Example #1
static int fulltextCreate(sqlite3 *db, void *pAux, int argc, char **argv,
                          sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab){
  int rc;
  assert( argc>=3 );

  rc = sql_exec(db, argv[2],
    "create table %_content(content text);"
    "create table %_term(term text, first integer, doclist blob);"
    "create index %_index on %_term(term, first)");
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

  return fulltextConnect(db, pAux, argc, argv, ppVTab);
Example #2
static int fulltextCreate(sqlite3 *db, void *pAux, int argc, char **argv,
                          sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab){
  int rc;
  assert( argc>=3 );

  /* The %_content table holds the text of each full-text item, with
  ** the rowid used as the docid.
  ** The %_term table maps each term to a document list blob
  ** containing elements sorted by ascending docid, each element
  ** encoded as:
  **   docid varint-encoded
  **   token count varint-encoded
  **   "count" token elements (poslist):
  **     position varint-encoded as delta from previous position
  **     start offset varint-encoded as delta from previous start offset
  **     end offset varint-encoded as delta from start offset
  ** Additionally, doclist blobs can be chunked into multiple rows,
  ** using "first" to order the blobs.  "first" is simply the first
  ** docid in the blob.
  ** NOTE(shess) That last sentence is incorrect in the face of
  ** deletion, which can leave a doclist that doesn't contain the
  ** first from that row.  I _believe_ this does not matter to the
  ** operation of the system, but it might be reasonable to update
  ** appropriately in case this assumption becomes more important.
  rc = sql_exec(db, argv[2],
    "create table %_content(content text);"
    "create table %_term(term text, first integer, doclist blob);"
    "create index %_index on %_term(term, first)");
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

  return fulltextConnect(db, pAux, argc, argv, ppVTab);