Example #1
File: ieqpro.cpp Project: mp77/indi
bool IEQPro::updateLocation(double latitude, double longitude, double elevation)

    if (longitude > 180)
        longitude -= 360;

    if (set_ieqpro_longitude(PortFD, longitude) == false)
        DEBUG(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "Failed to set longitude.");
        return false;

    if (set_ieqpro_latitude(PortFD, latitude) == false)
        DEBUG(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "Failed to set longitude.");
        return false;

    char l[32], L[32];
    fs_sexa (l, latitude, 3, 3600);
    fs_sexa (L, longitude, 4, 3600);

    DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_SESSION, "Site location updated to Lat %.32s - Long %.32s", l, L);

    return true;
Example #2
bool ioptronHC8406::updateLocation(double latitude, double longitude, double elevation)

    if (isSimulation())
        return true;

    double final_longitude;

    if (longitude > 180)
        final_longitude = longitude - 360.0;
        final_longitude = longitude;

    if (!isSimulation() && setioptronHC8406Longitude(final_longitude) < 0)
        DEBUG(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "Error setting site longitude coordinates");
        return false;

    if (!isSimulation() && setioptronHC8406Latitude(latitude) < 0)
        DEBUG(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "Error setting site latitude coordinates");
        return false;

    char l[32], L[32];
    fs_sexa(l, latitude, 3, 3600);
    fs_sexa(L, longitude, 4, 3600);

    IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "Site location updated to Lat %.32s - Long %.32s", l, L);

    return true;
Example #3
File: ieqpro.cpp Project: mp77/indi
bool IEQPro::Goto(double r,double d)
    char RAStr[64], DecStr[64];

    fs_sexa(RAStr, targetRA, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(DecStr, targetDEC, 2, 3600);

    if (set_ieqpro_ra(PortFD, r) == false || set_ieqpro_dec(PortFD, d) == false)
        DEBUG(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "Error setting RA/DEC.");
        return false;

    if (slew_ieqpro(PortFD) == false)
        DEBUG(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "Failed to slew.");
        return false;

    TrackState = SCOPE_SLEWING;

    IDMessage(getDeviceName(), "Slewing to RA: %s - DEC: %s", RAStr, DecStr);
    return true;
Example #4
void LX200_16::handleAltAzSlew()
        int i=0;
	char altStr[64], azStr[64];

	  if (horNum.s == IPS_BUSY)

	     // sleep for 100 mseconds

	  if ((i = slewToAltAz()))
	    horNum.s = IPS_IDLE;
	    IDSetNumber(&horNum, "Slew not possible");

	  horNum.s = IPS_BUSY;
	  fs_sexa(azStr, targetAz, 2, 3600);
	  fs_sexa(altStr, targetAlt, 2, 3600);

	  IDSetNumber(&horNum, "Slewing to Alt %s - Az %s", altStr, azStr);
Example #5
bool LX200_16::handleAltAzSlew()
	char altStr[64], azStr[64];

      if (HorizontalCoordsNP.s == IPS_BUSY)

	     // sleep for 100 mseconds

      if (isSimulation() == false && slewToAltAz(PortFD))
        HorizontalCoordsNP.s = IPS_ALERT;
        IDSetNumber(&HorizontalCoordsNP, "Slew is not possible.");
        return false;

      HorizontalCoordsNP.s = IPS_BUSY;
	  fs_sexa(azStr, targetAZ, 2, 3600);
	  fs_sexa(altStr, targetALT, 2, 3600);

      TrackState = SCOPE_SLEWING;
      IDSetNumber(&HorizontalCoordsNP, "Slewing to Alt %s - Az %s", altStr, azStr);
      return true;
Example #6
bool SynscanDriver::SetCurrentPark()
    char res[SYN_RES] = {0};

    // Get Current Az/Alt
    memset(res, 0, SYN_RES);
    if (!sendCommand("z", res))
        return false;

    uint32_t n1 = 0, n2 = 0;
    sscanf(res, "%ux,%ux#", &n1, &n2);
    double az  = static_cast<double>(n1) / 0x100000000 * 360.0;
    double al  = static_cast<double>(n2) / 0x100000000 * 360.0;
    al = rangeDec(al);

    char AzStr[16], AltStr[16];
    fs_sexa(AzStr, az, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(AltStr, al, 2, 3600);

    LOGF_DEBUG("Setting current parking position to coordinates Az (%s) Alt (%s)...", AzStr, AltStr);


    return true;
Example #7
/* fill buf with properly formatted INumber string. return length */
int numberFormat(char *buf, const char *format, double value)
    int w, f, s;
    char m;

    if (sscanf(format, "%%%d.%d%c", &w, &f, &m) == 3 && m == 'm')
        /* INDI sexi format */
        switch (f)
            case 9:
                s = 360000;
            case 8:
                s = 36000;
            case 6:
                s = 3600;
            case 5:
                s = 600;
                s = 60;
        return (fs_sexa(buf, value, w - f, s));
        /* normal printf format */
        return (snprintf(buf, MAXINDIFORMAT, format, value));
Example #8
bool SynscanDriver::Park()
    double parkAZ  = GetAxis1Park();
    double parkAlt = GetAxis2Park();

    char AzStr[16], AltStr[16];
    fs_sexa(AzStr, parkAZ, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(AltStr, parkAlt, 2, 3600);
    LOGF_DEBUG("Parking to Az (%s) Alt (%s)...", AzStr, AltStr);

    if (GotoAzAlt(parkAZ, parkAlt))
        TrackState = SCOPE_PARKING;
        LOG_INFO("Parking is in progress...");
        return true;

    return false;
Example #9
** Client is asking us to slew to a new position
bool SimpleScope::Goto(double ra, double dec)
    char RAStr[64], DecStr[64];

    // Parse the RA/DEC into strings
    fs_sexa(RAStr, targetRA, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(DecStr, targetDEC, 2, 3600);

    // Mark state as slewing
    TrackState = SCOPE_SLEWING;

    // Inform client we are slewing to a new position
    DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_SESSION, "Slewing to RA: %s - DEC: %s", RAStr, DecStr);

    // Success!
    return true;
Example #10
void cmd_getTelescopeDEC(BaseSequentialStream *chp, int argc, char *argv){
  (void) argv;
 char out[20];
  if (argc != 0 ) {
    chprintf(chp, "0");
   fs_sexa (out, telescopeDEC, 0, 3600,1);
   chprintf(chp, "%s#",out);
Example #11
void cmd_getTargetRA(BaseSequentialStream *chp, int argc, char *argv){
  (void) argv;
 char out[20];
  if (argc != 0 ) {
    chprintf(chp, "0");
   fs_sexa (out, targetRA, 0, 3600,0);
   chprintf(chp, "%s#",out);
Example #12
bool ScopeSim::Goto(double r, double d)
    targetRA  = r;
    targetDEC = d;
    char RAStr[64], DecStr[64];

    fs_sexa(RAStr, targetRA, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(DecStr, targetDEC, 2, 3600);

    ln_equ_posn lnradec { 0, 0 };

    lnradec.ra  = (currentRA * 360) / 24.0;
    lnradec.dec = currentDEC;

    ln_get_hrz_from_equ(&lnradec, &lnobserver, ln_get_julian_from_sys(), &lnaltaz);
    /* libnova measures azimuth from south towards west */
    double current_az = range360(lnaltaz.az + 180);
    //double current_alt =lnaltaz.alt;

    if (current_az > MIN_AZ_FLIP && current_az < MAX_AZ_FLIP)
        lnradec.ra  = (r * 360) / 24.0;
        lnradec.dec = d;

        ln_get_hrz_from_equ(&lnradec, &lnobserver, ln_get_julian_from_sys(), &lnaltaz);

        double target_az = range360(lnaltaz.az + 180);

        //if (targetAz > currentAz && target_az > MIN_AZ_FLIP && target_az < MAX_AZ_FLIP)
        if (target_az >= current_az && target_az > MIN_AZ_FLIP)
            forceMeridianFlip = true;

    TrackState = SCOPE_SLEWING;

    EqNP.s = IPS_BUSY;

    DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_SESSION, "Slewing to RA: %s - DEC: %s", RAStr, DecStr);
    return true;
Example #13
File: ieqpro.cpp Project: mp77/indi
bool IEQPro::Park()
    targetRA  = GetAxis1Park();
    targetDEC = GetAxis2Park();
    if (set_ieqpro_ra(PortFD, targetRA) == false || set_ieqpro_dec(PortFD, targetDEC) == false)
        DEBUG(INDI::Logger::DBG_ERROR, "Error setting RA/DEC.");
        return false;

    if (park_ieqpro(PortFD))
        char RAStr[64], DecStr[64];
        fs_sexa(RAStr, targetRA, 2, 3600);
        fs_sexa(DecStr, targetDEC, 2, 3600);

        TrackState = SCOPE_PARKING;
        DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_SESSION, "Telescope parking in progress to RA: %s DEC: %s", RAStr, DecStr);
        return true;
        return false;
Example #14
bool ScopeSim::Goto(double r, double d)
    targetRA  = r;
    targetDEC = d;
    char RAStr[64], DecStr[64];

    fs_sexa(RAStr, targetRA, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(DecStr, targetDEC, 2, 3600);

    double current_az = getAzimuth(currentRA, currentDEC);

    if (current_az > MIN_AZ_FLIP && current_az < MAX_AZ_FLIP)
        double target_az = getAzimuth(r, d);

        //if (targetAz > currentAz && target_az > MIN_AZ_FLIP && target_az < MAX_AZ_FLIP)
        if (target_az >= current_az && target_az > MIN_AZ_FLIP)
            forceMeridianFlip = true;

    if (IUFindOnSwitchIndex(&TrackModeSP) != SLEW_MAX)
        TrackModeS[SLEW_MAX].s = ISS_ON;
        IDSetSwitch(&TrackModeSP, nullptr);

    TrackState = SCOPE_SLEWING;

    EqNP.s = IPS_BUSY;

    LOGF_INFO("Slewing to RA: %s - DEC: %s", RAStr, DecStr);
    return true;
Example #15
bool SynscanDriver::ReadScopeStatus()
    if (isSimulation())
        return true;

    char res[SYN_RES] = {0};

    // Goto in progress?
    if (sendCommand("L", res))
        m_MountInfo[MI_GOTO_STATUS] = res[0];

    // Pier side
    if (m_isAltAz == false && sendCommand("p", res))
        m_MountInfo[MI_POINT_STATUS] = res[0];
        // INDI and mount pier sides are opposite to each other
        setPierSide(res[0] == 'W' ? PIER_EAST : PIER_WEST);

    if (readTracking())
        if (TrackState == SCOPE_SLEWING)
            if (isSlewComplete())
                TrackState = (m_TrackingFlag == 2) ? SCOPE_TRACKING : SCOPE_IDLE;
                HorizontalCoordsNP.s = (m_TrackingFlag == 2) ? IPS_OK : IPS_IDLE;
                IDSetNumber(&HorizontalCoordsNP, nullptr);
        else if (TrackState == SCOPE_PARKING)
            if (isSlewComplete())
                HorizontalCoordsNP.s = IPS_IDLE;
                IDSetNumber(&HorizontalCoordsNP, nullptr);
                TrackState = SCOPE_PARKED;
        else if (TrackState == SCOPE_IDLE && m_TrackingFlag > 0)
            TrackState = SCOPE_TRACKING;
        else if (TrackState == SCOPE_TRACKING && m_TrackingFlag == 0)
            TrackState = SCOPE_IDLE;


    // Get Precise RA/DE
    memset(res, 0, SYN_RES);
    if (!sendCommand("e", res))
        return false;

    uint32_t n1 = 0, n2 = 0;
    sscanf(res, "%x,%x#", &n1, &n2);
    double ra  = static_cast<double>(n1) / 0x100000000 * 360.0;
    double de  = static_cast<double>(n2) / 0x100000000 * 360.0;

    ln_equ_posn epochPos { 0, 0 }, J2000Pos { 0, 0 };
    J2000Pos.ra  = range360(ra);
    J2000Pos.dec = rangeDec(de);

    // Synscan reports J2000 coordinates so we need to convert from J2000 to JNow
    ln_get_equ_prec2(&J2000Pos, JD2000, ln_get_julian_from_sys(), &epochPos);

    CurrentRA = epochPos.ra / 15.0;
    CurrentDE = epochPos.dec;

    char Axis1Coords[MAXINDINAME] = {0}, Axis2Coords[MAXINDINAME] = {0};
    fs_sexa(Axis1Coords, J2000Pos.ra / 15.0, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(Axis2Coords, J2000Pos.dec, 2, 3600);
    LOGF_DEBUG("J2000 RA <%s> DE <%s>", Axis1Coords, Axis2Coords);
    memset(Axis1Coords, 0, MAXINDINAME);
    memset(Axis2Coords, 0, MAXINDINAME);
    fs_sexa(Axis1Coords, CurrentRA, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(Axis2Coords, CurrentDE, 2, 3600);
    LOGF_DEBUG("JNOW  RA <%s> DE <%s>", Axis1Coords, Axis2Coords);

    //  Now feed the rest of the system with corrected data
    NewRaDec(CurrentRA, CurrentDE);

    // Get precise az/alt
    memset(res, 0, SYN_RES);
    if (!sendCommand("z", res))
        return false;

    sscanf(res, "%x,%x#", &n1, &n2);
    double az  = static_cast<double>(n1) / 0x100000000 * 360.0;
    double al  = static_cast<double>(n2) / 0x100000000 * 360.0;
    al = rangeDec(al);

    HorizontalCoordsN[AXIS_AZ].value = az;
    HorizontalCoordsN[AXIS_ALT].value = al;

    memset(Axis1Coords, 0, MAXINDINAME);
    memset(Axis2Coords, 0, MAXINDINAME);
    fs_sexa(Axis1Coords, az, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(Axis2Coords, al, 2, 3600);
    LOGF_DEBUG("AZ <%s> ALT <%s>", Axis1Coords, Axis2Coords);

    IDSetNumber(&HorizontalCoordsNP, nullptr);

    return true;
Example #16
bool ScopeSim::ReadScopeStatus()
    static struct timeval ltv { 0, 0 };
    struct timeval tv { 0, 0 };
    double dt = 0, da_ra = 0, da_dec = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0, ra_guide_dt = 0, dec_guide_dt = 0;
    static double last_dx = 0, last_dy = 0;
    int nlocked, ns_guide_dir = -1, we_guide_dir = -1;
    char RA_DISP[64], DEC_DISP[64], RA_GUIDE[64], DEC_GUIDE[64], RA_PE[64], DEC_PE[64], RA_TARGET[64], DEC_TARGET[64];

    /* update elapsed time since last poll, don't presume exactly POLLMS */
    gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);

    if (ltv.tv_sec == 0 && ltv.tv_usec == 0)
        ltv = tv;

    dt  = tv.tv_sec - ltv.tv_sec + (tv.tv_usec - ltv.tv_usec) / 1e6;
    ltv = tv;

    if (fabs(targetRA - currentRA) * 15. >= GOTO_LIMIT)
        da_ra = GOTO_RATE * dt;
    else if (fabs(targetRA - currentRA) * 15. >= SLEW_LIMIT)
        da_ra = SLEW_RATE * dt;
        da_ra = FINE_SLEW_RATE * dt;

    if (fabs(targetDEC - currentDEC) >= GOTO_LIMIT)
        da_dec = GOTO_RATE * dt;
    else if (fabs(targetDEC - currentDEC) >= SLEW_LIMIT)
        da_dec = SLEW_RATE * dt;
        da_dec = FINE_SLEW_RATE * dt;

    if (MovementNSSP.s == IPS_BUSY || MovementWESP.s == IPS_BUSY)
        int rate = IUFindOnSwitchIndex(&SlewRateSP);

        switch (rate)
            case SLEW_GUIDE:
                da_ra  = FINE_SLEW_RATE * dt * 0.05;
                da_dec = FINE_SLEW_RATE * dt * 0.05;

            case SLEW_CENTERING:
                da_ra  = FINE_SLEW_RATE * dt * .1;
                da_dec = FINE_SLEW_RATE * dt * .1;

            case SLEW_FIND:
                da_ra  = SLEW_RATE * dt;
                da_dec = SLEW_RATE * dt;

                da_ra  = GOTO_RATE * dt;
                da_dec = GOTO_RATE * dt;

        switch (MovementNSSP.s)
            case IPS_BUSY:
                if (MovementNSS[DIRECTION_NORTH].s == ISS_ON)
                    currentDEC += da_dec;
                else if (MovementNSS[DIRECTION_SOUTH].s == ISS_ON)
                    currentDEC -= da_dec;


        switch (MovementWESP.s)
            case IPS_BUSY:

                if (MovementWES[DIRECTION_WEST].s == ISS_ON)
                    currentRA += da_ra / 15.;
                else if (MovementWES[DIRECTION_EAST].s == ISS_ON)
                    currentRA -= da_ra / 15.;


        NewRaDec(currentRA, currentDEC);
        return true;

    /* Process per current state. We check the state of EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORDS_REQUEST and act acoordingly */
    switch (TrackState)
        /*case SCOPE_IDLE:
            EqNP.s = IPS_IDLE;
        case SCOPE_SLEWING:
        case SCOPE_PARKING:
            /* slewing - nail it when both within one pulse @ SLEWRATE */
            nlocked = 0;

            dx = targetRA - currentRA;

            // Always take the shortcut, don't go all around the globe
            // If the difference between target and current is more than 12 hours, then we need to take the shortest path
            if (dx > 12)
                dx -= 24;
            else if (dx < -12)
                dx += 24;

            // In meridian flip, alway force eastward motion (increasing RA) until target is reached.
            if (forceMeridianFlip)
                dx = fabs(dx);
                if (dx == 0)
                    dx    = 1;
                    da_ra = GOTO_LIMIT;

            if (fabs(dx) * 15. <= da_ra)
                currentRA = targetRA;
            else if (dx > 0)
                currentRA += da_ra / 15.;
                currentRA -= da_ra / 15.;

            currentRA = range24(currentRA);

            dy = targetDEC - currentDEC;
            if (fabs(dy) <= da_dec)
                currentDEC = targetDEC;
            else if (dy > 0)
                currentDEC += da_dec;
                currentDEC -= da_dec;

            EqNP.s = IPS_BUSY;

            if (nlocked == 2)
                forceMeridianFlip = false;

                if (TrackState == SCOPE_SLEWING)
                    // Initially no PE in both axis.
                    EqPEN[0].value = currentRA;
                    EqPEN[1].value = currentDEC;

                    IDSetNumber(&EqPENV, nullptr);

                    TrackState = SCOPE_TRACKING;

                    EqNP.s = IPS_OK;
                    DEBUG(INDI::Logger::DBG_SESSION, "Telescope slew is complete. Tracking...");
                    EqNP.s = IPS_IDLE;


        case SCOPE_IDLE:
                 //currentRA += (TRACKRATE_SIDEREAL/3600.0 * dt) / 15.0;
                currentRA += (TrackRateN[AXIS_RA].value/3600.0 * dt) / 15.0;
                currentRA = range24(currentRA);

        case SCOPE_TRACKING:
            // In case of custom tracking rate
            if (TrackModeS[1].s == ISS_ON)
                currentRA  += ( ((TRACKRATE_SIDEREAL/3600.0) - (TrackRateN[AXIS_RA].value/3600.0)) * dt) / 15.0;
                currentDEC += ( (TrackRateN[AXIS_DE].value/3600.0) * dt);

            dt *= 1000;

            if (guiderNSTarget[GUIDE_NORTH] > 0)
                DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Commanded to GUIDE NORTH for %g ms", guiderNSTarget[GUIDE_NORTH]);
                ns_guide_dir = GUIDE_NORTH;
            else if (guiderNSTarget[GUIDE_SOUTH] > 0)
                DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Commanded to GUIDE SOUTH for %g ms", guiderNSTarget[GUIDE_SOUTH]);
                ns_guide_dir = GUIDE_SOUTH;

            // WE Guide Selection
            if (guiderEWTarget[GUIDE_WEST] > 0)
                we_guide_dir = GUIDE_WEST;
                DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Commanded to GUIDE WEST for %g ms", guiderEWTarget[GUIDE_WEST]);
            else if (guiderEWTarget[GUIDE_EAST] > 0)
                we_guide_dir = GUIDE_EAST;
                DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Commanded to GUIDE EAST for %g ms", guiderEWTarget[GUIDE_EAST]);

            if (ns_guide_dir != -1)
                dec_guide_dt = TrackRateN[AXIS_RA].value/3600.0 * GuideRateN[DEC_AXIS].value * guiderNSTarget[ns_guide_dir] / 1000.0 *
                               (ns_guide_dir == GUIDE_NORTH ? 1 : -1);

                // If time remaining is more that dt, then decrement and
                if (guiderNSTarget[ns_guide_dir] >= dt)
                    guiderNSTarget[ns_guide_dir] -= dt;
                    guiderNSTarget[ns_guide_dir] = 0;

                if (guiderNSTarget[ns_guide_dir] == 0)
                    GuideNSNP.s = IPS_IDLE;
                    IDSetNumber(&GuideNSNP, nullptr);

                EqPEN[DEC_AXIS].value += dec_guide_dt;

            if (we_guide_dir != -1)
                ra_guide_dt = (TrackRateN[AXIS_RA].value/3600.0) / 15.0 * GuideRateN[RA_AXIS].value * guiderEWTarget[we_guide_dir] / 1000.0 *
                              (we_guide_dir == GUIDE_WEST ? -1 : 1);

                if (guiderEWTarget[we_guide_dir] >= dt)
                    guiderEWTarget[we_guide_dir] -= dt;
                    guiderEWTarget[we_guide_dir] = 0;

                if (guiderEWTarget[we_guide_dir] == 0)
                    GuideWENP.s = IPS_IDLE;
                    IDSetNumber(&GuideWENP, nullptr);

                EqPEN[RA_AXIS].value += ra_guide_dt;

            //Mention the followng:
            // Current RA displacemet and direction
            // Current DEC displacement and direction
            // Amount of RA GUIDING correction and direction
            // Amount of DEC GUIDING correction and direction

            dx = EqPEN[RA_AXIS].value - targetRA;
            dy = EqPEN[DEC_AXIS].value - targetDEC;
            fs_sexa(RA_DISP, fabs(dx), 2, 3600);
            fs_sexa(DEC_DISP, fabs(dy), 2, 3600);

            fs_sexa(RA_GUIDE, fabs(ra_guide_dt), 2, 3600);
            fs_sexa(DEC_GUIDE, fabs(dec_guide_dt), 2, 3600);

            fs_sexa(RA_PE, EqPEN[RA_AXIS].value, 2, 3600);
            fs_sexa(DEC_PE, EqPEN[DEC_AXIS].value, 2, 3600);

            fs_sexa(RA_TARGET, targetRA, 2, 3600);
            fs_sexa(DEC_TARGET, targetDEC, 2, 3600);

            if (dx != last_dx || dy != last_dy || ra_guide_dt != 0.0 || dec_guide_dt != 0.0)
                last_dx = dx;
                last_dy = dy;
                //DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "dt is %g\n", dt);
                DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "RA Displacement (%c%s) %s -- %s of target RA %s", dx >= 0 ? '+' : '-',
                       RA_DISP, RA_PE, (EqPEN[RA_AXIS].value - targetRA) > 0 ? "East" : "West", RA_TARGET);
                DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "DEC Displacement (%c%s) %s -- %s of target RA %s", dy >= 0 ? '+' : '-',
                       DEC_DISP, DEC_PE, (EqPEN[DEC_AXIS].value - targetDEC) > 0 ? "North" : "South", DEC_TARGET);
                DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "RA Guide Correction (%g) %s -- Direction %s", ra_guide_dt, RA_GUIDE,
                       ra_guide_dt > 0 ? "East" : "West");
                DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "DEC Guide Correction (%g) %s -- Direction %s", dec_guide_dt, DEC_GUIDE,
                       dec_guide_dt > 0 ? "North" : "South");

            if (ns_guide_dir != -1 || we_guide_dir != -1)
                IDSetNumber(&EqPENV, nullptr);



    char RAStr[64], DecStr[64];

    fs_sexa(RAStr, currentRA, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(DecStr, currentDEC, 2, 3600);

    DEBUGF(DBG_SCOPE, "Current RA: %s Current DEC: %s", RAStr, DecStr);

    NewRaDec(currentRA, currentDEC);
    return true;
Example #17
bool ioptronHC8406::Goto(double r, double d)
    targetRA  = r;
    targetDEC = d;
    char RAStr[64], DecStr[64];

    fs_sexa(RAStr, targetRA, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(DecStr, targetDEC, 2, 3600);
    DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "<GOTO RA/DEC> %s/%s",RAStr,DecStr);

    // If moving, let's stop it first.
    if (EqNP.s == IPS_BUSY)
        if (!isSimulation() && abortSlew(PortFD) < 0)
            AbortSP.s = IPS_ALERT;
            IDSetSwitch(&AbortSP, "Abort slew failed.");
            return false;

        AbortSP.s = IPS_OK;
        EqNP.s    = IPS_IDLE;
        IDSetSwitch(&AbortSP, "Slew aborted.");
        IDSetNumber(&EqNP, nullptr);

        if (MovementNSSP.s == IPS_BUSY || MovementWESP.s == IPS_BUSY)
            MovementNSSP.s = MovementWESP.s = IPS_IDLE;
            EqNP.s                          = IPS_IDLE;
            IDSetSwitch(&MovementNSSP, nullptr);
            IDSetSwitch(&MovementWESP, nullptr);

        // sleep for 100 mseconds

    // If parking/parked, let's unpark it first.
    if (TrackState == SCOPE_PARKING || TrackState == SCOPE_PARKED)

    if (!isSimulation())
        if (setObjectRA(PortFD, targetRA) < 0 || (setObjectDEC(PortFD, targetDEC)) < 0)
            EqNP.s = IPS_ALERT;
            IDSetNumber(&EqNP, "Error setting RA/DEC.");
            return false;

        if (slewioptronHC8406() == 0)  //action
            EqNP.s = IPS_ALERT;
            IDSetNumber(&EqNP, "Error Slewing to JNow RA %s - DEC %s\n", RAStr, DecStr);
            return false;

    TrackState = SCOPE_SLEWING;
    EqNP.s     = IPS_BUSY;
    DEBUGF(INDI::Logger::DBG_DEBUG, "Slewing to RA: %s - DEC: %s",RAStr,DecStr);
    return true;
Example #18
** Client is asking us to report telescope status
bool SimpleScope::ReadScopeStatus()
    static struct timeval ltv;
    struct timeval tv;
    double dt=0, da_ra=0, da_dec=0, dx=0, dy=0;
    int nlocked;

    /* update elapsed time since last poll, don't presume exactly POLLMS */
    gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);

    if (ltv.tv_sec == 0 && ltv.tv_usec == 0)
        ltv = tv;

    dt = tv.tv_sec - ltv.tv_sec + (tv.tv_usec - ltv.tv_usec)/1e6;
    ltv = tv;

    // Calculate how much we moved since last time
    da_ra = SLEW_RATE *dt;
    da_dec = SLEW_RATE *dt;

    /* Process per current state. We check the state of EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORDS_REQUEST and act acoordingly */
    switch (TrackState)
        // Wait until we are "locked" into positon for both RA & DEC axis
        nlocked = 0;

        // Calculate diff in RA
        dx = targetRA - currentRA;

        // If diff is very small, i.e. smaller than how much we changed since last time, then we reached target RA.
        if (fabs(dx)*15. <= da_ra)
            currentRA = targetRA;
        // Otherwise, increase RA
        else if (dx > 0)
            currentRA += da_ra/15.;
        // Otherwise, decrease RA
            currentRA -= da_ra/15.;

        // Calculate diff in DEC
        dy = targetDEC - currentDEC;

        // If diff is very small, i.e. smaller than how much we changed since last time, then we reached target DEC.
        if (fabs(dy) <= da_dec)
            currentDEC = targetDEC;
        // Otherwise, increase DEC
        else if (dy > 0)
          currentDEC += da_dec;
        // Otherwise, decrease DEC
          currentDEC -= da_dec;

        // Let's check if we recahed position for both RA/DEC
        if (nlocked == 2)
            // Let's set state to TRACKING
            TrackState = SCOPE_TRACKING;

            DEBUG(INDI::Logger::DBG_SESSION, "Telescope slew is complete. Tracking...");


    char RAStr[64], DecStr[64];

    // Parse the RA/DEC into strings
    fs_sexa(RAStr, currentRA, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(DecStr, currentDEC, 2, 3600);

    DEBUGF(DBG_SCOPE, "Current RA: %s Current DEC: %s", RAStr, DecStr );

    NewRaDec(currentRA, currentDEC);
    return true;
Example #19
bool SynscanDriver::sendLocation()
    char res[SYN_RES] = {0};

    LOG_DEBUG("Reading mount location...");

    if (isSimulation())
        LocationN[LOCATION_LATITUDE].value  = 29.5;
        LocationN[LOCATION_LONGITUDE].value = 48;
        IDSetNumber(&LocationNP, nullptr);
        return true;

    if (!sendCommand("w", res))
        return false;

    double lat, lon;
    //  lets parse this data now
    int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
    a = res[0];
    b = res[1];
    c = res[2];
    d = res[3];
    e = res[4];
    f = res[5];
    g = res[6];
    h = res[7];

    double t1, t2, t3;

    t1  = c;
    t2  = b;
    t3  = a;
    t1  = t1 / 3600.0;
    t2  = t2 / 60.0;
    lat = t1 + t2 + t3;

    t1  = g;
    t2  = f;
    t3  = e;
    t1  = t1 / 3600.0;
    t2  = t2 / 60.0;
    lon = t1 + t2 + t3;

    if (d == 1)
        lat = lat * -1;
    if (h == 1)
        lon = 360 - lon;
    LocationN[LOCATION_LATITUDE].value  = lat;
    LocationN[LOCATION_LONGITUDE].value = lon;
    IDSetNumber(&LocationNP, nullptr);

    saveConfig(true, "GEOGRAPHIC_COORD");

    char LongitudeStr[32] = {0}, LatitudeStr[32] = {0};
    fs_sexa(LongitudeStr, lon, 2, 3600);
    fs_sexa(LatitudeStr, lat, 2, 3600);
    LOGF_INFO("Mount Longitude %s Latitude %s", LongitudeStr, LatitudeStr);

    return true;
Example #20
void LX200_16::ISNewNumber (const char *dev, const char *name, double values[], char *names[], int n)
  double newAlt=0, newAz=0;
  char altStr[64], azStr[64];
  int err;

  // ignore if not ours //
  if (strcmp (dev, thisDevice))

  if ( !strcmp (name, horNum.name) )
      int i=0, nset=0;

      if (checkPower(&horNum))

        for (nset = i = 0; i < n; i++)
		INumber *horp = IUFindNumber (&horNum, names[i]);
		if (horp == &hor[0])
                    newAlt = values[i];
		    nset += newAlt >= -90. && newAlt <= 90.0;
		} else if (horp == &hor[1])
		    newAz = values[i];
		    nset += newAz >= 0. && newAz <= 360.0;

	  if (nset == 2)
	   if ( (err = setObjAz(newAz)) < 0 || (err = setObjAlt(newAlt)) < 0)
	     handleError(&horNum, err, "Setting Alt/Az");
	        horNum.s = IPS_OK;
	       //horNum.n[0].value = values[0];
	       //horNum.n[1].value = values[1];
	       targetAz  = newAz;
	       targetAlt = newAlt;

	       fs_sexa(azStr, targetAz, 2, 3600);
	       fs_sexa(altStr, targetAlt, 2, 3600);

	       IDSetNumber (&horNum, "Attempting to slew to Alt %s - Az %s", altStr, azStr);
		horNum.s = IPS_IDLE;
		IDSetNumber(&horNum, "Altitude or Azimuth missing or invalid");

    LX200Autostar::ISNewNumber (dev, name, values, names, n);