprites[SPR_PIXEL_FOREVER].h + 4, VERSION, SPACING);
	// draw Nikumaru display
	if (title.besttime != 0xffffffff)
		niku_draw(title.besttime, true);
    // options
        const char *str = "F3:Options";
        cx = (Graphics::SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (GetFontWidth(str, 0) / 2) - 4;
        cy = (Graphics::SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8) - GetFontHeight();
        int f3wd = font_draw(cx, cy, "F3", 0);
        font_draw(cx + f3wd, cy, ":Options", 0, &bluefont);
        RectI r = RectI(cx, cy, GetFontWidth(str, 0), GetFontHeight());
        debug_absbox(r.x, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h, 255, 255, 255);
        if (VJoy::ModeAware::wasTap(r))
Example #13
    sets up everything for the network game..
	on servers the game field will be created and the clients will wait for the game data
	within the network loop
net_transmit_gamedata ()
    int done = 0,
        keypressed = 0,
        y,                      // network upload status for one step
        net_istep;              // network init step
    SDL_Event event;
    Uint8 *keys;
    Uint32 downtimestamp = 0;

    draw_logo ();

    if (GT_MP_PTPM)
        font_draw (100, 0, "Waiting for the Clients", 1, 0);
        font_draw (100, 0, "Downloading Data", 1, 0);

       prepare everything for the loop 
    for (x = 0; x < MAX_PLAYERS; x++) {
        players[x].net.timestamp = 0;
        players[x].net.net_status = -1;
        if ((PS_IS_aiplayer (players[x].state)) || (x == bman.p_servnr) || (x == bman.p2_nr)
            || (players[x].net.flags & NETF_local2) == NETF_local2)
            players[x].net.net_istep = 0;
            players[x].net.net_istep = 3;

    y = -1;
    if (GT_MP_PTPM)
        net_istep = 0;
        net_istep = 3;

    draw_netupdatestate (1);
    SDL_Flip (gfx.screen);

    downtimestamp = timestamp;
    while (!done && (bman.state == GS_update || (GT_MP_PTPS && net_istep != 0))) {
        /* the network thing */

        network_loop ();

        /* if PTPM check if all players are ready */
        if (GT_MP_PTPM) {
            if (timestamp - downtimestamp > TIME_UPDATEINFO) {
                downtimestamp = timestamp;
                net_send_updateinfo ();
            for (p = 0, i = 1; p < MAX_PLAYERS; p++)
                if (PS_IS_playing (players[p].state)
                    && players[p].net.net_istep != 0)
                    i = 0;
            if (i == 1) {       /* all players are ready */
                done = 1;
                bman.state = GS_ready;

        /* if PTPS get all data */
        if (GT_MP_PTPS) {
            if (net_istep == 3) {
                   get tunneldata 
                if ((y < GAME_MAX_TUNNELS - 1 && y == players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status)
                    || y == -1) {
                    downtimestamp = timestamp;
                    send_tunneldata (&players[bman.p_servnr].net.addr, y, -1, -1);
                else if (y < GAME_MAX_TUNNELS
                         && y != players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status && y >= 0
                         && timestamp - downtimestamp > DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT) {
                    /* we have got no tunnel data */
                else if (y == GAME_MAX_TUNNELS - 1 && players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status == y) {
                    /* we have got all tunnel data */
                    y = -1;
                    players[bman.p_nr].net.net_istep = --net_istep;
                    players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status = -1;

            if (net_istep == 2) {
                   get field data
                if ((y < map.size.y - 1 && y == players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status)
                    || y == -1) {
                    /* send field data req */
                    downtimestamp = timestamp;
                    send_getfield (&players[bman.p_servnr].net.addr, y);
                else if (y < map.size.y && y != players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status
                         && y >= 0 && timestamp - downtimestamp > DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT) {
                    /* getdata timed out - we have got no field data */
                else if (y == map.size.y - 1 && players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status == y) {
                    /* we have got all field data */
                    y = -1;
                    players[bman.p_nr].net.net_istep = --net_istep;
                    players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status = -1;

            if (net_istep == 1) {
                   get player data
                if ((y < MAX_PLAYERS - 1 && y == players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status)
                    || y == -1) {
                    /* send player date req */
                    downtimestamp = timestamp;
                    send_getplayerdata (&players[bman.p_servnr].net.addr, y);
                if (y < MAX_PLAYERS && y != players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status
                    && y >= 0 && timestamp - downtimestamp > DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT) {
                    /* we have got no player data */
                if (y == MAX_PLAYERS - 1 && players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status == y) {
                    /* we have got all playerdata */
                    y = -1;
                    players[bman.p_nr].net.net_istep = --net_istep;
                    players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status = -1;
                    downtimestamp = timestamp;
                    send_playerstatus (&players[bman.p_servnr].net.addr, bman.p_nr, 0, 0);

            if (net_istep == 0 && players[bman.p_nr].net.net_status == -1
                && timestamp - downtimestamp > DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT) {
                /* server did not send informations back */
                downtimestamp = timestamp;
                send_playerstatus (&players[bman.p_servnr].net.addr, bman.p_nr, 0, 0);

        /* do the grafik work */
        draw_netupdatestate (0);

        if (s_fetchevent (&event) != 0)
            switch (event.type) {
            case (SDL_QUIT):
                bman.state = GS_quit;
                bman.p_nr = -1;
                done = 1;

        keys = SDL_GetKeyState (NULL);

        if (keys[SDLK_ESCAPE] && event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
            done = 1;
            bman.p_nr = -1;
            keypressed = 1;
            bman.state = GS_startup;

        if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP)
            keypressed = 0;

    timestamp = SDL_GetTicks (); // needed for time sync.
    SDL_Delay (1);              // we don't need here anything better

    /* player is only watching so just go after we have got everything
       go to show the field */
    if (GT_MP_PTPS && bman.state == GS_update && net_istep == 0 && players[bman.p_nr].gfx_nr == -1) {
        done = 1;
        bman.state = GS_running;
Example #14
game_draw_info ()
    int i,
    char text[255];
    char scrtext[255];
    SDL_Rect src,

    if (GT_MP && (chat.oldscreen == NULL || chat.window.x != 4 || chat.window.y != 4.5 * 16)) {
        chat_show (4, 4.5 * 16, gfx.res.x - 8, gfx.offset.y - 4.5 * 16);
        chat_setactive (0, 0);

    if (bman.updatestatusbar) {
        redraw_logo (0, 0, gfx.res.x, (4.5 * 16));
        dest.x = dest.y = 0;
        dest.h = 4.5 * 16;
        dest.w = gfx.res.x;
        gfx_blitupdaterectadd (&dest);

        /* In Multiplayer mode draw Player names and
           count the players who are still alife. */
        for (x = 0, j = 0, i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            if ((players[i].state & PSFM_used) != 0) {

                if (players[i].gfx_nr != -1 && PS_IS_used (players[i].state)) {
                    src.x = 0;
                    src.y = 0;
                    src.w = dest.w = players[i].gfx->small_image->w;
                    src.h = dest.h = players[i].gfx->small_image->h;

                    dest.x = x;
                    dest.y = j - 4;

                    SDL_BlitSurface (players[i].gfx->small_image, &src, gfx.screen, &dest);

                sprintf (scrtext, "%10s:%d %1d %1d", players[i].name, players[i].wins, players[i].points, players[i].nbrKilled);
                if (!PS_IS_alife (players[i].state)) { // Player is dead
                    if ((players[i].state & PSF_used) != PSF_used)
                        col = 4;
                        col = 3;
                } else {        // player is alife
                    if (bman.gametype == GT_team)
                        col = teams[players[i].team_nr].col;
                        col = 0;

                font_draw (x, j, scrtext, 0, col);

                x = x + 180;
                if (x >= gfx.res.x - (120 + 170)) {
                    x = 0;
                    j = j + 1.5 * font[0].size.x;

        x = gfx.res.x - 120;
        sprintf (text, "Bombs: %2d", players[bman.p_nr].bombs_n);
        font_draw (x, 0, text, 0, 0);
        sprintf (text, "Range: %2d", players[bman.p_nr].range);
        font_draw (x, 16, text, 0, 0);
        sprintf (text, "Speed: %1.1f", players[bman.p_nr].speed * 10);
        font_draw (x, 32, text, 0, 0);
        if (players[bman.p_nr].special.type != 0) {
            col = players[bman.p_nr].special.type + FT_sp_trigger - 1;
            dest.x = x - 32;
            dest.y = 16;

            dest.w = gfx.menu_field[col]->w;
            dest.h = gfx.menu_field[col]->h;

            SDL_BlitSurface (gfx.menu_field[col], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest);

        if (bman.state == GS_ready && GT_MP_PTPM)
            font_gfxdraw (100, 32, "Press F4 to start the game", 0, COLOR_yellow, 0xFFFF);
        else if (bman.state == GS_ready)
            font_gfxdraw (100, 32, "Waiting for the Server to Start", 0, COLOR_yellow, 0xFFFF);


    /* draw the warning part */
    if (map.state != MS_normal) {
        hurrywarn_to -= timediff;

        if (bman.updatestatusbar || hurrywarn_to <= 0.0 || hurrywarn_to > HURRYWARN_TO_BLINKING) {
            hurrywarn_to = HURRYWARN_TO_BLINKING;
            hurrywarn_state = !hurrywarn_state;

            if (hurrywarn_state) {
                font_drawbold ((gfx.res.x - strlen ("HURRY HURRY") * font[1].size.x) / 2, 40,
                               "HURRY HURRY", 1, 0, 2);
                font_draw ((gfx.res.x - strlen ("HURRY HURRY") * font[1].size.x) / 2, 40,
                           "HURRY HURRY", 1, 1);
            } else {
                font_drawbold ((gfx.res.x - strlen ("HURRY HURRY") * font[1].size.x) / 2, 40,
                               "HURRY HURRY", 1, 1, 2);
                font_draw ((gfx.res.x - strlen ("HURRY HURRY") * font[1].size.x) / 2, 40,
                           "HURRY HURRY", 1, 0);
            dest.x = dest.y = 0;
            dest.h = 4.5 * 16;
            dest.w = gfx.res.x;
            gfx_blitupdaterectadd (&dest);

    if (debug)
        debug_ingameinfo ();

    bman.updatestatusbar = 0;
static void draw_banner(void)
	FillRect(0, BANNER_TOP, Graphics::SCREEN_WIDTH, BANNER_BTM, NXColor(0, 0, 0));
	font_draw(ms.textx, ms.texty, ms.bannertext, 0);
Example #16
static void draw_font_set() {

  int x0, x1, x2, x3;
  int y0, y1, y2, y3;
  int i, j, k;
  int num_rows = NUM_FONT_ROWS;
  int num_cols = NUM_FONT_COLS;
  int pw = UNIT_RECT_WIDTH - 1;
  int ph = UNIT_RECT_HEIGHT - 1;
  // draw back polys
  y0 = y1 = win_height() - UNIT_RECT_HEIGHT;
  y2 = y3 = win_height() - UNIT_RECT_HEIGHT + ph;
  k = 0;
  for(i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
    x2 = x0 = 0;
    x1 = x3 = pw;
    for(j = 0; j < num_cols; ++j) {

      glColor3f(POLY_COLOR[0], POLY_COLOR[1], POLY_COLOR[2]);
      glVertex2d(x0, y0);
      glVertex2d(x1, y1);
      glVertex2d(x2, y2);

      glVertex2d(x1, y1);
      glVertex2d(x3, y3);
      glVertex2d(x2, y2);

      x0 += UNIT_RECT_WIDTH;
      x1 += UNIT_RECT_WIDTH;
      x2 += UNIT_RECT_WIDTH;
      x3 += UNIT_RECT_WIDTH;

  // draw font chars
  y0 = y1 = win_height() - UNIT_RECT_HEIGHT;
  y2 = y3 = win_height() - UNIT_RECT_HEIGHT + ph;
  k = 0;
  for(i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
    x2 = x0 = 0;
    x1 = x3 = pw;
    for(j = 0; j < num_cols; ++j) {

      font_set_color(FONT_COLOR[0], FONT_COLOR[1], FONT_COLOR[2], FONT_COLOR[3]);
      char s[2] = "\0\0";
      s[0] = k++;

      // for some reason, font_draw currently crashes drawing chars >= 128
      if(k==128) {
        goto outtahere;

      font_draw(x0, y0, s);

      x0 += UNIT_RECT_WIDTH;
      x1 += UNIT_RECT_WIDTH;
      x2 += UNIT_RECT_WIDTH;
      x3 += UNIT_RECT_WIDTH;

Example #17
game_showresult ()
    char text[255];
    SDL_Event event;
    Uint8 *keys;
    int done = 0,
        keypressed = 0,

    gfx_blitdraw ();

    draw_logo ();

    strcpy (text, "Game Result");
    x = (gfx.res.x - (font[2].size.x * strlen (text)) - 64) / 2;
    y = 0;
    font_drawbold (x, y, text, 2, 6, 2);
    font_draw (x, y, text, 2, 5);
    y += font[2].size.x;

    strcpy (text, "[CTRL],[RETURN] or [STRG] for another game");
    x = (gfx.res.x - (font[1].size.x * strlen (text)) - 64) / 2;
    font_drawbold (x, gfx.res.y - (2 * font[0].size.y) - 2, text, 0, COLOR_brown, 1);
    font_draw (x, gfx.res.y - (2 * font[0].size.y) - 2, text, 0, COLOR_yellow);

    strcpy (text, "or [ESC] to leave the game.");
    x = (gfx.res.x - (font[1].size.x * strlen (text)) - 64) / 2;
    font_drawbold (x, gfx.res.y - font[0].size.y - 2, text, 0, COLOR_brown, 1);
    font_draw (x, gfx.res.y - font[0].size.y - 2, text, 0, COLOR_yellow);

    if (bman.gametype == GT_team)
        game_showresultteam (10, 50, gfx.res.x - 20, gfx.res.y - 100);
        game_showresultnormal (10, 50, gfx.res.x - 20, gfx.res.y - 100);

    gfx_blitdraw ();
    SDL_Flip (gfx.screen);

    while (!done && bman.state != GS_quit) {
        /* do the keyboard handling */
        if (s_fetchevent (&event) != 0)
            switch (event.type) {
            case (SDL_QUIT):
                bman.state = GS_quit;
                bman.p_nr = -1;
                done = 1;

        keys = SDL_GetKeyState (NULL);

        if (keys[SDLK_ESCAPE] && event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
            /* we want to quit */
            done = 1;
            bman.p_nr = -1;
            keypressed = 1;
            bman.state = GS_startup;

        if ((keys[SDLK_RETURN] || keys[SDLK_LCTRL] || keys[SDLK_RCTRL]) && (!keypressed)
                && (event.type = SDL_KEYDOWN)) {
            done = 1;
            keypressed = 1;

        if (keys[SDLK_F8] && event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
            /* Switch Fullscreen */
            SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen (gfx.screen);
            gfx.fullscreen = !gfx.fullscreen;
            bman.updatestatusbar = 1; // force an update

        if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP)
            keypressed = 0;
        else if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
            keypressed = 1;

        s_delay (25);

    if (bman.state != GS_quit && bman.state != GS_startup)
        bman.state = GS_running;