Example #1
tarjan_local_init (run_t *run, wctx_t *ctx)
    ctx->local         = RTmallocZero (sizeof (alg_local_t));
    ctx->local->target = state_info_create ();

    // extend state_info with tarjan_state information
    state_info_add_simple (ctx->local->target, sizeof (uint32_t),
    state_info_add_simple (ctx->local->target, sizeof (uint32_t),

    state_info_add_simple (ctx->state, sizeof (uint32_t),
    state_info_add_simple (ctx->state, sizeof (uint32_t),

    size_t len = state_info_serialize_int_size (ctx->state);
    ctx->local->search_stack = dfs_stack_create (len);
    ctx->local->tarjan_stack = dfs_stack_create (len);

    ctx->local->cnt.scc_count       = 0;
    ctx->local->cnt.tarjan_counter  = 0;

    ctx->local->visited_states =
            fset_create (sizeof (ref_t), sizeof (raw_data_t), 10, dbs_size);

    // provide the input file name to dlopen_setup
    dlopen_setup (files[0]);

    (void) run; 
Example #2
fset_node_t *_fset_node_create(const char *name){
    fset_node_t *node = malloc(sizeof(fset_node_t));
    node->data = fset_create();
    node->next = NULL;
    strncpy(node->name, name, 31);
    return node;
Example #3
cndfs_local_setup   (run_t *run, wctx_t *ctx)
    cndfs_alg_local_t  *cloc = (cndfs_alg_local_t *) ctx->local;
    cloc->timer = RTcreateTimer ();
    ndfs_local_setup (run, ctx);
    size_t len = state_info_serialize_int_size (ctx->state);
    cloc->in_stack = dfs_stack_create (len);
    cloc->out_stack = dfs_stack_create (len);

    if ((get_strategy(run->alg) & Strat_TA) == 0) {
        cloc->pink = fset_create (sizeof(ref_t), sizeof(size_t), FSET_MIN_SIZE, 24);

    if (get_strategy(run->alg) & Strat_CNDFS) return;

    if (run->shared->rec == NULL) {
        Abort ("Missing recursive strategy for %s!",
               key_search(strategies, get_strategy(run->alg)));

    HREassert (ctx->global != NULL, "Run global before local init");

    // We also need to finalize the worker initialization:
    ctx->global->rec = run_init (run->shared->rec, ctx->model);

    // Recursive strategy maybe unaware of its caller, so here we update its
    // recursive bits (top-level strategy always has rec_bits == 0, which
    // is ensured by ndfs_local_setup):
    ctx->global->rec->local->rec_bits = run->shared->color_bit_shift;
    cloc->rec = ctx->global->rec->local;