Example #1
static void
g_paste_settings_ui_stack_init (GPasteSettingsUiStack *self)
    GPasteSettingsUiStackPrivate *priv = g_paste_settings_ui_stack_get_instance_private (self);

    GError *error = NULL;
    priv->client = g_paste_client_new (&error);

    if (g_paste_settings_ui_check_connection_error (error))
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    priv->settings = g_paste_settings_new ();
    priv->settings_signal = g_signal_connect (priv->settings,
                                              G_CALLBACK (g_paste_settings_ui_stack_settings_changed),

    GStrv *actions = priv->actions = (GStrv *) g_malloc (3 * sizeof (GStrv));

    GStrv action = actions[0] = (GStrv) g_malloc (2 * sizeof (gchar *));
    action[0] = (gchar *) "switch";
    /* translators: This is the name of a multi-history management action */
    action[1] = _("Switch to");

    action = actions[1] = (GStrv) g_malloc (2 * sizeof (gchar *));
    action[0] = (gchar *) "delete";
    /* translators: This is the name of a multi-history management action */
    action[1] = _("Delete");

    actions[2] = NULL;
Example #2
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
    bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
    textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

    int status = EXIT_SUCCESS;

    g_type_init ();

    GPasteClient *client = g_paste_client_new ();
    GError *error = NULL;
    const gchar *arg1, *arg2;

    if (!client)
        if (argc == 2 && is_help (argv[1]))
            show_help (argv[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        failure_exit ();

    if (!isatty (fileno (stdin)))
        /* We are being piped */
        GString *data = g_string_new ("");
        gchar c;

        while ((c = fgetc (stdin)) != EOF)
            data = g_string_append_c (data, c);

        data->str[data->len - 1] = '\0';

        g_paste_client_add (client, data->str, &error);

        g_string_free (data, TRUE);
        switch (argc)
        case 1:
            show_history (client, FALSE, FALSE, &error);
        case 2:
            arg1 = argv[1];
            if (is_help (arg1))
                show_help (argv[0]);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "start") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "d") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "daemon") == 0)
                g_paste_client_track (client, TRUE, &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "stop") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "q") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "quit") == 0)
                g_paste_client_track (client, FALSE, &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "e") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "empty") == 0)
                g_paste_client_empty (client, &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "v") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "version") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "-v") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "--version") == 0)
                printf ("%s\n", PACKAGE_STRING);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "applet") == 0)
                g_spawn_command_line_async (PKGLIBEXECDIR "/gpaste-applet", &error);
                if (error)
                    fprintf (stderr, _("Couldn't spawn gpaste-applet.\n"));
                    g_clear_error (&error);
                    status = EXIT_FAILURE;
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "s") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "settings") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "p") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "preferences") == 0)
                execl (PKGLIBEXECDIR "/gpaste-settings", "GPaste-Settings", NULL);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "dr") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "daemon-reexec") == 0)
                g_paste_client_reexecute (client, &error);
                if (error && error->code == G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_REPLY)
                    printf (_("Successfully reexecuted the daemon\n"));
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "h") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "history") == 0)
                show_history (client, FALSE, FALSE, &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "rh") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "raw-history") == 0)
                show_history (client, TRUE, FALSE, &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "zh") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "zero-history") == 0)
                show_history (client, FALSE, TRUE, &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "lh") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "list-histories") == 0)
                gchar **histories = g_paste_client_list_histories (client, &error);
                if (!error)
                    for (gchar **h = histories; *h; ++h)
                        printf ("%s\n", *h);
                    g_strfreev (histories);
                show_help (argv[0]);
                status = EXIT_FAILURE;
        case 3:
            arg1 = argv[1];
            arg2 = argv[2];
            if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "bh") == 0||
                g_strcmp0 (arg1, "backup-history") == 0)
                g_paste_client_backup_history (client, arg2, &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "sh") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "switch-history") == 0)
                g_paste_client_switch_history (client, arg2, &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "dh") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "delete-history") == 0)
                g_paste_client_delete_history (client, arg2, &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "a") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "add") == 0)
                g_paste_client_add (client, arg2, &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "g") == 0||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "get") == 0)
                printf ("%s", g_paste_client_get_element (client, g_ascii_strtoull (arg2, NULL, 0), &error));
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "s") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "set") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "select") == 0)
                g_paste_client_select (client, g_ascii_strtoull (arg2, NULL, 0), &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "d") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "delete") == 0)
                g_paste_client_delete (client, g_ascii_strtoull (arg2, NULL, 0), &error);
            else if (g_strcmp0 (arg1, "f") == 0 ||
                     g_strcmp0 (arg1, "file") == 0)
               gchar *content = NULL;

               if (g_file_get_contents (arg2,
                                        NULL, /* length */
                   g_paste_client_add (client, content, &error);
                   g_free (content);
                   fprintf (stderr, _("Could not read file: %s\n"), arg2);
                   g_clear_error (&error);
                   status = EXIT_FAILURE;
                show_help (argv[0]);
                status = EXIT_FAILURE;
            show_help (argv[0]);
            status = EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (error)
        g_error_free (error);
        failure_exit ();

    g_object_unref (client);

    return status;