Example #1
INLINE QRFactorization<max_m, max_n> factorize_qr_householder(
    Int m, Int n, Matrix<max_m, max_n> a) {
  Few<Vector<max_m>, max_n> v;
  Real anorm = frobenius_norm(m, n, a);
  for (Int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
    v[k] = householder_vector(m, a, anorm, k);
    reflect_columns(m, n, a, v[k], k);
  auto r = reduced_r_from_full(n, a);
  return {v, r};
Example #2
int main() {
  using value_type = double;

  const unsigned N = 5;
  const unsigned M = 5;
  const unsigned r = 3;

  flens::matrix<value_type> A(N,M);
#if 0
  A = 2.0;
#if 1
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_rows(A); ++i)
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < num_cols(A); ++j)
      A(i,j) = fmmtl::random<value_type>::get();
#if 0
  A[1][1] = 1;
  A[1][3] = 2;
  A[3][1] = 1;
  A[3][3] = 4;

  std::cout << "A = \n" << A << std::endl;

  flens::matrix<double> U, V;

  std::tie(U, V) = adaptive_cross_approx(A, 1e-10, r);

  std::cout << "FINAL RANK = " << num_cols(U) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "U = \n" << U << std::endl;
  std::cout << "V = \n" << V << std::endl;
  std::cout << "UV = \n" << flens::matrix<value_type>(U*V) << std::endl;

  flens::matrix<value_type> Res;
  Res = A - U*V;

  std::cout << "Residual = \n" << Res << std::endl;
  std::cout << "norm_F = " << frobenius_norm(Res) << std::endl;

  return 0;
Example #3
void STARPU_PLU(compute_lu_matrix)(unsigned size, unsigned nblocks, TYPE *Asaved)
	TYPE *all_r = STARPU_PLU(reconstruct_matrix)(size, nblocks);

	unsigned display = STARPU_PLU(display_flag)();

	int rank;
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

	if (rank == 0)
	        TYPE *L = malloc((size_t)size*size*sizeof(TYPE));
	        TYPE *U = malloc((size_t)size*size*sizeof(TYPE));
	        memset(L, 0, size*size*sizeof(TYPE));
	        memset(U, 0, size*size*sizeof(TYPE));
	        /* only keep the lower part */
		unsigned i, j;
	        for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
	                for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
	                        L[j+i*size] = all_r[j+i*size];
	                /* diag i = j */
	                L[j+j*size] = all_r[j+j*size];
	                U[j+j*size] = 1.0;
	                for (i = j+1; i < size; i++)
	                        U[j+i*size] = all_r[j+i*size];
		STARPU_PLU(display_data_content)(L, size);
		STARPU_PLU(display_data_content)(U, size);
	        /* now A_err = L, compute L*U */
	        CPU_TRMM("R", "U", "N", "U", size, size, 1.0f, U, size, L, size);
		if (display)
			fprintf(stderr, "\nLU\n");

		STARPU_PLU(display_data_content)(L, size);
	        /* compute "LU - A" in L*/
	        CPU_AXPY(size*size, -1.0, Asaved, 1, L, 1);
	        TYPE err = CPU_ASUM(size*size, L, 1);
	        int max = CPU_IAMAX(size*size, L, 1);
		if (display)
			fprintf(stderr, "DISPLAY ERROR\n");

		STARPU_PLU(display_data_content)(L, size);
	        fprintf(stderr, "(A - LU) Avg error : %e\n", err/(size*size));
	        fprintf(stderr, "(A - LU) Max error : %e\n", L[max]);
		double residual = frobenius_norm(L, size);
		double matnorm = frobenius_norm(Asaved, size);
		fprintf(stderr, "||A-LU|| / (||A||*N) : %e\n", residual/(matnorm*size));
Example #4
      friend value_type norm(const self& dp) {
	return frobenius_norm(dp.M);
Example #5
int spai_line
(matrix *A,
 int col,
 int spar,
 int lower_diag,
 int upper_diag,
 double tau,
 matrix *M)
  int s,nbq,nnz,dimr,block_width;
  double scalar_resnorm,block_resnorm,adjust_epsilon;

  int i,index,pe,len,ierr;
  int row_address;

  int *rptr;
  double *aptr;
  int j, k, ptr, low_c, up_c, ccol, row;
  int rlen;
  int *buf;
  int *rbuf;
  double *vbuf;
  double comp_max, tau_limit = 1 - tau;

  block_width = A->block_sizes[col];
  adjust_epsilon = epsilon*sqrt((double) block_width);

  if (spar == 1)   /* mark elements depending on tau parameter */
    comp_max = 0;
/* find maximum in column resp. row if transposed */
    for (j=0; j<A->lines->len[col]; j++)
       ptr = A->lines->ptrs[col][j];
       if (comp_max < fabs( A->lines->A[col][j]))
           comp_max = fabs( A->lines->A[col][j]);
/* keep diagonal and elements about fraction of maximum */
    for (i=0, j=0; j<A->lines->len[col]; j++)
       ptr = A->lines->ptrs[col][j];
       if (ptr == col + A->my_start_index
           || fabs(A->lines->A[col][j]/comp_max) > tau_limit)
         n1[i] = A->block_sizes[j];
	 J->ptr[i++] = ptr;
     J->len = i;
     J->slen = i;
     dimr = nnz = 0;
  else if (spar == 2)   /* set diagonals - mind switching cols and rows */
     if ((low_c = col-upper_diag) < 0) low_c = 0;
     if ((up_c = col+lower_diag) > A->n-1) up_c = A->n-1;
     for (i=0, j=low_c; j<=up_c; j++,i++)
        J->ptr[i] = j;
        n1[i] = A->block_sizes[j];
     J->len = i;
     J->slen = i;
     dimr = nnz = 0;
  else /* initial sparsity diagonal */
     J->ptr[0] = col;
     J->len = 1;
     J->slen = block_width;
     n1[0] = block_width;
     dimr = nnz = 0;
  /* compute I */


  for (s=0,
	 nbq = 0,
	 TAU_ptr[0] = 0,
                            /* effectively infinity */
       (s < nbsteps);
	 nbq++) {


    full_matrix(A,M,max_dim, Ahat);

    n2[s] = I->slen - dimr;

    /* compute solution -> x, residual, and update QR */
    if ((ierr = qr(A,col,nbq,dimr)) != 0)  return ierr;

    nnz = J->len;
    dimr = J->slen;

    /* is solution good enough? */
    /* Use Froebenius norm */
    block_resnorm = frobenius_norm(resb,block_width,I->slen);

    if (debug) {
      fprintf(fptr_dbg,"  s=%d col=%d of %d block_resnorm=%12.4le\n",
    if (spar == 1         /* row population with tau parameter */
     || spar == 2) break; /* fixed diagonals - no further ado */
    if (block_resnorm <= adjust_epsilon)  break;

    /* Don't bother with last augment_sparsity */
    if (s == (nbsteps-1)) break;

    if (! augment_sparsity(A,M,col,maxapi,block_resnorm)) break;

    getrows(A,M, J_tilde,I_tilde);

    if (! append(J,J_tilde)) break;   /* J <- J U J_tilde */
    if (! append(I,I_tilde)) break;   /* I <- I U I_tilde */


  if (block_resnorm > adjust_epsilon && spar == 0) {
    if (message) {
	      "could not meet tol, col=%d resnorm = %le, adjust_epsilon = %le\n",
	      block_resnorm/sqrt((double) block_width),

  if (resplot_fptr) {
    for (i=0; i<block_width; i++) {
      if (block_resnorm <= adjust_epsilon) block_flag = " ";
      else block_flag = "*";
      scalar_resnorm = frobenius_norm(&res[i*max_dim],1,I->slen);
      if (scalar_resnorm <= epsilon) scalar_flag = " ";
      else scalar_flag = "*";
      fprintf(resplot_fptr,"%6d   %5.3lf %s %6d   %5.3lf %s\n",
	      block_resnorm/sqrt((double) block_width),
    start_col += block_width;

  /* current solution in x, up to nnz, written to M(k,:) */
  /* convert x to block structure */

  put_Mline(A,M, col, J->ptr, xb, nnz, J->slen);

  for (i=0; i<nbsteps; i++) {
    if (Qlist[i]) {
      Qlist[i] = NULL;
    else break;
  return 0;