static gboolean
gst_mfx_window_wayland_render (GstMfxWindow * window,
    GstMfxSurface * surface,
    const GstMfxRectangle * src_rect, const GstMfxRectangle * dst_rect)
  GstMfxWindowWaylandPrivate *const priv =
  GstMfxDisplayWaylandPrivate *const display_priv =
  struct wl_display *const display =
  GstMfxPrimeBufferProxy *buffer_proxy;
  struct wl_buffer *buffer;
  FrameState *frame;
  guintptr fd = 0;
  guint32 drm_format = 0;
  gint offsets[3] = { 0 }, pitches[3] = { 0 }, num_planes = 0, i = 0;
  VaapiImage *vaapi_image;

  buffer_proxy = gst_mfx_prime_buffer_proxy_new_from_surface (surface);
  if (!buffer_proxy)
    return FALSE;

  fd = GST_MFX_PRIME_BUFFER_PROXY_HANDLE (buffer_proxy);
  vaapi_image = gst_mfx_prime_buffer_proxy_get_vaapi_image (buffer_proxy);
  num_planes = vaapi_image_get_plane_count (vaapi_image);

  if ((dst_rect->height != src_rect->height)
      || (dst_rect->width != src_rect->width)) {
#ifdef USE_WESTON_4_0
    if (priv->wp_viewport) {
      wp_viewport_set_destination (priv->wp_viewport,
          dst_rect->width, dst_rect->height);
    if (priv->viewport) {
      wl_viewport_set_destination (priv->viewport,
          dst_rect->width, dst_rect->height);

  for (i = 0; i < num_planes; i++) {
    offsets[i] = vaapi_image_get_offset (vaapi_image, i);
    pitches[i] = vaapi_image_get_pitch (vaapi_image, i);

  if (GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_NV12 == vaapi_image_get_format (vaapi_image)) {
    drm_format = WL_DRM_FORMAT_NV12;
  } else if (GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_BGRA == vaapi_image_get_format (vaapi_image)) {
    drm_format = WL_DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888;

  if (!drm_format)
    goto error;

  if (!display_priv->drm)
    goto error;

  buffer =
      wl_drm_create_prime_buffer (display_priv->drm, fd,
          src_rect->width, src_rect->height, drm_format,
          offsets[0], pitches[0],
          offsets[1], pitches[1],
          offsets[2], pitches[2]);
  if (!buffer) {
    GST_ERROR ("No wl_buffer created\n");
    goto error;

  frame = frame_state_new (window);
  if (!frame)
    goto error;

  g_atomic_pointer_set (&priv->last_frame, frame);
  g_atomic_int_inc (&priv->num_frames_pending);

  wl_surface_attach (priv->surface, buffer, 0, 0);

  wl_surface_damage (priv->surface, 0, 0, dst_rect->width, dst_rect->height);

  if (priv->opaque_region) {
    wl_surface_set_opaque_region (priv->surface, priv->opaque_region);
    wl_region_destroy (priv->opaque_region);
    priv->opaque_region = NULL;
  wl_proxy_set_queue ((struct wl_proxy *) buffer, priv->event_queue);
  wl_buffer_add_listener (buffer, &frame_buffer_listener, frame);

  frame->callback = wl_surface_frame (priv->surface);
  wl_callback_add_listener (frame->callback, &frame_callback_listener, frame);

  wl_surface_commit (priv->surface);
  wl_display_flush (display);


  vaapi_image_unref (vaapi_image);
  gst_mfx_prime_buffer_proxy_unref (buffer_proxy);

  return TRUE;
    vaapi_image_unref (vaapi_image);
    gst_mfx_prime_buffer_proxy_unref (buffer_proxy);
    return FALSE;
static gboolean
gst_vaapi_window_wayland_render (GstVaapiWindow * window,
                                 GstVaapiSurface * surface,
                                 const GstVaapiRectangle * src_rect,
                                 const GstVaapiRectangle * dst_rect, guint flags)
    GstVaapiWindowWaylandPrivate *const priv =
    GstVaapiDisplay *const display = GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_DISPLAY (window);
    struct wl_display *const wl_display =
    struct wl_buffer *buffer;
    FrameState *frame;
    guint width, height, va_flags;
    VAStatus status;
    gboolean need_vpp = FALSE;

    /* Check that we don't need to crop source VA surface */
    gst_vaapi_surface_get_size (surface, &width, &height);
    if (src_rect->x != 0 || src_rect->y != 0)
        need_vpp = TRUE;
    if (src_rect->width != width || src_rect->height != height)
        need_vpp = TRUE;

    /* Check that we don't render to a subregion of this window */
    if (dst_rect->x != 0 || dst_rect->y != 0)
        need_vpp = TRUE;
    if (dst_rect->width != window->width || dst_rect->height != window->height)
        need_vpp = TRUE;

    /* Try to construct a Wayland buffer from VA surface as is (without VPP) */
    if (!need_vpp) {
        va_flags = from_GstVaapiSurfaceRenderFlags (flags);
        status = vaGetSurfaceBufferWl (GST_VAAPI_DISPLAY_VADISPLAY (display),
                                       GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_ID (surface),
                                       va_flags & (VA_TOP_FIELD | VA_BOTTOM_FIELD), &buffer);
            need_vpp = TRUE;
        else if (!vaapi_check_status (status, "vaGetSurfaceBufferWl()"))
            return FALSE;

    /* Try to construct a Wayland buffer with VPP */
    if (need_vpp) {
        if (priv->use_vpp) {
            GstVaapiSurface *const vpp_surface =
                vpp_convert (window, surface, src_rect, dst_rect, flags);
            if (G_UNLIKELY (!vpp_surface))
                need_vpp = FALSE;
            else {
                surface = vpp_surface;
                width = window->width;
                height = window->height;

        status = vaGetSurfaceBufferWl (GST_VAAPI_DISPLAY_VADISPLAY (display),
                                       GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_ID (surface), VA_FRAME_PICTURE, &buffer);
        if (!vaapi_check_status (status, "vaGetSurfaceBufferWl()"))
            return FALSE;

    /* Wait for the previous frame to complete redraw */
    if (!gst_vaapi_window_wayland_sync (window)) {
        wl_buffer_destroy (buffer);
        return !priv->sync_failed;

    frame = frame_state_new (window);
    if (!frame)
        return FALSE;
    g_atomic_pointer_set (&priv->last_frame, frame);
    g_atomic_int_inc (&priv->num_frames_pending);

    if (need_vpp && priv->use_vpp) {
        frame->surface = surface;
        frame->surface_pool = gst_vaapi_video_pool_ref (priv->surface_pool);

    /* XXX: attach to the specified target rectangle */
    wl_surface_attach (priv->surface, buffer, 0, 0);
    wl_surface_damage (priv->surface, 0, 0, width, height);

    if (priv->opaque_region) {
        wl_surface_set_opaque_region (priv->surface, priv->opaque_region);
        wl_region_destroy (priv->opaque_region);
        priv->opaque_region = NULL;

    wl_proxy_set_queue ((struct wl_proxy *) buffer, priv->event_queue);
    wl_buffer_add_listener (buffer, &frame_buffer_listener, frame);

    frame->callback = wl_surface_frame (priv->surface);
    wl_callback_add_listener (frame->callback, &frame_callback_listener, frame);

    wl_surface_commit (priv->surface);
    wl_display_flush (wl_display);
    return TRUE;