int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ntimes = 10; gaspi_rank_t rank, nprocs; gaspi_notification_id_t id; gaspi_notification_t val; TSUITE_INIT(argc, argv); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_init(GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT(gaspi_proc_num(&nprocs)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_rank(&rank)); const gaspi_rank_t right = (rank + nprocs + 1) % nprocs; do { ASSERT (gaspi_segment_create(0, 1024, GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK, GASPI_MEM_UNINITIALIZED)); ASSERT( gaspi_write_notify(0, 0, right, 0, 0, 8, 0, 1, 0, GASPI_BLOCK) ); ASSERT( gaspi_wait( 0, GASPI_BLOCK) ); ASSERT(gaspi_notify_waitsome(0, 0, 1, &id, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT( gaspi_notify_reset(0, id, &val)); ASSERT (gaspi_segment_delete(0)); ASSERT (gaspi_segment_create(0, 2048, GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK, GASPI_MEM_UNINITIALIZED)); ASSERT( gaspi_write_notify(0, 0, right, 0, 0, 8, 0, 1, 0, GASPI_BLOCK) ); ASSERT( gaspi_wait( 0, GASPI_BLOCK) ); ASSERT(gaspi_notify_waitsome(0, 0, 1, &id, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT( gaspi_notify_reset(0, id, &val)); ASSERT (gaspi_segment_delete(0)); ntimes--; } while(ntimes > 0); ASSERT(gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_term(GASPI_BLOCK)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TSUITE_INIT(argc, argv); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_init(GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_notification_id_t n=0; gaspi_number_t notif_num; gaspi_rank_t rank, nprocs, i; const gaspi_segment_id_t seg_id = 0; ASSERT(gaspi_proc_num(&nprocs)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_rank(&rank)); ASSERT (gaspi_segment_create(seg_id, 1024, GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK, GASPI_MEM_UNINITIALIZED)); ASSERT( gaspi_notification_num(¬if_num)); gaspi_printf("max num notifications %u\n", notif_num); if(rank == 0) { gaspi_number_t queue_size; gaspi_number_t queue_max; ASSERT (gaspi_queue_size_max(&queue_max)); for(n = 0; n < notif_num; n++) { ASSERT (gaspi_queue_size(0, &queue_size)); if(queue_size > queue_max - 1) ASSERT (gaspi_wait(0, GASPI_BLOCK)); for(i = 1; i < nprocs; i++) { ASSERT (gaspi_notify( seg_id, i, n, 1, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); } } } else { do { gaspi_notification_id_t id; ASSERT (gaspi_notify_waitsome(seg_id, 0, notif_num, &id, GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_notification_t notification_val; ASSERT( gaspi_notify_reset(seg_id, id, ¬ification_val)); assert(notification_val == 1); n++; } while(n < notif_num); } ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_term(GASPI_BLOCK)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void wait_or_die ( gaspi_segment_id_t segment_id , gaspi_notification_id_t notification_id , gaspi_notification_t expected ) { gaspi_notification_id_t id; SUCCESS_OR_DIE (gaspi_notify_waitsome (segment_id, notification_id, 1, &id, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (id == notification_id); gaspi_notification_t value; SUCCESS_OR_DIE (gaspi_notify_reset (segment_id, id, &value)); ASSERT (value == expected); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, iter; int ret = 0; gaspi_rank_t myrank, numranks; gaspi_size_t mem_size = 0UL, j; TSUITE_INIT(argc, argv); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_init(GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_rank(&myrank)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_num(&numranks)); if( numranks < 2 ) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } mem_size = 2 * SLOT_SIZE * (numranks - 1); if(myrank == 0) { printf("Mem size: %lu (%.2f MB)\nProcs: %u Max Slot size %lu Iterations %d\n", mem_size, mem_size * 1.0f / 1024/ 1024, numranks, (gaspi_size_t) SLOT_SIZE, MAX_ITERATIONS); #ifdef WITH_SYNC printf("Using notifications only\n"); #endif } ASSERT (gaspi_segment_create(0, mem_size, GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK, GASPI_MEM_INITIALIZED)); gaspi_pointer_t _vptr; ASSERT (gaspi_segment_ptr(0, &_vptr)); float *mptr = (float *) _vptr; //generate random srand((unsigned)time(0)); srand48((unsigned) time(0)); gaspi_size_t cur_slot_size = SLOT_SIZE; for(cur_slot_size = SLOT_SIZE; cur_slot_size >= sizeof(float); cur_slot_size/=2) { if(myrank == 0) printf("===== Slot Size %lu ====\n", cur_slot_size); for(iter = 0; iter < MAX_ITERATIONS; iter++) { if(myrank == 0) printf("iteration %3d... ", iter); ASSERT(gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); /* fill slots with randoms */ for(j = 0; j < (mem_size / sizeof(float) / 2); j++) { mptr[j]= drand48() + (myrank*1.0); } ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_offset_t offset_in = 0, offset_out = mem_size / 2; /* rank 0 write to all others */ if(myrank == 0) { for (i = 1; i < numranks; i++) { offset_in = (i - 1) * cur_slot_size; #ifdef WITH_SYNC ASSERT (gaspi_write_notify(0, offset_in, i, 0, 0, cur_slot_size, 0, 1, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); #else ASSERT (gaspi_write(0, offset_in, i, 0, 0, cur_slot_size, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); #endif } ASSERT(gaspi_wait(0, GASPI_BLOCK)); } #ifdef WITH_SYNC else { gaspi_notification_id_t id; gaspi_notification_t val; ASSERT(gaspi_notify_waitsome(0, 0, 1, &id, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT(gaspi_notify_reset(0, id, &val)); assert(val == 1); } #endif #ifndef WITH_SYNC ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); #endif /* other ranks all write back to 0 */ if(myrank != 0) { offset_in = 0; offset_out = (mem_size / 2) + (cur_slot_size * (myrank - 1)); #ifdef WITH_SYNC ASSERT (gaspi_write_notify(0, offset_in, 0, 0, offset_out, cur_slot_size, myrank, 1, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); #else ASSERT (gaspi_write(0, offset_in, i, 0, offset_out, cur_slot_size, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); #endif ASSERT(gaspi_wait(0, GASPI_BLOCK)); } #ifdef WITH_SYNC else { gaspi_notification_id_t id; gaspi_notification_t val; int notification_counter = 0; do { ASSERT(gaspi_notify_waitsome(0, 1, numranks - 1, &id, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT(gaspi_notify_reset(0, id, &val)); assert(val == 1); notification_counter++; } while( notification_counter < numranks - 1); } #endif #ifndef WITH_SYNC ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); #endif if(myrank == 0) { /* check correctness */ float *in = (float *) _vptr; float *out = (float *) ((char *) _vptr + mem_size / 2); const gaspi_size_t total_elems = (cur_slot_size * (numranks - 1) / sizeof(float)); for(j = 0; j < total_elems; j++) { if(in[j] != out[j]) { printf("Different values at pos %lu: %f %f (iterations %d)\n", j, in[j], out[j], iter); ret = -1; goto end; } } printf("All fine!\n"); } } } end: ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_term(GASPI_BLOCK)); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TSUITE_INIT(argc, argv); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_init(GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_notification_id_t n=0; gaspi_rank_t rank, nprocs, i; const gaspi_segment_id_t seg_id = 0; gaspi_offset_t offset; gaspi_number_t queue_size; gaspi_number_t queue_max; ASSERT (gaspi_queue_size_max(&queue_max)); ASSERT(gaspi_proc_num(&nprocs)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_rank(&rank)); ASSERT (gaspi_segment_create(seg_id, nprocs * sizeof(int), GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK, GASPI_MEM_UNINITIALIZED)); offset = rank * sizeof(int); //set memory gaspi_pointer_t _vptr; ASSERT (gaspi_segment_ptr(0, &_vptr)); int *mem = (int *) _vptr; for(i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { mem[i] = (int) rank; } ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); //go for(i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { if (i == rank) continue; ASSERT (gaspi_queue_size(0, &queue_size)); if(queue_size > queue_max - 1) ASSERT (gaspi_wait(0, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_write_notify( seg_id, offset, i, seg_id, offset, sizeof(int), (gaspi_notification_id_t) rank, 1, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); } do { gaspi_notification_id_t id; ASSERT (gaspi_notify_waitsome(seg_id, 0, (gaspi_notification_id_t) nprocs , &id, GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_notification_t notification_val; ASSERT( gaspi_notify_reset(seg_id, id, ¬ification_val)); assert(notification_val == 1); n++; } while(n < (nprocs - 1)); ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_term(GASPI_BLOCK)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int k = 0; int ret = 0; unsigned long j; const gaspi_size_t size = 4096; const gaspi_size_t memSize = _4GB; gaspi_offset_t offset_write = 0; gaspi_offset_t offset_read = _2GB; gaspi_offset_t offset_check = 3221225472; gaspi_number_t qmax ; gaspi_number_t queueSize; TSUITE_INIT(argc, argv); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_init(GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_queue_size_max(&qmax)); ASSERT (gaspi_segment_create(0, memSize, GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK, GASPI_MEM_INITIALIZED)); gaspi_pointer_t _vptr; ASSERT (gaspi_segment_ptr(0, &_vptr)); /* get memory area pointer */ float *mptr_f = (float *) _vptr; char *mptr_c = (char *) _vptr; gaspi_rank_t myrank, highestnode; ASSERT (gaspi_proc_rank(&myrank)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_num(&highestnode)); while(k <= RUNS) { //generate random srand((unsigned)time(0)); srand48((unsigned) time(0)); ASSERT(gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); //clean for(j = 0; j < memSize; j++) mptr_c[j]= 0; /* fill randoms up to 1GB */ for(j = 0; j < (GB / sizeof(float)); j++) { mptr_f[j]= drand48() + (myrank * 1.0); } #ifdef DEBUG gaspi_printf("random value in pos 0 %f\n", mptr_f[0]); #endif ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_printf("\n....Running iteration %d of %d...\n",k, RUNS); const unsigned long packets = (GB / size); for(j = 0; j < packets; j++) { ASSERT(gaspi_queue_size(0, &queueSize)); if (queueSize > qmax - 24) { ASSERT(gaspi_wait(0, GASPI_BLOCK)); } ASSERT (gaspi_write(0, offset_write, (myrank + 1) % highestnode, 0, offset_read, size, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); offset_write += size; offset_read += size; } offset_write=0; offset_read = _2GB; #ifdef DEBUG gaspi_printf("%d bytes written!\n", packets * size); #endif /* notify remote that data is written */ ASSERT (gaspi_notify( 0, (myrank + 1) % highestnode, 0, 1, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_notification_id_t recv_id; ASSERT(gaspi_notify_waitsome(0, 0, 1, &recv_id, GASPI_BLOCK)); assert(recv_id == 0); gaspi_notification_t notification_val; ASSERT( gaspi_notify_reset(0, recv_id, ¬ification_val)); /* notify remote that data has arrived */ ASSERT (gaspi_notify( 0, (myrank + highestnode - 1) % highestnode, 1, 1, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_notification_id_t ack_id; ASSERT(gaspi_notify_waitsome(0, 1, 1, &ack_id, GASPI_BLOCK)); assert(ack_id == 1); ASSERT( gaspi_notify_reset(0, ack_id, ¬ification_val)); /* check if data was written successfully */ ASSERT (gaspi_read(0, offset_check, (myrank + 1) % highestnode, 0, offset_read, GB / 2, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_read(0, offset_check + (GB / 2), (myrank + 1) % highestnode, 0, offset_read + (GB / 2), GB / 2, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_wait(0, GASPI_BLOCK)); #ifdef DEBUG gaspi_printf("Values %f %f %f \n", mptr_f[0], mptr_f[offset_read / sizeof(float)], mptr_f[offset_check / sizeof(float)]); #endif j = 0; while(j < GB / sizeof(float) ) { if(mptr_f[j] != mptr_f[offset_check / sizeof(float) + j]){ gaspi_printf("value incorrect %f-%f at %d \n", mptr_f[j], mptr_f[offset_check / sizeof(float) + j], j); ret = -1; goto out; } j++; } #ifdef DEBUG gaspi_printf("Check!\n"); #endif k++; } out: gaspi_printf("Waiting to finish...\n"); ASSERT(gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_term(GASPI_BLOCK)); return ret; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { gaspi_proc_init(GASPI_BLOCK); gaspi_rank_t myRank; gaspi_rank_t nProc; gaspi_proc_rank(&myRank); gaspi_proc_num(&nProc); if(nProc < 2) goto end; gaspi_number_t queue_size; gaspi_number_t queue_max; gaspi_queue_size_max(&queue_max); if (myRank == 0) gaspi_printf("Queue max is %d\n", queue_max); gaspi_printf("Rank %i of %i started.\n", myRank, nProc); const gaspi_segment_id_t segment_id = 0; const gaspi_size_t nrReads = NR_OF_READS; gaspi_group_commit(GASPI_GROUP_ALL,GASPI_BLOCK); gaspi_segment_create(segment_id, nrReads * (RAWREADLENGTH) * sizeof(gaspi_char),GASPI_GROUP_ALL,GASPI_BLOCK,GASPI_ALLOC_DEFAULT); gaspi_pointer_t _vptr; //pointer to the segment if(gaspi_segment_ptr(segment_id, &_vptr) != GASPI_SUCCESS) printf("gaspi_segment_ptr failed\n"); gaspi_char * shared_ptr = (gaspi_char *) _vptr; // initialize and print segment initReads(shared_ptr, nrReads, READLENGTH, myRank); gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK); //push the reads from the master to the slaves gaspi_size_t r = 0; int rawReadSize = RAWREADLENGTH * sizeof(gaspi_char); int nrWorkers = nProc - 1; int toRank; gaspi_notification_id_t notif_id; if (myRank == 0) { for (r = 0; r < nrReads; r++) { gaspi_queue_size(0, &queue_size); if(queue_size > queue_max - 1) gaspi_wait(0, GASPI_BLOCK); //wait for queue to become free again... (note: max is 1024) toRank = (r % nrWorkers) + 1; // notif_id = r + 1; notif_id = ((r / nrWorkers) + 1); if ( gaspi_write_notify( segment_id, // from segment r*rawReadSize, // from offset toRank, // to-rank segment_id, // to segment // ((int)(r/nrWorkers))*rawReadSize, // to-offset r * rawReadSize, rawReadSize, // size notif_id, // notification id r+1, // notification value (> 0!) (gaspi_queue_id_t) 0, // notification queue GASPI_BLOCK) == GASPI_SUCCESS) // block until written gaspi_printf("Sending read %d from %d to rank %d with id %d\n", r, myRank, toRank, notif_id); if (toRank == 2) print_read(shared_ptr, r, READLENGTH, myRank); } } //ranks receive reads from the master rank if (myRank != 0) { gaspi_notification_id_t fid; gaspi_notification_t notification_value; int nrOfReceives = (int)(nrReads / (nProc-1)); if (myRank <= nrReads % nrWorkers) nrOfReceives++; gaspi_printf("Rank %d -- listening for %d events...\n", myRank, nrOfReceives); int complete = 0; while (complete < nrOfReceives) { if(gaspi_notify_waitsome( segment_id, // segment 1, // id of first notification to wait for // nrReads, nrOfReceives, // id of last notification to wait for (alternative) &fid, // identifier (output parameter with the identifier of a received notification (?)) GASPI_TEST // immediately return (GASPI_TEST) ) == GASPI_SUCCESS) { if(gaspi_notify_reset( segment_id, // segment fid, // notification identifier ¬ification_value // notification value ) == GASPI_SUCCESS) { complete++ ; gaspi_printf("Rank %d -- got notification: read %d received (%d completed)\n", myRank, notification_value-1, complete); if (myRank == 2) print_read(shared_ptr, notification_value-1, READLENGTH, myRank); } } } } // all values received ! print ! gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL,GASPI_BLOCK); gaspi_printf("Printing reads\n"); print_char_array_segment(shared_ptr, nrReads, READLENGTH, myRank); // print_read(shared_ptr, 0, READLENGTH, myRank); gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL,GASPI_BLOCK); gaspi_printf("Rank %d done\n", myRank); //block and exit end: gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL,GASPI_BLOCK); gaspi_proc_term(GASPI_BLOCK); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TSUITE_INIT(argc, argv); ASSERT( gaspi_proc_init(GASPI_BLOCK) ); gaspi_rank_t numranks, myrank; ASSERT( gaspi_proc_num(&numranks) ); ASSERT( gaspi_proc_rank(&myrank) ); ASSERT( gaspi_segment_create(0, _8MB, GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK, GASPI_MEM_INITIALIZED) ); ASSERT( gaspi_segment_create(1, _8MB, GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK, GASPI_MEM_INITIALIZED) ); //prepare memory segment gaspi_pointer_t _vptr, _vptr1; ASSERT (gaspi_segment_ptr(0, &_vptr)); ASSERT (gaspi_segment_ptr(1, &_vptr1)); int *mem = (int *) _vptr; int *mem_read = (int *) _vptr1; unsigned long i; const unsigned long maxInts = _8MB / sizeof(int); for(i = 0; i < maxInts; i++) { mem[i] = (int) myrank; } ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); //construct list of n elems gaspi_number_t queue_size = 0; const gaspi_number_t nListElems = 255; gaspi_number_t n; gaspi_segment_id_t localSegs[nListElems]; gaspi_offset_t localOffs[nListElems]; const gaspi_rank_t rank2read = (myrank + 1) % numranks; gaspi_segment_id_t remSegs[nListElems]; gaspi_offset_t remOffs[nListElems]; gaspi_size_t sizes[nListElems]; const unsigned int bytes = sizeof(int); gaspi_offset_t initLocOff = 0; gaspi_offset_t initRemOff = 0; for(n = 0; n < nListElems; n++) { sizes[n] = bytes; localSegs[n] = 1; localOffs[n] = initLocOff; initLocOff += bytes; remSegs[n] = 0; remOffs[n] = initRemOff; initRemOff += bytes; } ASSERT( gaspi_read_list_notify( nListElems, localSegs, localOffs, rank2read, remSegs, remOffs, sizes, 1, myrank, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_notification_id_t id; ASSERT (gaspi_notify_waitsome(1, myrank, 1, &id, GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_notification_t notification_val; ASSERT( gaspi_notify_reset(1, id, ¬ification_val)); assert(notification_val == 1); //check gaspi_number_t l; for(l = 0; l < nListElems; l++) { assert(mem_read[l] == (int) rank2read); } ASSERT (gaspi_wait(0, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT(gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_term(GASPI_BLOCK)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TSUITE_INIT(argc, argv); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_init(GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_rank_t numranks, myrank; ASSERT (gaspi_proc_num(&numranks)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_rank(&myrank)); int rankSend = (myrank + 1) % numranks; gaspi_printf("Seg size: %lu MB\n", _2GB / 1024 / 1024); ASSERT(gaspi_segment_create(0, _2GB, GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK, GASPI_MEM_INITIALIZED)); gaspi_size_t segSize; ASSERT( gaspi_segment_size(0, myrank, &segSize)); unsigned char * pGlbMem; gaspi_pointer_t _vptr; ASSERT(gaspi_segment_ptr(0, &_vptr)); pGlbMem = ( unsigned char *) _vptr; gaspi_number_t qmax ; ASSERT (gaspi_queue_size_max(&qmax)); unsigned long i; unsigned long size = 1800; for(i = 0; i < size / sizeof(unsigned char); i++) pGlbMem[i] = myrank; gaspi_printf("Queue max: %lu\n", qmax); ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); unsigned long localOff = 0; unsigned long remOff = size; ASSERT(gaspi_write_notify(0, localOff, rankSend, 0, remOff, size, (gaspi_notification_id_t) myrank, 1, 1, GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_rank_t rankGet = (myrank + numranks - 1) % numranks; gaspi_notification_t got_val; gaspi_notification_id_t got; ASSERT(gaspi_notify_waitsome(0, (gaspi_notification_id_t) rankGet, 1, &got, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT(gaspi_notify_reset(0, got, &got_val)); ASSERT (gaspi_wait(1, GASPI_BLOCK)); /* check */ for(i = size; i < 2 * size / sizeof(unsigned char); i++) assert(pGlbMem[i] == rankGet); ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_term(GASPI_BLOCK)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TSUITE_INIT(argc, argv); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_init(GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_rank_t rank, nprocs, i; const gaspi_segment_id_t seg_id = 0; const gaspi_offset_t offset = 0; const gaspi_size_t transfer_size = 8192; gaspi_number_t queue_size; gaspi_number_t queue_max; ASSERT (gaspi_queue_size_max(&queue_max)); ASSERT(gaspi_proc_num(&nprocs)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_rank(&rank)); if( nprocs < 2 ) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } ASSERT (gaspi_segment_create(seg_id, nprocs * 2 * transfer_size, GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK, GASPI_MEM_UNINITIALIZED)); gaspi_number_t max_notifications; ASSERT(gaspi_notification_num(&max_notifications)); gaspi_number_t avail_notifications = max_notifications / nprocs; max_notifications = avail_notifications * nprocs; gaspi_pointer_t _vptr; ASSERT (gaspi_segment_ptr(0, &_vptr)); int *mem = (int *) _vptr; for(i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { mem[i] = (int) rank; } ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); for(i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { gaspi_notification_id_t not; for(not = 0; not < avail_notifications; not++) { ASSERT (gaspi_queue_size(0, &queue_size)); if( queue_size > queue_max - 1 ) { ASSERT (gaspi_wait(0, GASPI_BLOCK)); } gaspi_notification_id_t the_notification = (gaspi_notification_id_t) (rank * avail_notifications + not); ASSERT( gaspi_write_notify( seg_id, offset, i, seg_id, offset, transfer_size, the_notification, 1, 0, GASPI_BLOCK)); } } gaspi_notification_id_t n = 0; do { gaspi_notification_id_t id; ASSERT (gaspi_notify_waitsome(seg_id, 0, max_notifications - 1 , &id, GASPI_BLOCK)); gaspi_notification_t notification_val; ASSERT( gaspi_notify_reset(seg_id, id, ¬ification_val)); assert(notification_val == 1); n++; } while(n < max_notifications - 1); ASSERT(gaspi_wait(0, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_barrier(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, GASPI_BLOCK)); ASSERT (gaspi_proc_term(GASPI_BLOCK)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }