Example #1
void z3ResEx::Run( )
	// Check the fileindex exists
	if( TFileSize( msfName ) == 0 )
		setMessage( "ERROR: Unable to open file (%s)", msfName );
		TMemoryStream msf;

		m_fileindexKey			= nullptr;
		m_fileindexKeyLength	= 0;

		// Brute-force the key (version 1)

		unsigned int keyIndex( 0 );

		// For all known keys
		while( ( keyIndex < keyList1Count ) && ( msf.Size() == 0 ) )
			// Try to read the fileindex
			if( fsReadMSF( msf, keyList1[ keyIndex ].Data, KeyLength1, 0 ) )
				m_fileindexKey			= keyList1[ keyIndex ].Data;
				m_fileindexKeyLength	= KeyLength1;
				m_fileindexVer			= 0;

				if( m_verboseMessages )
					printf("Found key for %s!\n", keyList1[ keyIndex ].Desc );


		// If key has not been found
		if( m_fileindexKey == nullptr )
			//  Continue to brute-force the key (version 2)

			keyIndex = 0;
			// For all known keys
			while( ( keyIndex < keyList2Count ) && ( msf.Size() == 0 ) )
				// Try to read the fileindex
				if( fsReadMSF( msf, keyList2[ keyIndex ].Data, KeyLength2, 1 ) )
					m_fileindexKey			= keyList2[ keyIndex ].Data;
					m_fileindexKeyLength	= KeyLength2;
					m_fileindexVer			= 1;

					if( m_verboseMessages )
						printf("Found key for %s!\n", keyList2[ keyIndex ].Desc );


		// If a valid key has been found and fileindex loaded
		if( !( ( m_fileindexKey == nullptr ) && ( msf.Size() == 0 ) ) )
			// Attempt to parse it (to extract or list files)
			msf.Seek( 0, bufo_start );
			parseMsf( msf );
			// No key found or incompatiable file (not checked)
			setMessage( "ERROR: This file is using an updated key or unsupported method" );

Example #2
int main( int argc, char **argv )
		"z3ResEx" \
		"\nResearched and coded by x1nixmzeng\n\n"
	// Check arguments
	if( argc > 1 )
		if( SetCurrentDirectory( argv[1] ) == 0 )
			printf("ERROR: Failed to set the client path (%s)\n", argv[1] );
			return 0;

		if( argc > 2 )
			// For all other arguments, check against known flags

			if( argv[2][0] == '-' )
				// -v		Verbose
				// todo

				// -l		List all files
				if( argv[2][1] == 'l' )
					user_opt_list_files = true;
				// -x		No extraction
				if( argv[2][1] == 'x' )
					user_opt_allow_extraction = false;

				// -f		Extract only (filter)
				// todo


	// Check the fileindex exists
	if( TFileSize( msfName ) == 0 )
		printf("ERROR: Unable to open file (%s)\n", msfName);
		unsigned int keyIndex( 0 );
		TMemoryStream msf;

		// Brute-force the key
		while( ( keyIndex < Z3_KEY_LIST_LENGTH ) && ( msf.Size() == 0 ) )
			if( fsReadMSF( msf, Z3_KEY_LIST[ keyIndex ] ) )
				z3CurrentKey = Z3_KEY_LIST[ keyIndex ];
				// todo: verbose? - show key


		if( !( z3CurrentKey == nullptr ) )
			// Run main extraction loop
			if( !( user_opt_allow_extraction ) )
				printf("NOTE:  Opted NOT to save data\n");

			extractionMain( msf );
			// No key found or incompatiable file (not checked)
			printf("ERROR: This file is using an updated key or unsupported method\n");


	return 0;