Example #1
access_login_mng_allowed(char* user)
  int gid;
  int ok;

  if ((0 == g_strncmp(user, "root", 5)) && (0 == g_cfg->sec.allow_root))
                "[MNG] ROOT login attempted, but root login is disabled");
    return 0;

  if (0 == g_cfg->sec.ts_admins_enable)
    LOG_DBG("[MNG] Terminal Server Admin group is disabled,"
            "allowing authentication",1);
    return 1;

  if (0 != g_getuser_info(user, &gid, 0, 0, 0, 0))
    log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "[MNG] Cannot read user info! - login denied");
    return 0;

  if (g_cfg->sec.ts_admins == gid)
    LOG_DBG("[MNG] ts_users is user's primary group");
    return 1;

  if (0 != g_check_user_in_group(user, g_cfg->sec.ts_admins, &ok))
    log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "[MNG] Cannot read group info! - login denied");
    return 0;

  if (ok)
    return 1;

  log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "[MNG] login denied for user %s", user);

  return 0;
Example #2
int main(int argc, char** argv, char** environ)
	int fuse_group = 0;
	int ok = 0;
	char* home_dir = g_getenv("HOME");

	l_config = g_malloc(sizeof(struct log_config), 1);
	if (argc != 2)
		g_printf("Usage : vchannel_rdpdr USERNAME\n");
		return 1;

	if (disk_init() != LOG_STARTUP_OK)
		g_printf("vchannel_rdpdr[main]: Enable to init log system\n");
		return 1;

	if ( g_getuser_info(argv[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) == 1)
		log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "vchannel_rdpdr[main]: "
				"The username '%s' did not exist\n", argv[1]);
	g_strncpy(username, argv[1], sizeof(username));
	g_getgroup_info("fuse", &fuse_group);
	if (g_check_user_in_group(username, fuse_group, &ok) == 1)
		log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "vchannel_rdpdr[main]: "
				"Error while testing if user %s is member of fuse group", username);
		return 1;
	if (ok == 0)
		log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "vchannel_rdpdr[main]: "
				"User %s is not allow to use fuse", username);
		return 1;

	if (vchannel_init() == ERROR)
		g_printf("vchannel_rdpdr[main]: Enable to init channel system\n");
		return 1;

	log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_rdpdr[main]: "
				"Open channel to rdpdr main apps");
	if (rdpfs_open() == 1)
		log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "vchannel_rdpdr[main]: "
					"Unable to open a connection to RDP filesystem");

//	share_desktop_purge();

	g_sprintf(mount_point, "%s/%s", home_dir, RDPDRIVE_NAME);

	log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_rdpdr[main]: "
				"Rdpdrive is located on %s", mount_point);

	if (fuse_run() == 1)
		log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_rdpdr[main]: "
				"Fail to start fuse");