Example #1
DECLARE_TEST( fs, directory )
	char* longpath;
	char* testpath = path_merge( environment_temporary_directory(), string_from_int_static( random64(), 0, 0 ) );

	if( !fs_is_file( testpath ) )
		fs_remove_file( testpath );
	if( !fs_is_directory( testpath ) )
		fs_make_directory( testpath );

	EXPECT_TRUE( fs_is_directory( testpath ) );

	fs_remove_directory( testpath );
	EXPECT_FALSE( fs_is_directory( testpath ) );

	longpath = path_merge( testpath, string_from_int_static( random64(), 0, 0 ) );
	EXPECT_FALSE( fs_is_directory( longpath ) );

	fs_make_directory( longpath );
	EXPECT_TRUE( fs_is_directory( longpath ) );

	fs_remove_directory( testpath );
	EXPECT_FALSE( fs_is_directory( testpath ) );
	EXPECT_FALSE( fs_is_directory( longpath ) );

	string_deallocate( longpath );
	string_deallocate( testpath );

	return 0;
Example #2
DECLARE_TEST( fs, util )
	tick_t systime = time_system();
	tick_t lastmod = 0;
	char* testpath = path_merge( environment_temporary_directory(), string_from_int_static( random64(), 0, 0 ) );

	if( !fs_is_directory( environment_temporary_directory() ) )
		fs_make_directory( environment_temporary_directory() );

	if( fs_is_directory( testpath ) )
		fs_remove_directory( testpath );
	fs_remove_file( testpath );

	EXPECT_EQ( fs_last_modified( testpath ), 0 );

	thread_sleep( 1000 ); //For fs time granularity, make sure at least one second passed since systime

	stream_deallocate( fs_open_file( testpath, STREAM_OUT ) );
	EXPECT_TRUE( fs_is_file( testpath ) );
	EXPECT_GE( fs_last_modified( testpath ), systime );

	fs_remove_file( testpath );
	EXPECT_FALSE( fs_is_file( testpath ) );
	EXPECT_EQ( fs_last_modified( testpath ), 0 );

	stream_deallocate( fs_open_file( testpath, STREAM_OUT ) );
	EXPECT_TRUE( fs_is_file( testpath ) );
	EXPECT_GE( fs_last_modified( testpath ), systime );

	lastmod = fs_last_modified( testpath );

	thread_sleep( 5000 );

	EXPECT_EQ( fs_last_modified( testpath ), lastmod );

	fs_touch( testpath );
	EXPECT_GT( fs_last_modified( testpath ), lastmod );

	fs_remove_file( testpath );
	string_deallocate( testpath );

	return 0;
Example #3
void PluginHandler_create(bool shadowDirectory) {
    s_useShadowDir = shadowDirectory;

    if (!shadowDirectory)

    // Cleanup directory first

    if (fs_is_file(s_shadowDirName))

    if (fs_is_directory(s_shadowDirName))


    // Listen to changes in the current directry for code
    // TODO: Add this to settings so we can have more dirs here

Example #4
font_t font_create(const char* name)
	//todo: make this a task

	stream_t* ttf_stream = fs_open_file(name, STREAM_IN|STREAM_BINARY);
	const uint64_t ttf_stream_size = stream_size(ttf_stream);
	unsigned char* ttf_buffer = (unsigned char*) memory_allocate(ttf_stream_size, 4, MEMORY_TEMPORARY);
	unsigned char* ttf_bitmap = (unsigned char*) memory_allocate(MINT_FONT_BITMAPSIZE*MINT_FONT_BITMAPSIZE, 4, MEMORY_PERSISTENT);

	const uint64_t read = stream_read(ttf_stream, ttf_buffer, ttf_stream_size);
	FOUNDATION_ASSERT(read == ttf_stream_size);

	font_data_t data;
		ttf_buffer,0, 32.0, 

	TextureCreationInfo info;
	info.type = Texture2D;
	info.format = FormatR8;
	info.height = MINT_FONT_BITMAPSIZE;

	data.texture = texture_create(ttf_bitmap, info);

	array_push_memcpy(s_fontCtx.fonts, &data);


	return array_size(s_fontCtx.fonts)-1;
Example #5
void CUpdater::DoUpdates(CMenus *pMenus)
    bool noErrors = true;

    // Remove Files
    for (int i=0; i<m_vToRemove.size(); i++)
        if (fs_is_file(m_vToRemove[i].c_str()) && fs_remove(m_vToRemove[i].c_str()) != 0) noErrors = false;

    // Download Files
    for (int i=0; i<m_vToDownload.size(); i++)
        if (!CHttpDownloader::GetToFile(m_vToDownload[i].c_str(), m_vToDownload[i].c_str())) noErrors = false;

    if (m_NeedUpdateClient)
        #ifdef CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS
            #ifdef CONF_PLATFORM_WIN64
                if (!CHttpDownloader::GetToFile("http://" UPDATES_HOST UPDATES_BASE_PATH "teeworlds64.exe", "tw_tmp"))
                if (!CHttpDownloader::GetToFile("http://" UPDATES_HOST UPDATES_BASE_PATH "teeworlds.exe", "tw_tmp"))
        #elif defined(CONF_FAMILY_UNIX)
            #ifdef CONF_PLATFORM_MACOSX
                if (!CHttpDownloader::GetToFile("http://" UPDATES_HOST UPDATES_BASE_PATH "teeworlds_mac", "tw_tmp"))
            #elif defined(CONF_ARCH_IA64) || defined(CONF_ARCH_AMD64)
                if (!CHttpDownloader::GetToFile("http://" UPDATES_HOST UPDATES_BASE_PATH "teeworlds64", "tw_tmp"))
                if (!CHttpDownloader::GetToFile("http://" UPDATES_HOST UPDATES_BASE_PATH "teeworlds", "tw_tmp"))
            noErrors = false;

    if (m_NeedUpdateServer)
        #ifdef CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS
            #ifdef CONF_PLATFORM_WIN64
                if (!CHttpDownloader::GetToFile("http://" UPDATES_HOST UPDATES_BASE_PATH "teeworlds_srv64.exe", "teeworlds_srv.exe"))
                if (!CHttpDownloader::GetToFile("http://" UPDATES_HOST UPDATES_BASE_PATH "teeworlds_srv.exe", "teeworlds_srv.exe"))
        #elif defined(CONF_FAMILY_UNIX)
            #ifdef CONF_PLATFORM_MACOSX
                if (!CHttpDownloader::GetToFile("http://" UPDATES_HOST UPDATES_BASE_PATH "teeworlds_srv_mac", "teeworlds_srv"))
            #elif defined(CONF_ARCH_IA64) || defined(CONF_ARCH_AMD64)
                if (!CHttpDownloader::GetToFile("http://" UPDATES_HOST UPDATES_BASE_PATH "teeworlds_srv64", "teeworlds_srv"))
                if (!CHttpDownloader::GetToFile("http://" UPDATES_HOST UPDATES_BASE_PATH "teeworlds_srv", "teeworlds_srv"))
            noErrors = false;

    if (noErrors)
        m_Updated = true;

Example #6
DECLARE_TEST( fs, file )
	char* testpath = path_merge( environment_temporary_directory(), string_from_int_static( random64(), 0, 0 ) );
	char* copypath = path_merge( environment_temporary_directory(), string_from_int_static( random64(), 0, 0 ) );
	stream_t* teststream = 0;

	if( !fs_is_directory( environment_temporary_directory() ) )
		fs_make_directory( environment_temporary_directory() );

	if( fs_is_directory( testpath ) )
		fs_remove_directory( testpath );
	fs_remove_file( testpath );

	if( fs_is_directory( copypath ) )
		fs_remove_directory( copypath );
	fs_remove_file( copypath );

	teststream = fs_open_file( testpath, STREAM_IN );
	EXPECT_EQ( teststream, 0 );
	EXPECT_FALSE( fs_is_file( testpath ) );

	teststream = fs_open_file( testpath, STREAM_IN | STREAM_OUT );
	EXPECT_NE( teststream, 0 );
	EXPECT_TRUE( fs_is_file( testpath ) );

	stream_deallocate( teststream );
	fs_remove_file( testpath );
	teststream = fs_open_file( testpath, STREAM_IN );
	EXPECT_EQ( teststream, 0 );
	EXPECT_FALSE( fs_is_file( testpath ) );

	teststream = fs_open_file( testpath, STREAM_OUT );
	EXPECT_NE( teststream, 0 );
	EXPECT_TRUE( fs_is_file( testpath ) );

	stream_deallocate( teststream );
	teststream = 0;

	fs_copy_file( testpath, copypath );
	EXPECT_TRUE( fs_is_file( copypath ) );

	fs_remove_file( copypath );
	EXPECT_FALSE( fs_is_file( copypath ) );

	teststream = fs_open_file( testpath, STREAM_OUT );
	EXPECT_NE( teststream, 0 );
	EXPECT_TRUE( fs_is_file( testpath ) );

	stream_write_string( teststream, "testing testing" );

	stream_deallocate( teststream );
	teststream = 0;

	fs_copy_file( testpath, copypath );
	EXPECT_TRUE( fs_is_file( copypath ) );

	fs_remove_file( copypath );
	EXPECT_FALSE( fs_is_file( copypath ) );

	stream_deallocate( teststream );
	string_deallocate( testpath );
	string_deallocate( copypath );

	return 0;
Example #7
DECLARE_TEST( fs, monitor )
	char* testpath = path_merge( environment_temporary_directory(), string_from_int_static( random64(), 0, 0 ) );
	char* filetestpath = path_merge( testpath, string_from_int_static( random64(), 0, 0 ) );

	stream_t* test_stream;

	event_stream_t* stream;
	event_block_t* block;
	event_t* event;
	stream = fs_event_stream();

	if( fs_is_file( testpath ) )
		fs_remove_file( testpath );
	if( !fs_is_directory( testpath ) )
		fs_make_directory( testpath );
	if( fs_is_file( filetestpath ) )
		fs_remove_file( filetestpath );

	stream_deallocate( fs_open_file( filetestpath, STREAM_OUT ) );
	fs_remove_file( filetestpath );

	block = event_stream_process( stream );
	event = event_next( block, 0 );
	EXPECT_EQ( event, 0 );

	fs_monitor( testpath );
	thread_sleep( 1000 );

	stream_deallocate( fs_open_file( filetestpath, STREAM_OUT ) );
	thread_sleep( 100 );

	block = event_stream_process( stream );
	event = event_next( block, 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( event, 0 );
	EXPECT_STREQ( event->payload, filetestpath );

	event = event_next( block, event );
	EXPECT_EQ( event, 0 );

	test_stream = fs_open_file( filetestpath, STREAM_IN | STREAM_OUT );
	stream_write_string( test_stream, filetestpath );
	stream_deallocate( test_stream );
	thread_sleep( 100 );

	block = event_stream_process( stream );
	event = event_next( block, 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( event, 0 );
	EXPECT_STREQ( event->payload, filetestpath );

	event = event_next( block, event );
	EXPECT_EQ( event, 0 );

	fs_remove_file( filetestpath );
	thread_sleep( 100 );

	block = event_stream_process( stream );
	event = event_next( block, 0 );
	EXPECT_NE( event, 0 );
	EXPECT_STREQ( event->payload, filetestpath );

	event = event_next( block, event );
	EXPECT_EQ( event, 0 );

	fs_unmonitor( testpath );
	thread_sleep( 1000 );
	block = event_stream_process( stream );
	event = event_next( block, 0 );
	EXPECT_EQ( event, 0 );

	stream_deallocate( fs_open_file( filetestpath, STREAM_OUT ) );
	thread_sleep( 100 );

	block = event_stream_process( stream );
	event = event_next( block, 0 );
	EXPECT_EQ( event, 0 );

	fs_remove_file( filetestpath );
	thread_sleep( 100 );

	block = event_stream_process( stream );
	event = event_next( block, 0 );
	EXPECT_EQ( event, 0 );

	fs_remove_directory( testpath );

	string_deallocate( testpath );
	string_deallocate( filetestpath );

	return 0;
Example #8
DECLARE_TEST( fs, query )
	uint64_t subpathid = random64();
	uint64_t subfileid = random64();
	char* testpath = path_merge( environment_temporary_directory(), string_from_int_static( random64(), 0, 0 ) );
	char* subtestpath = path_merge( testpath, string_from_int_static( subpathid, 0, 0 ) );
	char* filepath[8];
	char** subdirs;
	char** files;
	int ifp = 0;
	char* subfilepath;

	if( fs_is_file( testpath ) )
		fs_remove_file( testpath );
	if( !fs_is_directory( testpath ) )
		fs_make_directory( testpath );
	if( !fs_is_directory( subtestpath ) )
		fs_make_directory( subtestpath );

	for( ifp = 0; ifp < 8; ++ifp )
		filepath[ifp] = path_merge( testpath, string_from_int_static( random64(), 0, 0 ) );
		filepath[ifp] = string_append( string_append( filepath[ifp], "." ), string_from_int_static( ifp, 0, 0 ) );
		stream_deallocate( fs_open_file( filepath[ifp], STREAM_OUT ) );

	subfilepath = path_merge( subtestpath, string_from_int_static( subfileid, 0, 0 ) );
	subfilepath = string_append( subfilepath, ".0" );
	stream_deallocate( fs_open_file( subfilepath, STREAM_OUT ) );

	files = fs_files( filepath[0] );
	EXPECT_EQ( array_size( files ), 0 );
	string_array_deallocate( files );

	subdirs = fs_subdirs( subtestpath );
	EXPECT_EQ( array_size( subdirs ), 0 );
	string_array_deallocate( subdirs );

	files = fs_files( testpath );
	EXPECT_EQ( array_size( files ), 8 );
	string_array_deallocate( files );

	subdirs = fs_subdirs( testpath );
	EXPECT_EQ( array_size( subdirs ), 1 );
	string_array_deallocate( subdirs );

	files = fs_matching_files( testpath, "*", false );
	EXPECT_EQ( array_size( files ), 8 );
	string_array_deallocate( files );

	files = fs_matching_files( testpath, "*", true );
	EXPECT_EQ( array_size( files ), 9 );
	string_array_deallocate( files );

	files = fs_matching_files( testpath, "*.0", false );
	EXPECT_EQ( array_size( files ), 1 );
	string_array_deallocate( files );

	files = fs_matching_files( testpath, "*.0", true );
	EXPECT_EQ( array_size( files ), 2 );
	string_array_deallocate( files );

	files = fs_matching_files( testpath, "*.1", false );
	EXPECT_EQ( array_size( files ), 1 );
	string_array_deallocate( files );

	files = fs_matching_files( testpath, "*.1", true );
	EXPECT_EQ( array_size( files ), 1 );
	string_array_deallocate( files );

	files = fs_matching_files( testpath, "*.?", true );
	EXPECT_EQ( array_size( files ), 9 );
		char* verifypath = string_from_int( subpathid, 0, 0 );
		verifypath = path_append( verifypath, string_from_int_static( subfileid, 0, 0 ) );
		verifypath = string_append( verifypath, ".0" );
		EXPECT_STREQ( files[8], verifypath );
		string_deallocate( verifypath );
	string_array_deallocate( files );

	fs_remove_directory( testpath );

	string_array_deallocate( subdirs );
	string_array_deallocate( files );
	string_deallocate( subfilepath );
	for( ifp = 0; ifp < 8; ++ifp )
		string_deallocate( filepath[ifp] );
	string_deallocate( subtestpath );
	string_deallocate( testpath );
	return 0;