static void
file_changed_cb (GFileMonitor      *monitor,
                 GFile             *file,
                 GFile             *other,
                 GFileMonitorEvent  event_type,
                 gpointer           user_data)
  StTextureCache *cache = user_data;
  char *key;
  guint file_hash;

  if (event_type != G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED)

  file_hash = g_file_hash (file);

  key = g_strdup_printf (CACHE_PREFIX_FILE "%u", file_hash);
  g_hash_table_remove (cache->priv->keyed_cache, key);
  g_free (key);

  key = g_strdup_printf (CACHE_PREFIX_FILE_FOR_CAIRO "%u", file_hash);
  g_hash_table_remove (cache->priv->keyed_cache, key);
  g_free (key);

  g_signal_emit (cache, signals[TEXTURE_FILE_CHANGED], 0, file);
Example #2
ide_file_hash (IdeFile *self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (IDE_IS_FILE (self), 0);

  return g_file_hash (self->file);
 * st_texture_cache_load_file_async:
 * @cache: The texture cache instance
 * @file: a #GFile of the image file from which to create a pixbuf
 * @available_width: available width for the image, can be -1 if not limited
 * @available_height: available height for the image, can be -1 if not limited
 * @scale: scale factor of the display
 * Asynchronously load an image.   Initially, the returned texture will have a natural
 * size of zero.  At some later point, either the image will be loaded successfully
 * and at that point size will be negotiated, or upon an error, no image will be set.
 * Return value: (transfer none): A new #ClutterActor with no image loaded initially.
ClutterActor *
st_texture_cache_load_file_async (StTextureCache *cache,
                                  GFile          *file,
                                  int             available_width,
                                  int             available_height,
                                  int             scale)
  ClutterActor *texture;
  AsyncTextureLoadData *request;
  StTextureCachePolicy policy;
  gchar *key;

  key = g_strdup_printf (CACHE_PREFIX_FILE "%u", g_file_hash (file));


  texture = (ClutterActor *) create_default_texture ();

  if (ensure_request (cache, key, policy, &request, texture))
      /* If there's an outstanding request, we've just added ourselves to it */
      g_free (key);
      /* Else, make a new request */

      request->cache = cache;
      /* Transfer ownership of key */
      request->key = key;
      request->file = g_object_ref (file);
      request->policy = policy;
      request->width = available_width;
      request->height = available_height;
      request->scale = scale;

      load_texture_async (cache, request);

  ensure_monitor_for_file (cache, file);

  return CLUTTER_ACTOR (texture);
static cairo_surface_t *
st_texture_cache_load_file_sync_to_cairo_surface (StTextureCache        *cache,
                                                  StTextureCachePolicy   policy,
                                                  GFile                 *file,
                                                  int                    available_width,
                                                  int                    available_height,
                                                  int                    scale,
                                                  GError               **error)
  cairo_surface_t *surface;
  GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
  char *key;

  key = g_strdup_printf (CACHE_PREFIX_FILE_FOR_CAIRO "%u", g_file_hash (file));

  surface = g_hash_table_lookup (cache->priv->keyed_cache, key);

  if (surface == NULL)
      pixbuf = impl_load_pixbuf_file (file, available_width, available_height, scale, error);
      if (!pixbuf)
        goto out;

      surface = pixbuf_to_cairo_surface (pixbuf);
      g_object_unref (pixbuf);

          cairo_surface_reference (surface);
          g_hash_table_insert (cache->priv->keyed_cache, g_strdup (key), surface);
    cairo_surface_reference (surface);

  ensure_monitor_for_file (cache, file);

  g_free (key);
  return surface;
static CoglTexture *
st_texture_cache_load_file_sync_to_cogl_texture (StTextureCache *cache,
                                                 StTextureCachePolicy policy,
                                                 GFile          *file,
                                                 int             available_width,
                                                 int             available_height,
                                                 int             scale,
                                                 GError         **error)
  CoglTexture *texdata;
  GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
  char *key;

  key = g_strdup_printf (CACHE_PREFIX_FILE "%u", g_file_hash (file));

  texdata = g_hash_table_lookup (cache->priv->keyed_cache, key);

  if (texdata == NULL)
      pixbuf = impl_load_pixbuf_file (file, available_width, available_height, scale, error);
      if (!pixbuf)
        goto out;

      texdata = pixbuf_to_cogl_texture (pixbuf);
      g_object_unref (pixbuf);

          cogl_object_ref (texdata);
          g_hash_table_insert (cache->priv->keyed_cache, g_strdup (key), texdata);
    cogl_object_ref (texdata);

  ensure_monitor_for_file (cache, file);

  g_free (key);
  return texdata;