static void* scons(Object*) { #if HAVE_IV SymChooser* sc = nil; IFGUI const char* caption = "Choose a Variable Name or"; if (ifarg(1)) { caption = gargstr(1); } Style* style = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); style->attribute("caption", caption); if (ifarg(2)) { Symbol* sym = hoc_lookup(gargstr(2)); int type = RANGEVAR; if (sym) { type = sym->type; } sc = new SymChooser(new SymDirectory(type), WidgetKit::instance(), style, nil, 1); }else{ sc = new SymChooser(nil, WidgetKit::instance(), style); } Resource::ref(sc); ENDGUI return (void*)sc; #else return (void*)0; #endif /* HAVE_IV */ }
batch_run() /* avoid interpreter overhead */ { double tstop, tstep, tnext; char* filename; char* comment; tstopunset; tstop = chkarg(1,0.,1e20); tstep = chkarg(2, 0., 1e20); if (ifarg(3)) { filename = gargstr(3); }else{ filename = 0; } if (ifarg(4)) { comment = gargstr(4); }else{ comment = ""; } if (tree_changed) { setup_topology(); } #if VECTORIZE if (v_structure_change) { v_setup_vectors(); } #endif batch_open(filename, tstop, tstep, comment); batch_out(); if (cvode_active_) { while (t < tstop) { cvode_fadvance(t+tstep); batch_out(); } }else{ tstep -= dt/4.; tstop -= dt/4.; tnext = t + tstep; while (t < tstop) { nrn_fixed_step(); if (t > tnext) { batch_out(); tnext = t + tstep; } if (stoprun) { tstopunset; break; } } } batch_close(); ret(1.); }
static void* finithnd_cons(Object*) { int type = 1; // default is after INITIAL blocks are called int ia = 1; if (hoc_is_double_arg(ia)) { type = (int)chkarg(ia, 0, 3); ++ia; } char* s = NULL; Object* pyact = NULL; if (hoc_is_object_arg(ia)) { pyact = *hoc_objgetarg(ia); if (!pyact) { hoc_execerror("arg is None", 0); } }else{ s =gargstr(ia); } ++ia; Object* obj = NULL; if (ifarg(ia)) { obj = *hoc_objgetarg(ia); } FInitialHandler* f = new FInitialHandler(type, s, obj, pyact); return f; }
static double abstol(void* v) { NetCvode* d = (NetCvode*)v; Symbol* sym; if (hoc_is_str_arg(1)) { sym = d->name2sym(gargstr(1)); }else{ hoc_pgetarg(1); sym = hoc_get_last_pointer_symbol(); if (!sym) { hoc_execerror("Cannot find the symbol associated with the pointer when called from Python", "Use a string instead of pointer argument"); } if (nrn_vartype(sym) != STATE && sym->u.rng.type != VINDEX) { hoc_execerror(sym->name, "is not a STATE"); } } if (ifarg(2)) { hoc_symbol_tolerance(sym, chkarg(2, 1e-30, 1e30)); d->structure_change(); } if (sym->extra && sym->extra->tolerance > 0.) { return sym->extra->tolerance; }else{ return 1.; } }
static double tstop_event(void* v) { NetCvode* d = (NetCvode*)v; double x = *getarg(1); if (!cvode_active_) { // watch out for fixed step roundoff if x // close to n*dt double y = x/nrn_threads->_dt; if (y > 1 && fabs(floor(y + 1e-6) - y) < 1e-6) { //printf("reduce %g to avoid fixed step roundoff\n", x); x -= nrn_threads->_dt/4.; } } if (ifarg(2)) { Object* ppobj = nil; int reinit = 0; if (ifarg(3)) { ppobj = *hoc_objgetarg(3); if (!ppobj || ppobj->ctemplate->is_point_ <= 0 || nrn_is_artificial_[ob2pntproc(ppobj)->prop->type] ){ hoc_execerror(hoc_object_name(ppobj), "is not a POINT_PROCESS"); } reinit = int(chkarg(4, 0, 1)); } if (hoc_is_object_arg(2)) { d->hoc_event(x, nil, ppobj, reinit, *hoc_objgetarg(2)); }else{ d->hoc_event(x, gargstr(2), ppobj, reinit); } }else{ //d->tstop_event(x); d->hoc_event(x, 0, 0, 0); } return x; }
static char* key_help() { static char key[50]; if (hoc_is_str_arg(1)) { return gargstr(1); }else{ sprintf(key, "%g", *getarg(1)); return key; } }
static void* cons(Object*) { double* p; const char* s; if (hoc_is_pdouble_arg(1)) { p = hoc_pgetarg(1); s = "unknown"; }else{ s = gargstr(1); ParseTopLevel ptl; p = hoc_val_pointer(s); } if (!p) { hoc_execerror("Pointer constructor failed", 0); } OcPointer* ocp = new OcPointer(s, p); if (ifarg(2)) { ocp->sti_ = new StmtInfo(gargstr(2)); } return (void*)ocp; }
void make_mechanism() { char buf[256]; int i, cnt; Symbol* sp; char* mname = gargstr(1); //printf("mname=%s\n", mname); check(mname); char* classname = gargstr(2); //printf("classname=%s\n", classname); char* parnames = nil; if (ifarg(3)) { parnames = new char[strlen(gargstr(3)) + 1]; strcpy(parnames, gargstr(3)); } //if(parnames) printf("parnames=%s\n", parnames); Symbol* classsym = hoc_lookup(classname); if (classsym->type != TEMPLATE) { hoc_execerror(classname, "not a template"); } cTemplate* tp = classsym->u.ctemplate; Symlist* slist = tp->symtable; char** m = make_m(true, cnt, slist, mname, parnames); common_register(m, classsym, slist, alloc_mech, i); for (sp = slist->first; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (sp->type == VAR && sp->cpublic) { sprintf(buf, "%s_%s", sp->name, m[1]); Symbol* sp1 = hoc_lookup(buf); sp1->u.rng.index = sp->u.oboff; } } for (i=0; i < cnt; ++i) { if (m[i]) { delete [] m[i]; } } delete [] m; delete [] parnames; ret(1.); }
static double post(void* v) { OcBBS* bbs = (OcBBS*)v; pack_help(2, bbs); posting_ = false; if (hoc_is_str_arg(1)) { bbs->post(gargstr(1)); }else{ char key[50]; sprintf(key, "%g", *getarg(1)); bbs->post(key); } return 1.; }
static double ste_transition(void* v) { StateTransitionEvent* ste = (StateTransitionEvent*)v; int src = (int)chkarg(1, 0, ste->nstate()-1); int dest = (int)chkarg(2, 0, ste->nstate()-1); if (src == dest) { hoc_execerror("source and destination are the same", 0); } double* var1 = hoc_pgetarg(3); double* var2 = hoc_pgetarg(4); char* stmt = gargstr(5); Object* obj = nil; if (ifarg(6)) { obj = hoc_obj_get(6); } ste->transition(src, dest, var1, var2, 1, stmt, obj); return 1.; }
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_neuron_Neuron_getHocStringArg( JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint idx) { char *str=""; if (!ifarg(idx)) { printf("error - missing string as arg %d\n", idx); illegalArg(env, "missing string"); return nil; } if (hoc_is_str_arg( idx )) { str = gargstr( idx ); } else { printf("error - expecting string as arg %d\n", idx); illegalArg(env, "expecting string"); return nil; } jstring ret = env->NewStringUTF( str ); return ret; }
void hoc_Lw(void) { char *s; static int dev=2; #ifndef WIN32 if (ifarg(1)) { s = gargstr(1); if (ifarg(2)) { dev = *getarg(2); } if (s[0] != '\0') { Fig_file(s, dev); } else { Fig_file((char *)0, dev); } } else { Fig_file((char *) 0, dev); } #endif ret(); pushx(0.); }
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_neuron_Neuron_getHocObjectArg (JNIEnv *env, jclass cl, jint i, jthrowable e) { jobject ret; //printf("getHocObjArg %s %ld\n", hoc_object_name(o), (long)o); if (!ifarg(i)) { printf("error - missing Object as arg %d\n", i); illegalArg(env, "missing Object"); return e; } if (hoc_is_object_arg(i)) { Object* o = *hoc_objgetarg(i); ret = h2jObject(o); }else if (hoc_is_str_arg(i)) { //encapsulate in String char* s = gargstr(i); ret = Java_neuron_Neuron_getHocStringArg(env, cl, i); }else{ printf("error - expecting Object or strdef as arg %d\n", i); illegalArg(env, "expecting Object or strdef"); ret = e; } return ret; }
static void pack_help(int i, OcBBS* bbs) { if (!posting_) { bbs->pkbegin(); posting_ = true; } for (; ifarg(i); ++i) { if (hoc_is_double_arg(i)) { bbs->pkdouble(*getarg(i)); }else if (hoc_is_str_arg(i)) { bbs->pkstr(gargstr(i)); }else if (is_vector_arg(i)){ int n; double* px; n = vector_arg_px(i, &px); bbs->pkint(n); bbs->pkvec(n, px); }else{ // must be a PythonObject size_t size; char* s = nrnpy_po2pickle(*hoc_objgetarg(i), &size); bbs->pkpickle(s, size); delete [] s; } } }
static double ste_transition(void* v) { StateTransitionEvent* ste = (StateTransitionEvent*)v; int src = (int)chkarg(1, 0, ste->nstate()-1); int dest = (int)chkarg(2, 0, ste->nstate()-1); double* var1 = hoc_pgetarg(3); double* var2 = hoc_pgetarg(4); HocCommand* hc = NULL; if (ifarg(5)) { Object* obj = NULL; if (hoc_is_str_arg(5)) { char* stmt = NULL; stmt = gargstr(5); if (ifarg(6)) { obj = *hoc_objgetarg(6); } hc = new HocCommand(stmt, obj); }else{ obj = *hoc_objgetarg(5); hc = new HocCommand(obj); } } ste->transition(src, dest, var1, var2, hc); return 1.; }
static double A_f1(void* v) { ((A*)v)->f1(gargstr(1)); return(0.); }
static int submit_help(OcBBS* bbs) { int id, i, firstarg, style; char* pname = 0; // if using Python callable posting_ = true; bbs->pkbegin(); i = 1; if (hoc_is_double_arg(i)) { bbs->pkint((id = (int)chkarg(i++, 0, 1e7))); }else{ bbs->pkint((id = --bbs->next_local_)); } if (ifarg(i+1)) { #if 1 int argtypes = 0; int ii = 1; if (hoc_is_str_arg(i)) { style = 1; bbs->pkint(style); // "fname", arg1, ... style bbs->pkstr(gargstr(i++)); }else{ Object* ob = *hoc_objgetarg(i++); size_t size; if (nrnpy_po2pickle) { pname = (*nrnpy_po2pickle)(ob, &size); } if (pname) { style = 3; bbs->pkint(style); // pyfun, arg1, ... style bbs->pkpickle(pname, size); delete [] pname; }else{ style = 2; bbs->pkint(style); // [object],"fname", arg1, ... style bbs->pkstr(ob->ctemplate->sym->name); bbs->pkint(ob->index); //printf("ob=%s\n", hoc_object_name(ob)); bbs->pkstr(gargstr(i++)); } } firstarg = i; for (; ifarg(i); ++i) { // first is least significant if (hoc_is_double_arg(i)) { argtypes += 1*ii; }else if (hoc_is_str_arg(i)) { argtypes += 2*ii; }else if (is_vector_arg(i)) { //hoc Vector argtypes += 3*ii; }else{ // must be a PythonObject argtypes += 4*ii; } ii *= 5; } //printf("submit style %d %s argtypes=%o\n", style, gargstr(firstarg-1), argtypes); bbs->pkint(argtypes); pack_help(firstarg, bbs); #endif }else{ if (hoc_is_str_arg(i)) { bbs->pkint(0); // hoc statement style bbs->pkstr(gargstr(i)); }else if (nrnpy_po2pickle) { size_t size; pname = (*nrnpy_po2pickle)(*hoc_objgetarg(i), &size); bbs->pkint(3); // pyfun with no arg style bbs->pkpickle(pname, size); bbs->pkint(0); // argtypes delete [] pname; } } posting_ = false; return id; }
void hoc_fmenu(void){ int imenu, flag, i, narg; #ifdef WIN32 hoc_execerror("fmenu not available under mswindows.", "Use xpanel series"); #endif imenu = *getarg(1); if (!ifarg(2)) { /* navigate the menu */ chk(imenu); menu_manager(imenu); Ret(0.); return ; } flag = *getarg(2); narg = 2; switch(flag) { case -1: if (current_menu != -1) { diag("can't destroy current menu"); } if (maxmenus) { for (i = 0; i<maxmenus; i++) { destroy(i); } free((char *)menusfirst); free((char *)menuslast); } maxmenus = 0; menusfirst = (Menuitem **)emalloc((unsigned)(imenu*sizeof(Menuitem *))); menuslast = (Menuitem **)emalloc((unsigned)(imenu*sizeof(Menuitem *))); menuscurrent = (Menuitem **)emalloc((unsigned)(imenu*sizeof(Menuitem *))); maxmenus = imenu; for (i=0; i<maxmenus; i++) { menusfirst[i] = menuslast[i] = menuscurrent[i] = (Menuitem *)0; } break; case 0: chk(imenu); if (current_menu == imenu) { diag(" can't destroy current menu"); } destroy(imenu); appendaction(imenu, "Exit", "stop"); break; case 1: while (ifarg(narg=narg+1)) { appendvar(imenu, gargstr(narg), (char *)0); menuslast[imenu]->symmin = *getarg(narg=narg+1); menuslast[imenu]->symmax = *getarg(narg=narg+1); } break; case 2: while (ifarg(narg=narg+1)) { char *prompt, *command; prompt = gargstr(narg); command = gargstr(narg=narg+1); appendaction(imenu, prompt, command); } break; case 3: while (ifarg(narg=narg+1)) { appendvar(imenu, gargstr(narg), gargstr(narg+1)); menuslast[imenu]->symmin = *getarg(narg=narg+2); menuslast[imenu]->symmax = *getarg(narg=narg+1); } break; default: diag("illegal argument flag"); break; } Ret (0.); }
void make_pointprocess() { char buf[256]; int i, cnt, type, ptype; Symbol* sp, *s2; char* classname = gargstr(1); //printf("classname=%s\n", classname); char* parnames = nil; if (ifarg(2)) { parnames = new char[strlen(gargstr(2)) + 1]; strcpy(parnames, gargstr(2)); } //if(parnames) printf("parnames=%s\n", parnames); Symbol* classsym = hoc_lookup(classname); if (classsym->type != TEMPLATE) { hoc_execerror(classname, "not a template"); } cTemplate* tp = classsym->u.ctemplate; Symlist* slist = tp->symtable; // increase the dataspace by 1 void pointer. The last element // is where the Point_process pointer can be found and when // the object dataspace is freed, so is the Point_process. if (tp->count > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%d object(s) of type %s already exist.\n", tp->count, classsym->name); hoc_execerror("Can't make a template into a PointProcess when instances already exist", 0); } ++tp->dataspace_size; char** m = make_m(false, cnt, slist, classsym->name, parnames); check_list("loc", slist); check_list("get_loc", slist); check_list("has_loc", slist); //so far we need only the name and type sp = hoc_install("loc", FUNCTION, 0., &slist); sp->cpublic = 1; sp = hoc_install("get_loc", FUNCTION, 0., &slist); sp->cpublic = 1; sp = hoc_install("has_loc", FUNCTION, 0., &slist); sp->cpublic = 1; Symlist* slsav = hoc_symlist; hoc_symlist = nil; HocMech* hm = common_register(m, classsym, slist, alloc_pnt, type); hm->slist = hoc_symlist; hoc_symlist = slsav; s2 = hoc_table_lookup(m[1], hm->slist); assert(s2->subtype == type); // type = s2->subtype; ptype = point_reg_helper(s2); //printf("type=%d pointtype=%d %s %lx\n", type, ptype, s2->name, (long)s2); classsym->u.ctemplate->is_point_ = ptype; // classsym->name is already in slist as an undef, Remove it and // move s2 out of HocMech->slist and into slist. // That is the one with the u.ppsym. // The only reason it needs to be in slist is to find the // mechanims type. And it needs to be LAST in that list. // The only reason for the u.ppsym is for ndatclas.c and we // need to fill those symbols with oboff. sp = hoc_table_lookup(classsym->name, slist); hoc_unlink_symbol(sp, slist); hoc_unlink_symbol(s2, hm->slist); hoc_link_symbol(s2, slist); hoc_link_symbol(sp, hm->slist); // just so it isn't counted as leakage for (i=0; i < s2->s_varn; ++i) { Symbol* sp = hoc_table_lookup(s2->u.ppsym[i]->name, slist); s2->u.ppsym[i]->cpublic = 2; s2->u.ppsym[1]->u.oboff = sp->u.oboff; } for (i=0; i < cnt; ++i) { if (m[i]) { delete [] m[i]; } } delete [] m; if (parnames) { delete [] parnames; } ret(1.); }
void nrn_vecsim_add(void* v, boolean record) { IvocVect* yvec, *tvec, *dvec; extern short* nrn_is_artificial_; double* pvar = nil; char* s = nil; double ddt; Object* ppobj = nil; int iarg = 0; yvec = (IvocVect*)v; if (hoc_is_object_arg(1)) { iarg = 1; ppobj = *hoc_objgetarg(1); if (!ppobj || ppobj->ctemplate->is_point_ <= 0 || nrn_is_artificial_[ob2pntproc(ppobj)->prop->type] ) { hoc_execerror("Optional first arg is not a POINT_PROCESS", 0); } } if (record == false && hoc_is_str_arg(iarg+1)) {//statement involving $1 //"proced($1)", ...) s = gargstr(iarg+1); }else if (record == false && hoc_is_double_arg(iarg+1)) {// play that element // // must be a VecPlayStep and nothing else VecPlayStep* vps = (VecPlayStep*)net_cvode_instance->playrec_uses(v); if (vps) { int j = (int)chkarg(iarg+1, 0., yvec->capacity()-1); if (vps->si_) { vps->si_->play_one(yvec->elem(j)); } } return; }else{ //[0].amp1, ...) // Vector.record(&SEClamp[0].i, ...) pvar = hoc_pgetarg(iarg+1); } tvec = nil; dvec = nil; ddt = -1.; int con = 0; if (ifarg(iarg+2)) { if (hoc_is_object_arg(iarg+2)) { // Vector...(..., tvec) tvec = vector_arg(iarg+2); }else{ // Vector...(..., Dt) ddt = chkarg(iarg+2, 1e-9, 1e10); } if (ifarg(iarg+3)) { if (hoc_is_double_arg(iarg+3)) { con = (int)chkarg(iarg+3, 0., 1.); }else{ dvec = vector_arg(iarg+3); con = 1; } } } // tvec can be used for many record/play items // if (tvec) { nrn_vecsim_remove(tvec); } if (record) { // yvec can be used only for one record (but many play) if (yvec) { nrn_vecsim_remove(yvec); } if (tvec) { new VecRecordDiscrete(pvar, yvec, tvec, ppobj); } else if (ddt > 0.) { new VecRecordDt(pvar, yvec, ddt, ppobj); } else if (pvar == &t) { new TvecRecord(chk_access(), yvec, ppobj); } else { new YvecRecord(pvar, yvec, ppobj); } }else{ if (con) { if (s) { new VecPlayContinuous(s, yvec, tvec, dvec, ppobj); }else{ new VecPlayContinuous(pvar, yvec, tvec, dvec, ppobj); } }else{ if (!tvec && ddt == -1.) { chkarg(iarg+2, 1e-9, 1e10); } if (s) { new VecPlayStep(s, yvec, tvec, ddt, ppobj); }else{ new VecPlayStep(pvar, yvec, tvec, ddt, ppobj); } } } }
void fit_praxis(void) { extern Symbol* hoc_lookup(); extern char* gargstr(); char* after_quad; int i; double err, fmin; double* px; /* allow nested calls to fit_praxis. I.e. store all the needed statics specific to this invocation with proper reference counting and then unref/destoy on exit from this invocation. Before the prax call save the statics from earlier invocation without increasing the ref count and on exit restore without decreasing the ref count. */ /* save before setting statics, restore after prax */ double minerrsav, *minargsav, maxstepsizesav, tolerancesav; long int printmodesav, nvarsav; Symbol* efun_sym_sav; Object* efun_py_save, *efun_py_arg_save; void* vec_py_save_save; /* store statics specified by this invocation */ /* will be copied just before calling prax */ double minerr_, *minarg_; long int nvar_; Symbol* efun_sym_; Object* efun_py_, *efun_py_arg_; void* vec_py_save_; minerr_ = 0.0; nvar_ = 0; minarg_ = NULL; efun_sym_ = NULL; efun_py_ = NULL; efun_py_arg_ = NULL; vec_py_save_ = NULL; fmin = 0.; if (hoc_is_object_arg(1)) { assert(nrnpy_praxis_efun); efun_py_ = *hoc_objgetarg(1); hoc_obj_ref(efun_py_); efun_py_arg_ = *vector_pobj(vector_arg(2)); hoc_obj_ref(efun_py_arg_); vec_py_save_ = vector_new2(efun_py_arg_->u.this_pointer); nvar_ = vector_capacity(vec_py_save_); px = vector_vec(vec_py_save_); }else{ nvar_ = (int)chkarg(1, 0., 1e6); efun_sym_ = hoc_lookup(gargstr(2)); if (!efun_sym_ || (efun_sym_->type != FUNCTION && efun_sym_->type != FUN_BLTIN)) { hoc_execerror(gargstr(2), "not a function name"); } if (!hoc_is_pdouble_arg(3)) { void* vec = vector_arg(3); if (vector_capacity(vec) != nvar_) { hoc_execerror("first arg not equal to size of Vector",0); } px = vector_vec(vec); }else{ px = hoc_pgetarg(3); } } minarg_ = (double*)ecalloc(nvar_, sizeof(double)); if (maxstepsize == 0.) { hoc_execerror("call attr_praxis first to set attributes", 0); } machep = 1e-15; if (ifarg(4)) { after_quad = gargstr(4); }else{ after_quad = (char*)0; } /* save the values set by earlier invocation */ minerrsav = minerr; minargsav = minarg; tolerancesav = tolerance; maxstepsizesav = maxstepsize; printmodesav = printmode; nvarsav = nvar; efun_sym_sav = hoc_efun_sym; efun_py_save = efun_py; efun_py_arg_save = efun_py_arg; vec_py_save_save = vec_py_save; /* copy this invocation values to the statics */ minerr = minerr_; minarg = minarg_; nvar = nvar_; hoc_efun_sym = efun_sym_; efun_py = efun_py_; efun_py_arg = efun_py_arg_; vec_py_save = vec_py_save_; minerr=1e9; err = praxis(&tolerance, &machep, &maxstepsize, nvar, &printmode, px, efun, &fmin, after_quad); err = minerr; if (minerr < 1e9) { for (i=0; i<nvar; ++i) { px[i] = minarg[i]; } } /* restore the values set by earlier invocation */ minerr = minerrsav; minarg = minargsav; tolerance = tolerancesav; maxstepsize = maxstepsizesav; printmode = printmodesav; nvar = nvar_; /* in case one calls prax_pval */ hoc_efun_sym = efun_sym_sav; efun_py = efun_py_save; efun_py_arg = efun_py_arg_save; vec_py_save = vec_py_save_save; if (efun_py_) { double* px = vector_vec(efun_py_arg_->u.this_pointer); for (i=0; i < nvar_; ++i) { px[i] = minarg_[i]; } hoc_obj_unref(efun_py_); hoc_obj_unref(efun_py_arg_); vector_delete(vec_py_save_); } if (minarg_) { free(minarg_); } hoc_retpushx(err); }