Example #1
static int
fqd_http_reset_to_checkpoint(struct http_req *req)
  fqd_config *config = fqd_config_get();
  const char *cpname = get_ht_value(&req->query_params, "cpname");
  const char *qname = get_ht_value(&req->query_params, "qname");

  fq_rk qn;
  fq_rk_from_str(&qn, qname);

  fqd_queue *queue = fqd_config_get_registered_queue(config, &qn);

  if (strcmp(cpname, "fq") == 0) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "'fq' is a reserved name, cannot be used for a checkpoint name");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  if (queue == NULL) {
    fqd_http_error_json_f(req->client, "Cannot find registered queue '%s'", qname);
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  int rv = queue->impl->reset_checkpoint(queue->impl_data, cpname);
  if (rv == -1) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "Checkpoint does not exist");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  if (rv < 0) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "Unknown error");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  fqd_http_success_json_f(req->client, "'%s' reset to checkpoint '%s'", qname, cpname);
  req->close = 1;
  fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_HTTP, ".on_complete -> reset_to_checkpoint on [%s] for queue [%s]\n", cpname, qname);
  return 0;
Example #2
extern void
fqd_data_subscription_server(remote_data_client *client) {
  int len;
  char buf[260];
  fqd_config *config;
  remote_client *parent;
  fq_rk key;
  fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_CONN, "--> dss thread [%s]\n",
           client->mode == FQ_PROTO_DATA_MODE ? "client" : "peer");
  if((len = fq_read_short_cmd(client->fd, sizeof(key.name), key.name)) < 0)
  if(len > (int)sizeof(key.name)) return;
  key.len = len;

  fq_rk_to_hex(buf, sizeof(buf), &key);
  fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_CONN, "data conn w/ key:\n%s\n", buf);

  config = fqd_config_get();
  parent = fqd_config_get_registered_client(config, &key);
  if(!parent) return;
  if(parent->data) return;
  ck_pr_cas_ptr(&parent->data, NULL, client);
  if(parent->data != client) {
    fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_CONN, "%s dss double gang rejected\n", parent->pretty);
    fq_dtrace_remote_data_client_t dclient;
    DTRACE_PACK_DATA_CLIENT(&dclient, client);
  fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_CONN, "<-- dss thread\n");
Example #3
static int
fqd_http_add_checkpoint(struct http_req *req) {

  fqd_config *config = fqd_config_get();

  const char *cpname = get_ht_value(&req->query_params, "cpname");
  const char *qname = get_ht_value(&req->query_params, "qname");
  const char *chkptid = get_ht_value(&req->query_params, "chkptid");

  fq_rk qn;
  fq_rk_from_str(&qn, qname);

  fqd_queue *queue = fqd_config_get_registered_queue(config, &qn);

  if (strcmp(cpname, "fq") == 0) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "'fq' is a reserved name, cannot be used for a checkpoint name");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  if (queue == NULL) {
    fqd_http_error_json_f(req->client, "Cannot find registered queue '%s'", qname);
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  /* do we really want this restriction? */
  if (queue->permanent == false) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "Checkpoints on ephemeral queues not supported");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  /* check points only supported on disk queue */
  if (strcmp(queue->impl->name, "disk") != 0) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "Checkpoints on memory queues not supported");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  /* validate chkptid format */
  char ckid[48] = {0};
  strncpy(ckid, chkptid, sizeof(ckid)-1);
  const char *log_string = ckid;
  char *sep = strchr(ckid, ':');
  if (sep == NULL) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "'chkptid' must be of format: [0-9]*:[0-9]*");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;
  sep[0] = '\0';
  const char *marker_string = sep + 1;

  uint32_t log = atoi(log_string);
  uint32_t marker = atoi(marker_string);

  fq_msgid id = {
    .id.u32.p1 = log,
    .id.u32.p2 = marker

  int rv = queue->impl->add_checkpoint(queue->impl_data, cpname, &id);
  if (rv == -1) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "'chkptid' is out of range of the queue");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  if (rv == -2) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "Failed to set checkpoint");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  if (rv < 0) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "Unknown error");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  fqd_http_success_json(req->client, "Checkpoint added");
  req->close = 1;
  fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_HTTP, ".on_complete -> add_checkpoint on [%s] for queue [%s] and id [%s]\n", cpname, qname, chkptid);
  return 0;

static int
fqd_http_remove_checkpoint(struct http_req *req)
  fqd_config *config = fqd_config_get();

  const char *cpname = get_ht_value(&req->query_params, "cpname");
  const char *qname = get_ht_value(&req->query_params, "qname");

  fq_rk qn;
  fq_rk_from_str(&qn, qname);

  fqd_queue *queue = fqd_config_get_registered_queue(config, &qn);

  if (strcmp(cpname, "fq") == 0) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "'fq' is a reserved name, cannot be used for a checkpoint name");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  if (queue == NULL) {
    fqd_http_error_json_f(req->client, "Cannot find registered queue '%s'", qname);
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  int rv = queue->impl->remove_checkpoint(queue->impl_data, cpname);
  if (rv == -1) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "Checkpoint does not exist");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  if (rv < 0) {
    fqd_http_error_json(req->client, "Unknown error");
    req->close = 1;
    return 0;

  fqd_http_success_json(req->client, "Checkpoint removed");
  req->close = 1;
  fq_debug(FQ_DEBUG_HTTP, ".on_complete -> remove_checkpoint on [%s] for queue [%s]\n", cpname, qname);
  return 0;