void AdvancedImageWidget::childWheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { // qDebug("AdvancedImageWidget::childWheelEvent() delta=%d\n", event->delta()); QPointF scrollWidgetPoint = event->pos(); QPointF scrollImagePoint = widgetToImageF(scrollWidgetPoint); if (event->delta() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < event->delta() / 60; i++) { zoomIn(); } } if (event->delta() < 0) { for (int i = 0; i < -event->delta() / 60; i++) { zoomOut(); } } QPointF newScrollImagePoint = widgetToImageF(scrollWidgetPoint); QPointF shift = newScrollImagePoint - scrollImagePoint; mZoomCenter -= QPoint(fround(shift.x()), fround(shift.y())); recomputeRects(); emit notifyCenterPointChanged(mZoomCenter); forceUpdate(); }
void TestController::unload() { //Inputs QLayout* layout = getView().getUi().grx_test_inputs->layout(); for (int i = layout->count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { QLayoutItem* item = layout->itemAt(i); GuiGrapher* g = dynamic_cast<GuiGrapher*> (item->widget()); if (g) { QObject::disconnect(g, SIGNAL(onChangeInputValue()), this, SLOT(onInputValueChanged())); } layout->removeItem(item); delete item->widget(); delete item; } //Rules getView().getUi().lsw_test_rules->clear(); getView().getUi().lsw_test_rules_activation->clear(); //Outputs layout = getView().getUi().grx_test_outputs->layout(); for (int i = layout->count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { QLayoutItem* item = layout->itemAt(i); GuiGrapher* g = dynamic_cast<GuiGrapher*> (item->widget()); if (g) { QObject::disconnect(this, SIGNAL(forceUpdate()), g, SLOT(updateUi())); } layout->removeItem(item); delete item->widget(); delete item; } }
GroundFog::GroundFog( Ogre::SceneManager *sceneMgr, Ogre::SceneNode *caelumRootNode, const Ogre::String &domeMaterialName, const Ogre::String &domeEntityName): mScene(sceneMgr) { Ogre::String uniqueSuffix = InternalUtilities::pointerToString (this); mDomeMaterial.reset(InternalUtilities::checkLoadMaterialClone (domeMaterialName, domeMaterialName + uniqueSuffix)); mDomeParams.setup(mDomeMaterial->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->getFragmentProgramParameters()); // Create dome entity, using a prefab sphere. // The prefab sphere has a radius of 50 units. // If this changes in future version of ogre this might break. mDomeEntity.reset (mScene->createEntity (domeEntityName, Ogre::SceneManager::PT_SPHERE)); mDomeEntity->setMaterialName (mDomeMaterial->getName ()); mDomeEntity->setCastShadows (false); mDomeEntity->setRenderQueueGroup (CAELUM_RENDER_QUEUE_GROUND_FOG); sceneMgr->getRenderQueue()->getQueueGroup(CAELUM_RENDER_QUEUE_GROUND_FOG)->setShadowsEnabled(false); // Create dome node mDomeNode.reset (caelumRootNode->createChildSceneNode ()); mDomeNode->attachObject (mDomeEntity.get()); // Initialize default fog parameters mDensity = 0.1; mVerticalDecay = 0.2; mGroundLevel = 5; mFogColour = Ogre::ColourValue::Black; forceUpdate(); }
void MainWindow::on_newReservationBtn_clicked() { newReservation * newResWindow = new newReservation( &dataStructs, this); connect(newResWindow, SIGNAL(forceUpdate()), this, SLOT(requestForUpdate())); newResWindow->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true ); newResWindow->show(); }
void TestController::onInputValueChanged() { // FL_LOG("-----------------------"); QColor from_color(Qt::white); QColor to_color(0, 200, 0); for (int i = 0; i < getModel().numberOfOutputLVars(); ++i) { getModel().outputLVar(i)->output().clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < getModel().ruleBlock(0)->numberOfRules(); ++i) { fl::FuzzyRule& rule = *getModel().ruleBlock(0)->rule(i); fl::flScalar degree = rule.firingStrength(); int red, green, blue, alpha; GuiCanvas::ColorGradient(from_color.red(), from_color.green(), from_color.blue(), from_color.alpha(), to_color.red(), to_color.green(), to_color.blue(), to_color.alpha(), (int) (degree * 255), red, green, blue, alpha); QColor color = QColor(red, green, blue, alpha); getView().getUi().lsw_test_rules->item(i)->setBackground(QBrush(color)); getView().getUi().lsw_test_rules_activation->item(i)->setBackground(QBrush( color)); getView().getUi().lsw_test_rules_activation->item(i)->setText( QString::number(degree, 'f', 3)); rule.fire(degree); } emit forceUpdate(); }
void SkyMap::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * ) { if ( ZoomRect.isValid() ) { stopTracking(); SkyPoint newcenter = projector()->fromScreen( ZoomRect.center(), data->lst(), data->geo()->lat() ); setFocus( &newcenter ); setDestination( newcenter ); //Zoom in on center of Zoom Circle, by a factor equal to the ratio //of the sky pixmap's width to the Zoom Circle's diameter float factor = float(width()) / float(ZoomRect.width()); setZoomFactor( Options::zoomFactor() * factor ); } setDefaultMouseCursor(); ZoomRect = QRect(); //invalidate ZoomRect if(m_previewLegend) { slotCancelLegendPreviewMode(); } //false if double-clicked, because it's unset there. if (mouseButtonDown) { mouseButtonDown = false; if ( slewing ) { slewing = false; if ( Options::useAltAz() ) setDestinationAltAz( focus()->alt(), focus()->az() ); else setDestination( *focus() ); } forceUpdate(); // is needed because after moving the sky not all stars are shown } // if middle button was pressed unset here midMouseButtonDown = false; }
void SkyMap::decMagLimit( const int modifier ) { double limit = 2.222 * log10(static_cast<double>( Options::starDensity() )) + 0.35; limit -= magFactor( modifier ); if ( limit < 1.18778 ) limit = 1.18778; Options::setStarDensity( pow( 10, ( limit - 0.35 ) / 2.222) ); //printf("maglim set to %3.1f\n", limit); forceUpdate(); }
void RoamInterruptibleCmd::updateMessage ( char * msg ) { theDtMailWDM->updateDialog ( msg ); forceUpdate(theDtMailWDM->baseWidget()); }
void AdvancedImageWidget::zoomChanged() { mUi->zoomInButton ->setEnabled(mUi->expSpinBox->value() != mUi->expSpinBox->maximum()); mUi->zoomOutButton->setEnabled(mUi->expSpinBox->value() != mUi->expSpinBox->minimum()); recomputeRects(); emit notifyZoomChanged(mUi->expSpinBox->value()); forceUpdate(); }
void AbstractScopeWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { // Update the dimension of the available rect for painting m_scopeRect = scopeRect(); forceUpdate(); QWidget::resizeEvent(event); }
//Called one time after the fuse interface has booted void FuseTracker::loadAfterFuseBooted() { //Attempt to load an old sync file from another time loadSyncLog( true ); //Issue an svn update to ensure we are synced forceUpdate(); }
void relayout() { int height = std::max(_objectName->getHeight(), _loadingText->getHeight()); setHeight(height); _loadingText->setY(getY() + (height - _loadingText->getHeight()) / 2); auto scrollList = dynamic_cast<ScrollableList *>(getParent()); if (!scrollList) return; scrollList->forceUpdate(); }
QVideoWidget::QVideoWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), lastSize(0, 0), active(this->windowState() & Qt::WindowActive), mouseIn( underMouse() ) { setMouseTracking(Ui::crosshair); connect( this, SIGNAL(forceUpdate()), this, SLOT(receiveUpdate()) ); }
void IsosurfaceRendererConfig::changeInputType(int tabIndex) { this->currentInputType = tabIndex; if(tabIndex == INPUT_SWEEP) { sweepValueChanged(ui->horizontalSlider_sweep_value->value()); } else { readInputIsolevels(); forceUpdate(); } }
void AdvancedImageWidget::childMouseMoved(QMouseEvent * event) { if (mImage.isNull()) return; QPoint imagePoint = widgetToImage(event->pos()); if ((mCurrentToolClass == INFO_TOOL) && mImage->valid(imagePoint)) { QColor color = mImage->pixel(imagePoint); QString info = QString("[%1 x %2] of [%3 x %4] (R:%5 G:%6 B:%7)") .arg(imagePoint.x()) .arg(imagePoint.y()) .arg(mImage->width()) .arg(mImage->height()) .arg(color.red()) .arg(color.green()) .arg(color.blue()); setInfoValueLabel(info); } /* Pan */ if (!mIsMousePressed) return; QPoint shift = (widgetToImage(mSelectionEnd) - imagePoint); mSelectionEnd = event->pos(); if (mCurrentToolClass == PAN_TOOL) { mZoomCenter += shift; /* if (mZoomCenter.x() < mImage->rect().left()) mZoomCenter.setX(mImage->rect().left() ); if (mZoomCenter.x() > mImage->rect().right()) mZoomCenter.setX(mImage->rect().right() ); if (mZoomCenter.y() < mImage->rect().top()) mZoomCenter.setY(mImage->rect().top() ); if (mZoomCenter.y() > mImage->rect().bottom()) mZoomCenter.setY(mImage->rect().bottom()); */ recomputeRects(); emit notifyCenterPointChanged(mZoomCenter); } if (mCurrentToolClass == POINT_SELECTION_TOOLS) { emit pointToolMoved(mCurrentPointButton, widgetToImage(mSelectionEnd)); } /*if (mCurrentToolClass == LINE_SELECTION_TOOLS) { QLine line(widgetToImage(mSelectionStart), widgetToImage(mSelectionEnd)); emit newLineSelected(mCurrentSelectionButton, line); }*/ /* Draw tooling instruments */ forceUpdate(); }
void GLWidget::resizeGL(int w, int h) { glViewport(0, 0, w, h); m_projection = glm::perspective(0.8f, (float)width()/height(), 0.1f, 100.f); m_finalFramebuffer->colorTexture->resize(2*w, 2*h); m_finalFramebuffer->resizeDepthBuffer(2*w, 2*h); forceUpdate(); }
bool Transform3D::loadXMLSettings(XMLElement *element) { if (!isSuitable(element)) return false; XMLElement *child; if (child = element->getChildByName("Row")) { XMLElement *subChild; Tuple4f xyzw; int offset = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < element->getChildrenCount(); i++) { if (offset >= 16) return true; if (!(subChild = element->getChild(i))) continue; xyzw.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (subChild->getName() == "Row") { XMLElement::loadRX_GY_BZ_AWf(*subChild, xyzw); updated = true; matrix[offset + 0] = xyzw.x; matrix[offset + 1] = xyzw.y; matrix[offset + 2] = xyzw.z; matrix[offset + 3] = xyzw.w; offset += 4; } } return true; } Tuple3f translations, rotations, scales(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); if (child = element->getChildByName("Scales")) XMLElement::loadRX_GY_BZf(*child, scales); if (child = element->getChildByName("Rotations")) XMLElement::loadRX_GY_BZf(*child, rotations); if (child = element->getChildByName("Translations")) XMLElement::loadRX_GY_BZf(*child, translations); this->translations.setTranslations(translations); this->rotations.rotateXYZ(rotations); this->scales.setScales(scales); forceUpdate(); return true; }
void QVideoWidget::setImage(QImage image){ if(image.isNull()) return; mutex.lock(); img = image.copy(); image = QImage(); mutex.unlock(); if(lastSize != img.size()) resizeEvent(); emit forceUpdate(); }
void IsosurfaceRendererConfig::sweepValueChanged(int value) { isolevels.clear(); float maxScalar = selectedScalarRModelDef->getPropertyFieldDef()->getMax(); float minScalar = selectedScalarRModelDef->getPropertyFieldDef()->getMin(); int maxSliderValue = ui->horizontalSlider_sweep_value->maximum(); int minSliderValue = ui->horizontalSlider_sweep_value->minimum(); float isolevel = minScalar + 1.0*value*(maxScalar-minScalar)/(maxSliderValue-minSliderValue); ui->label_sweep_value->setText(QString::number(isolevel)); isolevels.push_back(isolevel); forceUpdate(); }
void MainWindow::on_editReservation_clicked() { if ( ui->deliveriesTable->currentRow() >= 0) { dataStructs.updates.resIndex = ui->deliveriesTable->currentRow(); editReservation * editResWindow = new editReservation(&dataStructs, this); connect(editResWindow, SIGNAL(forceUpdate()), this, SLOT(requestForUpdate())); editResWindow->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true ); editResWindow->show(); } }
void KstApp::showDataWizard() { DataWizard *dw = new DataWizard(this, "DataWizard"); dw->exec(); if (dw->result() == QDialog::Accepted) { delete dw; // leave this here - releases references forceUpdate(); doc->setModified(); doc->updateDialogs(); } else { delete dw; } }
void MainWindow::on_pickupRetrievedBtn_clicked() { if ( ui->pickupsTable->currentRow() >= 0) { dataStructs.updates.pickIndex = ui->pickupsTable->currentRow(); PickupWindow * newPickupWindow = new PickupWindow(&dataStructs, this); connect(newPickupWindow, SIGNAL(forceUpdate()), this, SLOT(requestForUpdate())); newPickupWindow->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true ); newPickupWindow->show(); ui->pickupsTable->selectRow(-1); } }
bool Transform3D::exportXMLSettings(ofstream &xmlFile) { if (!xmlFile.is_open()) return Logger::writeErrorLog("Cannot export Transform to XML: file not ready."); forceUpdate(); xmlFile << " <Transform>\n" << " <Row x = \"" << matrix[ 0] << "\" y = \"" << matrix[ 1] << "\" z = \"" << matrix[ 2] << "\" w = \"" << matrix[ 3] << "\" />\n" << " <Row x = \"" << matrix[ 4] << "\" y = \"" << matrix[ 5] << "\" z = \"" << matrix[ 6] << "\" w = \"" << matrix[ 7] << "\" />\n" << " <Row x = \"" << matrix[ 8] << "\" y = \"" << matrix[ 9] << "\" z = \"" << matrix[10] << "\" w = \"" << matrix[11] << "\" />\n" << " <Row x = \"" << matrix[12] << "\" y = \"" << matrix[13] << "\" z = \"" << matrix[14] << "\" w = \"" << matrix[15] << "\" />\n" << " </Transform>\n"; return true; }
void MainWindow::on_deliveredButton_clicked() { if ( ui->deliveriesTable->currentRow() >= 0) { dataStructs.updates.resIndex = ui->deliveriesTable->currentRow(); DeliveryWindow * newDeliveryWindow = new DeliveryWindow(&dataStructs, this); connect(newDeliveryWindow, SIGNAL(forceUpdate()), this, SLOT(requestForUpdate())); newDeliveryWindow->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true ); newDeliveryWindow->show(); ui->deliveriesTable->selectRow(-1); } }
void PUParticleSystem3D::update(float delta) { if (_isMarkedForEmission) return; if (_state != State::RUNNING){ if (_state == State::PAUSE) return; else if (_state == State::STOP && getAliveParticleCount() <= 0){ forceStopParticleSystem(); return; } } forceUpdate(delta); }
inline std::shared_ptr<math::Matrix4x4> modelToWorldMatrix(bool forceUpdate) { if (forceUpdate) { auto node = targets()[0]; auto rootCtrl = node->root()->component<RootTransform>(); rootCtrl->forceUpdate(node, true); } return _modelToWorld; }
void AdvancedImageWidget::zoomReset() { if (mImage == NULL) { mZoomCenter = QPoint(-1,-1); } else { mZoomCenter = QPoint(mImage->size().width(), mImage->size().height()) / 2.0; } mUi->expSpinBox->setValue(1.0); recomputeRects(); emit notifyCenterPointChanged(mZoomCenter); forceUpdate(); }
void DeliveryWindow::on_saveButton_clicked() { socketClient socketConn; QString update = subroutine_filterText(ui->deliveredByTextBox->text()); update += QUERY_DELIMETER; update += ui->timeDeliveredLabel->text(); socketConn.SubmitQuery(DELIVERY_QUERY, 9, dataStructs->reservations[currIndex].resId.toInt(), update); dataStructs->updates.resIndex = 0; emit forceUpdate(); this->close(); }
void Animator::setFrames(const Frame *frames, unsigned int framescount) { m_framescount = framescount; m_curtime = 0.f; m_curframe = 0; //Is there at least one frame ? if(framescount == 0) m_frames = nullptr; else { m_frames = frames; //Init the first frame if(frames) forceUpdate(); } }
void AdvancedImageWidget::childMousePressed(QMouseEvent * event) { /* if (!mIsMousePressed && mCurrentToolClass == LINE_SELECTION_TOOLS){ mLineSelectionMode = true; }*/ mIsMousePressed = true; mSelectionStart = event->pos(); mSelectionEnd = event->pos(); if (mCurrentToolClass == PAN_TOOL) { mUi->widget->setCursor(Qt::ClosedHandCursor); } forceUpdate(); }