Example #1
fz_halftone *fz_get_default_halftone(fz_context *ctx, int num_comps)
	fz_halftone *ht = fz_new_halftone(ctx, num_comps);
	assert(num_comps == 1); /* Only support 1 component for now */
	ht->comp[0] = fz_new_pixmap_with_data(ctx, NULL, 16, 16, mono_ht);
	return ht;
Example #2
fz_pixmap *
fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox_and_data(fz_context *ctx, fz_colorspace *colorspace, fz_bbox r, unsigned char *samples)
	fz_pixmap *pixmap;
	pixmap = fz_new_pixmap_with_data(ctx, colorspace, r.x1 - r.x0, r.y1 - r.y0, samples);
	pixmap->x = r.x0;
	pixmap->y = r.y0;
	return pixmap;
Example #3
fz_halftone *fz_default_halftone(fz_context *ctx, int num_comps)
    fz_halftone *ht = fz_new_halftone(ctx, num_comps);

        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < num_comps; i++)
            ht->comp[i] = fz_new_pixmap_with_data(ctx, NULL, 16, 16, 1, 16, mono_ht);
        fz_drop_halftone(ctx, ht);

    return ht;
  QImage render(qreal dpiX, qreal dpiY, const QRectF& rect) {
    if (m_init) {
      fz_scale(&m_matrix, dpiX / 72.0f, dpiY / 72.0f);

      fz_bound_page(m_ctx, m_page, &m_bound);
      fz_transform_rect(&m_bound, &m_matrix);
      m_init = false;

    if (!m_list) {
      m_list = fz_new_display_list(m_ctx);

    if (!m_dev) {
      m_dev = fz_new_list_device(m_ctx, m_list);
      fz_run_page(m_ctx, m_page, m_dev, &m_matrix, 0);

    fz_matrix tile;
    fz_translate(&tile, -m_bound.x0, -m_bound.y0);

    fz_pre_translate(&tile, -rect.x(), -rect.y());

    fz_rect tr;
    tr.x0 = tr.y0 = 0.0;
    int width = tr.x1 = rect.width();
    int height = tr.y1 = rect.height();

    QImage image(width, height, QImage::Format_RGB32);
    image.fill(Qt::white); // TODO: configurable

    fz_pixmap* pixmap =

    fz_device *device = fz_new_draw_device(m_ctx, pixmap);
    fz_run_display_list(m_ctx, m_list, device, &tile, &tr, 0);
    fz_drop_device(m_ctx, device);
    fz_drop_pixmap(m_ctx, pixmap);
    return image;
Example #5
static void drawbmp(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, fz_display_list *list, int pagenum, fz_cookie *cookie)
	float zoom;
	fz_matrix ctm;
	fz_irect ibounds;
	fz_rect bounds, tbounds;

	int w, h;
	fz_device *dev;
	HDC dc, dc_main;
	RECT rc;
	HBRUSH bg_brush;
	HBITMAP hbmp;
	BITMAPINFO bmi = { 0 };
	int bmp_data_len;
	unsigned char *bmp_data;

	fz_bound_page(doc, page, &bounds);
	zoom = resolution / 72;
	fz_pre_scale(fz_rotate(&ctm, rotation), zoom, zoom);
	tbounds = bounds;
	fz_round_rect(&ibounds, fz_transform_rect(&tbounds, &ctm));

	w = width;
	h = height;
	if (res_specified)
		fz_round_rect(&ibounds, &tbounds);
		if (w && ibounds.x1 - ibounds.x0 <= w)
			w = 0;
		if (h && ibounds.y1 - ibounds.y0 <= h)
			h = 0;
	if (w || h)
		float scalex = w / (tbounds.x1 - tbounds.x0);
		float scaley = h / (tbounds.y1 - tbounds.y0);
		fz_matrix scale_mat;
		if (w == 0)
			scalex = fit ? 1.0f : scaley;
		if (h == 0)
			scaley = fit ? 1.0f : scalex;
		if (!fit)
			scalex = scaley = min(scalex, scaley);
		fz_concat(&ctm, &ctm, fz_scale(&scale_mat, scalex, scaley));
		tbounds = bounds;
		fz_transform_rect(&tbounds, &ctm);
	fz_round_rect(&ibounds, &tbounds);
	fz_rect_from_irect(&tbounds, &ibounds);

	w = ibounds.x1 - ibounds.x0;
	h = ibounds.y1 - ibounds.y0;

	dc_main = GetDC(NULL);
	dc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc_main);
	hbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc_main, w, h);
	DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc, hbmp));

	SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, w, h);
	bg_brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF));
	FillRect(dc, &rc, bg_brush);

	dev = fz_new_gdiplus_device(ctx, dc, &tbounds);
	if (list)
		fz_run_display_list(list, dev, &ctm, &tbounds, cookie);
		fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &ctm, cookie);

	bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bmi.bmiHeader);
	bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = w;
	bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = output_format == OUT_TGA ? -h : h;
	bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
	bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = output_format == OUT_TGA ? 32 : 24;
	bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;

	bmp_data_len = output_format == OUT_TGA ? w * h * 4 : ((w * 3 + 3) / 4) * 4 * h;
	bmp_data = fz_malloc(ctx, bmp_data_len);
	if (!GetDIBits(dc, hbmp, 0, h, bmp_data, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS))
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot draw page %d in PDF file '%s'", pagenum, filename);

	ReleaseDC(NULL, dc_main);

	if (output)
		char buf[512];
		FILE *f;

		sprintf(buf, output, pagenum);
		f = fopen(buf, "wb");
		if (!f)
			fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "could not create raster file '%s'", buf);

		if (output_format == OUT_TGA)
			fz_pixmap *pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_data(ctx, fz_device_bgr(ctx), w, h, bmp_data);
			fz_write_tga(ctx, pix, buf, 0);
			fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix);
			BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpfh = { 0 };
			static const int one = 1;
			if (!*(char *)&one)
				fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "rendering to BMP is not supported on big-endian architectures");

			bmpfh.bfType = MAKEWORD('B', 'M');
			bmpfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(bmpfh) + sizeof(bmi);
			bmpfh.bfSize = bmpfh.bfOffBits + bmp_data_len;

			fwrite(&bmpfh, sizeof(bmpfh), 1, f);
			fwrite(&bmi, sizeof(bmi), 1, f);
			fwrite(bmp_data, 1, bmp_data_len, f);


	if (showmd5)
		fz_pixmap *pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_data(ctx, fz_device_bgr(ctx), bmp_data_len / 4 / h, h, bmp_data);
		unsigned char digest[16];
		int i;

		fz_md5_pixmap(pix, digest);
		printf(" ");
		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
			printf("%02x", digest[i]);

		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix);

	fz_free(ctx, bmp_data);
Example #6
static void drawbmp(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, fz_display_list *list, int pagenum)
	float zoom;
	fz_matrix ctm;
	fz_bbox bbox;
	fz_rect bounds, bounds2;

	int w, h;
	fz_device *dev;
	HDC dc, dc_main;
	RECT rc;
	HBRUSH bg_brush;
	HBITMAP hbmp;
	BITMAPINFO bmi = { 0 };
	int bmp_data_len;
	char *bmp_data;

	bounds = fz_bound_page(doc, page);
	zoom = resolution / 72;
	ctm = fz_scale(zoom, zoom);
	ctm = fz_concat(ctm, fz_rotate(rotation));
	bounds2 = fz_transform_rect(ctm, bounds);

	w = width;
	h = height;
	if (res_specified)
		bbox = fz_round_rect(bounds2);
		if (w && bbox.x1 - bbox.x0 <= w)
			w = 0;
		if (h && bbox.y1 - bbox.y0 <= h)
			h = 0;
	if (w || h)
		float scalex = w / (bounds2.x1 - bounds2.x0);
		float scaley = h / (bounds2.y1 - bounds2.y0);
		if (w == 0)
			scalex = fit ? 1.0f : scaley;
		if (h == 0)
			scaley = fit ? 1.0f : scalex;
		if (!fit)
			scalex = scaley = min(scalex, scaley);
		ctm = fz_concat(ctm, fz_scale(scalex, scaley));
		bounds2 = fz_transform_rect(ctm, bounds);
	bbox = fz_round_rect(bounds2);

	w = bbox.x1 - bbox.x0;
	h = bbox.y1 - bbox.y0;

	dc_main = GetDC(NULL);
	dc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc_main);
	hbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc_main, w, h);
	DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc, hbmp));

	SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, w, h);
	bg_brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF));
	FillRect(dc, &rc, bg_brush);

	dev = fz_new_gdiplus_device(ctx, dc, fz_rect_from_bbox(bbox));
	if (list)
		fz_run_display_list(list, dev, ctm, fz_rect_from_bbox(bbox), NULL);
		fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, ctm, NULL);

	bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bmi.bmiHeader);
	bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = w;
	bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = h;
	bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
	bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
	bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;

	bmp_data_len = ((w * 3 + 3) / 4) * 4 * h;
	bmp_data = fz_malloc(ctx, bmp_data_len + 1);
	if (!GetDIBits(dc, hbmp, 0, h, bmp_data, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS))
		fz_throw(ctx, "cannot draw page %d in PDF file '%s'", pagenum, filename);

	ReleaseDC(NULL, dc_main);

	if (output)
		char buf[512];
		FILE *f;

		sprintf(buf, output, pagenum);
		f = fopen(buf, "wb");
		if (!f)
			fz_throw(ctx, "could not create raster file '%s'", buf);

		if (strstr(output, ".bmp"))
			BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpfh = { 0 };
			static const int one = 1;
			if (!*(char *)&one)
				fz_throw(ctx, "rendering to BMP is not supported on big-endian architectures");

			bmpfh.bfType = MAKEWORD('B', 'M');
			bmpfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(bmpfh) + sizeof(bmi);
			bmpfh.bfSize = bmpfh.bfOffBits + bmp_data_len;

			fwrite(&bmpfh, sizeof(bmpfh), 1, f);
			fwrite(&bmi, sizeof(bmi), 1, f);
			fwrite(bmp_data, 1, bmp_data_len, f);
			unsigned short width = w, height = h, k;

			fwrite("\0\0\x0A\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 1, 12, f);
			putc(width & 0xFF, f); putc((width >> 8) & 0xFF, f);
			putc(height & 0xFF, f); putc((height >> 8) & 0xFF, f);
			fwrite("\x18\0", 1, 2, f);

			for (k = 0; k < height; k++)
				int i, j;
				char *line = bmp_data + bmp_data_len / h * k;
				for (i = 0, j = 1; i < width; i += j, j = 1)
#define memeq3(a, b) (*(WORD *)(a) == *(WORD *)(b) && (a)[2] == (b)[2])
					for (; i + j < width && j < 128 && memeq3(line + i * 3, line + (i + j) * 3); j++);
					if (j > 1)
						putc(j - 1 + 128, f);
						fwrite(line + i * 3, 1, 3, f);
						for (; i + j < width && j <= 128 && !memeq3(line + (i + j - 1) * 3, line + (i + j) * 3) != 0; j++);
						if (i + j < width || j > 128)
						putc(j - 1, f);
						fwrite(line + i * 3, 1, j * 3, f);
#undef memeq3
			fwrite("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0TRUEVISION-XFILE.\0", 1, 26, f);


	if (showmd5)
		fz_pixmap *pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_data(ctx, fz_device_rgb, bmp_data_len / 4 / h, h, bmp_data);
		unsigned char digest[16];
		int i;

		fz_md5_pixmap(pix, digest);
		printf(" ");
		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
			printf("%02x", digest[i]);

		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix);

	fz_free(ctx, bmp_data);
Example #7
fz_pixmap *
fz_new_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_colorspace *colorspace, int w, int h)
	return fz_new_pixmap_with_data(ctx, colorspace, w, h, NULL);