int parameter_server(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::vector<std::vector<double> > training; // TODO: can be optimized, we can count the number of feats and allocate accordingly
    std::vector<std::vector<double> > validation; // TODO: can be optimized, we can count the number of feats and allocate accordingly

    std::unordered_set<double> label_set;
    std::unordered_map<double, std::vector<double> > model;

    char *training_file = argv[1];

    assert(strlen(argv[2]) == 1);
    char delimiter = argv[2][0];

    // read training data
    std::cout << "Reading training data ... ";
    read_training_data(training_file, delimiter, training, validation, label_set);
    std::cout << "[Done]" << std::endl;

    int data_passes = std::stoi(std::string(argv[6]));;
    size_t batch_size = training.size();
    if (argc == 8)
        batch_size = std::stoul(std::string(argv[7]));

    std::cout << std::endl
        << "***Info***" << std::endl
        << "Training Data File: " << training_file << std::endl
        << "Learning Rate: " << learning_rate << std::endl
        << "Regularization Parameter: " << reg_param << std::endl
        << "Data Passes: " << data_passes << std::endl
        << "Batch Size: " << batch_size << std::endl
        << "Num Labels: " << label_set.size() << std::endl
        << "Training Set Size: " << training.size() << std::endl
        << "Validation Set Size: " << validation.size() << std::endl
        << "**********" << std::endl;

    // logistic regression
    logistic_regression(training, label_set, model, learning_rate, reg_param, batch_size, data_passes);

    // print the f-score(s)
    const std::unordered_map<double, double> fsc = fscore(validation, label_set, model);
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
    std::cout << "F-Score(s):" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Label\tScore" << std::endl;
    for (std::unordered_map<double, double>::const_iterator it = fsc.begin(); it != fsc.end(); ++it) {
        std::cout << it->first << "\t" << it->second << std::endl;

    return 0;
Example #2
void ConfusionMatrix::print_summary() {
  // overall counts and summary
  cout << "== Summary ==" << endl;
  cout << setw(23) <<"Correctly classified:" << setw(12) << right << correct << setw(10) << right << accuracy() * 100 << "%" << endl;
  cout << setw(23) << "Incorrectly classified:" << setw(12) << right << incorrect << setw(10) << right << error() * 100 << "%" << endl;
  cout << setw(23) << "Total classifications:" << setw(12) << right << correct + incorrect << endl << endl;
  // determine the width of the left (category name) column
  int max_name_length = 0;
  for(int category = 1; category <= data_set->categories_size(); category++)
    if(data_set->category_feature()->names[category].length() > max_name_length)
      max_name_length = data_set->category_feature()->names[category].length();
  if(average_row_name.length() > max_name_length)
    max_name_length = average_row_name.length();
  max_name_length += 1;
  // detailed category information
  cout << "== Category Performance ==" << endl;
  cout << setw(max_name_length) << "";
  cout << setw(9) << right << "True +";
  cout << setw(9) << right << "False +";
  cout << setw(9) << right << "True -";
  cout << setw(9) << right << "False -";
  cout << setw(9) << right << "Precis.";
  cout << setw(9) << right << "Recall";
  cout << setw(9) << right << "F-score" << endl;
  for(int category = 1; category <= data_set->categories_size(); category++) {
    cout << setw(max_name_length) << data_set->category_feature()->names[category];
    cout << setw(9) << tp(category);
    cout << setw(9) << fp(category);
    cout << setw(9) << tn(category);
    cout << setw(9) << fn(category);
    cout << setw(8) << precision(category) * 100 << "%";
    cout << setw(8) << recall(category) * 100 << "%";
    cout << setw(8) << fscore(category) * 100 << "%" << endl;
  cout << setw(max_name_length) << average_row_name;
  cout << setw(9) << avg_tp();
  cout << setw(9) << avg_fp();
  cout << setw(9) << avg_tn();
  cout << setw(9) << avg_fn();
  cout << setw(8) << avg_precision() * 100 << "%";
  cout << setw(8) << avg_recall() * 100 << "%";
  cout << setw(8) << avg_fscore() * 100 << "%" << endl;
Example #3
inline void load_scores(unsigned &contest_handicap) {
  // replay_file
  int index = replay_file.find_last_of(".");
  std::string score_file = replay_file.substr(0, index) + ".txt";
  if (verbose) {
    std::cout << "# replay file: " << replay_file << "\n";
    std::cout << "# score file: " << score_file << "\n";
  std::ifstream fscore(score_file.c_str());
  double tmp;
  fscore >> tmp; official_index = (fixed)tmp;
  load_score_file(fscore, official_score_classic);
  load_score_file(fscore, official_score_sprint);
  load_score_file(fscore, official_score_fai);
  load_score_file(fscore, official_score_plus);

  contest_handicap = (unsigned)official_index;

  if (contest_handicap==0) { // in case file load failed
    contest_handicap = 100;
Example #4
void deplacements(char terrain[20][38], coordonees *PacMan, coordonees *fantomeA, coordonees *fantomeB, coordonees *fantomeC, coordonees *fantomeD)
    char entree, pointA = ' ', pointB = ' ', pointC = ' ', pointD = ' ';
    int directionA = 0, directionB = 0, directionC = 0, directionD = 0;
    int score=0, bonus = 0, frame = 0;
    int c;
    int vies;

    for(vies = 3 ; vies > 0 ; vies--)

        //Le PacMan se déplace à l'aide des touches z,q,s et d. Le jeu peut être quitté avec Esc

        affichage(terrain, score, bonus, frame, vies);

        entree = getch(); //Cette commande permet au jeu de ne pas démarer tout de suite, mais d'attendre que le joueur soit pret


            /*On récupère les entrées au clavier grace à la fonction GetKeyState qui est dans windows.h
              Les tests empèchent le joueur de diriger PacMan vers un mur (cela ralentirai le jeu)*/
            if(GetKeyState(0x5A) < 0 && (terrain[PacMan->i - 1][PacMan->j] == ' ' || terrain[PacMan->i - 1][PacMan->j] == '.' || terrain[PacMan->i - 1][PacMan->j] == 'M'))
                entree = 'z';

            if(GetKeyState(0x51) < 0 && (terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j - 1] == ' ' || terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j - 1] == '.' || terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j - 1] == 'M'))
                entree = 'q';

            if(GetKeyState(0x53) < 0 && (terrain[PacMan->i + 1][PacMan->j] == ' ' || terrain[PacMan->i + 1][PacMan->j] == '.' || terrain[PacMan->i + 1][PacMan->j] == 'M'))
                entree = 's';

            if(GetKeyState(0x44) < 0 && (terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j + 1] == ' ' || terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j + 1] == '.' || terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j + 1] == 'M'))
                entree = 'd';

            if(GetKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) < 0)
                entree = 'Q';

            //En fonction de la touche appuiée on déplace le PacMan


                case 's':

                    if(terrain[PacMan->i + 1][PacMan->j] == '.') //Si PacMan se dirige vers un point on supprime le point et on incrémente le score
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->i = PacMan->i + 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';
                        score = score + 1;
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i + 1][PacMan->j] == ' ') //Si il n'y a rien on déplace juste PacMan
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->i = PacMan->i + 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';

                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i + 1][PacMan->j] == 'M' && !bonus) //Si c'est un fantôme et que le bonus n'est pas activé c'est perdu
                        entree = 'Q';
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i + 1][PacMan->j] == 'M' && bonus) //Si c'est un fantôme et que le bonus est activé, PacMan mange le fantôme et gagne 10 points
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' '; //La réaparition de PacMan est gérée plus loin car il y a plusieurs fantômes et qu'il faut les gérer au cas par cas
                        PacMan->i = PacMan->i + 1;
                        score += 10;
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i + 1][PacMan->j] == point) //Si la case est un bonus on active le bonus
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->i = PacMan->i + 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';
                        bonus = 1;

                case 'q':

                    if(terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j - 1]=='.')
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->j = PacMan->j - 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';
                        score = score + 1;
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j - 1]==' ')
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->j = PacMan->j - 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';

                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j - 1]=='M' && !bonus)
                        entree = 'Q';
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j - 1]=='M' && bonus)
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->j = PacMan->j - 1;
                        score += 10;
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j - 1]==point)
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->j = PacMan->j - 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';
                        bonus = 1;

                case 'z':

                    if(terrain[PacMan->i - 1][PacMan->j] == '.')
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->i = PacMan->i - 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';
                        score = score + 1;
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i - 1][PacMan->j] == ' ')
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->i = PacMan->i - 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';

                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i - 1][PacMan->j] == 'M' && !bonus)
                        entree = 'Q';
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i - 1][PacMan->j] == 'M' && bonus)
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->i = PacMan->i - 1;
                        score += 10;
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i - 1][PacMan->j] == point)
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->i = PacMan->i - 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';
                        bonus = 1;

                case 'd':

                    if(terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j + 1]=='.')
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->j = PacMan->j + 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';
                        score = score + 1;
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j + 1]==' ')
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->j = PacMan->j + 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';

                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j + 1]=='M' && !bonus)
                        entree = 'Q';
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j + 1]=='M' && bonus)
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->j = PacMan->j + 1;
                        score += 10;
                    else if(terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j + 1]==point)
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
                        PacMan->j = PacMan->j + 1;
                        terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = 'C';
                        bonus = 1;


            /*On gère les fantômes au cas par cas, il n'y a pas de condition bonus car le seul moyen
              pour que les coordonées de PacMan soient identiques à celle d'un fantôme est que le bonus soit activé*/

            if(PacMan->i == fantomeA->i && PacMan->j == fantomeA->j)
                terrain[fantomeA->i][fantomeA->j] = 'C';
                fantomeA->i = 13;
                fantomeA->j = 15;
                pointA = ' ';
                terrain[fantomeA->i][fantomeA->j] = 'M';
            else if(PacMan->i == fantomeB->i && PacMan->j == fantomeB->j)
                terrain[fantomeB->i][fantomeB->j] = 'C';
                fantomeB->i = 13;
                fantomeB->j = 17;
                pointB = ' ';
                terrain[fantomeB->i][fantomeB->j] = 'M';
            else if(PacMan->i == fantomeC->i && PacMan->j == fantomeC->j)
                terrain[fantomeC->i][fantomeC->j] = 'C';
                fantomeC->i = 13;
                fantomeC->j = 19;
                pointC = ' ';
                terrain[fantomeC->i][fantomeC->j] = 'M';
            else if(PacMan->i == fantomeD->i && PacMan->j == fantomeD->j)
                terrain[fantomeD->i][fantomeD->j] = 'C';
                fantomeD->i = 13;
                fantomeD->j = 21;
                pointD = ' ';
                terrain[fantomeD->i][fantomeD->j] = 'M';

            //Deplacement des fantomes
            directionA = ia(*PacMan, *fantomeA, terrain, directionA);
            directionB = ia(*PacMan, *fantomeB, terrain, directionB);
            directionC = ia(*PacMan, *fantomeC, terrain, directionC);
            directionD = ia(*PacMan, *fantomeD, terrain, directionD);

            pointA = deplacementFantome(directionA, fantomeA, pointA, terrain, &entree, bonus);
            pointB = deplacementFantome(directionB, fantomeB, pointB, terrain, &entree, bonus);
            pointC = deplacementFantome(directionC, fantomeC, pointC, terrain, &entree, bonus);
            pointD = deplacementFantome(directionD, fantomeD, pointD, terrain, &entree, bonus);

            //On affiche la nouvelle frame ainsi générée
            affichage(terrain, score, bonus, frame, vies);

            //compteur de frame

            //On réinitialise le bonus après 50 frames

        }while(entree != 'Q');



            do {

                printf("\n\n\n                              OUILLE !\n\n\n\n");
                printf("Tu as perdu une vie, pour continuer appuye sur la touche espace");
                    printf("\nIl te reste %d vies", vies-1);
                    printf("\nIl te reste %d vie", vies-1);
                c = getch();

            }while (c != ' '); //On valide par espace

            terrain[PacMan->i][PacMan->j] = ' ';
            terrain[1][1] = 'C';
            PacMan->i = 1;
            PacMan->j = 1;


    //On vide le buffer clavier car la fonction GetKeyState garde toutes les entrées en mémoire et les ressorts au getch suivant


    do {

        printf("\n\n\n                              GAME OVER\n\n\n\n");
        printf("Pour sauvegarder et afficher votre score appuyer sur la touche espace");
        c = getch();

    } while (c != ' '); //On valide par espace

