void _HashMapReHash(HashMapData* data)
    unsigned num_slot_new;

    /* Consume the next prime for slot array extension. */
    if (likely(data->idx_prime_ < (num_prime - 1))) {
        num_slot_new = magic_primes[data->idx_prime_];
    /* If the prime list is completely consumed, we simply extend the slot array
       with treble capacity.*/
    else {
        data->idx_prime_ = num_prime;
        num_slot_new = data->num_slot_ * 3;

    /* Try to allocate the new slot array. The rehashing should be canceled due
       to insufficient memory space.  */
    SlotNode** arr_slot_new = (SlotNode**)malloc(sizeof(SlotNode*) * num_slot_new);
    if (unlikely(!arr_slot_new)) {
        if (data->idx_prime_ < num_prime)

    unsigned i;
    for (i = 0 ; i < num_slot_new ; ++i)
        arr_slot_new[i] = NULL;

    HashMapHash func_hash = data->func_hash_;
    SlotNode** arr_slot = data->arr_slot_;
    unsigned num_slot = data->num_slot_;
    for (i = 0 ; i < num_slot ; ++i) {
        SlotNode* pred;
        SlotNode* curr = arr_slot[i];
        while (curr) {
            pred = curr;
            curr = curr->next_;

            /* Migrate each key value pair to the new slot. */
            unsigned hash = func_hash(pred->pair_.key);
            hash = hash % num_slot_new;
            if (!arr_slot_new[hash]) {
                pred->next_ = NULL;
                arr_slot_new[hash] = pred;
            } else {
                pred->next_ = arr_slot_new[hash];
                arr_slot_new[hash] = pred;

    data->arr_slot_ = arr_slot_new;
    data->num_slot_ = num_slot_new;
    data->curr_limit_ = (unsigned)((double)num_slot_new * load_factor);
Example #2
void hash_set(hash_table_t *table, node_t *key, node_t *value) {	//*key is function name. *value is arguments of function.
	int bucket = 0;	//value of func_hash
	/*entry に 関数名key と関数の引数リストvalueを代入。*/	
	hash_entry_t *entry = (hash_entry_t*) malloc (sizeof (hash_entry_t));
	entry->key = (const char*) malloc (sizeof (strlen (key->car->character))+1);
	strcpy ((char*)entry->key, key->car->character);	// 関数名を entry の key にコピーする。
	entry->value = copy_node ( value );	// ( x y ) (+ x y)引数のリストをコピーする。
	bucket = func_hash ( entry->key );	//table の bucket番目のentryに入れる。
	table->entry[bucket] = entry;	//stack.
	table->entry[bucket]->next = top[bucket];
	top[bucket] = table->entry[bucket];
Example #3
opline_t *hash_search_vm(hash_table_t *table, node_t *node) {	//tableの中のentryに連結されているのを探索する。(keyが違うのにvalueが等しい場合があるのでそれを防止する)
	int bucket = 0;
	hash_entry_t *p;
	bucket = func_hash (node->character);
	for (p = table->entry[bucket]; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
		if (strcmp (node->character, p->key) == 0){
			return p->vm_code;
	return NULL;	//対応するものが見つからなかったらNULLを返す
Example #4
void hash_set_args (hash_table_t *table, node_t *key, int index ) {
	int bucket = 0;	//value of func_hash
	/*entry に 関数の引数key とindexを代入。*/
	hash_entry_t *entry = (hash_entry_t*) malloc ( sizeof (hash_entry_t) );
	entry->key = (const char*) malloc (sizeof (strlen (key->car->character))+1);
	entry->vm_code = (opline_t*) malloc (sizeof (opline_t) );
	strcpy ((char*)entry->key, key->car->character);	// 関数名を entry の key にコピーする。
	entry->vm_code->type = PUSH_V;
	entry->vm_code->op = index;
	entry->vm_code->next = NULL;
	bucket = func_hash ( entry->key );	//table の bucket番目のentryに入れる。
	table->entry[bucket] = entry;	//stack.
	table->entry[bucket]->next = top[bucket];
	top[bucket] = table->entry[bucket];
Example #5
void hash_set_vm (hash_table_t *table, node_t *key, opline_t *function ) {
	int bucket = 0;	//value of func_hash
	/*entry に 関数の引数key とindexを代入。*/
	hash_entry_t *entry = (hash_entry_t*) malloc ( sizeof (hash_entry_t) );
	entry->key = (const char*) malloc (sizeof (strlen (key->car->character))+1);
	strcpy ((char*)entry->key, key->car->character);	// 関数名を entry の key にコピーする。
	entry->vm_code = (opline_t*) malloc (sizeof (opline_t) );
	entry->vm_code->type =function->type;
	entry->vm_code->op = function->op;
	entry->vm_code->next = function->next;
//	entry->vm_code = function;
	bucket = func_hash ( entry->key );	//table の bucket番目のentryに入れる。
	table->entry[bucket] = entry;	//stack.
	table->entry[bucket]->next = top[bucket];
	top[bucket] = table->entry[bucket];
	printf("table->entry[%d]->key = %s\n",bucket,table->entry[bucket]->key);