Example #1
 *   Save a character and inventory.
 *   Would be cool to save NPC's too for quest purposes,
 *   some of the infrastructure is provided.
void save_char_obj( CHAR_DATA * ch ) {
  FILE      * fp;
  CHAR_DATA * pet;
  char        buf[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
  char        strsave[ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH  ];

  if ( IS_NPC( ch ) ) {

  if ( ch->desc && ch->desc->original ) {
    ch = ch->desc->original;

  update_playerlist( ch );

  ch->save_time = current_time;
  fclose( fpReserve );

  /* player files parsed directories by Yaz 4th Realm */
  sprintf( strsave, "%s%c/%s", PLAYER_DIR, LOWER( ch->name[ 0 ] ), capitalize( ch->name ) );

  if ( !( fp = fopen( strsave, "w" ) ) ) {
    sprintf( buf, "Save_char_obj: fopen %s: ", ch->name );
    bug( buf, 0 );
    perror( strsave );
  } else {
    fwrite_char( ch, fp );

    if ( ch->carrying ) {
      fwrite_obj( ch, ch->carrying, fp, 0, FALSE );

    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pcdata->storage ) {
      fwrite_obj( ch, ch->pcdata->storage, fp, 0, TRUE );

    for ( pet = ch->in_room->people; pet; pet = pet->next_in_room ) {
      if ( IS_NPC( pet ) ) {
        if ( CHECK_BIT( pet->act, ACT_PET ) && ( pet->master == ch ) ) {
          save_pet( ch, fp, pet );

    fprintf( fp, "#END\n" );

  fclose( fp );

  fpReserve = fopen( NULL_FILE, "r" );
Example #2
 * Save a character and inventory.
 * Would be cool to save NPC's too for quest purposes,
 *   some of the infrastructure is provided.
void save_char_obj( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    FILE *fp;
    char  buf     [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
    char  strsave [ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH  ];

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) || ch->level < 2 )

    if ( ch->desc && ch->desc->original )
	ch = ch->desc->original;

    ch->save_time = current_time;
    fclose( fpReserve );

    /* player files parsed directories by Yaz 4th Realm */
    sprintf( strsave, "%s%s%s%s", PLAYER_DIR, initial( ch->name ),
	    "/", capitalize( ch->name ) );
    if ( !( fp = fopen( strsave, "w" ) ) )
        sprintf( buf, "Save_char_obj: fopen %s: ", ch->name );
	bug( buf, 0 );
	perror( strsave );
	fwrite_char( ch, fp );
	if ( ch->carrying )
	    fwrite_obj( ch, ch->carrying, fp, 0 );
	fprintf( fp, "#END\n" );
    fclose( fp );
    fpReserve = fopen( NULL_FILE, "r" );
Example #3
 * Save a character and inventory.
 * Would be cool to save NPC's too for quest purposes,
 *   some of the infrastructure is provided.
void save_char_obj( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    char strsave[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    FILE *fp;

    if ( IS_NPC(ch) || ch->level < 2 )

    if ( ch->desc != NULL && ch->desc->original != NULL )
	ch = ch->desc->original;

    ch->save_time = current_time;
    fclose( fpReserve );

    /* player files parsed directories by Yaz 4th Realm */
#if !defined(machintosh) && !defined(MSDOS)
    sprintf( strsave, "%s%s%s%s", PLAYER_DIR, initial( ch->name ),
	    "/", capitalize( ch->name ) );
    sprintf( strsave, "%s%s", PLAYER_DIR, capitalize( ch->name ) );
    if ( ( fp = fopen( strsave, "w" ) ) == NULL )
	bug( "Save_char_obj: fopen", 0 );
	perror( strsave );
	fwrite_char( ch, fp );
	if ( ch->carrying != NULL )
	    fwrite_obj( ch, ch->carrying, fp, 0 );
	fprintf( fp, "#END\n" );
    fclose( fp );
    fpReserve = fopen( NULL_FILE, "r" );
Example #4
void save_world( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   FILE *mobfp;
   FILE *objfp;
   FILE *shipfp;
   int mobfile = 0;
   int shipfile = 0;
   char filename[256];
   CHAR_DATA *rch;
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex;
   int iHash;

   log_string( "Preserving world state...." );

   snprintf( filename, 256, "%s%s", SYSTEM_DIR, MOB_FILE );
   if( ( mobfp = fopen( filename, "w" ) ) == NULL )
      bug( "%s", "save_world: fopen mob file" );
      perror( filename );

   snprintf( filename, 256, "%s%s", SYSTEM_DIR, SHIP_FILE );
   if( ( shipfp = fopen( filename, "w" ) ) == NULL )
      bug( "%s", "save_world: fopen ship file" );
      perror( filename );

   for( iHash = 0; iHash < MAX_KEY_HASH; iHash++ )
      for( pRoomIndex = room_index_hash[iHash]; pRoomIndex; pRoomIndex = pRoomIndex->next )
         if( pRoomIndex )
            if( !pRoomIndex->first_content   /* Skip room if nothing in it */
                || IS_SET( pRoomIndex->room_flags, ROOM_CLANSTOREROOM ) /* These rooms save on their own */

            snprintf( filename, 256, "%s%d", HOTBOOT_DIR, pRoomIndex->vnum );
            if( ( objfp = fopen( filename, "w" ) ) == NULL )
               bug( "save_world: fopen %d", pRoomIndex->vnum );
               perror( filename );
            fwrite_obj( NULL, pRoomIndex->last_content, objfp, 0, OS_CARRY, TRUE );
            fprintf( objfp, "%s", "#END\n" );
            FCLOSE( objfp );

   if( mobfile )
      for( rch = first_char; rch; rch = rch->next )
         if( !IS_NPC( rch ) || rch == supermob || IS_SET( rch->act, ACT_PROTOTYPE ) || IS_SET( rch->act, ACT_PET ) )
            save_mobile( mobfp, rch );
      fprintf( mobfp, "%s", "#END\n" );
      FCLOSE( mobfp );

   if( shipfile )
      SHIP_DATA *ship = NULL;

      for( ship = first_ship; ship; ship = ship->next )
         write_ship( shipfp, ship );
      fprintf( shipfp, "%s", "#END\n" );
      FCLOSE( shipfp );
Example #5
 * Save the world's objects and mobs in their current positions -- Scion
void save_mobile( FILE * fp, CHAR_DATA * mob )
   AFFECT_DATA *paf;
   SKILLTYPE *skill = NULL;

   if( !IS_NPC( mob ) || !fp )
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "#MOBILE\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "Vnum	%d\n", mob->pIndexData->vnum );
   fprintf( fp, "Level   %d\n", mob->top_level );
   fprintf( fp, "Gold	%d\n", mob->gold );
   fprintf( fp, "Resetvnum %d\n", mob->resetvnum );
   fprintf( fp, "Resetnum  %d\n", mob->resetnum );
   if( mob->in_room )
      if( IS_SET( mob->act, ACT_SENTINEL ) )
          * Sentinel mobs get stamped with a "home room" when they are created
          * by create_mobile(), so we need to save them in their home room regardless
          * of where they are right now, so they will go to their home room when they
          * enter the game from a reboot or copyover -- Scion 
         fprintf( fp, "Room	%d\n", mob->home_vnum );
         fprintf( fp, "Room	%d\n", mob->in_room->vnum );
      fprintf( fp, "Room	%d\n", ROOM_VNUM_LIMBO );
   fprintf( fp, "Coordinates  %d %d %d\n", mob->x, mob->y, mob->map );
   if( mob->name && mob->pIndexData->player_name && str_cmp( mob->name, mob->pIndexData->player_name ) )
      fprintf( fp, "Name     %s~\n", mob->name );
   if( mob->short_descr && mob->pIndexData->short_descr && str_cmp( mob->short_descr, mob->pIndexData->short_descr ) )
      fprintf( fp, "Short	%s~\n", mob->short_descr );
   if( mob->long_descr && mob->pIndexData->long_descr && str_cmp( mob->long_descr, mob->pIndexData->long_descr ) )
      fprintf( fp, "Long	%s~\n", mob->long_descr );
   if( mob->description && mob->pIndexData->description && str_cmp( mob->description, mob->pIndexData->description ) )
      fprintf( fp, "Description %s~\n", mob->description );
   fprintf( fp, "HpManaMove   %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
            mob->hit, mob->max_hit, mob->mana, mob->max_mana, mob->move, mob->max_move );
   fprintf( fp, "Position %d\n", mob->position );
   fprintf( fp, "Flags %d\n", mob->act );
   fprintf( fp, "AffectedBy   %s\n", print_bitvector( &mob->affected_by ) );

   for( paf = mob->first_affect; paf; paf = paf->next )
      if( paf->type >= 0 && ( skill = get_skilltype( paf->type ) ) == NULL )

      if( paf->type >= 0 && paf->type < TYPE_PERSONAL )
         fprintf( fp, "AffectData   '%s' %f %3d %3d %s\n",
                  skill->name, paf->duration, paf->modifier, paf->location, print_bitvector( &paf->bitvector ) );
         fprintf( fp, "Affect       %3d %f %3d %3d %s\n",
                  paf->type, paf->duration, paf->modifier, paf->location,print_bitvector(  &paf->bitvector ) );

   de_equip_char( mob );

   if( mob->first_carrying )
      fwrite_obj( mob, mob->last_carrying, fp, 0, OS_CARRY, TRUE );

   re_equip_char( mob );

   fprintf( fp, "%s", "EndMobile\n\n" );
Example #6
 * Write an object and its contents.
void fwrite_obj( struct obj_data *obj, FILE *fp, int iNest )
  // struct affected_type    * paf = NULL;
  struct extra_descr_data  * ed  = NULL;
  int i;

   * Slick recursion to write lists backwards,
   *   so loading them will load in forwards order.
  if ( obj->next_content )
    fwrite_obj( obj->next_content, fp, iNest );
   * Castrate storage characters.
  if ( obj->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_KEY )
  fprintf( fp, "#OBJECT\n" );
  fprintf( fp, "Nest         %d\n",	iNest			     );
  fprintf( fp, "Name         %s~\n",	obj->name		     );
  fprintf( fp, "ShortDescr   %s~\n",	obj->short_description	     );
  fprintf( fp, "Description  %s~\n",	obj->description	     );
  fprintf( fp, "ActionDescr  %s~\n",
	   obj->action_description ? obj->action_description : ""  );
  fprintf( fp, "Vnum         %ld\n",	obj->item_number	     );
  fprintf( fp, "ExtraFlags   %ld\n",	obj->obj_flags.extra_flags   );
  fprintf( fp, "WearFlags    %d\n",	obj->obj_flags.wear_flags    );
  fprintf( fp, "ItemType     %d\n",	obj->obj_flags.type_flag     );
  fprintf( fp, "Weight       %d\n",	obj->obj_flags.weight	     );
  fprintf( fp, "Timer        %d\n",	obj->obj_flags.timer	     );
  fprintf( fp, "Cost         %d\n",	obj->obj_flags.cost	     );
  fprintf( fp, "Values       %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",
	   obj->obj_flags.value[0], obj->obj_flags.value[1],
	   obj->obj_flags.value[2], obj->obj_flags.value[3],
	   obj->obj_flags.value[4], obj->obj_flags.value[5],
	   obj->obj_flags.value[6], obj->obj_flags.value[7],
	   obj->obj_flags.value[8], obj->obj_flags.value[9] );
  switch ( obj->obj_flags.type_flag ) {
    if ( obj->obj_flags.value[1] > 0 ) {
      fprintf( fp, "Spell 1      '%s'\n", 
	       skill_name( obj->obj_flags.value[1] ) );
    if ( obj->obj_flags.value[2] > 0 ) {
      fprintf( fp, "Spell 2      '%s'\n", 
	       skill_name( obj->obj_flags.value[2] ) );
    if ( obj->obj_flags.value[3] > 0 ) {
      fprintf( fp, "Spell 3      '%s'\n", 
	       skill_name( obj->obj_flags.value[3] ) );
  case ITEM_STAFF:
  case ITEM_WAND:
    if ( obj->obj_flags.value[3] > 0 ) {
      fprintf( fp, "Spell 3      '%s'\n", 
	       skill_name( obj->obj_flags.value[3] ) );
    /* ERROR */

  for ( i = 0; i < MAX_OBJ_AFFECT; i++ )
    fprintf( fp, "Affect       %d %d\n",
	     obj->affected[ i ].location,
	     obj->affected[ i ].modifier );
  paf = obj->affected;
  for ( paf = obj->affected; paf; paf = paf->next ) {
    fprintf( fp, "Affect       %d %d %d %d %ld\n",
	     paf->type, paf->duration,
	     paf->modifier, paf->location,
	     paf->bitvector );
  for ( ed = obj->ex_description; ed; ed = ed->next ) {
    fprintf( fp, "ExtraDescr   %s~ %s~\n",
	     ed->keyword, ed->description );
  fprintf( fp, "End\n\n" );

  if ( obj->contains )
    fwrite_obj( obj->contains, fp, iNest + 1 );
  tail_chain( );
Example #7
void fwrite_obj_char( struct char_data * ch,
                      struct obj_data * obj,
                      FILE * fp, int iNest )
  fwrite_obj( obj, fp, iNest );
Example #8
 * Write an object and its contents.
void fwrite_obj( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj, FILE *fp, int iNest )
    AFFECT_DATA      *paf;

     * Slick recursion to write lists backwards,
     *   so loading them will load in forwards order.
    if ( obj->next_content )
	fwrite_obj( ch, obj->next_content, fp, iNest );

     * Castrate storage characters.
    if ( ch->level < obj->level
	|| obj->item_type == ITEM_KEY
	|| obj->deleted )

    fprintf( fp, "#OBJECT\n" );
    fprintf( fp, "Nest         %d\n",	iNest			     );
    fprintf( fp, "Name         %s~\n",	obj->name		     );
    fprintf( fp, "ShortDescr   %s~\n",	obj->short_descr	     );
    fprintf( fp, "Description  %s~\n",	obj->description	     );
    fprintf( fp, "Vnum         %d\n",	obj->pIndexData->vnum	     );
    fprintf( fp, "ExtraFlags   %d\n",	obj->extra_flags	     );
    fprintf( fp, "WearFlags    %d\n",	obj->wear_flags		     );
    fprintf( fp, "WearLoc      %d\n",	obj->wear_loc		     );
    fprintf( fp, "ItemType     %d\n",	obj->item_type		     );
    fprintf( fp, "Weight       %d\n",	obj->weight		     );
    fprintf( fp, "Level        %d\n",	obj->level		     );
    fprintf( fp, "Timer        %d\n",	obj->timer		     );
    fprintf( fp, "Cost         %d\n",	obj->cost		     );
    fprintf( fp, "Values       %d %d %d %d\n",
	obj->value[0], obj->value[1], obj->value[2], obj->value[3]   );

    switch ( obj->item_type )
    case ITEM_POTION:
    case ITEM_SCROLL:
	if ( obj->value[1] > 0 )
	    fprintf( fp, "Spell 1      '%s'\n", 
		skill_table[obj->value[1]].name );

	if ( obj->value[2] > 0 )
	    fprintf( fp, "Spell 2      '%s'\n", 
		skill_table[obj->value[2]].name );

	if ( obj->value[3] > 0 )
	    fprintf( fp, "Spell 3      '%s'\n", 
		skill_table[obj->value[3]].name );


    case ITEM_PILL:
    case ITEM_STAFF:
    case ITEM_WAND:
	if ( obj->value[3] > 0 )
	    fprintf( fp, "Spell 3      '%s'\n", 
		skill_table[obj->value[3]].name );


    for ( paf = obj->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
	fprintf( fp, "Affect       %d %d %d %d %d\n",
		paf->bitvector );

    for ( ed = obj->extra_descr; ed; ed = ed->next )
	fprintf( fp, "ExtraDescr   %s~ %s~\n",
		ed->keyword, ed->description );

    fprintf( fp, "End\n\n" );

    if ( obj->contains )
	fwrite_obj( ch, obj->contains, fp, iNest + 1 );
