bool GlyphString::reorderLine(int startOffset, int endOffset) { int length = endOffset - startOffset; fribidi_reorder_line(0, mTypes + startOffset, length, 0, mParType, mLevels + startOffset, 0, mMap + startOffset); return true; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { GIOChannel *channel; GIOStatus status; GError *error; gchar *line = NULL; gsize length, terminator_pos; FriBidiStrIndex *expected_ltor = NULL; FriBidiStrIndex expected_ltor_len = 0; FriBidiStrIndex *ltor = NULL; FriBidiStrIndex ltor_len = 0; FriBidiCharType *types = NULL; FriBidiStrIndex types_len = 0; FriBidiLevel *expected_levels = NULL; FriBidiLevel expected_levels_len = 0; FriBidiLevel *levels = NULL; FriBidiStrIndex levels_len = 0; int base_dir_flags, base_dir_mode; int numerrs = 0; int numtests = 0; int line_no = 0; gboolean debug = FALSE; const char *filename; int next_arg; if (argc < 2) { g_printerr ("usage: %s [--debug] test-file-name\n", argv[0]); exit (1); } next_arg = 1; if (!strcmp (argv[next_arg], "--debug")) { debug = TRUE; next_arg++; } filename = argv[next_arg++]; error = NULL; channel = g_io_channel_new_file (filename, "r", &error); if (!channel) { g_printerr ("%s\n", error->message); exit (1); } while (TRUE) { error = NULL; g_free (line); status = g_io_channel_read_line (channel, &line, &length, &terminator_pos, &error); switch (status) { case G_IO_STATUS_ERROR: g_printerr ("%s\n", error->message); exit (1); case G_IO_STATUS_EOF: goto done; case G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN: continue; case G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL: line[terminator_pos] = '\0'; break; } line_no++; if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\0') continue; if (line[0] == '@') { if (!strncmp (line, "@Reorder:", 9)) { g_free (expected_ltor); expected_ltor = parse_reorder_line (line, &expected_ltor_len); continue; } if (!strncmp (line, "@Levels:", 8)) { g_free (expected_levels); expected_levels = parse_levels_line (line, &expected_levels_len); continue; } continue; } /* Test line */ g_free (types); types = parse_test_line (line, &types_len, &base_dir_flags); g_free (levels); levels = g_malloc (sizeof (FriBidiLevel) * types_len); levels_len = types_len; g_free (ltor); ltor = g_malloc (sizeof (FriBidiStrIndex) * types_len); /* Test it */ for (base_dir_mode = 0; base_dir_mode < 3; base_dir_mode++) { FriBidiParType base_dir; int i, j; gboolean matches; if ((base_dir_flags & (1<<base_dir_mode)) == 0) continue; numtests++; switch (base_dir_mode) { case 0: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_ON; break; case 1: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_LTR; break; case 2: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_RTL; break; } fribidi_get_par_embedding_levels (types, types_len, &base_dir, levels); for (i = 0; i < types_len; i++) ltor[i] = i; fribidi_reorder_line (0 /*FRIBIDI_FLAG_REORDER_NSM*/, types, types_len, 0, base_dir, levels, NULL, ltor); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < types_len; i++) if (!FRIBIDI_IS_EXPLICIT_OR_BN (types[ltor[i]])) ltor[j++] = ltor[i]; ltor_len = j; /* Compare */ matches = TRUE; if (levels_len != expected_levels_len) matches = FALSE; if (matches) for (i = 0; i < levels_len; i++) if (levels[i] != expected_levels[i] && expected_levels[i] != (FriBidiLevel) -1) { matches = FALSE; break; } if (ltor_len != expected_ltor_len) matches = FALSE; if (matches) for (i = 0; i < ltor_len; i++) if (ltor[i] != expected_ltor[i]) { matches = FALSE; break; } if (!matches) { numerrs++; g_printerr ("failure on line %d\n", line_no); g_printerr ("input is: %s\n", line); g_printerr ("base dir: %s\n", base_dir_mode==0 ? "auto" : base_dir_mode==1 ? "LTR" : "RTL"); g_printerr ("expected levels:"); for (i = 0; i < expected_levels_len; i++) if (expected_levels[i] == (FriBidiLevel) -1) g_printerr (" x"); else g_printerr (" %d", expected_levels[i]); g_printerr ("\n"); g_printerr ("returned levels:"); for (i = 0; i < levels_len; i++) g_printerr (" %d", levels[i]); g_printerr ("\n"); g_printerr ("expected order:"); for (i = 0; i < expected_ltor_len; i++) g_printerr (" %d", expected_ltor[i]); g_printerr ("\n"); g_printerr ("returned order:"); for (i = 0; i < ltor_len; i++) g_printerr (" %d", ltor[i]); g_printerr ("\n"); if (debug) { FriBidiParType base_dir; fribidi_set_debug (1); switch (base_dir_mode) { case 0: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_ON; break; case 1: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_LTR; break; case 2: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_RTL; break; } fribidi_get_par_embedding_levels (types, types_len, &base_dir, levels); fribidi_set_debug (0); } g_printerr ("\n"); } } } done: g_free (ltor); g_free (levels); g_free (expected_ltor); g_free (types); g_free (line); g_io_channel_unref (channel); if (error) g_error_free (error); if (numerrs) g_printerr ("%d errors out of %d total tests\n", numerrs, numtests); return numerrs; }
static int shape_text(AVFilterContext *ctx) { DrawTextContext *s = ctx->priv; uint8_t *tmp; int ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); static const FriBidiFlags flags = FRIBIDI_FLAGS_DEFAULT | FRIBIDI_FLAGS_ARABIC; FriBidiChar *unicodestr = NULL; FriBidiStrIndex len; FriBidiParType direction = FRIBIDI_PAR_LTR; FriBidiStrIndex line_start = 0; FriBidiStrIndex line_end = 0; FriBidiLevel *embedding_levels = NULL; FriBidiArabicProp *ar_props = NULL; FriBidiCharType *bidi_types = NULL; FriBidiStrIndex i,j; len = strlen(s->text); if (!(unicodestr = av_malloc_array(len, sizeof(*unicodestr)))) { goto out; } len = fribidi_charset_to_unicode(FRIBIDI_CHAR_SET_UTF8, s->text, len, unicodestr); bidi_types = av_malloc_array(len, sizeof(*bidi_types)); if (!bidi_types) { goto out; } fribidi_get_bidi_types(unicodestr, len, bidi_types); embedding_levels = av_malloc_array(len, sizeof(*embedding_levels)); if (!embedding_levels) { goto out; } if (!fribidi_get_par_embedding_levels(bidi_types, len, &direction, embedding_levels)) { goto out; } ar_props = av_malloc_array(len, sizeof(*ar_props)); if (!ar_props) { goto out; } fribidi_get_joining_types(unicodestr, len, ar_props); fribidi_join_arabic(bidi_types, len, embedding_levels, ar_props); fribidi_shape(flags, embedding_levels, len, ar_props, unicodestr); for (line_end = 0, line_start = 0; line_end < len; line_end++) { if (is_newline(unicodestr[line_end]) || line_end == len - 1) { if (!fribidi_reorder_line(flags, bidi_types, line_end - line_start + 1, line_start, direction, embedding_levels, unicodestr, NULL)) { goto out; } line_start = line_end + 1; } } /* Remove zero-width fill chars put in by libfribidi */ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++) if (unicodestr[i] != FRIBIDI_CHAR_FILL) unicodestr[j++] = unicodestr[i]; len = j; if (!(tmp = av_realloc(s->text, (len * 4 + 1) * sizeof(*s->text)))) { /* Use len * 4, as a unicode character can be up to 4 bytes in UTF-8 */ goto out; } s->text = tmp; len = fribidi_unicode_to_charset(FRIBIDI_CHAR_SET_UTF8, unicodestr, len, s->text); ret = 0; out: av_free(unicodestr); av_free(embedding_levels); av_free(ar_props); av_free(bidi_types); return ret; }
static int LayoutLine( filter_t *p_filter, paragraph_t *p_paragraph, int i_start_offset, int i_end_offset, line_desc_t **pp_line ) { if( p_paragraph->i_size <= 0 || p_paragraph->i_runs_count <= 0 || i_start_offset >= i_end_offset || i_start_offset < 0 || i_start_offset >= p_paragraph->i_size || i_end_offset <= 0 || i_end_offset > p_paragraph->i_size ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "LayoutLine() invalid parameters. " "Paragraph size: %d. Runs count: %d. " "Start offset: %d. End offset: %d", p_paragraph->i_size, p_paragraph->i_runs_count, i_start_offset, i_end_offset ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } line_desc_t *p_line = NewLine( i_end_offset - i_start_offset ); if( !p_line ) return VLC_ENOMEM; filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys; int i_last_run = -1; run_desc_t *p_run = 0; text_style_t *p_style = 0; FT_Face p_face = 0; FT_Vector pen = { .x = 0, .y = 0 }; int i_line_index = 0; int i_font_width = 0; int i_ul_offset = 0; int i_ul_thickness = 0; #ifdef HAVE_FRIBIDI fribidi_reorder_line( 0, p_paragraph->p_types + i_start_offset, i_end_offset - i_start_offset, 0, p_paragraph->paragraph_type, p_paragraph->p_levels + i_start_offset, 0, p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices + i_start_offset ); #endif for( int i = i_start_offset; i < i_end_offset; ++i, ++i_line_index ) { int i_paragraph_index; #ifdef HAVE_FRIBIDI i_paragraph_index = p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices[ i ]; #else i_paragraph_index = i; #endif line_character_t *p_ch = p_line->p_character + i_line_index; glyph_bitmaps_t *p_bitmaps = p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps + i_paragraph_index; if( !p_bitmaps->p_glyph ) { --i_line_index; continue; } if( i_last_run != p_paragraph->pi_run_ids[ i_paragraph_index ] ) { i_last_run = p_paragraph->pi_run_ids[ i_paragraph_index ]; p_run = p_paragraph->p_runs + i_last_run; p_style = p_run->p_style; p_face = p_run->p_face; i_font_width = p_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_HALFWIDTH ? p_style->i_font_size / 2 : p_style->i_font_size; } FT_Vector pen_new = { .x = pen.x + p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i_paragraph_index ].i_x_offset, .y = pen.y + p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i_paragraph_index ].i_y_offset }; FT_Vector pen_shadow = { .x = pen_new.x + p_sys->f_shadow_vector_x * ( i_font_width << 6 ), .y = pen_new.y + p_sys->f_shadow_vector_y * ( p_style->i_font_size << 6 ) }; if( p_bitmaps->p_shadow ) { if( FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &p_bitmaps->p_shadow, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, &pen_shadow, 0 ) ) p_bitmaps->p_shadow = 0; else FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( p_bitmaps->p_shadow, ft_glyph_bbox_pixels, &p_bitmaps->shadow_bbox ); } if( p_bitmaps->p_glyph ) { if( FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &p_bitmaps->p_glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, &pen_new, 1 ) ) { FT_Done_Glyph( p_bitmaps->p_glyph ); if( p_bitmaps->p_outline ) FT_Done_Glyph( p_bitmaps->p_outline ); if( p_bitmaps->p_shadow ) FT_Done_Glyph( p_bitmaps->p_shadow ); --i_line_index; continue; } else FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( p_bitmaps->p_glyph, ft_glyph_bbox_pixels, &p_bitmaps->glyph_bbox ); } if( p_bitmaps->p_outline ) { if( FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap( &p_bitmaps->p_outline, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, &pen_new, 1 ) ) { FT_Done_Glyph( p_bitmaps->p_outline ); p_bitmaps->p_outline = 0; } else FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( p_bitmaps->p_outline, ft_glyph_bbox_pixels, &p_bitmaps->outline_bbox ); } FixGlyph( p_bitmaps->p_glyph, &p_bitmaps->glyph_bbox, p_bitmaps->i_x_advance, p_bitmaps->i_y_advance, &pen_new ); if( p_bitmaps->p_outline ) FixGlyph( p_bitmaps->p_outline, &p_bitmaps->outline_bbox, p_bitmaps->i_x_advance, p_bitmaps->i_y_advance, &pen_new ); if( p_bitmaps->p_shadow ) FixGlyph( p_bitmaps->p_shadow, &p_bitmaps->shadow_bbox, p_bitmaps->i_x_advance, p_bitmaps->i_y_advance, &pen_shadow ); int i_line_offset = 0; int i_line_thickness = 0; text_style_t *p_glyph_style = p_paragraph->pp_styles[ i_paragraph_index ]; if( p_glyph_style->i_style_flags & (STYLE_UNDERLINE | STYLE_STRIKEOUT) ) { i_line_offset = abs( FT_FLOOR( FT_MulFix( p_face->underline_position, p_face->size->metrics.y_scale ) ) ); i_line_thickness = abs( FT_CEIL( FT_MulFix( p_face->underline_thickness, p_face->size->metrics.y_scale ) ) ); if( p_glyph_style->i_style_flags & STYLE_STRIKEOUT ) { /* Move the baseline to make it strikethrough instead of * underline. That means that strikethrough takes precedence */ i_line_offset -= abs( FT_FLOOR( FT_MulFix( p_face->descender * 2, p_face->size->metrics.y_scale ) ) ); } else if( i_line_thickness > 0 ) { p_bitmaps->glyph_bbox.yMin = __MIN( p_bitmaps->glyph_bbox.yMin, - i_line_offset - i_line_thickness ); /* The real underline thickness and position are * updated once the whole line has been parsed */ i_ul_offset = __MAX( i_ul_offset, i_line_offset ); i_ul_thickness = __MAX( i_ul_thickness, i_line_thickness ); i_line_thickness = -1; } } p_ch->p_glyph = ( FT_BitmapGlyph ) p_bitmaps->p_glyph; p_ch->p_outline = ( FT_BitmapGlyph ) p_bitmaps->p_outline; p_ch->p_shadow = ( FT_BitmapGlyph ) p_bitmaps->p_shadow; bool b_karaoke = p_paragraph->pi_karaoke_bar[ i_paragraph_index ] != 0; p_ch->i_color = b_karaoke ? ( uint32_t ) p_glyph_style->i_karaoke_background_color | p_glyph_style->i_karaoke_background_alpha << 24 : ( uint32_t ) p_glyph_style->i_font_color | p_glyph_style->i_font_alpha << 24; p_ch->i_line_thickness = i_line_thickness; p_ch->i_line_offset = i_line_offset; BBoxEnlarge( &p_line->bbox, &p_bitmaps->glyph_bbox ); if( p_bitmaps->p_outline ) BBoxEnlarge( &p_line->bbox, &p_bitmaps->outline_bbox ); if( p_bitmaps->p_shadow ) BBoxEnlarge( &p_line->bbox, &p_bitmaps->shadow_bbox ); pen.x += p_bitmaps->i_x_advance; pen.y += p_bitmaps->i_y_advance; } p_line->i_width = __MAX( 0, p_line->bbox.xMax - p_line->bbox.xMin ); p_line->i_height = __MAX( 0, p_line->bbox.yMax - p_line->bbox.yMin ); p_line->i_character_count = i_line_index; if( i_ul_thickness > 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < p_line->i_character_count; i++ ) { line_character_t *ch = &p_line->p_character[i]; if( ch->i_line_thickness < 0 ) { ch->i_line_offset = i_ul_offset; ch->i_line_thickness = i_ul_thickness; } } } *pp_line = p_line; return VLC_SUCCESS; } static int LayoutParagraph( filter_t *p_filter, paragraph_t *p_paragraph, int i_max_pixel_width, line_desc_t **pp_lines ) { if( p_paragraph->i_size <= 0 || p_paragraph->i_runs_count <= 0 ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "LayoutParagraph() invalid parameters. " "Paragraph size: %d. Runs count %d", p_paragraph->i_size, p_paragraph->i_runs_count ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } int i_line_start = 0; FT_Pos i_width = 0; FT_Pos i_max_width = i_max_pixel_width << 6; FT_Pos i_preferred_width = 0; FT_Pos i_total_width = 0; FT_Pos i_last_space_width = 0; int i_last_space = -1; line_desc_t *p_first_line = 0; line_desc_t **pp_line = &p_first_line; for( int i = 0; i < p_paragraph->i_size; ++i ) { #ifdef HAVE_FRIBIDI p_paragraph->pi_reordered_indices[ i ] = i; #endif i_total_width += p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].i_x_advance; } int i_line_count = i_total_width / i_max_width + 1; i_preferred_width = i_total_width / i_line_count; for( int i = 0; i <= p_paragraph->i_size; ++i ) { if( i == p_paragraph->i_size ) { if( i_line_start < i ) if( LayoutLine( p_filter, p_paragraph, i_line_start, i, pp_line ) ) goto error; break; } if( p_paragraph->p_code_points[ i ] == ' ' #ifdef HAVE_FRIBIDI || p_paragraph->p_types[ i ] == FRIBIDI_TYPE_WS #endif ) { if( i_line_start == i ) { /* * Free orphaned white space glyphs not belonging to any lines. * At this point p_shadow points to either p_glyph or p_outline, * so we should not free it explicitly. */ if( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_glyph ) FT_Done_Glyph( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_glyph ); if( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_outline ) FT_Done_Glyph( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_outline ); i_line_start = i + 1; continue; } if( i_last_space == i - 1 ) { p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i - 1 ].i_x_advance = 0; i_last_space = i; continue; } i_last_space = i; i_last_space_width = i_width; } i_width += p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].i_x_advance; if( i_last_space_width >= i_preferred_width || i_width >= i_max_width ) { if( i_line_start == i ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "LayoutParagraph(): Width of single glyph exceeds maximum" ); goto error; } int i_end_offset; if( i_last_space > i_line_start ) i_end_offset = i_last_space; else i_end_offset = i; if( LayoutLine( p_filter, p_paragraph, i_line_start, i_end_offset, pp_line ) ) goto error; pp_line = &( *pp_line )->p_next; i_line_start = i_end_offset; i = i_line_start - 1; i_width = 0; i_last_space_width = 0; } } *pp_lines = p_first_line; return VLC_SUCCESS; error: for( int i = i_line_start; i < p_paragraph->i_size; ++i ) { if( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_glyph ) FT_Done_Glyph( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_glyph ); if( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_outline ) FT_Done_Glyph( p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps[ i ].p_outline ); } if( p_first_line ) FreeLines( p_first_line ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } int LayoutText( filter_t *p_filter, line_desc_t **pp_lines, FT_BBox *p_bbox, int *pi_max_face_height, uni_char_t *psz_text, text_style_t **pp_styles, uint32_t *pi_k_dates, int i_len ) { line_desc_t *p_first_line = 0; line_desc_t **pp_line = &p_first_line; paragraph_t *p_paragraph = 0; int i_paragraph_start = 0; int i_max_height = 0; for( int i = 0; i <= i_len; ++i ) { if( i == i_len || psz_text[ i ] == '\n' ) { if( i_paragraph_start == i ) { i_paragraph_start = i + 1; continue; } p_paragraph = NewParagraph( p_filter, i - i_paragraph_start, psz_text + i_paragraph_start, pp_styles + i_paragraph_start, pi_k_dates ? pi_k_dates + i_paragraph_start : 0, 20 ); if( !p_paragraph ) { if( p_first_line ) FreeLines( p_first_line ); return VLC_ENOMEM; } #ifdef HAVE_FRIBIDI if( AnalyzeParagraph( p_paragraph ) ) goto error; #endif if( ItemizeParagraph( p_filter, p_paragraph ) ) goto error; #if defined HAVE_HARFBUZZ if( ShapeParagraphHarfBuzz( p_filter, &p_paragraph ) ) goto error; if( LoadGlyphs( p_filter, p_paragraph, true, false ) ) goto error; #elif defined HAVE_FRIBIDI if( ShapeParagraphFriBidi( p_filter, p_paragraph ) ) goto error; if( LoadGlyphs( p_filter, p_paragraph, false, true ) ) goto error; if( RemoveZeroWidthCharacters( p_paragraph ) ) goto error; if( ZeroNsmAdvance( p_paragraph ) ) goto error; #else if( LoadGlyphs( p_filter, p_paragraph, false, true ) ) goto error; #endif /* * Set max line width to allow for outline and shadow glyphs, * and any extra width caused by visual reordering */ int i_max_width = ( int ) p_filter-> - 2 * p_filter->p_sys->style.i_font_size; if( LayoutParagraph( p_filter, p_paragraph, i_max_width, pp_line ) ) goto error; FreeParagraph( p_paragraph ); p_paragraph = 0; for( ; *pp_line; pp_line = &( *pp_line )->p_next ) i_max_height = __MAX( i_max_height, ( *pp_line )->i_height ); i_paragraph_start = i + 1; } } int i_base_line = 0; FT_BBox bbox = { .xMin = INT_MAX, .yMin = INT_MAX, .xMax = INT_MIN, .yMax = INT_MIN }; for( line_desc_t *p_line = p_first_line; p_line; p_line = p_line->p_next ) { p_line->i_base_line = i_base_line; p_line->bbox.yMin -= i_base_line; p_line->bbox.yMax -= i_base_line; BBoxEnlarge( &bbox, &p_line->bbox ); i_base_line += i_max_height; } *pp_lines = p_first_line; *p_bbox = bbox; *pi_max_face_height = i_max_height; return VLC_SUCCESS; error: if( p_first_line ) FreeLines( p_first_line ); if( p_paragraph ) FreeParagraph( p_paragraph ); return VLC_EGENERIC; }
/** * @internal * Reorders ustr according to the bidi props. * * @param ustr the string to reorder. - Null is ok, will just populate the map. * @param start the start of the line * @param len the length of the line * @param props the paragraph props to reorder according to * @param _v_to_l The visual to logical map to populate - if NULL it won't populate it. * @return #EINA_FALSE on success, #EINA_TRUE on error. */ Eina_Bool evas_bidi_props_reorder_line(Eina_Unicode *eina_ustr, size_t start, size_t len, const Evas_BiDi_Paragraph_Props *props, EvasBiDiStrIndex **_v_to_l) { EvasBiDiStrIndex *v_to_l = NULL; FriBidiChar *ustr = NULL, *base_ustr = NULL; if (!props) return EINA_FALSE; if (eina_ustr) { /* The size of fribidichar is different than eina_unicode, convert */ #ifdef EVAS_FRIBIDI_EINA_UNICODE_UNEQUAL base_ustr = ustr = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(FriBidiChar)); ustr = _evas_bidi_unicode_to_fribidichar(ustr, eina_ustr); #else ustr = (FriBidiChar *) eina_ustr; #endif } if (_v_to_l) { size_t i; v_to_l = *_v_to_l = calloc(len, sizeof(EvasBiDiStrIndex)); if (!v_to_l) { goto error; } /* init the array for fribidi */ for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) { v_to_l[i] = i; } } { EvasBiDiLevel *emb_lvl; emb_lvl = malloc((start + len) * sizeof(EvasBiDiLevel)); memcpy(emb_lvl, props->embedding_levels, (start + len) * sizeof(EvasBiDiLevel)); /* We pass v_to_l - start, because fribidi assumes start is the offset * from the start of v_to_l as well, not just the props. */ if (!fribidi_reorder_line (FRIBIDI_FLAGS_DEFAULT, props->char_types, len, start, props->direction, emb_lvl, ustr, v_to_l - start)) { free(emb_lvl); goto error; } free(emb_lvl); } /* The size of fribidichar is different than eina_unicode, convert */ #ifdef EVAS_FRIBIDI_EINA_UNICODE_UNEQUAL _evas_bidi_fribidichar_to_unicode(eina_ustr, base_ustr); free(base_ustr); #endif return EINA_FALSE; /* ERROR HANDLING */ error: if (base_ustr) free(base_ustr); _SAFE_FREE(v_to_l); return EINA_TRUE; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { GError *error; int next_arg; GIOChannel *channel; GIOStatus status; const char *filename; gchar *line = NULL; gsize length, terminator_pos; int numerrs = 0; int line_no = 0; FriBidiChar *code_points = NULL; int code_points_len = 0; int expected_ltor_len = 0; int base_dir_mode = 0, paragraph_dir; FriBidiLevel *expected_levels = NULL; int *expected_ltor = NULL; int resolved_paragraph_embedding_level; FriBidiLevel *levels = NULL; FriBidiCharType *types = NULL; FriBidiBracketType *bracket_types = NULL; FriBidiStrIndex *ltor = NULL; int ltor_len; gboolean debug = FALSE; if (argc < 2) { g_printerr ("usage: %s [--debug] test-file-name\n", argv[0]); exit (1); } next_arg = 1; while(next_arg < argc && argv[next_arg][0]=='-') { const char *arg = argv[next_arg++]; if (strcmp(arg, "--debug")==0) { debug=TRUE; continue; } die("Unknown option %s!\n", arg); } filename = argv[next_arg++]; error = NULL; channel = g_io_channel_new_file (filename, "r", &error); if (!channel) { g_printerr ("%s\n", error->message); exit (1); } fribidi_set_debug(debug); while (TRUE) { error = NULL; g_free (line); status = g_io_channel_read_line (channel, &line, &length, &terminator_pos, &error); switch (status) { case G_IO_STATUS_ERROR: g_printerr ("%s\n", error->message); exit (1); case G_IO_STATUS_EOF: goto done; case G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN: continue; case G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL: line[terminator_pos] = '\0'; break; } line_no++; if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\0') continue; parse_test_line (line, line_no, &code_points, /* Field 0 */ &code_points_len, ¶graph_dir, /* Field 1 */ &resolved_paragraph_embedding_level, /* Field 2 */ &expected_levels, /* Field 3 */ &expected_ltor, /* Field 4 */ &expected_ltor_len ); /* Test it */ g_free(bracket_types); bracket_types = g_malloc ( sizeof(FriBidiBracketType) * code_points_len); g_free(types); types = g_malloc ( sizeof(FriBidiCharType) * code_points_len); g_free(levels); levels = g_malloc (sizeof (FriBidiLevel) * code_points_len); g_free (ltor); ltor = g_malloc (sizeof (FriBidiStrIndex) * code_points_len); { FriBidiParType base_dir; int i, j; gboolean matches; int types_len = code_points_len; int levels_len = types_len; FriBidiBracketType NoBracket = FRIBIDI_NO_BRACKET; for (i=0; i<code_points_len; i++) { types[i] = fribidi_get_bidi_type(code_points[i]); /* Note the optimization that a bracket is always of type neutral */ if (types[i] == FRIBIDI_TYPE_ON) bracket_types[i] = fribidi_get_bracket(code_points[i]); else bracket_types[i] = NoBracket; } if ((paragraph_dir & (1<<base_dir_mode)) == 0) continue; switch (paragraph_dir) { case 0: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_LTR; break; case 1: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_RTL; break; case 2: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_ON; break; } if (fribidi_get_par_embedding_levels_ex (types, bracket_types, types_len, &base_dir, levels)) ; for (i = 0; i < types_len; i++) ltor[i] = i; if (fribidi_reorder_line (0 /*FRIBIDI_FLAG_REORDER_NSM*/, types, types_len, 0, base_dir, levels, NULL, ltor)) ; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < types_len; i++) if (!FRIBIDI_IS_EXPLICIT_OR_BN (types[ltor[i]])) ltor[j++] = ltor[i]; ltor_len = j; /* Compare */ matches = TRUE; if (matches) for (i = 0; i < code_points_len; i++) if (levels[i] != expected_levels[i] && expected_levels[i] != (FriBidiLevel) -1) { matches = FALSE; break; } if (ltor_len != expected_ltor_len) matches = FALSE; if (matches) for (i = 0; i < ltor_len; i++) if (ltor[i] != expected_ltor[i]) { matches = FALSE; break; } if (!matches) { numerrs++; g_printerr ("failure on line %d\n", line_no); g_printerr ("input is: %s\n", line); g_printerr ("base dir: %s\n", paragraph_dir==0 ? "LTR" : paragraph_dir==1 ? "RTL" : "AUTO"); g_printerr ("expected levels:"); for (i = 0; i < code_points_len; i++) if (expected_levels[i] == (FriBidiLevel) -1) g_printerr (" x"); else g_printerr (" %d", expected_levels[i]); g_printerr ("\n"); g_printerr ("returned levels:"); for (i = 0; i < levels_len; i++) g_printerr (" %d", levels[i]); g_printerr ("\n"); g_printerr ("expected order:"); for (i = 0; i < expected_ltor_len; i++) g_printerr (" %d", expected_ltor[i]); g_printerr ("\n"); g_printerr ("returned order:"); for (i = 0; i < ltor_len; i++) g_printerr (" %d", ltor[i]); g_printerr ("\n"); if (debug) { FriBidiParType base_dir; fribidi_set_debug (1); switch (base_dir_mode) { case 0: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_ON; break; case 1: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_LTR; break; case 2: base_dir = FRIBIDI_PAR_RTL; break; } if (fribidi_get_par_embedding_levels_ex (types, bracket_types, types_len, &base_dir, levels)) ; fribidi_set_debug (0); } g_printerr ("\n"); } } } done: if (error) g_error_free (error); if (numerrs) g_printerr ("%d errors\n", numerrs); else printf("No errors found! :-)\n"); return numerrs; }