Example #1
static VALUE
rg_depth(VALUE self)
    return UINT2NUM(g_type_depth(rbgobj_gtype_get(self)));
Example #2
static PyObject *
_wrap_g_type_wrapper__get_depth(PyGTypeWrapper *self, void *closure)
  return PYGLIB_PyLong_FromLong(g_type_depth(self->type));
Example #3
/* Check and score this selector against stylable node.
 * A score below 0 means that they did not match.
static gint _xfdashboard_css_selector_score_matching_node(XfdashboardCssSelectorRule *inRule,
															XfdashboardStylable *inStylable)
	gint					score;
	gint					a, b, c;
	const gchar				*classes;
	const gchar				*pseudoClasses;
	const gchar				*id;

	g_return_val_if_fail(inRule, -1);
	g_return_val_if_fail(XFDASHBOARD_IS_STYLABLE(inStylable), -1);

	/* For information about how the scoring is done, see documentation
	 * "Cascading Style Sheets, level 1" of W3C, section "3.2 Cascading order"
	 * URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-CSS1-20080411/#cascading-order
	 * 1. Find all declarations that apply to the element/property in question.
	 *    Declarations apply if the selector matches the element in question.
	 *    If no declarations apply, the inherited value is used. If there is
	 *    no inherited value (this is the case for the 'HTML' element and
	 *    for properties that do not inherit), the initial value is used.
	 * 2. Sort the declarations by explicit weight: declarations marked
	 *    '!important' carry more weight than unmarked (normal) declarations.
	 * 3. Sort by origin: the author's style sheets override the reader's
	 *    style sheet which override the UA's default values. An imported
	 *    style sheet has the same origin as the style sheet from which it
	 *    is imported.
	 * 4. Sort by specificity of selector: more specific selectors will
	 *    override more general ones. To find the specificity, count the
	 *    number of ID attributes in the selector (a), the number of CLASS
	 *    attributes in the selector (b), and the number of tag names in
	 *    the selector (c). Concatenating the three numbers (in a number
	 *    system with a large base) gives the specificity.
	 *    Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes are counted as normal elements
	 *    and classes, respectively.
	 * 5. Sort by order specified: if two rules have the same weight, the
	 *    latter specified wins. Rules in imported style sheets are considered
	 *    to be before any rules in the style sheet itself.
	 * NOTE: Keyword '!important' is not supported.

	/* Get properties for given stylable */

	/* Check and score type of selectors but ignore NULL or universal selectors */
	if(inRule->type && inRule->type[0]!='*')
		GType						ruleTypeID;
		GType						nodeTypeID;

		/* Get type of this rule */
		if(!ruleTypeID) return(-1);

		/* Get type of other rule to check against and score it */
		if(!nodeTypeID) return(-1);

		/* Check if type of this rule matches type of other rule */
		if(!g_type_is_a(nodeTypeID, ruleTypeID)) return(-1);

		/* Determine depth difference between both types
		 * which is the score of this test with a maximum of 99
		c=MAX(ABS(c), 99);

	/* Check and score ID */
		/* If node has no ID return immediately */
		if(!id || strcmp(inRule->id, id)) return(-1);

		/* Score ID */

	/* Check and score classes */
		gchar				*needle;
		gint				numberMatches;

		/* If node has no pseudo class return immediately */
		if(!classes) return(-1);

		/* Check that each class from the selector's rule appears in the
		 * list of classes from the node, i.e. the selector's rule class list
		 * is a subset of the node's class list
		for(needle=inRule->classes; needle; needle=strchr(needle, '.'))
			gint			needleLength;
			gchar			*nextNeedle;

			/* Move pointer of needle beyond class seperator '.' */
			if(needle[0]=='.') needle++;

			/* Get length of needle */
			nextNeedle=strchr(needle, '.');
			if(nextNeedle) needleLength=nextNeedle-needle;
				else needleLength=strlen(needle);

			/* If pseudo-class from the selector does not appear in the
			 * list of pseudo-classes from the node, then this is not a
			 * match
			if(!_xfdashboard_css_selector_list_contains(needle, needleLength, classes, '.')) return(-1);

		/* Score matching class */

	/* Check and score pseudo classes */
		gchar				*needle;
		gint				numberMatches;

		/* If node has no pseudo class return immediately */
		if(!pseudoClasses) return(-1);

		/* Check that each pseudo-class from the selector appears in the
		 * pseudo-classes from the node, i.e. the selector pseudo-class list
		 * is a subset of the node's pseudo-class list
		for(needle=inRule->pseudoClasses; needle; needle=strchr(needle, ':'))
			gint			needleLength;
			gchar			*nextNeedle;

			/* Move pointer of needle beyond pseudo-class seperator ':' */
			if(needle[0]==':') needle++;

			/* Get length of needle */
			nextNeedle=strchr(needle, ':');
			if(nextNeedle) needleLength=nextNeedle-needle;
				else needleLength=strlen(needle);

			/* If pseudo-class from the selector does not appear in the
			 * list of pseudo-classes from the node, then this is not a
			 * match
			if(!_xfdashboard_css_selector_list_contains(needle, needleLength, pseudoClasses, ':')) return(-1);

		/* Score matching pseudo-class */

	/* Check and score parent */
	if(inRule->parentRule &&
		gint					parentScore;
		XfdashboardStylable		*parent;

		/* If node has no parent, no parent can match ;) so return immediately */
		if(!parent || !XFDASHBOARD_IS_STYLABLE(parent)) return(-1);

		/* Check if there are matching parents. If not return immediately. */
		parentScore=_xfdashboard_css_selector_score_matching_node(inRule->parentRule, parent);
		if(parentScore<0) return(-1);

		/* Score matching parents */

	/* Check and score ancestor */
	if(inRule->parentRule &&
		gint					ancestorScore;
		XfdashboardStylable		*ancestor;


		/* If node has no parents, no ancestor can match so return immediately */
		while(ancestor && !XFDASHBOARD_IS_STYLABLE(ancestor));

		if(!ancestor || !XFDASHBOARD_IS_STYLABLE(ancestor)) return(-1);

		/* Iterate through ancestors and check and score them */
			/* Get number of matches for ancestor and if at least one matches,
			 * stop search and score
			ancestorScore=_xfdashboard_css_selector_score_matching_node(inRule->parentRule, ancestor);

			/* Get next ancestor to check but skip actors not implementing
			 * the XfdashboardStylable interface
			while(ancestor && !XFDASHBOARD_IS_STYLABLE(ancestor));

			if(!ancestor || !XFDASHBOARD_IS_STYLABLE(ancestor)) return(-1);

	/* Calculate final score */