static FT_Error
tt_property_set( FT_Module    module,         /* TT_Driver */
                 const char*  property_name,
                 const void*  value,
                 FT_Bool      value_is_string )
    FT_Error   error  = FT_Err_Ok;
    TT_Driver  driver = (TT_Driver)module;

    FT_UNUSED( value_is_string );

    if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "interpreter-version" ) )
        FT_UInt  interpreter_version;

        if ( value_is_string )
            const char*  s = (const char*)value;

            interpreter_version = (FT_UInt)ft_strtol( s, NULL, 10 );
            FT_UInt*  iv = (FT_UInt*)value;

            interpreter_version = *iv;

        if ( interpreter_version == TT_INTERPRETER_VERSION_35
                || interpreter_version == TT_INTERPRETER_VERSION_38
                || interpreter_version == TT_INTERPRETER_VERSION_40
            driver->interpreter_version = interpreter_version;
            error = FT_ERR( Unimplemented_Feature );

        return error;

    FT_TRACE0(( "tt_property_set: missing property `%s'\n",
                property_name ));
    return FT_THROW( Missing_Property );
Example #2
t_rgb		ft_create_rgb(char *col)
	t_rgb	rgbtosend;
	t_color	collu;

	collu = ft_strtol(col);
	rgbtosend.r = (collu & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
	rgbtosend.g = (collu & 0xFF00) >> 8;
	rgbtosend.b = (collu & 0xFF);
	return (rgbtosend);
Example #3
File: ft_atoi.c Project: Geam/libft
int		ft_atoi(char *str)
	long int	n;
	char		*endptr;

	n = ft_strtol(str, &endptr);
	if (n > 0 && n > INT_MAX)
		return (0);
	else if (n < 0 && n < INT_MIN)
		return (0);
	return ((int)n);
Example #4
  T42_GlyphSlot_Load( FT_GlyphSlot  glyph,
                      FT_Size       size,
                      FT_UInt       glyph_index,
                      FT_Int32      load_flags )
    FT_Error         error;
    T42_GlyphSlot    t42slot = (T42_GlyphSlot)glyph;
    T42_Size         t42size = (T42_Size)size;
    T42_Face         t42face = (T42_Face)size->face;
    FT_Driver_Class  ttclazz = ((T42_Driver)glyph->face->driver)->ttclazz;

    FT_TRACE1(( "T42_GlyphSlot_Load: glyph index %d\n", glyph_index ));

    /* map T42 glyph index to embedded TTF's glyph index */
    glyph_index = (FT_UInt)ft_strtol(
                    (const char *)t42face->type1.charstrings[glyph_index],
                    NULL, 10 );

    t42_glyphslot_clear( t42slot->ttslot );
    error = ttclazz->load_glyph( t42slot->ttslot,
                                 load_flags | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP );

    if ( !error )
      glyph->metrics = t42slot->ttslot->metrics;

      glyph->linearHoriAdvance = t42slot->ttslot->linearHoriAdvance;
      glyph->linearVertAdvance = t42slot->ttslot->linearVertAdvance;

      glyph->format  = t42slot->ttslot->format;
      glyph->outline = t42slot->ttslot->outline;

      glyph->bitmap      = t42slot->ttslot->bitmap;
      glyph->bitmap_left = t42slot->ttslot->bitmap_left;
      glyph->bitmap_top  = t42slot->ttslot->bitmap_top;

      glyph->num_subglyphs = t42slot->ttslot->num_subglyphs;
      glyph->subglyphs     = t42slot->ttslot->subglyphs;

      glyph->control_data  = t42slot->ttslot->control_data;
      glyph->control_len   = t42slot->ttslot->control_len;

    return error;
Example #5
File: ftdbgmem.c Project: 93i/godot
  extern FT_Int
  ft_mem_debug_init( FT_Memory  memory )
    FT_MemTable  table;
    FT_Int       result = 0;

    if ( ft_getenv( "FT2_DEBUG_MEMORY" ) )
      table = ft_mem_table_new( memory );
      if ( table )
        const char*  p;

        memory->user    = table;
        memory->alloc   = ft_mem_debug_alloc;
        memory->realloc = ft_mem_debug_realloc;
        memory->free    = ft_mem_debug_free;

        p = ft_getenv( "FT2_ALLOC_TOTAL_MAX" );
        if ( p )
          FT_Long  total_max = ft_strtol( p, NULL, 10 );

          if ( total_max > 0 )
            table->bound_total     = 1;
            table->alloc_total_max = total_max;

        p = ft_getenv( "FT2_ALLOC_COUNT_MAX" );
        if ( p )
          FT_Long  total_count = ft_strtol( p, NULL, 10 );

          if ( total_count > 0 )
            table->bound_count     = 1;
            table->alloc_count_max = total_count;

        p = ft_getenv( "FT2_KEEP_ALIVE" );
        if ( p )
          FT_Long  keep_alive = ft_strtol( p, NULL, 10 );

          if ( keep_alive > 0 )
            table->keep_alive = 1;

        result = 1;
    return result;
Example #6
  static FT_Error
  af_property_set( FT_Module    ft_module,
                   const char*  property_name,
                   const void*  value,
                   FT_Bool      value_is_string )
    FT_Error   error  = FT_Err_Ok;
    AF_Module  module = (AF_Module)ft_module;

    FT_UNUSED( value_is_string );

    if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "fallback-script" ) )
      FT_UInt*  fallback_script;
      FT_UInt   ss;

      if ( value_is_string )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

      fallback_script = (FT_UInt*)value;

      /* We translate the fallback script to a fallback style that uses */
      /* `fallback-script' as its script and `AF_COVERAGE_NONE' as its  */
      /* coverage value.                                                */
      for ( ss = 0; AF_STYLE_CLASSES_GET[ss]; ss++ )
        AF_StyleClass  style_class = AF_STYLE_CLASSES_GET[ss];

        if ( (FT_UInt)style_class->script == *fallback_script &&
             style_class->coverage == AF_COVERAGE_DEFAULT     )
          module->fallback_style = ss;

      if ( !AF_STYLE_CLASSES_GET[ss] )
        FT_TRACE0(( "af_property_set: Invalid value %d for property `%s'\n",
                    fallback_script, property_name ));
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

      return error;
    else if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "default-script" ) )
      FT_UInt*  default_script;

      if ( value_is_string )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

      default_script = (FT_UInt*)value;

      module->default_script = *default_script;

      return error;
    else if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "increase-x-height" ) )
      FT_Prop_IncreaseXHeight*  prop;
      AF_FaceGlobals            globals;

      if ( value_is_string )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

      prop = (FT_Prop_IncreaseXHeight*)value;

      error = af_property_get_face_globals( prop->face, &globals, module );
      if ( !error )
        globals->increase_x_height = prop->limit;

      return error;
    else if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "warping" ) )
      if ( value_is_string )
        const char*  s = (const char*)value;
        long         w = ft_strtol( s, NULL, 10 );

        if ( w == 0 )
          module->warping = 0;
        else if ( w == 1 )
          module->warping = 1;
          return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
        FT_Bool*  warping = (FT_Bool*)value;

        module->warping = *warping;

      return error;
    else if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "darkening-parameters" ) )
      FT_Int*  darken_params;
      FT_Int   x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;

      FT_Int   dp[8];

      if ( value_is_string )
        const char*  s = (const char*)value;
        char*        ep;
        int          i;

        /* eight comma-separated numbers */
        for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
          dp[i] = (FT_Int)ft_strtol( s, &ep, 10 );
          if ( *ep != ',' || s == ep )
            return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

          s = ep + 1;

        dp[7] = (FT_Int)ft_strtol( s, &ep, 10 );
        if ( !( *ep == '\0' || *ep == ' ' ) || s == ep )
          return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

        darken_params = dp;
        darken_params = (FT_Int*)value;

      x1 = darken_params[0];
      y1 = darken_params[1];
      x2 = darken_params[2];
      y2 = darken_params[3];
      x3 = darken_params[4];
      y3 = darken_params[5];
      x4 = darken_params[6];
      y4 = darken_params[7];

      if ( x1 < 0   || x2 < 0   || x3 < 0   || x4 < 0   ||
           y1 < 0   || y2 < 0   || y3 < 0   || y4 < 0   ||
           x1 > x2  || x2 > x3  || x3 > x4              ||
           y1 > 500 || y2 > 500 || y3 > 500 || y4 > 500 )
        return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );

      module->darken_params[0] = x1;
      module->darken_params[1] = y1;
      module->darken_params[2] = x2;
      module->darken_params[3] = y2;
      module->darken_params[4] = x3;
      module->darken_params[5] = y3;
      module->darken_params[6] = x4;
      module->darken_params[7] = y4;

      return error;
    else if ( !ft_strcmp( property_name, "no-stem-darkening" ) )
      if ( value_is_string )
        const char*  s   = (const char*)value;
        long         nsd = ft_strtol( s, NULL, 10 );

        if ( nsd == 0 )
          module->no_stem_darkening = 0;
        else if ( nsd == 1 )
          module->no_stem_darkening = 1;
          return FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
        FT_Bool*  no_stem_darkening = (FT_Bool*)value;

        module->no_stem_darkening = *no_stem_darkening;

      return error;

    FT_TRACE0(( "af_property_set: missing property `%s'\n",
                property_name ));
    return FT_THROW( Missing_Property );
Example #7
int		ft_atoi(const char *str)
	return ((int)ft_strtol(str, 0, 10));
Example #8
  cid_parser_new( CID_Parser*    parser,
                  FT_Stream      stream,
                  FT_Memory      memory,
                  PSAux_Service  psaux )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_ULong  base_offset, offset, ps_len;
    FT_Byte   *cur, *limit;
    FT_Byte   *arg1, *arg2;

    FT_ZERO( parser );
    psaux->ps_parser_funcs->init( &parser->root, 0, 0, memory );

    parser->stream = stream;

    base_offset = FT_STREAM_POS();

    /* first of all, check the font format in the header */
    if ( FT_FRAME_ENTER( 31 ) )
      goto Exit;

    if ( ft_strncmp( (char *)stream->cursor,
                     "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CIDFont", 31 ) )
      FT_TRACE2(( "  not a CID-keyed font\n" ));
      error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );

    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    /* now, read the rest of the file until we find */
    /* `StartData' or `/sfnts'                      */
       * The algorithm is as follows (omitting the case with less than 256
       * bytes to fill for simplicity).
       * 1. Fill the buffer with 256 + STARTDATA_LEN bytes.
       * 2. Search for the STARTDATA and SFNTS strings at positions
       *    buffer[0], buffer[1], ...,
       *    buffer[255 + STARTDATA_LEN - SFNTS_LEN].
       * 3. Move the last STARTDATA_LEN bytes to buffer[0].
       * 4. Fill the buffer with 256 bytes, starting at STARTDATA_LEN.
       * 5. Repeat with step 2.
      FT_Byte  buffer[256 + STARTDATA_LEN + 1];

      /* values for the first loop */
      FT_ULong  read_len    = 256 + STARTDATA_LEN;
      FT_ULong  read_offset = 0;
      FT_Byte*  p           = buffer;

      for ( offset = FT_STREAM_POS(); ; offset += 256 )
        FT_ULong  stream_len;

        stream_len = stream->size - FT_STREAM_POS();

        read_len = FT_MIN( read_len, stream_len );
        if ( FT_STREAM_READ( p, read_len ) )
          goto Exit;

        /* ensure that we do not compare with data beyond the buffer */
        p[read_len] = '\0';

        limit = p + read_len - SFNTS_LEN;

        for ( p = buffer; p < limit; p++ )
          if ( p[0] == 'S'                                           &&
               ft_strncmp( (char*)p, STARTDATA, STARTDATA_LEN ) == 0 )
            /* save offset of binary data after `StartData' */
            offset += (FT_ULong)( p - buffer ) + STARTDATA_LEN + 1;
            goto Found;
          else if ( p[1] == 's'                                   &&
                    ft_strncmp( (char*)p, SFNTS, SFNTS_LEN ) == 0 )
            offset += (FT_ULong)( p - buffer ) + SFNTS_LEN + 1;
            goto Found;

        if ( read_offset + read_len < STARTDATA_LEN )
          FT_TRACE2(( "cid_parser_new: no `StartData' keyword found\n" ));
          error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
          goto Exit;

        FT_MEM_MOVE( buffer,
                     buffer + read_offset + read_len - STARTDATA_LEN,
                     STARTDATA_LEN );

        /* values for the next loop */
        read_len    = 256;
        read_offset = STARTDATA_LEN;
        p           = buffer + read_offset;

    /* We have found the start of the binary data or the `/sfnts' token. */
    /* Now rewind and extract the frame corresponding to this PostScript */
    /* section.                                                          */

    ps_len = offset - base_offset;
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( base_offset )                  ||
         FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( ps_len, parser->postscript ) )
      goto Exit;

    parser->data_offset    = offset;
    parser->postscript_len = ps_len;
    parser->root.base      = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.cursor    = parser->postscript;
    parser->root.limit     = parser->root.cursor + ps_len;
    parser->num_dict       = -1;

    /* Finally, we check whether `StartData' or `/sfnts' was real --  */
    /* it could be in a comment or string.  We also get the arguments */
    /* of `StartData' to find out whether the data is represented in  */
    /* binary or hex format.                                          */

    arg1 = parser->root.cursor;
    cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
    cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );
    arg2 = parser->root.cursor;
    cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
    cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );

    limit = parser->root.limit;
    cur   = parser->root.cursor;

    while ( cur <= limit - SFNTS_LEN )
      if ( parser->root.error )
        error = parser->root.error;
        goto Exit;

      if ( cur[0] == 'S'                                           &&
           cur <= limit - STARTDATA_LEN                            &&
           ft_strncmp( (char*)cur, STARTDATA, STARTDATA_LEN ) == 0 )
        if ( ft_strncmp( (char*)arg1, "(Hex)", 5 ) == 0 )
          FT_Long  tmp = ft_strtol( (const char *)arg2, NULL, 10 );

          if ( tmp < 0 )
            FT_ERROR(( "cid_parser_new: invalid length of hex data\n" ));
            error = FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );
            parser->binary_length = (FT_ULong)tmp;

        goto Exit;
      else if ( cur[1] == 's'                                   &&
                ft_strncmp( (char*)cur, SFNTS, SFNTS_LEN ) == 0 )
        FT_TRACE2(( "cid_parser_new: cannot handle Type 11 fonts\n" ));
        error = FT_THROW( Unknown_File_Format );
        goto Exit;

      cid_parser_skip_PS_token( parser );
      cid_parser_skip_spaces  ( parser );
      arg1 = arg2;
      arg2 = cur;
      cur  = parser->root.cursor;

    /* we haven't found the correct `StartData'; go back and continue */
    /* searching                                                      */
    FT_FRAME_RELEASE( parser->postscript );
    if ( !FT_STREAM_SEEK( offset ) )
      goto Again;

    return error;