Example #1
bool cursor_t::load(std::string cursorPath) {

	// Open config file
	std::ifstream in(cursorPath + "/cursor.cfg");
	if (!in.good()) {
		return false;
	g_property_file_parser props(in);
	auto content = props.getProperties();

	// Read required params
	std::string name = content["name"];
	std::string hitpoint_x = content["hitpoint.x"];
	std::string hitpoint_y = content["hitpoint.y"];
	std::string image = content["image"];

	if (name.empty() || hitpoint_x.empty() || hitpoint_y.empty() || image.empty()) {
		return false;

	// Convert hitpoint
	std::stringstream stx;
	stx << hitpoint_x;
	int hitpointX;
	stx >> hitpointX;

	std::stringstream sty;
	sty << hitpoint_y;
	int hitpointY;
	sty >> hitpointY;

	std::string cursorImagePath = (cursorPath + "/" + image);

	// check if file exists
	FILE* cursorImageFile = fopen(cursorImagePath.c_str(), "r");
	if (cursorImageFile == NULL) {
		return false;

	// load cursor
	cursor_configuration pack;
	pack.surface = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(cursorImagePath.c_str());
	if (pack.surface == nullptr) {
		klog("failed to load cursor image at '%s' for configuration '%s'", cursorImagePath.c_str(), cursorPath.c_str());
		return false;

	pack.hitpoint = g_point(hitpointX, hitpointY);
	pack.size = g_dimension(cairo_image_surface_get_width(pack.surface), cairo_image_surface_get_height(pack.surface));
	cursorConfigurations[name] = pack;

	return true;
Example #2
bool cursor_t::load(std::string cursorPath) {

	// Open config file
	std::ifstream in(cursorPath + "/cursor.cfg");
	if (!in.good()) {
		return false;
	g_property_file_parser props(in);
	auto content = props.getProperties();

	// Read required params
	std::string name = content["name"];
	std::string hitpoint_x = content["hitpoint.x"];
	std::string hitpoint_y = content["hitpoint.y"];
	std::string image = content["image"];

	if (name.empty() || hitpoint_x.empty() || hitpoint_y.empty() || image.empty()) {
		return false;

	// Convert hitpoint
	std::stringstream stx;
	stx << hitpoint_x;
	int hitpointX;
	stx >> hitpointX;

	std::stringstream sty;
	sty << hitpoint_y;
	int hitpointY;
	sty >> hitpointY;

	FILE* cursorImageFile = fopen((cursorPath + "/" + image).c_str(), "r");
	if (cursorImageFile != NULL) {
		g_ghost_image_format ghostFormat;
		g_image cursorImage;
		g_image_load_status loadStatus = cursorImage.load(cursorImageFile, &ghostFormat);

		cursor_configuration pack;
		pack.image = cursorImage;
		pack.hitpoint = g_point(hitpointX, hitpointY);
		cursorConfigurations[name] = pack;

		g_logger::log("created cursor '" + name + "' with hitpoint %i/%i and image %x", hitpointX, hitpointY, cursorImage.getContent());

		return loadStatus == g_image_load_status::SUCCESSFUL;

	return false;
Example #3
	g_point getEnd() const {
		return g_point(x + width, y + height);
Example #4
	g_point getStart() const {
		return g_point(x, y);
Example #5
	g_point operator+(const g_dimension& p) const {
		return g_point(width + p.width, height + p.height);
Example #6
	g_point operator-(const g_dimension& p) const {
		return g_point(width - p.width, height - p.height);